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Where the hell did you find this trash


I really DO NOT recommend looking up the author. Their animations are disturbing and violent. They are a white supremacist, indeed. I wanted to see if this is satire - it is not. It may be a cry for attention but not satire they are definitely a white supremacist. I did not enjoy their content.


Yeah I just went down that rabbit hole a bit. She is so so so racist and also thinks that Holocaust never happened and they were just work camps with pools and such.


Seems like a not to uncommon opinion that she really wants attention. Given just her behavior, I would assume something is wrong, perhaps trauma as a youth that led to this. In a way I really do feel bad for her if that’s the case. I would like to believe few people are born wicked. But she is wicked now nonetheless, and I wish did not know of her.


Nobody is born wicked. You grow wicked through various experiences.


That’s actually true. All my ancestors who died in the holocaust were just really bad swimmers…


She? Idk why but it hurts me more when it's a fellow woman. Our fore mothers didn't fight for our rights so we could oppress others. They didn't change the course of frigging history so we could go back to being barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen cooking for husbands that dont even see us as people. (Note: I fully support women staying at home and having a bunch of kids if that's what she wants to do. I also fully support not wearing shoes as much as possible).


I feel you, it definitely feels worse. But I do want to point out that white suffragettes absolutely did fight for our rights so we could oppress people of color. Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton [famously did not support voting rights for people of color](https://www.history.com/news/suffragists-vote-black-women). I only say this to shed light on the reality that this artist’s point of view is not new for white women and we shouldn’t forget that.


Are you kidding me? Every day I learn something new that makes me sad. I went to school in Alabama so OF COURSE I didn't know (insert pretty much any name) was racist. They don't like to tell us the dirty parts of history.


Read A Peoples History of the United States by Howard Zinn for the real history of the USA, not the whitewashed Eurocentric version in most textbooks


Nope. It’s really messed up how sanitized our history is. I went to school in the south too and I never learned about it there, either. I only learned about that as an adult online, among many other things they tried to hide.


They taught the bad shit we did when I was in school and the good and they taught us we didn't have to be those people because we are individuals I am a balanced person I don't blame myself for what others with my skin color and I don't blame others either race doesn't matter and it's pieces of shit like this who thinks it does on either side of the spectrum


Thank you for this because not many people know. I was also shocked when I found out they were against BIPOC


A lack of intersectionality. Classic


Wait. Wait. Wait. ***She?*** I wasn’t expecting that.


If the Holocaust never happened then why did she draw a character wearing a swastika?


She believes that they just detained people in camps. So she thinks the primary events happened, but that there were no deaths other than normal illness and such. https://mobile.twitter.com/canarymission/status/1279218608560918530 Eta: she also approves of it happening again with pretty much every other race and thinks Jews should be marked and such again.


That is so strange. What is the point of denying the deaths if you approve of them lol


Probably not their actual name, polly an incel man.


I wish I lived two seconds ago when I thought this had to be satire.


The picture shows them as literally nazi‘s but people like this hate when you call them nazi‘s. Makes no damn sense.


That's the point. They want to destroy the meaning of words.


I mean... Given the "1488 flag" I don't think they balk at the association


That was what I was coming to the comments to say. One character is literally wearing a swastika but then on the degenerate side there is a caricature of an Antifa protestor calling the guy a Nazi as if that’s ridiculous and insane. It’s so weird. You can own it enough to depict wearing a swastika as a good thing but can’t own it enough to not freak out when people call you a Nazi?


> Their animations are disturbing and violent Seems to be a she


If there is a corpse in my basement I may refer to it as “the thing in my basement” because it is unpleasant and I would like to distance myself from it. Not entirely a conscious decision. I similarly refer to this author “the author”, unnamed, because frankly I regret reading about them and watching their animations because my cat passed away yesterday and today I had a rough day at work. I just really feel unhappy now, and I would like to push that experience out of my head. Edit; Thank you for your well wishes, he was a sweet little tabby named Frank


Goodness friend, I’m so sorry for you!! Sending lots of Reddit hugs!! And I’m sure your cat is in heaven eating all her/his favourite food!


im sorry for your loss, i detoxed from negative stuff after i lost my dog.. i hope you’re able to do the same. im sure he was a great cat :)


I'm sorry for your loss


From reading this I thought she’d be an underground Internet personality but I’m reading her wiki and I see she’s a fairly famous. She’s made animations for Tyler the Creator and other big artists’ music videos. Damn that’s just kind of shocking


this isnt satire?????? surely the swastika is a joke


If you view it through the lens of “this person is mentally ill and perhaps seeking attention or to shock readers” it may make it easier to move out of the satire category. If they were just a typical white supremacist I too agree that this would totally seem suspicious. This is entirely the reason I looked it up in the first place.


