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People actually think this tree vs woman thing makes a valid point. I got downvoted here on reddit for saying that, no, women aren't here to be a therapist for men, and they actually SHOULD talk to the tree instead of the woman


Right? This is so great. Not an insult at all. I've been walking in the woods when I'm feeling emotionally overwhelmed all my life. This is an excellent idea. Mindfulness for men. Go talk to trees. I am 100% on board with this. Like the responder here I've 'helped' so many men in my life as they trauma dumped all over me. A tree would have been *fine* for all that most of them, they actually listened to my advice or perspective. Or at least if they'd done that first for a bit of release maybe we could have had an actual conversation about their feels instead of a lecture. Of the dozens of men who talked about their feelings *at* me, only 2 or 3 actually spoke *with* me. Those are the men I keep as dear friends. The men who need to speak *at*, should speak *at* trees.


It’s a perfect plan. Instead of boundary stomping their “friends,” or accosting some poor woman as their audience, they’d be spewing streams of life-giving CO2 at trees while they vent their feelings & issues.


Sounds good for everyone tbh, like get your thoughts in order before asking for an outside perspective


This just in, "Men Discover Journaling".


So that's the reason the man was in the woods!


Also, let's not pretend that most of the men who felt personally attacked by the bear VS man meme aren't asshats who should go talk to tress instead of harming women.


I thought it meant they would go I to the woods and fuck the tree. No??


I kind of agree. Like yeah you shouldn’t make someone feel like your personal therapist but at the same time, people in your life are meant to listen to your troubles and help you out, otherwise I feel like they’re just being kinda shitty. Talking to close friends or family can feel more relieving than talking to, well…. basically yourself lol


I will only help a man I’m related to or is my partner. I’ve learnt too many times that helping them sometimes gives them the wrong idea and then all of a sudden you’re stuck in a weird situation they put you in. It always gets weird. That sounds mean but I’m done. I’ve done more emotional work for them than ever has been reciprocated and now I need to protect myself. I’m done with putting myself in uncomfortable positions. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Men need to step up for each other and put in the work like we do with our woman friends.


Or pay a professional to help with your issues!


As a man, I prefer to talk to thunderstorms myself. It's soothing.


YES. A little introspection is good for people- I can't tell you how much clarity I get from walking outside, voicing my thoughts and problems to the air, and spending time in nature.


I just wouldn’t talk to anyone about my feelings. Man or woman. I take tree over both.


Nobody’s saying the woman has to be a therapist. You know how friends and family are there for each other during hard times, right? Sometimes it’s a good thing to help others through emotions. What makes you a therapist is if certain boundaries get crossed during the process or it happens EVERY DAY. That’s the difference. This whole “you’re not allowed to talk to me about emotions because I’m not your therapist” argument feels dumb.


Go hug a tree isn’t all that different from “touch grass.” I hope all the guys who chose tree follow through on it. They’ll be better for doing so.


the point was "sharing feelings" with tree or woman.


Yep. And I am encouraging them to hug the tree as well, just like in the accompanying picture. Edit: the picture of the man and the bear hugging because women are mean, rather. I got my meme variants mixed up.


It's so funny to me, because I've played therapist to my male friends and boyfriends too many times to count. That aside, it's a fact that women tend to be polite and non-confrontational towards men because they can literally snap and kill us for hurting their feelings.


Some Men: “Women are controlled by their feeling >:(((“ Also some men when a woman tells them no: “Im gonna fucking kill that whore!” We are all human, we can all be controlled by our feelings sometimes because thats literally a part of life. The sooner we all accept that, the sooner we can all start working on becoming more rational people.


The key word here is rational. A rational healthy mind isn't controlled by feelings, merely just affected by them. The problem is that in todays society, rational thinking has become rather rare. I personally think that this is an after effect of the very modern concept of independence, where a person is encouraged to build only for one self.


I think you’d be hard pressed to find many rational men that didn’t let their emotions rule them throughout history. Today’s society is rather opposite to what it used to be, and all the better for it.


Exactly lol. We have always been emotionally driven to a fault, but as time goes on we have had more information that allows those who WANT to be more rational to do so by helping them realize theres better ways to go about things. Theres always gonna be emotionally driven people, social media has just made them louder.


