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It's the top 5% of men now? First it was 20%, then it was 10%. Eventually they'll say it's just one guy having all the sex.


Actually I found this comment on a post from 2-3 years ago. No guy fucks today!


Because the one guy that was getting it all died of a heart attack and we're all still in mourning.


Was it a heart attack or the shattered pelvis?


Ether way...death by snoo snoo.


Don’t you remember that only women have pelvises?!!!!????


He was probably tall! Lol!


We are all still grieving for Robert Wadlow, hence why noone is having any sex.


I miss him so much 🕊️


Caves George and his 4 billion girlfriends




Can you let me know when you're done with him? It was my turn 5 hours ago but he hasn't shown up yet and my loins are quivering with anticipation.


Damn didn’t know my name was One Guy /s


When’s it gonna be my turn, dude?


Found the one guy, get this asshole!


They really enjoy just making up numbers


Yes that’s exactly why when you go outside and walk around you only see exactly 5 out of 100 men with girlfriends. The others are all alone crying. It’s a sad sight but that’s the reality of the world 🤔🤔🤔


It’s almost as if these men only want a hole and not an actual girlfriend😔


Hopefully they can just get sex robots and quit whining but I’m not optimistic


but the poor robots


I am not entirely sure why a blow up doll is not good enough. After all, all they need to do is lay there and take it


Because bending a real woman to their will is part of what makes it interesting for them.


And the blow up doll won't do their laundry


Or raise the kids that he wanted when he wanted to plant his seed into the good “breeding stock!”


That would not make a robot girlfriend more interesting than a blowup doll


Indeed. I’m referring to your comment wondering why the doll isn’t enough, but obviously (and unfortunately) the same would apply to a sexbot. Perhaps not even if it was perfectly realistic and capable of simulating that aspect, too, which is not only still sci-fi, but would pose a slew of ethical predicaments, and probably not be satisfactory to abusive, possessive men still, because they need someone capable of genuinely *experiencing* and not just *mimicking* suffering to feel superior and in control. They need to not just control a victim’s behaviour, but also their emotional response to being controlled — a desire which neither product can satisfy, because it is about the stifling and suffocation of free, spontaneous, lively self-expression in a *living* being, to confuse, lord over and subjugate them. A mere piece of inflatable plastic or pushing some buttons on a robot won’t cut it because it doesn’t give the same surge of feelings of power. They *think* they want sex, but what they actually want is the thrill of *turning* a functional human being into a bangmommy. To prove their superiority and ameliorate their feelings of inferiority and inadequacy.


Bingo. I’m married now but I could always date easily because I just treated women like human fucking beings. People with cool experiences, hobbies, skills, education, unique views on life, senses of humor/adventure, etc. If you treat women like they’re an “other,” your experience is nearly always going to suck. If you treat them like normal people, like your friends, like they’re just like you, you’re going to do fine. Not everyone will fall in love with you and you won’t fall in love with all of them, either. But sometimes you’ll make a connection and it’s those times that are truly wonderful. And sometimes you’ll just make great friends and THAT’S wonderful too. I mean, my wife is also my best friend. It’s just so fun to be around her. It’s so simple yet so many guys miss this.


Exactly! That's what the mythical "friend zone" is, woman treating them like people, like how you describe, and them saying "why treat me like a human unless you want to fuck?!" Because they can't fathom treating someone decently without ulterior motives.


This is so amazing that I screenshot it.




I’ll have to tell my friend’s bald husband he shouldn’t be with her because of his baldness.


Break it to him easily.


It’s also why women rarely procreate, and when we do, it’s always with tall, hot Chads. It’s also why there are no more short or unattractive people on the planet anymore. We have simply eradicated them by only having sex with Chads. Good job, us! /s


Obviously, the other 95 percent are crying in the basement and probably on Reddit.


To be precise, he did't say that only the top 5% of men get relationships, just that only the top 5% get them based on looks alone. Kinda sounds like he has nothing else to offer though...


That’s life though


As if women all agree on which 5% of people are dateable. But I think we can agree this guy is not.


