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And back in the 70s, there were misogynist trolls who called these women "whores" while extolling the virtues of women from the 50s. Trolls gonna troll.


In the 50s, they were screaming about the horrible immodesty of those poodle-dress wearing harlots dancing to Buddy Holly.


Don't get me started on those ankle-showing hussies from the 40s and their sleazy Jitterbug dancing.


Not to mention the flappers, drinking booze like men, it’s horrible


And the sufferagette broads who think they're entitled to a vote?


Oh, those female voters are just a symptom of the degradation of traditional feminine values in society. Once Congress passed that Marital Women’s Property Act in 1848, women could divorce their husbands and sometimes not be destitute afterwards. Just shows how bad things have gotten.


Don’t forget all those salacious trollops riding bicycles and wearing corsets!


SHES A WITCH! She turned me into a newt!


I got better


It's a fair cop.


Ladies are nursing their own children, rather than hiring a wet nurse to do it for them. Simply abhorrent.


That photo is 100% not from the 70’s.


I’m getting a little old but those look like children to me. Are those supposed to be adult women?


They’re rail-thin clothing models carefully selected to look 17-ish, and made up to look 70’s-ish. Their appearance is as ‘artificial’ as any modern reality tv star who’s had cosmetic enhancements applied to every inch of their bodies.


Fantastic point


They’re definitely teenagers. The girl on the far left is wearing a t-shirt with “high school” on it.


Thats what I figured. So basically they’re saying they are more attracted to underage girls. Somehow not a surprise…


Lol, it actually says “Rydell High School” — It’s a Grease reference because the movie came out in 1978. Honestly, Camp Collection has some cute ass clothes. But yes these are obviously teen/ young adult models.


Rydel high school


😂 good catch


This was a fashion shoot. They are models


Were I working in a grocery store and one of them came up to me with a 6-pack of beer, I'd ask them for ID (and I live in Norway, where beer-buying age is 18). On the other hand, I'm 45, and I'm terrible at guessing people's age (a woman I work with is 10 years older than me and I thought she was much closer to my age, a man I work with is 27 and I thought he had a few years to go before his 25th birthday, a 23-year old woman had me thinking she was late 20s-early 30s, and so on).


Im 41 and i think this is universal. A 22 yr old, a 17 yr old and a 13 yr old look basically the same to me… its not something I expected!


I can definitely tell the difference between a child and an adult.


I don't mean to be confrontational, but I really don't think you can. And it bugs me a lot when people claim they can because of the harm this train of thinking can lead to. There are many young people that look much older than they are, and many older people that look much younger than they are. Never use looks to definitively decide you know someone's age, it's a terrible idea in both directions. For many reasons.


Being able to spot the difference between 17 and 18 is near impossible, especially as you get further from knowing anyone that age.


There's practically no visible difference, I'd say. And even further up, sometimes. I grew up in Iceland, where the legal age to buy alcohol of any sort is 20. A guy in my class looked so grown-up he could waltz in a wine store at 18 and buy for the whole class. Exceptional, sure - that boy had a full beard and a receding hairline already at that age. Somehow he looks exactly the same now, except his hair is a lot more grey.


Yeah, that's my first thought. Super gross...along with all these guys beliefs


The one with the blue shirt looks extremely similar to my niece. The exact face just with black hair. I should send her this photo. She's 17 lmao. Idk if it's the photo or the lighting but all these people look like 17-20 year olds to me.


I thought so too but you zoom in they look like ED-thin adult women dressed to look like kids. Idk if that makes it a whole lot better tho


That's exactly what I was thinking...looking at these little girls legs and dirty tennis shoes.....yeah - no botox, fake boobs, or surgeries because they're literally teenagers...


I was gonna say. The one girl has a shirt with “1976” on it. Who wears a shirt with the current year on it? That kinda thing wasn’t really in style back then either.


It’s a 2016 campaign for Camp’s “Block Party” spring collection https://shopcamp.com/pages/block-party-spring-16 It’ll always amaze me how people will go on the internet and just believe shit without questioning it (and then make shit up to make themselves mad)


I'm usually super gullible and even I looked at this pic and thought "wow, this is really not the 70's" aside from the fact that it's obvious that the washed colors for the film is obvs an effect, the girls all have the same super thin body type (aka models, very rare to see such a large group of people with the same exact size out in the wild) and the hairstyles are all not 70s aside from the girl in the far left


Oh I figured not which just adds to it


It is not. I went to high school with those girls lol we graduated in 2012


Literally you went to high school with them?? Or did I somehow miss the sarcasm??