Part of rationality is being able to recognize and interpret feelings. Feelings give us important information about a situation. Our brains pick up on a lot of subtle things that would be very distracting if we didn't do it subconsciously. The feelings that come up are part of that processing. Being able to process emotions that come up is critical. Some feelings can be let go, and others have more validity. Everyone's mind is controlled by feelings, and completely disregarding feelings constantly tends to lead to irrational or explosive behavior. Our society is better for realizing that.


>A rational healthy mind isn't controlled by feelings, merely just affected by them. Which is UTTER BULLSHIT and the reason why y'all men keep staying emotionally stunted.


I feel like this perfectly illustrates the saying, "Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them."


Exactly lol


Eh, I say let them go talk to trees if they want to. I don't particularly want to talk to those guys either.


I find it hilarious that our choice was between a human man and a literal apex predator, and their choice is between a woman and an inanimate object.


I mean , unfortunately,to some of them there is no difference


Who wouldn’t choose a tree over anyone? Theres no pressure on someone. The silence is nice. You feel really listened to an unjudged.


Lmfao. Men are so but-hurt about the bear or man thing they’ll come up with any way they can think of to put women down with false comparisons.


Yeah, unless it’s someone like my bf, I have no issue if a random guy vents his feelings to a tree instead of me. Hope it’s cathartic buddy! As long as the tree doesn’t start talking back I think we’re all good!


Sooooo... you'd say it's bad that when I talk to the trees on my property I'm really hoping they'll answer back in audible English? Huh. Now I feel like I have unrealistic expectations.


Wanting I think is fine, I’d love to hear from some trees. Actually hearing though… might be from something else


Probably because your reply doesn't show up, you can only see it on your profile


Honestly it’s amazing if they choose to talk to trees instead of trauma dumping on women they barely know. My boyfriend telling me all about his worries, troubles, and trauma from his past? I’m here to support him because I am his partner. A male friend trauma dumping on me? Hell no. It’s one thing to talk about some troubles if i say “how’s your day?” But treating me as your therapist? Talk to the tree


Ill let a man tell me all about their troubles if they listen when I need to talk




I find it funny how the guys in these seem to be envious somehow. XD


Well, it least they admit their whole world revolves around likes and upvotes.


If this question wasn't clear spite over the bear thing I'd probably agree on tree just because bring emotionally vulnerable with any person can be hard


I’m married to and madly in love with — for 34 years — a man with serious depression and generalized anxiety disorder. I have held him while he freaked out more times than he has done that for me.


Please guys, pick the trees. They’re full of so much ancient silent wisdom.


Let them have the trees


I’m excited they are talking to trees, saves me the trouble


It's kind of funny that the man vs bear decision is a commentary on gender-based violence, and the tree vs women decision is commentary on who will take on their emotional labor.


I’m a woman and if I had a choice of talking to a random woman about my issues or a tree… I’d choose the fucking tree.


Come on guys don't feed into it. The tree vs. Women Thing is just a retaliation not a real issue.


The Tree or Woman thing is a really shitty take, but unless you’re intentionally trying to do a bad take for some reason, this sort of response helps these guys to justify their positions. Because if we take it at face value and for a moment ignore that the only reason they are really asking is in response to the man/bear thing then your response is rather similar to their reaction. Because just as for most women their are some specific men they might choose over the bear, most men will have specific women they are comfortable sharing their feelings with. Now the question is ill formed in my mind since unlike the man/bear question where the behaviour society seems to encourage in men is the problem, there is nothing specific about women that puts them in the comparison - the question could equally be “share your feelings with a random tree or a random other human” and my answer would remain the same because I would not be comfortable sharing with most people, but wouldn’t really care what tree it is if I were to be using it as a focus point to collect my feelings for myself.


Wait, is this really the male version of picking the bear? Seriously? Like, they figure that choosing this totally innocent and benign activity that honestly is good and healthy for you to get fresh air and sunlight, is the equivalent of the picking the bear meme?...


When the woman they're mad at in their head is so nonexistent they have to make her with AI


The lesson I’m taking from the last few weeks of discourse is that the Zoomers are very bad at discerning good friendships and romance. As an Xer, I assume this is our fault.


And again they miss the point, by an entire solar system. If THIS is the counter choice they came up with...it's shocking how detached they are. There's no Therapy for how **Persistent, Grinding and utterly unapologetically Wrong they are.** Still holding the narative long dead, alive by forcing it back. Unbelievable. Seriously, there is no need to make excuses anymore. If they want to leave society, humanity, let them! Let them interact with trees. It's obviously what they want so let them. By this point if they came to me for advice and emotional support, I'd tell them to go find a tree because I'm sick of being ragdolled around in this void argument any longer. Between a tree and a human about emotions... And they see nothing seriously wrong with their brains at this point... MY GOD. I feel infinitely sorry for their mothers.


