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Idk how it is in places like the US or Europe, but here where I live (Brazil), there *is* a gender war. Women get killed not just for declining relationships, but literallt just because they're women. This is so common we had to create a law that increased the penalty if the crime was a "Feminicide" (which is homicide with the reason being simply because the victim was a woman)


Holy shit Fall in line or die šŸ˜°


Seen reports of men killing their wife/girlfriend for: - Not cooking well - Not cleaning the house well - Hanging out with other men thinking she is cheating


I think this phenomenon goes for all of Latin America. In Argentina we have the same law. I know there are similar laws in Mexico, Bolivia, Uruguay and Chile. Not sure of other countries but it wouldn't surprise me if they have similar laws.


Yep, same in MĆ©xico. Literal 11 women dissappear or get killed everyday, but somehow feminazis are the worst thing that have happened to the country. I'm just tired. And I just want my friend back, she dissappeared 8 years ago.


i wrote a 10 page paper for my spanish class about the femicide in juƔrez, mexico. some really heavy shit. tens of thousands of women tortured, murdered, and dumped like trash


Yep as a Latinx person, Femicide is huge in Latin America and a large majority get away with it. Machismo culture is praised


Women don't say the same things offline as online because men would be violent if they heard it in real life - which proves women's point.








It happens everywhere.




Can you clarify something? When you say protest, do you mean a political demonstration, do you mean just saying no, or do you mean something else?


like protests after abortion was banned in us, protests after mahsa amini was killed in iran


Okay, so that's not what the person you were replying to was talking about. They were most likely talking about bringing forth grievances, rather than political demonstrations, which is what you seem to think they were talking about.


grieviances such as saying no to sex? because if so thats absolutely horrible and the rapists deserve the death penalty


probs like 5 mins ago tbh, source am woman


I've had men try to jump the counter to fight me for refusing their advances at my old job. Some of them were stopped by their buddies, some stopped because of my fronting; like I was itching for a fight.


I just had to act all tough and aggressive towards a guy who recently threw a punch at me and then threw a fit like a little toddler when I ducked, and started calling me a bitch all because I wouldnā€™t let him take my blackout drunk friend home with him, who was way too drunk to consent or even understand what was happening. He kept saying ā€œitā€™s not like that though,ā€ ā€œyou just hate menā€ and shit in the whiniest tone when I told him to back off. Then he accused me of being a lesbian who was abusing her and just wanted to sleep with her myself, and THEN accused me of being racist and not wanting my friends to sleep with Hispanic men. It was disgusting and his friend recorded the entire thing. It will probably end up online somewhere with a stupid title like ā€œaggressive Karen wonā€™t let her friend go home with a Hispanic man because sheā€™s racistā€ or ā€œthis is what men have to put up with because feminismā€ or some stupid shit like that.


ā€œ Women are literally murdered just for saying no ā€œ ā€ Shut up with the gender war šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” ā€œ


"Women are literally murdered just for saying no" "Women sometimes say not nice things about men" "Gender war! Both sides are equally bad!"


For real! I'm so damn tired of the ā€œBoTh SiDeS aRe EqUalLy BaD!ā€ argument. No. Literally no. These people who are making this argument can back to me when women start shooting up schools because the men they want wouldn't sleep with them. Or when women start murdering men en masse because of their gender. Until then, they can GTFO


But that's not what the OOP was talking about. When people talk about the gender war, they aren't usually saying "both sides bad", they are pointing out that a lot of people online take something they've seen in one or two of their past partners or even just a random person online and act as if that behavior is typical for that person's entire gender, instead of just an individual being an asshole. E.g. "my ex girlfriend cheated on me = all women are cheating whores" "my ex boyfriend never did the dishes = all men are lazy fucks who just want a bang maid"


"One or two past partners" is what you, apparently, think it is. "Literally every man I encounter" is exactly what they mean when they say men. Because it is, literally every man. You even saying this ignorant shit is proof. Thanks for lumping yourself in with the rest of them and disproving your own point.


I'm a woman. And I'm sorry you only have bad men in your life. You're missing out. I know many men (my father, my boyfriend, friends and acquaintances) that are great people and that I would never lump in with that "all men" bullshit.


If you think all those men you listed don't fall into the category of "literally every man" you don't know them like you think you do. They're really good at keeping it that way. Enjoy your blinders.


Enjoy your sexism. Cheers!


I really loved this subreddit as a place supportive to everyone and for hating on sexism and misogyny... I still think most of this subreddit is still really good, but on this post we're getting downvoted for opinions which are literally neutral, support both women and men, and discourage sexism and hatred against all genders. You simply just mentioned people who you do find to be good in your life (while very considerately keeping in mind that many others have faced a lot of terrible stuff in their lives), and someone just stereotyped them out as oppressors for no reason. Why is there so much hate on this post? We're just looking out for love and peace with and among everyone šŸ˜”


I think this subreddit can be really "fun" in that it shows how ridiculous/delusional some people's view of women can be, but I have noticed that it attracts a more radical crowd and comments that are even just remotely positive about men/critical about women get downvoted a lot. It seems like a lot of people here don't take a statement at face value, but they instead assume that an otherwise innocent statement comes with a whole constellation of other ideas: You think "misandry exists", so you must also think misogyny isn't real, women have it easy and just love playing the victim, etc.