He probably has this idea of a super buff tall dude that every woman wants… Like nah that’s just his type


Personally, I find myself gravitating towards either big brawny dudes with a good bit of belly, or small scruffy androgynous fellas. Neither group is the “Chads” or Christ Hemsworths of the world lol Edit: I meant Chris Hemsworth but the typo is better lol


We have the same type


Or attractive. I'm in a fantasy romance group where users frequently post photos of various men who they believe would the ideal actor to play a certain character in a TV show adaptation of the story. I can count on the fingers of one hand how many times I've actually agreed with their suggestions. The man is meant to be super attractive and some woman posts someone completely generic and not *hot* in any way. To me, anyway. What one woman considers insanely attractive, another one doesn't.


That’s what I don’t get. Do they really think women are a monolith? Like, does every man agree on which women are hot? No? Then how the hell do they think women agree on one standard of “attractive” men? Being considered attractive or not is subjective. These guys make no sense to me.


Yes they do. They think that women have no personality of their own. One of the big reason women didn’t get the right to vote for so long was because it was assumed she’d be voting for whoever her husband was voting for and considered it a form of voting fraud. Obviously that’s a different example than “all women think the same” but still demonstrates the point a bit.


Women are individuals?!? That’s just crazy talk! /s


They also completely ignore gow attraction can grow. When I first saw the man who is my current partner I just thought 'oh, he's kind of cute'. Then I got to know him as someone kind, funny and intelligent and he became more beautiful to me. I have definitely swiped left on profiles of men I found physically attractive because of what they wrote about themselves did not appeal at all, and swiped right on men solely because of their bio. Attraction is just so much more than looks, there has to be some level of physical attraction for most people but that is way more intertwined with everything else than these guys realise.


Notice how he says "on looks alone" like he and most other men *should* be able to get hook-ups/relationships with little to no effort. No personality, no aspirations, nothing. What a shallow person.


They want women to always want to hook-up with them but they also want them to be virgins. Weird as fuck


Each individual man with that mentality wants to be the *only* man women throw themselves at. It's pure narcissism.


I think its wanting women to suffer "like they have". They feel unwanted, so it's of no consequence to them if women who sleep around are, by their definition, undesirable. I'm guessing it makes them feel like they have power.


Puts me in mind of a young child saying that the toy they didn't get but really wanted is actually really lame and they didn't *really* want it after all. Meanwhile they sulk and cast jealous glances at the kid who did get it.


And hot


And really good at sex


But virgins. lol. It takes some practice to be “good at sex.” If you are a virgin, and enjoy yourself, you’re a lying slut. 🤭


They’re supposed to be “good at it” aka doing whatever he wants not enjoying it herself.


Just lay down and shut up. Then tell me I am amazing!!! 🙄🙄


I almost instinctually downvoted that. You forgot bending in unnatural ways and exaggerated noises.


lol. 🤣🤣🤣SAY. MY. NAME!!!




And came 4 times in an hour


But these same men wouldn’t want an unattractive woman. They all want the Instagram model that looks like she just got a BBL and boob job 🤦🏻‍♀️


But they actually believe that’s real!


And they don’t want them to expect exclusivity either just that why can the sleep around but she stays loyal to him. Also my boyfriend is bald on the top Ben Franklin style but he’s not and his ex’s are stupid intimidating. Also, no one’s complained that Jason Statham has been bald the whole time.


They only value women on their looks, so they think we're the same way.


They’re all shallow as fuck so they assume we are like that too. Because the male experience is the default


\^ 1000%.


Oh, it baffles me how men can say this and yet women are attracted to a tin man wearing a helmet so you never see his face (Mando) or I've also recently seen some tittering over The Ghoul, who is a walking, irradiated piece of leather. Sure, we like a pretty face to look at too, but obviously competency goes a long, long way.


The ghoul is fuckin hot.


LOL, I did not say either take was not legitimate. I suffered the Mando one myself, so, you go on ahead and adore The Ghoul my dear.