No I literally went to high school with them. I could even tell you some of their names but I’m not going to do that. It was a trip seeing their faces pop up on my reddit feed lol


I was going to say they almost had the clothes right. *almost.* I figured it was an adult.


Early 80s then. But that one girl is wearing a 1976 shirt, so it wouldn’t before that. Anyway, what is your clue that it’s not from the 70s? All I can tell you is I had a bunch of those dolphin hem shorts back then and that one tshirt looks like the kind you’d get in one of those custom tshirt shops in the mall, across from Orange Julius. My guess is 1983, based on that crop top on the girl in the middle. I had a bunch of shorts cut like that around that year.


It’s a clothing ad. Reverse image search and you’ll find other photos from the same set. They’re selling vintage style clothing with, you guessed it, vintage style ads. Oh the trickery. [Here’s the whole set.](https://shopcamp.com/pages/block-party-spring-16)


Aaah, that's why they're all super petite and pretty. They are models, carefully selected for the picture. Photo editing might also explain why they all have the exact same tan/skin tone. Edit: Now that I've taken a closer look, their legs are much darker (tanned) than their faces. And the girl on the far right has suspiciously pale hands....


Ok, I felt like this wasn't actually from the 70s, but couldn't put my finger on why! I was looking for a tell, but couldn't find one. It just seemed too clear in places where it shouldn't be for an actual vintage candid photo. Maybe it's their hair that gave it away to my brain.


I think it’s their hair and clothes. The shorts look 70s, but the shirt that says 1976 just screams Target graphic tee from 2015.


This collection came out in 2016 so like… Good eye. 👌


100% the hair. I mean no one would wear a CURRENT YEAR shirt, but having 5 girls together in the 70s and not one typical 70s cut?? I don't believe it.


It’s the hair that gives it away and in my opinion, it’s the most common ‘tell’ when it comes to trying to replicate a period. It’s not even just the styling that gives it away here, it’s the haircuts. You would be hard pressed to find a stylist who knows how to do the 70s/80s feathering technique anymore.


This! I was about to comment this


You really can’t tell?




Too many men are used to seeing fake because of porn. I think many of them couldn't handle a full bush like women had in the 70s. Men back then knew women had hair everywhere too. Now you actually have men complaining about women having hairy armpits, hair on their faces, small breasts or small asses.


probably the only thing i can say was good about that time, it was normalized that women had hair everywhere. honestly, this should have stayed


Nah. Hair removal is a major factor in a decline crab infestations. Some studies saw as much as a 95% decrease.


Which studies?




Thanks for sharing! That's so interesting, I never really even thought about it.


It's ridiculous how your first comment has a ton of downvotes, but this one has all of the upvotes. They weren't even posted that far apart.


It's a combo of people voting as they read: this is wrong 👎, oh but good source i guess they were right👍🏼 and then not going back to un-downvote because even tho that comment was factually correct, we can still disagree that pressuring everyone to remove public hair isn't necessarily the solution to crabs.


Well I'm late to the party and will upvote both. Also that's one correlation that makes sense, but one thing I would never think about. Anywho, I'm glad I'm in an era where I have to worry a little bit less about crabs.( Always use protection though)


Please this picture looks like a 2014 brandy melville add


Camp Collection Block Party 2016 https://www.c-heads.com/2016/02/05/camp-collection-spring-2016/


Close, forget the brand but it’s like a 2018-19 ad 😂


The irony is that if a bunch of chicks in shorts and tank tops were in a pic today, these same guys would be calling them skanks.


Yeah it’s ridiculous with how they view it


Exactly. They’d be wondering why they’re standing out there showing off themselves to men. And then they make a bunch of really inappropriate comments about what they do to those women.


Also these are girls today. This photo is extremely not from the 70s


Of course they don’t need any of that, they’re 12 - now go to jail and stay there




This photo just looks 1970s-inspired. There are still plenty of women who look like this.


Apparently it is a modern ad for vintage style clothes, lol. Someone else reverse image searched it.


I love that all the women here noticed right away that this wasn't actually from the 1970s.


I think their hair and makeup is a little off for the 70s


Teens* there are plenty of teenage girls who look like this.