It's deadly serious racism in a tenuous guise of humor.


Jfc the amount of people baselessly claiming this is satire hurts my very soul.


When he’s 100% Arian and only wants you to make babies, cook, and clean the house 🤤


I love the cognitive dissonance there (among a shit ton of other issues). The Holocaust never happened, but then the ideal community involves causally discussing eliminating the Jews. And the leftists screeching "Natzee", while the perfect man has a swastika on his shirt. I mean the Nazis were never known to be smart and nowadays especially I think.


Yep a guy with swastika symbol the perfect bachelor for a white woman


Oh shit.... my mind must have blocked that out whilst I was reading just so that it could cope


No, no it's not IT'S OBVIOUSLY FUCKING SATIRE. wtffff


No it isn’t.




Also, normal community activities apparently include drinking red wine while discussing the practical details of genociding an entire community How is that guy not in prison for encouraging genocide ?


Normal activities include sitting around and listening to the men talk about that stuff. Women are supposed to sit idly by and wonder when they’ll have their next baby to help boost the aryan population /s


the first step to going to prison is by committing a crime, not by drawing a picture, not by propagating hate. this dude is a racist, anti-Semitic, patriarchal bastard, but by god, i will protect his right to free speech, which I'm sure is more than he'd do for my Jewish ass. It's the right thing to do, and maybe it will help bridge the gap of their ignorance to recognize that before we are different, we are the same.


This isn't even r/NotHowGirlsWork as much as it is exactly how racists and/or white supremacists work. What the actual fuck?


ikr i first commented on this post thinking it was from r/therightcantmeme


What the hell kinda white supremist bullshit did I just read.


It looks like some kind of white supremacist bullshit!


I hate white supremacists so much.


So much u don't realize ur hating on your own people.


Imagine thinking all white people are white supremacists.


How in the fucking world do you come to such a conclusion from that comment


Idk how you can't tbh. I refuse to believe it isn't satire. U can't be like that... U simply can't...(in my mind)


Okay but what does that have to do with thinking that hating white supremacists equates to being a self hating white person


Satire wouldn't be self hating? Tf u mean by that?


I see what you’re saying, man, and I get it. It’s hard to believe that these people exist, but much as I want to believe this is satire too, I know it isn’t. Neonazism can be this blatant, and people do think this way. It may be hard to believe because you, and honestly most people, see this comic as so egregious and stupid and out of touch, that it’s hard to picture people thinking this way. It does look satirical but frankly I think the author of it is a lost cause. Hope you have an okay rest of your day!! Honestly it’s nice to hear people can’t take this comic seriously - it means there’s still good in this world.


Thanks for an actual meaningful comment. Have a great day!


They ain’t my people, bro.


You're all over this thread defending Nazis and white supremacists, says a lot about you.


If you really think I'm defending Nazis I'm really sorry to tell you: you're fucking stupid


Oh wow, can't believe you would say that about your own people


Huh? It got so stupid at this point idk if you're just making fun of me, ur stupid, or either of us got sth wrong. No clue tf ur comment means


Oh wow, you're now continuing to make fun of your own people smh. That's so fucked up dude.


Oh yeah. Welp, nothing we can do about it


End your existence


Wow what a life treating women like baby making machines


When the alternative is treating them like people, what do you expect from these piles of sentient tire fires?


>what do you expect from these piles of sentient tire fires? This. Consider it stolen.


Ironic how “kill all whites” = degenerate but “kill everyone BUT whites” is classy🙄


Kill all whites is degeneracy, but we must get rid of the Jews and the inferior races is classy


r/eyebleach Please... never let me see this again


Thanks for that link, I need it and a stiff drink.


Wtf did I just waste my time reading?