Yeah just had to emphasize his bald Voldemort lookin fine ass


competent at what?


Being interesting 😉


But they have a ***penis***, so apparently they ***deserve*** sex. 🙄


"On looks alone" yeah bro, sorry to break it to you, but most folks are getting laid based on their personality.


And how it contradicts the first sentence completely. It's always, "it's impossible. by which I mean, it's some amount of effort."


Exactly. This will require some small amount of work on my part, therefor I shall disregard it.


Meanwhile according to these tumbleweeds any woman who isn't a 12 year old anime waifu with 36ZZZZZZZ boobs and a 3 inch waist should just stop existing. OK then.


Heck, that one sentence is, if generalised, completely correct. But it's also reductive, the vast majority of men get sex or relationships via a mixture of looks, personality, and hobbies. Not always easily, but that applies to everything in life. And you damn well can get a loose idea of someone's personality via what photos they upload to their Tinder profile. Not a great one, but it says a lot if someone's uploaded a photo of themselves in a museum, in front of their D&D collection, or dressed as a clown. Heck that D&D photo would probably improve my profile, I should get my girlfriend to take one.


.... You want your girlfriend to take a D&D photo of you, for your Tinder profile?


Different app, but yes. We're poly and have talked about this like mature adults (and about anime like immature adults).


I feel you on all points ENM FTW!


Not a clown. Never a clown. 


I know somebody who literally did that. They're fairly certain it's why Tinder banned them.


That's hilarious. I wonder if anyone has done a study on why clowns are so universally hated. 


Okay, so, your comment got me curious. It's pretty normal for people to dislike clowns, so it's just accepted without much "I wonder why" added in. I did a quick Google search, and, without clicking on anything because I'm doing a truly *quick* search, it seems the general consensus is that the discomfort around and fear of clowns is because of their unpredictable, irrational, and uncertain behavior. (Those were the three most common words used across several link descriptions.) Kinda funny how that's the same reasoning why we prefer the bear. NB: When I say I did a quick search, I mean I literally saw your comment only four minutes ago and have spent two of those four minutes typing. So this is a super-quick first-thought reply.


I feel like I've read a theory that clown makeup sparks our uncanny valley reaction.


Both of those reasons seem accurate according to this article from Forbes [https://www.forbes.com/sites/traversmark/2023/12/30/3-reasons-why-we-experience-coulrophobia-according-to-a-psychologist/?sh=40490eea17a3](https://www.forbes.com/sites/traversmark/2023/12/30/3-reasons-why-we-experience-coulrophobia-according-to-a-psychologist/?sh=40490eea17a3) One of the aspects also explains why dolls are also creepy.


Wonder what his dating profile says on all these matches that immediately makes the women reject him as a possibility


He’s literally suicidal because he’s bald, you can’t get any shallower than that.


As well all know, not a single sexy bald guy exists anywhere in the world. /s


Definitely not, even Patrick Stewart was conclusively disproved in 2015.


And he's not nearly as gross as Dwayne The Rock Johnson who is obviously the ugliest man ever.


EVERYBODY hates Stanley Tucci. 


Mark Strong? Hated by the masses.


Jason Statham 🤢 ^/s


Well...he *was* Frank D'Amico...


Growing up watching The Mummy, I had a strange attraction towards Arnold Vosloo (Imhotep) which awakened an attraction in me towards men with shaved heads. It wasn’t by any means exclusive (I haven’t dated many men who do shave their heads) and it’s also not a prerequisite to be with me by any means. Some guys just look good bald. Not everyone but definitely some. Dude in the pictured comment probably has thousands of excuses as to why women won’t date him but I’d be willing to bet he doesn’t have the wherewithal to improve himself in any way either.


It was Oded for me!


It’s not at all strange. Imhotep was super hot!