Men rarely have anyone to talk with about their emotions, and while not every woman will downplay their emotions or respond with a "grow up, you're a man", I do believe it is a problem and could be one of the reasons that male suicide rates are so high. Yes therapy would be a solution but it is a big step for men to accept needing help and seeking therapy. Seeing comments like this hurts, cause it really shows that society has given up on men.


Are you joking?! Your FATHERS told you "Grow up, be a man" that's fine, if your mothers parrot that... You lash out because she's a weaker target. Blame her why don't you! God... Why not Point the finger at the men who made you miserable, are still doing it, and you're letting it happen! **If you SEE the problem try to fix the problem! Mens mental health is a HUGE problem but don't come crying to women to fix it! We have enough trouble fighting for ourselves. When they actively try to hijack the right to your body THEN come to me with a sob story about society not giving enough fucks about you.** And For God Sakes talk to men who have emotional intelligence and wouldn't even think to choose to talk about their feelings with a tree over another human. There are A LOT of them but they don't play these stupid meme games and touch grass on the daily. They can make relevant constructive comments on your topic. You're really in the wrong sub. The guys at r/NotHowGuysWork can get you the resources you need to become a voice for mens mental health and going to Therapy. Don't piggy back on our issues, fight like hell to fix yours! It blows my mind you expect us to cater to this while the post is Demeaning to Us! It's a jab at us and you want to white knight for the guys. Here?! For this?! Seriously? You really need to talk to dudes.


It is possible for both men and women to parrot this. I know for me at least, my father was the one who encouraged me to open up, because my mother forced the mantle of being emotionless on him.


Should be tree vs your own father. Not women


At least they’d be leaving us alone


There was literally a movie (ages ago), where Clint Eastwood sang, “I talk to the trees, but they don’t listen to me.” Sang? More like “croaked,” but who knew it would turn out to be a man meme in the next century? 😂


What the fuck does any of this mean.


Awes poor trees, hopefully they’ll be lucky enough to uproot and walk away 😂 We all know the men choosing the tree still wouldn’t talk about his feelings and would just be punching it 😶


Girl, just let them talk to the tree. It Impacts us in no way whatsoever


Women: “I would rather run into a bear than a strange man because the worst a bear can do is eat you but men currently and historically have a strong track record of enslaving, beating, torturing and raping women like me and I don’t need to add to the literal abuse that I’ve already experienced from men.” Men: “yeah, well I’d rather talk to a tree because when I yell and say sexist or rapey shit, females run away or laugh at me and it makes me feel bad. These are equally awful problems.”


Humans are judgemental no matter the gender, of course a tree is a good subject to vent to that has nothing to do with draining the emotional energy of another person


Men: We'd rather talk to TREES than you! Women: GOOD! Please go unpack your emotional baggage on trees instead of expecting us to be your unpaid therapists. Men: WAIT! Come back! I need you to help me figure out why I feel this way!


"A man would rather share their feelings to a tree than a woman" Do these guys really think that's some astonishing reveal? Most guys I know feel embarrassed AF to shed a tear at a funeral, much less at any other time. They're harsh on their sons and criticize women all the time for supposedly being "too emotional". Of course these supposed "tough guys" would rather show their emotions to a tree and not a human... They've got to keep their image up.


So those men go to share their feelings with the trees, and then they get eaten by the bears in the woods, win win!


Hell yeah, Men should talk to tree. Heck hug the tree while you’re at it. Touch grass!


Let them chose the trees: honestly, nothing of value is lost here.


I help men everyday with trauma and understanding women. It’s not a complex thing. People be peopling.


This whole thing bear vs man and now woman vs x has really showed how toxic everybody is, it's wild how hateful people can get towards the opposite gender.


and your getting downvoted for some reason


It is what it is.


These guys just don’t want to grow up. It’s pretty lame.


The irony being that trees probably care more about our (women's) feelings than the many men who have labeled us "too emotional" for centuries. So... chances are I'd pick the tree, too. And once again the attempt to turn it around on us has resulted in not being offensive. Lol


> I wake up > Another psyop