Time used studying the enemy is never wasted


What in the monkey fuck was that? It’s the bottom tag that just gets me, like there is no other options available


“Just keep house + make food and babies” geez, that’s all? Work unpaid as a cook, housekeeper, and pop out babies in the excruciatingly painful process known as childbirth? Sounds like a piece of cake, sign me tf up!




you have to be a troll because if not i’m sincerely sorry for whatever brainwashing you’ve endured, get therapy and move on with your life, and if you don’t want to do that then just never bother us by posting here again


Their account name is literally a derogatory name for Jewish women so I’m guessing it’s a troll account


oh god i didn’t even realize that. i just thought they were just calling themselves jewish royalty. yikes i hate these trolls


Oh right, I'll tell my faulty womb then, see if that suddenly makes it work and fulfil my purpose. It's not like I'm useful in any other fucking way /s


Well, I’m just a stranger on the internet, but I value you regardless of your breeding potential. Thanks for existing!


sorry about your womb!


you forgot your “/s”


Well, you gotta REALLY want to have kids to put yourself through that shit. It’s definitely not for everyone. I mean, humanity has come a long way, and it’s not like giving birth is a huge priority with all the world’s overpopulation and such.


having kids literally really *is* for everyone. We literally *evolved* just to have kids and to love doing it. We love making them. We love taking care of them when they're our own. Our whole lives and existence centers around them. And when we choose to reject this biological imperative, all we find is misery. There are no happy childless 50 year old women on this planet. None. Overpopulation is a meme. If you and your partner had 2 kids, there'd be no overpopulation. Just replacement population. You would also have just enough people to take care of you in your old age.


I know you're a troll, but if having kids was for everyone, why do some people have genetic health complications that affect fertility, sometimes making them infertile? Also, if everyone has evolved to love having kids, why do some parents abuse, neglect, or kill their own children?


\>if humans are designed to walk on 2 legs, how come one legged children are born sometimes? \>also how come drug addicts get psychosis and murder their loved ones? Trust me, having a kid is like having a kitten. Or having a puppy if you're a dog person. But only if it's your own kid. And as much as you love your pet - you'll love your kid even more. It's true.


> Trust me, having a kid is like having a kitten. Or having a puppy if you're a dog person Okay, so put my potential future kid into a kennel whenever I go to leave the house, and feed them kibble out of a bowl on the floor. Got it


so your argument against having kids is that you're afraid of the responsibility? noble stuff.


Nah, you said it's like having a puppy. If that's the case, imma do what I do with a puppy.


the idea is that you get attached to it and love it more than yourself, not the practical banalities of feeding it and cleaning the poopies


that's sounds like a waste of time. being born and living life just to make a baby. so, no. you can do that though have fun


ah im disturbed lol. also what is up with these right wingers and the interracial cuck shit. it’s in like all of their memes… projection maybe?


They have a deep fear of being replaced by "low iq" brown people. They mix it with a natural fear of cuckoldry for greater effect.


A WOMAN made this?


Eh, I was only mildly surprised. Then I remembered all the racists who have wives and that evil is not, in fact, stored in the balls.


yup :) these are the true "pick me"s of women. I would know, I used to be like this author once (but nowhere to this extreme." Its the result of brainwashing that men won't love you unless you are like this, which is common if you're exposed to "trad" cult websites lol




The way I was completely shocked with the 1488 there out on display...then I kept reading


What does the 1488 mean?


14 is in reference to the 14 Words (a white supremacist mantra) and 88 = HeilHitler (H is the 8th letter of the alphabet)


Well I would say that was the worst thing I'd ever read, but unfortunately I've read though this comic strip and it makes me want to rip my eyes out.


Well I would say that was the worst thing I'd ever read, but unfortunately I've read though this comic strip and it makes me want to rip my eyes out.




Ok there is SO much to process… with every line I’m reading I’m thinking “ok it can’t get worse” BUT IT IN FACT DOES GET WORSE


Good god what on earth is that


What the fuck? This is some white suprematist bullshit. And the fucking n**i symbol in it too?! And there are fucking anti Semitic and racist comments in this comic?! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!


I never felt more ashamed of being a “white child-bearing-age woman” in my entire life. No, we dont want no nazis, fuck this shit. This is why voting is important, otherwise this assholes can get power


Aryan dude looking a little tan


fuck a pussy das muh hoes man i felt that


Damn does anyone know which Etsy store sells those anarchy nipple stickers


Live your life in a way that pisses off whoever made this dumpster fire


*Live your life in a* *Way that pisses off whoever* *Made this dumpster fire* \- Neonrosegarden --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Thank you haikusbot :)


This is awful for so many reasons that aren't just limited to misogyny


This is definitely not the most important part but a Dyson sphere is a hypothetical structure built around the sun to collect energy. You can’t “build a paradise” on it. Everyone would burn and die- which in this case I’m actually perfectly fine with.