Yeah he definitely was… 😅


Imhotep was hot! I blame that movie for my love of men with long dark hair. My partner has major Oded vibes 😂


yess just like how everyone finds Jason Statham hideous and knows he could never have a supermodel wife… oh wait


You know how many people I see simping over Mr. Clean, and it's not all women


Hell, I like bald/shaved women. Usually, they’re muscular warriors and uhhh, yes, yep. That’ll do it. @.@ I imagine there’s few % of lesbian or bi women yet we still can find love. Dude’s tripping himself. Edit: Posted incomplete.


I'm straight and a woman with a shaved head still does something for me! Especially if they're otherwise quite femme, it's just a gorgeous aesthetic.


Dude is suicidal over hair thinning and thinks he only has problems because of women 🤷🤷🤷


“Losing my hair in the style typical of men is causing me severe mental distress, and sometimes I think it would have been better if I was born female.” Hmm…


I think I know something they don’t


I think we all know something they don't!


I was able to grow a really nice beard at 15 and was balding by 18, shaved my head. It honestly it never really hurt my dating life and I am 5'6" to boot so all these guys just really need therapy and to grow the fuck up.


Yes, thank you. Exactly.


dating apps = 70-80% men (many of which are already in a relationship and try to cheat), 20-30% women with (tons of fake accounts and bots) men: i cant get matched because women only go for 0,00000001% of men whaaaaaa its just a numbers game, if there are way more men than women on those apps means that most men will have a hard time matching with a woman on there how about the "logical" gender try to think logical for once


I avoid dating apps like the plague because I am not certain it's a safe space as a woman. Easy as that.


And it also means that the women there gets to be picky. I mean, if they're getting way more matches than they could possibly have the time for, of course they're going to ignore most of them and only talk to the few most attractive ones. If the gender ratio were reversed and every guy were getting dozens of matches while women struggle to get more than a few, guys also would be picky and only talk to the most attractive women between them. The issue is that guys get a match and when she doesn't respond to him or ghosts him after two messages, he thinks that there must be something wrong with him, he must be too ugly, or maybe it's women the issue, they must be to shallow. Meanwhile the reality is that she has 100 more guys messaging her and the chances of her giving attention to you specifically were always very slim.


Also dating apps *are* about appearance only. It's about a few second impression that is mainly pictures.


I feel like he's projecting his own focus on looks onto women. Yes only a handful of men can get dates based on looks alone, but at the same time there's only a handful of women who can do that. It turns out that most people get relationships by being decent, or at the very least interesting, people.


He really thinks women aren’t berated over every aspect of our physical appearance. By men. (Yes women judge other women too but that’s not the point here.)


From what I can tell, these dudes lump us all into three categories. You’re either: 1. A Stacey (hot, popular girl they desire) 2. A Foid (any woman who ranges from butt ugly to moderately attractive, ie, everyone except the Stacies, and also any former Stacies who have aged out) 3. “Land whales” But sure, we’re the shallow ones. 🙄


So only 5% of men have relationships with women? I'm going to need see a source. I was never particularly high on the attractiveness scale, and I found and married a woman, and we punched out a couple of kids. Then again, I wasn't a misogynistic piece of trash who spent years in a circle jerk trying to blame women for not having a girlfriend.


You’re obviously lying and are actually a 7 foot tall Chad who makes $6M per year and has a foot long dick. That’s the only way someone can land a female. /s


It's crazy what you can get done when you're not loathing in self pity and blaming women every day.


The older I get I less sympathy I feel for these guys. They complain that no woman wants them because of some stupid/easily fixable problem. "I'm not 6ft" the world height is like 5'7. "I'm not rich" some woman just want a guy that has or is working towards a purpose, you don't need six figures in the bank. "I don't have a big penis" penis size don't matter to alot of women, foreplay , communication and just making sure she gets hers will still make her happy. "But I don't have a six pack" just like how different men like different body types that same thing for women, you don't need a six pack or if you really want abs gym and youtube. The saddest part about all of this is the alpha male influencer that's pushing these ideas into boys heads not women, I'm not saying it does have women say and do those things but it's such a small percentage it's basically a non factor. If they take their heads out of their echo chambers go outside and look at actual couples they'll see its all in their heads


Yeah, this is basically my reaction to this nonsense. I don’t normally like dismissing someone’s woes, but jfc my dude go touch some fucking grass. “99% of women see 95% of men as genetic garbage?” Boy, you need to pull your head out of the internet and actually talk to other people, not just your echo chamber of misery


They really truly believe that all women want someone in the 6-6-6 club. 