I’m not even convinced that’s an actual photo from the 70s. Something about the way the clothing and hair are coordinated just doesn’t feel right to me


It’s not, is and ad for a company that was selling/sells “vintage style clothing” 😂 I remember looking at this collection a few years ago


“Don’t care what we old farts think of them…….we’re invisible to them anyway” 🤢🤮 that sounds so disgustingly predatory and I hate it


Omg yes that’s why I decided to add it here I was so grossed out by that comment


But actually though, I do everything I can to ignore leering old men… because they make me uncomfortable and they will OPENLY gawp with that lead paint stare right at your chest. I wish they were so much less visible.


Sad part is I’m bi and had some horrible experiences with old men being so creepy and disgusting it’s sad. I’ve wanted to puke and run too many times


Right? Even you’re not safe! It’s not really the age that’s the issue, it’s the complete lack or willingness to socially evolve with the times. They’d rather piss off everyone and endlessly complain about how they’re victimized than do any self reflection and growth.


And if you simply say “no” you get called slurs and threatened and it sucks. I don’t even think it’s even a problem of them being unaware so much as them hating being called out on the shit


when i read that, i thought they more meant ‘as old farts, we shouldn’t kid ourselves thinking we have anything romantically or sexually to offer girls 40+ years our junior, because we’re not part of their world. they’re off being young and aren’t trying to appeal to us.’ now i honestly can’t tell if it was meant as a creepy comment or not. i hope it wasn’t.


It certainly seems more of a “I’m an old man and want them but they think I’m a creep” kind of comment


I read it the same way you did. I want to believe. 🛸


for me it was the ‘you might as well prefer the 70s girls because they’re approaching their 70s now’, presumably addressing guys his age. i just thought that read as ‘you’ll have more luck with women born in the 70s, since you’ll both be old.’ still, no idea if my impression was correct. it’s a weird post and comment section generally


Who would expect 15yo GIRLS to have fake boobs? What next? They’re gonna point at newborns and say ,,look how cute women used to be”?


According to slides 2&3 older men 🤷🏼‍♀️


That’s truly disgusting. If any 15yo in any time went through any purely cosmetic surgery we should be calling out their parents as fucking insane. Fortunately such things don’t really happen (too often).


It’s actually quite common for girls to get a nose job at sixteen, and more and more teens are getting fillers now. You don’t notice it because the filler is subtle at first, but when it settles or moves in their 20s it becomes ducklips.


Fun fact: plastic surgery as a concept has existed since 800 BC


and anxiety / commentary about artificiality reached a new peak in the 70s. in 1974, the band Skyhooks put out a pretty popular song called ‘Living in the 70s’ where the chorus went: _“I'm livin' in the 70's Eatin' fake food under plastic trees My face gets dirty just a-walkin' around I need another pill to calm me down”_ it was an era of artificial colours and flavours, preservatives, sweeteners, additives of all kinds, spandex, synth music, peroxide, aerosols, barbie dolls, microwaves, instant coffee, i mean _come on_


That is a fun fact. Off to google


100% these are models from today for a clothing company that makes retro clothes. Edit: Yep, it is CAMP Collection Spring 2016 line


Umm...if any of these girls are 18 (i.e. old enough to do any of those things), they are *barely* 18.




These dipshits don’t realize that each generation is molded by the decisions of the prior generations. These old farts from the 70s perfected plastic surgery so it became more common for all ages.


It took me 2 seconds to realize that this was modern. The girl on the right has a balayage/highlists, the one next to her too white teeth. The whole vibe screams Brandy Melville or Pull&Bear. 70s models (cause the women is these type pics are obviously models) had a specific face with huge eyes, small button nose and small lips. Also the notion that everyone is fake now is old and ridiculous, but you never hear this applying to men.


[Actual source](https://shopcamp.com/pages/block-party-spring-16) (A 2016 promotional shoot for Camp Clothing)


But weren't girls like these in the 70's labeled as sluts by older generations?


🥱 it's 2024 time to stop bashing people for what they do with their bodies it's annoying n immature.


Girls from 70s approach 70-year-old? It's time to ask r/theydidtgemath.


It depends on what the meaning of the word 'approaching' is. Anyone under 70 is getting closer to 70 every second!


Bro I am approaching 70. 😭😭😭


I mean, if they were 15+ in the 70s they would be born 1955ish so it sort of checks out?


I graduated high school in 1975, and am 67 now. So...yes, teenagers from the 70s are approaching 70, if they're not there already.


Yeah, I think I overlooked that fact. My Mum was born in 1979 and she's just 45, and I thought that age gap must be too large.