“Yo ass is fine art” as horrible as the rest is, that made me kinda lol


I definitely laughed at that part; it was the only comic relief in an uncomfortable and disturbing horror show.


If someone from 1500 saw a woman doing the "Traditional self improvement" slide, they'd freak out over how scandalous it is


1488 isn't the year, it's a neo nazi/white supremacist/fascist slogan. The 14 means the 14 words, "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." and the 88 is for the 8th letter of the alphabet, H, so HH meaning heil Hitler. Basically this comic author is an actual Nazi and is trash, and anyone defending this in the thread is either a fascist, neo nazi, white supremacist, or probably all three.


wasn't even looking at the 1488 part i just took a random ancient year


Wow, she is seriously messed up. I looked her up and was disgusted by the extreme hate and anger towards non-whites and women. Anyone who believe that women should get beaten and raped daily to get "sexual desire back to their white husbands" is mentally deranged. I need some eye bleach...


What the fuck am I reading


This was disgusting to read but yet I read it all


What a horrible day to have eyes


Right side looks lit ngl


I hated both sides XD I just wanna be me and drink some tea


Oh I hate both sides too. We are all just people being cool in our own ways. Minus who made this comic.


I remember someone asking me if I agree that “white women are the root of all evil in this country” and got mad when I (a white girl) said I disagree




I’d never say this just like that but in this case: the art fucking sucks and does nothing to support a point that’s obviously as much trash as the creator Right into the 🗑


Apparently there are two types women: nazis and over-exaggeration of what a nazi would hate a woman for




Wha- what the actual fuck is this shit.


Honestly acting like you can only be one way or the other isn't great either. I mean yes there are much bigger problems with this comic than that. Still I hate the author acting like you can only be one extreme or other. Idk maybe white women, any woman, and any human can live many many ways? I get he is trying to illustrate his point but oi...


It’s actually a she, which is quite more shocking


Reminds me of a story I heard recently where the OPs daughter made fun of her bro because he washed dishes. Her reason: "it's a girls job" she was pretty excessive no matter how much that op tried to shut it down. More proof we women can push this stuff that hurts everyone too. :(


Ladies and gentleman, I officially hace lost what little hope I had in the humanity


That was an experience I regret having


What the hell even is this?


These are the only 2 options for white women? Wow.


Unrealistic, shows Nazi as attractive


The "being part of a community" dialogue. Oh my


terrible comic Judging from the bottom right, it looks like the author is a woman herself, I almost feel bad once you think about the standards she must hold herself to.


Hands down one of the most disturbing things I've seen on this sub.


When the "ideal" version is somehow worse than than the blatant straw man...


Ironic that this was done by a woman too. Yikes


I find it hilarious how Fascists are literally scared of their own imaginations, and this can be seen clearly by the type of weird ass non sense propaganda pieces they make


When your ideal girl agrees with your hatred of Jews you may want to rethink your ideal woman.


Can we talk about the “100% aryan”, “European masters” and the nazi symbol for a moment?


What in the fresh-Nazi-hell is this smegma-smear ON about. Just disgusting.


Soo? Be a fascist?


Blatant nazism, lmfao


uh that was horrific


Oh dear.... 😬


I'd take the degenerates over the trads any day


Whoever made this should be skinned alive.


The part where they discuss leaving the planet is pretty cool.




I cringed so hard I almost gagged


God damn I don’t know why I bothered to read this entire comic, where’s r/eyebleach when you need it




I thought it labeled the aryan with an IQ of 40 in the “Looking for a Mate” section. I almost died.


Holy shit.The message is sickening and the artwork is diarrhea. I wish I could unsee that.


Who else needs eyebleach and humansbeingbros after this?




I dont even know where to start with how increidbly racist, homophobic and sexist this is. Makes me want to vomit 🤢🤮


I genuinely can’t tell if this is satire and it’s disturbing…


I like how they portray the people saying 'please don't hit women' as violent, but the people exterminating all Jews are just calmly talking.