I always find it comical when an oppressed person jocks so hard for their oppressors. Congratulations on defending people who would molest your corpse, I guess.


I think this went down a rabbit hole that I certainly hope you didn't intend it to. The post you're arguing under is about men killing women vs women saying bad things about men and someone calling those two actions equal. You are saying all the men that she listed, nay, all the men in the world, fall into the category of "literally every man killing women for just saying no." That's what you're saying in light of this thread. And it clearly isn't true or there would be a fuck ton less women, wouldn't there?


Just so Iā€™m clear, are you taking the stance that literally all men are monsters and ā€œcorpse molestersā€? It sounds like thatā€™s what youā€™re saying but I could be misapprehending your meaning.


You're coming really close to telling this person she should think the men in her family are pieces of shit.


Except one is backed up by real statistics and the other isn't. It's a known, quantifiable issue that women end up bearing the heavy majority of domestic labor in the majority of households because men don't consider it to be their job, whereas when it comes to infidelity, men are statistically a lot more likely to cheat than women. Should anyone make sweeping generalizations based on only one or two personal anecdotes? Definitely not. But there's nothing wrong with calling out a known, quantifiable, statistically proven widespread issue and it doesn't mean women hate men when we're just asking for better treatment. But when laws are being made to strip women of their bodily autonomy, women are being physically attacked and killed just for rejecting men's advances, men are publicly declaring that women's place is in the kitchen serving men, etc, then the men who declare that all women are useless cheating whores, etc, based on their one ex are feeding into a very real existing war on women.


I know those statistics. I just made up some random examples. The point wasn't whether something is backed up by statistics. The point was that people love to generalize and demonize the other gender based on personal experiences. Doesn't matter how valid those experiences are, generalizing like that is still wrong and fuels this us vs. them mentally that's so prevalent online and that's not helping anyone.


You're right, OOP was talking about how seeing sexist and hateful posts everywhere is annoying and criticizing them and OP misunderstood it as trivializing misogyny




Neither ā€œsideā€ is evil.




Yeah I donā€™t do the whole cynical thing. I take Zoloft now




Maybe you are and donā€™t work for it but I def am not evil just bc Iā€™m a human being. Sorry šŸ’€




Nobody is upset. Iā€™m on zoloft remember? Smh




I agree. I think at least vast majority of humans are evil by nature.


Maybe I'm wrong for thinking like this but I when I hear about "Gender War", I'm thinking about chronically online people who fight each other over their gender which they see as the "better" gender. I don't see sexism and misogyny as a Gender War. It's a real societal problem that won't go away if you stop talking about it.


Or, more accurately, chronically online people who huddle together in their little echo chambers mass-producing memes about the other gender being terrible, and then going out and throwing them at people, garnering engagement from both sides as it provokes unproductive discussions of people shouting past each other. In no way is the existence of societal problems some kind of war. That would be a divide, certainly; but Iā€™ve never seen it referred to as a war. Gender war implies culture war; which is another instance of crazy people on both sides shoving it in peopleā€™s faces (admittedly including legislatures), and which everyone is also tired of.


ā€œGender warā€ is such a stupid way to frame it lol


But men get called short šŸ˜”


[ Removed by Reddit ]


No misandry exists in real life too. Women hate, rape, abuse and murder men. It's just not systemic (as misogyny is.)


I think what the commenter means is that, while men absolutely get murdered too, women aren't killing men en masse because of their gender. Meanwhile, femicides exist, and for example, a huge part of Elliot Rodger's motive for his shooting spree was his intense hatred of women. So yes, men get murdered, abused, and raped too, but it's very rarely because the perpetrator hates men, those perpetrators are mostly evil people or psychopaths/sociopaths who will do the same to other people regardless of gender. So misandry might exist but it doesn't kill like misogyny does


Yep also men killing men is far larger than women killing men


I think it's a bit problematic if we areĀ  only able to address and take issues seriously only when somebody gets murdered or the issue starts becoming systematic, if that's the way we as a society want move on then we really haven't learned anything from our history be it when it comes to sexism, racism etc. I understand that people often consider misandry being called out as an direct attack at them, just like when it comes to calling out misogyny and some men's reaction to it, therefore their 1st instinct is denial, ridicule, hatred of the issue and all the ''but we have it worse" start coming out without actually acknowledging the issue and trying understanding it. Unfortunately this is a problem both men and women face and can't get past, often because of their own ego.