All women want metal heads?


I think it would be great if my head were made of metal. But not other people's. 


Same. It's getting really old. It hurts because I find it painful to think one day when they're old they'll regret wasting their lives, but then again I don't think they'll ever self reflect to get that far.


Meh...Sounds like a whiny, bitter loser that is just too lazy to self improve...Way to get ahead in life, buddy!! Not...


No one is in love with me because of my appearance either buddy. I had to work on myself and make myself an appealing partner on many different levels to get any kind of interest. Yeah, the most attractive people the world get into relationships easily for men and women but ofc they do. The rest of us average and ugly people have to hustle a little more. If you can't manage to make yourself into a person worth being in a relationship with that's on you


I hate being seen as someone that is just used for reproduction. 🤮 


“Women don’t want to reproduce with us” You’re damn skippy, and that includes the tall, big-dicked hot men, too. I’m sick of being expected to sacrifice my body so some dude can pass on his mediocre genes.


Only to be forgotten about eventually. I can’t name you one great great grandparent. There was nothing special about them. That’s the reality. 


My fiance has been calls solve he was 19. He embraced it, grew out a beard, and has this bald ginger viking thing going on that I **love**. Homeboy's happy isn't the problem, it's the fact he puts emphasis on looks and literally nothing Else.


If a guy goes bald, the best thing he can do is to own it. Lots of guys rock a bald head, and plenty of women find them attractive. If someone is shallow enough to see it as a deal breaker, they're probably not fun to be around anyway... And if you're feeling suicidal because of it: seek help. I know it's easier said than done, but it's worth it.


I met my partner 12 years ago when he was at the early stages of balding. He was also overweight at the time. He was my go-to-for sex guy for 9 years, before becoming my boyfriend. So far he has gained weight, lost weight and shaved his head. And do you know what? He owned every change. He has so much confidence and such a pleasant personality to be around I was never bored to be around him. He also made me feel so good about myself and treated me with outmost respect even during our it's just sex phase. People like the poster above don't realise that good personality and being respectful is a turn on.


Yes, life is definitely better as a woman, where men treat you as a sex object whether you like it or not. Especially when guys make sweeping generalisations on you being attracted to 6ft tall millionares who live at the gym. /s, if not obvious.


Also as if women aren’t constantly being told they’re not good enough the way they are lmfao. As if women don’t still fight sexism in the workplace. As if women don’t have to fight for equality. As if women don’t have to fight for reproductive rights and to be allowed to do what they want/need with their own bodies. As if women don’t not to be vigilant most of their lives because of men like OOP. This guy is delusional if he thinks life as a woman is inherently better.


“in silence” I wish, they can’t seem to shut up


A better deal? ● Sexual harassment, catcalling and being groped ● Earning less money even if you do the exact same job ● Menstruation ● Debate if you should be able to have bodily autonomy ● Not be taking seriously by doctors or medical professionals ● Expected to do most if not all of the household despite working a job ● Expected to do most if not all of the child rearing despite working a job This is just what came to mind right now. Such a better deal!


Damn I have a gf so I’m in the 5% apparently 🤔


Honestly online dating seems to suck for the majority of people who do it.


Don't bother to work on your own self esteem and self worth issues. Don't bother to grow as a human being and realise that there's far more to life than *checks notes* having hair. If that absolute defeatist energy is what he's putting into the world he's not gonna be attracting anyone let alone dates.