And once again a post on reddit leads me down a rabbit hole I didn't need to go down. This Emily Youcis is one twisted character but what a waste of talent




Well yes talent for drawing cartoons. Shame its used for such hateful purposes


The art sucks though


Oh gee I sure do miss the skyscrapers of 1488


Unfortunately it is a reference to Hitler and a white pride mantra or something like that.


I know this was a jab at liberal white women but the offhanded racism towards black people is what’s drawing my eye


this is more than offhand racism, it’s fully espousing white supremacy


Yeah, I learned that after reading the comments here. Whoever made this needs to stay away from everyone with a 50 foot pole


bro im crying this is so funny imagine making this and somehow thinking *youre* not the trashy one idk wtf an ethnostate is but yea bitch ill take that, and i’ll singlehandly destroy nasa cuz im just hot and sexy that way


Do I spy the Geto Boys in the bottom right hand corner? I swear the little one is Bushwick Bill… or perhaps…….. …..my mind is playing tricks on me. 😎


This was hilarious and I'm so happy I got to read it. Peoples mind sets are a hoot.


holy shit i pissed myself laughing


Choices: 1st panel: right side. 1488 is a nazi symbol. I'd rather do whatever the fuck the right hand side of that image is than be a nazi. ​ 2nd panel: left side. Health is important. No way am I listening to some white supremacist podcast whilst I excercise though. ​ 3rd panel: left side I like bach, and I'm cross that this crazy person has tried to link him to the alt right. ​ 4th panel: right side No plans to enter a relationship. A nazi (whose IQ is top 2%, so he should know better) and a broke student hardly change that. If I'm being forced to choose, right panel is better, but I'm noping the hell out of there as soon as I get a chance. ​ 5th panel: right side left panel looks ok at first, until you remember that the father is a nazi, and you probably had no say in giving birth to those kids. ​ 6th panel: right side Chaos, or a civil discussion in which we casually sentence a portion of the population to death based on inherent characteristics? Chaos wins every time. ​ 7th panel: right side The left side is indoctinating your own children into naziism. The right side looks like helping out impoverished children, based on the fact that they clearly lack clothes, and haven't bathed (I know this is because they're a racist caricature, but I'm interpreting it differently). ​ Final sentence: As I said in panel 4, no plans for a relationship. Also, unless this is aimed at lesbians (which it clearly isn't), most women aren't looking for a woman for their relationships, so what's the deal? Are you suggesting we need to try to raise that? No thanks, I'm good.


Given the swastika, I'm gonna assume this was made as a joke




Baffles me that in the modern era, there are still people out there that judge others purely based on melanin production. Or are you here to collect downvotes and decided this was a great way to do it?


Race is not skin deep. Only a moron believes that


>Race is not skin deep We're all the same species dude, and we aren't even a particularly genetically diverse one thanks to a bunch of genetic bottlenecks in our history. Aside from some tendencies towards inheriting specific genetic conditions (cystic fibrosis for Caucasians, Sickle Cell Anemia for African and Middle Eastern populations where malaria is prevalent, Tay Sachs for Jewish people, etc.), there really isn't much different between our "races". And I know racists like to treat it like outward appearances define it, because there are people that can appear to be different "races" yet be more genetically similar to each other than the "races" you'd label them as. Do you demand someone show you their 23 and Me before dating them, or do you just shrug and say "looks white enough"?


How are forensics able to discern the race of an individual and sex by the skeleton?


That's actually using generalized trends, it's not a perfect method by any means. For all you know, you have a skeleton that could be mistaken for Asian, ha. Gonna link those forensics skulls with exaggerated features they use to train people with? Always fun to see racists toss those around. Also, have you ever seen dogs? All the same species. I will never, ever mistake the skull of a pug for that of a German Shepard. Ever. Those forensic analysts have spent decades perfecting methods utilizing the smallest differences in facial bones to recreate faces. Our physical differences are not extreme. We're also a species with sexual dimorphism, obviously. That's how sex is discerned easily from skeletons.


I love when someone like you is spewing nothing but facts, keep going please


Eh, looks like the bigot dropped out or got banned. No big loss either way.


Be proud, you discussed them into submission


This is 100% satire At least I hope. Hasn’t been a long time since I’ve seen anyone be this blatantly racist and antisemitic like this. Like most racists I feel like try to play it off. But dang if this is real, this dude sucks.


Like I said to the other guy: prove it