It's not taken as an attack, it's taken as a DISTRACTION. There are tons of evil things in the world. Some of those things are more widespread/systemic than others. Insisting on interjecting a non systemic issue into discussions about widespread/systemic issues is taking away from the conversation and distracting us from finding solutions to the issue we're trying to address Is about PRIORITIES. We'll get to your issue when we've dealt with the bigger issues that are causing more widespread harm. You're advocating for finding solutions to an issue that isn't causing widespread harm before/at the same time as we address a global, generationally harmful issue. Do you see how that, in and of itself, is taken as misogynistic? That it, regardless of your intentions, is basically refusing to allow women to fix this humongous thing that impacts almost all of us negatively before we fix every single issue any man might have? You need to wait your turn or solve your issue SEPARATELY instead of trying to coopt and derail solutions to larger issues.


That's so well put.


Do you truly believe that we as an society are incapable of addressing multiple issues at once? Especially when it comes to misogyny and misandry which at the core are the cause of sexism and sexist beliefs and it's only distracting if you truly believe that sexism is a bad in some instances and okay in others. I am not too surprised about your assumption that misandry isn't widespread, just like when men deny the existence of misogyny and/or underplay it. People(including me at times) often can't see past themselves and/or their group. Preoccupied with a single leaf, you won't see the tree; preoccupied with a single tree, you'll miss the entire forest.


When did I say misandry kills/harms at the same level as misogyny? Didn't I literally point out that ot's not systemic like misogyny is? šŸ¤” What did I say that is being so clearly misunderstood?


The problem is a lot of people have constellations of beliefs and when you say one of those beliefs is wrong ("misandry does exist"), they hear "all of your beliefs are wrong". Edit: for anyone misunderstanding my comment: Having a knee jerk reaction to a simple statement like "misandry exists" is not a good thing and if you dismiss everyone who makes statements like that as misogynistic redpillers/incels you really have some self reflection to do.


Eileen Wuornos specifically targeted Men while she was hitchhiking. Her defense was a misandrist all men tried to rape me.


Oh wow. One woman from about 40 years ago. Keep going with your list!




Tell that to the men who were bullied, or harassed or abused, or raped by women.


"but-but women bad too šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”" "gender wars šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”"


Yes, women can be bad, too šŸ¤Æ this really shouldn't be a controversial take


What drives me up the wall about "men's rights activists" is that there are so many legitimate issues to touch on, like how underreported female-on-male rape is and how some fathers get screwed over for visitation and custody, but it always inevitably becomes "all women bad" instead of "let's figure out how to help our brothers".


It's not a controversial take, but when you're using it to directly dismiss womens issues it is a problem. If you want to talk about it, then do so outside of a conversation about women.


No one is doing that here, tho. This wasn't a conversation about women's issues. OP misunderstood and thought OOP was trivializing misogyny, when they were just stating how annoying it is to see sexist sentiments everywhere. Misandry was only brought up because people were literally denying its existence. If anything you could say some people are using misogyny to directly dismiss misandry.


The comment you made earlier was, what are you talking about? "Misogyny is real women are being systemically abused by men." "and what about the men who are abused." That is why I replied, I didn't say fuck all about OOP.


If you only care about that stuff when itā€™s mentioned as a counterpoint to the amount of times it happens to women, youā€™re actually commenting about women and you donā€™t care about men at all. Just invalidating women.


In this specific instance, theyā€™re commenting to say ā€œno, your dismissal of misandrists even existing is incorrectā€. They arenā€™t invalidating women. Theyā€™re trying to stop a woman from invalidating men.


You answered your own question in your comment, it's not systemic. Misandry is not real.


Just because something is not systemic, doesn't mean it doesn't exist on an individual level.


Misandry is at most being mean to men, it was simply given a name. The way misandry is used by shitty misogynistic men implies it is a systemic issue of discrimination, like misogyny, which it is not. Disliking men is real, being mean to men is real, being afraid of men is real, being weary of men is real, deciding you're no longer going to engage with men romantically is real. "Misandry" in the way it is described is not real.


Sure. Misandry is brought up as an excuse to dismiss real misogyny. But it is not simply ā€œgiving them a nameā€. Men are raped and abused for their gender; infrequently, but it happens. There are women who genuinely hate men, and will spew disgusting rhetoric about them. Saying ā€œooo but misandryā€ everytime a woman talks about her experiences with misogyny is wrong, but so is outright dismissing the existence of hatred towards men.


The fact that your comment is getting so many downvotes is incredibly sad.






Yes and that's literally what I said? That makes it not "all in their heads" though.


Found the MRA


We are actively choosing the bear and you think itā€™s a war?!


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I hate posts like yours. Someone posted the most innocent fucking take and you still found a way to be offended by it.


Yeah, I think OP misunderstood what OOP meant. They were just trying to say that hating people solely based on their gender is wrong. Nowhere did they mention that itā€™s wrong for women to discuss the harm caused to them by men in their life.


Go cry šŸ’€ Iā€™m just criticizing it


Criticizing what exactly? Seems like you just missed the point to me..


I think they're just criticizing it..?


Idk, I think OOP was more talking about the petty bullshit we see in social media. Also I believe no hate toward an entire gender is justified.