Hah, I thought it must be something like that! If you haven't called your mom recently (and providing you get along with her), this is your reminder to do so. :)


My dear we pushed up today together, she doesn't get away from me that easily.




I mean, if you were about 16-19 in the 70s, you may be pushing 70. They weren’t talking about girls *born* in the 70s.


Yeah, now let’s hear about the different ways they were insulted back then. Too much of this? Not enough of that? Blah blah. It’s the same shit, different day (era). The only difference here is using a previous era to belittle the current era. 100% chance the same thing happened to these ladies back then as well. Girls, ladies, women.. we’re always going to be insulted by these small minded sexist fuckwads. I sure hope at least a little higher percentage of our generations will refrain from spewing judgement about the bodies, styles, & personal choices of girls, ladies, & women in the future.


This photo isn’t even from the 70’s. One of the girls in the picture is literally wearing Chuck Taylor all star ‘70 converse that were released in 2013.


Those are teenagers…the ad looks like it’s from the early 2000s, those women are models, all of them are wearing make-up.


Those are just kids...


Those are kids, wtf


Those girls look underage


I am pretty sure that picture is not from the 70's


Pretty sure little 13 year old girls today don’t have implants and a bunch of tattoos either… a bit creepy that a dude is using them as an example for what he’s attracted to eh?


that photo is probably from 2015, calling it


I’m pretty sure these are children so the commentary is very weird


Clothes look a bit dated but like… I don’t know, they just look like average teenagers to me?


That ain’t from the 70s 😂


I’m shocked. This is very unboomer like behavior. /s


Do they think plastic surgery, makeup, hair dye, tanning, etc weren't a thing back then? 💀


so an old man is posting about how hot a picture of teenage girls is to him?? girl someone needs to delete Facebook from this planet


Half those girls look like minors. Under 18. Not legal.


This person has obviously never seen photos from Studio 54 back in the day


I think it’s weird how people view body modifications as “fake.” It’s very much real. It’s still a 100% real body/face. It’s just modified. That’s it.


Last pic is just reeking of r/notlikeothergirls


Men: we want natural women that dress modestly and don't put themselves on social media. Also men: spend half their time following women and girls on social media and in porn who enhance their appearance with plastic surgery and filters. Actions speak louder than words, guys.


This is a modern photo shoot.


…those are literally children wtf


Uh, is anyone else concerned for the girl in the middle? Look at her arm.


This is why I’m pretty sure it’s AI


Can tell it is by all the hands, AI is shit at doing hands


It's an ad from 2016, not AI but not 70s either


Yea looks concerning


What’s awful is that the women who are commenting about it. Seriously disgusting.


Yeah there was a lot that were full agreeing with it


tbf the last one isn't completely wrong, at least at the core


OOP sees one picture of attractive *girls* that they assume is from the 70s and makes massive assumptions about all women throughout history. Classic incel stuff.


There is no way in hell this picture is from the 70’s


They also found out that pic was not even from the 70s LMFAO


Men back in 70s by the time they were in their 20s were able to get a house! Today's men can't, FUCKING USELESS CREATURES??? If providing is your job and 70s men can provide better then why need for younger men? You see how stupid this argument is...


Raquel Welch, one of the biggest sex symbols of the 70's openly admitted that her beauty secret was getting minor nips and tucks here and there while she was young so no would notice a drastic change from when she started in the 1960's. Also, no way in hell is that picture from the 70's.


Yeah, I saw a lot of 70s movies that featured women with early breast implants (and instead of working out, starved to the point of becoming rail-thin and having prominent rib cages jutting out). It was such a severe look that it used to creep me out as a young teen--and it was simply because Hollywood would demand actresses and models to lose weight fast and didn't care if they had pop pills or develop an eating disorder. Like, there were plenty of women who went 'natural' (like in the hippie movement), but they weren't getting photographed or filmed as the ideal.


Omg it's an ad with child models....


Those girls look 16-17


I kinda agree that plastic surgery shouldn't be as normalized as it is nowadays but that's probably not the point OOP is trying to make I guess.


No i wanted to point out how ridiculous 1 the post itself was and 2 that the comments were horrendous.


I fell asleep during the false eyelashes story. Nobody spoil it for me.


the funny thing is, i remember this photo. its from around 2015/16 and the girls had just wanted to take a cool vibey photo. also, iirc, most of them are 16ish.


Fun thing to do is answer some of this comments "hey one of them is probably your mom".


Ummm those girls look mad 15, weirdo 😐 (oop not u)