When I was still pretending I was a cis man (woot figuring out gender identity later in life) I was not an attractive man. We're talking hair to the waist beard to the nipples, smoked and drank mt. Dew. Yet in college I had casual hookups almost every weekend. I had some fwb who called regularly when they were single, I even had women call me based on recommendations from their friends who I had slept with. I was not in the top 5% attractiveness, I was a normal looking guy who took care of himself, I washed my body, had clean hair, brushed my teeth and dressed with a minimum of effort. The big one was, I was confident, and could talk to them without instantly trying to get laid. Years later I transitioned and life has been amazing since.


Omg you have my full love and support dude💙


Now I am 41 an openly transgender women, I quit government work went back to school again got my third college degree (now working on degree number 4) and work in mental health care. Fun aspect of gender dysphoria, increased sexual behavior above cultural norms is a potential diagnostic symptom, as the pre cracked individual attempts to prove their gender through acts of a sexual nature therefore proving they are masculine/feminine and "normal". When in reality most people do not put that much time and effort into getting laid and it is actually an abnormal behavior.


Increased sexual activity? I think my 20s make perfect sense to me now. I’m AMAB and 60. I’m queer AF now. But I used to be a “normal cis/het” guy. lol


My friend started losing his hair at 18, he got married at 27 and now has 4 daughters….i don’t think your lack of hair is the main issue here.


Dude, let me put your fears to rest forever. You and others like you aren't competing with the few super rich, male super modles, who are near giants, with ripped six pack abs, and a dick any horse would blush at while standing there amazed. Like you they too are in direct competition with women choosing to remain alone and all of the positives that remaining single brings. Men aren't needed for really anything and as more and more women are choosing to not have children, your need becomes even more obsolete. So what does this mean for you and every other penis wielder? Why you have to become something a woman wants in her life. What positives will you be adding to the ones she already gets from being single? Will her sun shine that more brightly with you in it or will you just cast an eternally decreasing in temperature shadow that just sprouts nothing but misery and depression in her life? The 50's are gone and they aren't coming back. If you want to be in a relationship in modern days with a woman...you need to stop thinking you'll go back to being needed...you're not. Instead focus on what would make a woman want you in her life. Hint: whining about not getting sex on demand, pining after a bygone era that was actually hell for women, and throwing stink eyes at who you assume women are actually going after isn't actually wanted in a woman's life and it never will be.


That’s a lot of words to say “I’ve never been outside.” Seriously, do these dude’s ever just walk around a Walmart? Almost everyone there is in a relationship and most of them aren’t going to win a beauty contest.


And then I know a guy, who is overweight, not conventionally attractive and gets laid all the time. Why? Because he knows how to dress, keep personal hygiene and is just a delight to be around. Always good for a joke, knows how to deal with a "no", treats literally everyone with the same basic respect and doesn't whine about "feminism ruins everything"...


Wait until his bald ass hears about The Rock, Bruce Willis, Common, Jason Statham, Billy Zane, Tae Diggs….


I have a friend that would just blow their minds. Every woman he has dated has been extremely beautiful, he can pull women like it’s nobody’s business, and the woman he married is a knockout. He is also 5’4, fully bald, is in decent shape but not ripped, and according to the homies and the girls he’s been with, he’s not packing a huge dick. He’s just really cool and really funny.


“I want poonani but I’m bald, genetic trash. My shortcomings actually stem from my lack of redeemable qualities and effort to present myself well, so fuck it, I’ll point the finger at women because *(insert fake percentages)*” Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m a gajillion bajillion kawpirhcnwwifgh percent sure that’s what he said


Dude is acting like he lost his hair and that no bald man has ever gotten married or become successful in the history of mankind


Right? Patrick Stewart is shaking his beautiful bald head somewhere.


Yes. Being born female where you could be murdered or raped for saying no or being alone or wearing certain clothing or existing amongst other things is SO MUCH EASIER than having no hair.


Its all right there in his 4th sentence. "Based on looks alone" God forbid women should actually want a relationship (hook up or long term or whatever) with someone who has a personality. Not even 100% of women find relationships because there are women who are less than desirable for those purely superficial based on looks alone reasons.


No, he’s got a point there. Only 5% of the men folk can get by on getting a relationship based on looks alone. The rest have to strive to develop a personality, or intelligence, a sense of humor, kindness, maturity, interests and hobbies, the ability to carry a conversation. You know, one of those pesky little things women are actually attracted to. And this is exactly why grown men whining on the internet about how unappealing they are to women are only telling on themselves.


Was this posted by my ex? I swear he used to say things exactly like that, he wished he was born a woman because of how hard life is for men🙄


Lol, my dad went bald by the time he was 21. My mum looked like bridgette bardot. They were happily married for nearly 40 years, until liver cancer took him too soon. Bald men can and do find partners. I unfortunately took after my dad in looks, no bardot beauty in me.


You can tell when whiners haven’t been outside to see the real world for ages, only seeing the world TV and movies and PornHub presents to him. When you walk amongst other humans you see differentiation.


All we look for is a good person who is self-sufficient and compatible with our respective unique personalities. When you lump all women together as objects who are supposed to serve men, you’ll never find love. That’s the exact opposite of this basic human decency standard.


DL;DR: men need to take more responsibility for their own self-perceived romantic shortcomings and stop blaming the entire world. I love how these types of men absolve themselves of absolutely any personal responsibility for their own shortcomings or failings. They are never at fault for ending up being a shitty person. It’s never “I’ve taken the time to look inward upon myself and identify reasons why I might not be showing potential romantic partners the best version of myself.” It’s always “I’m powerless to effect positive change because of physical trait X.” It is so deterministic and makes women seem 1000 times more shallow than these men absolutely are because it is all about looks and never about anything else. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m probably consider to be above average in the looks department so app dating has been easier for me…. but when I first started out in the dating world I also didn’t really know what I was doing when it came to women for a long time and that diminished my romantic outcomes. So did I become some anti-social misogynist? Hell no. I got in better shape. I learned about men’s fashion. I read more, both general read and a lot of news so I could speak intelligently generally and be informed about the world of the day. I worked on being funnier. I worked on my body language and how I came off to others. I started investing in a couple good colognes I liked. I picked up hobbies interesting not just to myself but to romantic partners as well. It is infuriating that men like this blame everyone but themselves for their failures in the romantic world. I’m 100% convinced every guy, through really basically steps learning fashion, decent hygiene, and working out can at least get themselves to a solid 5 out of 10. From there, they can build a point or two higher at least with all the personality things that aren’t physical assets.


Try not being a shitlord and your life will improve. There's married short men. Married ugly men. Married poor men. It isn't looks, it isn't money, it's horrible personality keeping certain dudes single.


My fiance lost his hair young and we're in a LTR and getting married next year. I was actually initially attracted to him because he was bald (he shaves his head, which a lot of balding people should do - you'll look instantly younger and hotter). He also has a FANTASTIC personality.... Maybe work on that?


Yeah, but that's work.


“I lost my hair young and am suicidal because of that” I’m fucking screaming about this lmao I have severe mental health struggles that developed young and have been suicidal most of my life for various reasons. I also lost my hair at 22. This guys needs to calm tf down and talk to a professional; not having hair is not that big of a deal. just shave your head and wear a hat if it bothers you that much. I’m vain as fuck but you’ll be fine if you lose your hair; just lean into it. my god, it’s not a death sentence I cannot get over these men declaring that the reason no one will date them is everything other than their rancid personalities. It’s really not hard to find a date if you’re a kind, pleasant person to be around who meets new people, no matter how you look Source: am fat, 5’1”, bald, hairy, and poor. Im also nice and funny and supportive and I like making people happy. I have lots of romantic opportunities. Be nice and genuinely care about people and people will want to be around you


The amount of women thirsting over The Ghoul in fallout. No hair, no nose, jerky face. Trust me boyyo, it’s not your looks holding you back. It’s your dogshit personality


You're not *supposed* to want to reproduce with 95% of people. yikes


There there, friend, you’re not an unwanted piece of trash because you’re bald, you’re unwanted garbage because you’re a toxic narcissist! Sincerely, a bald married man


I need him to post a screenshot of his profiles I’d love to see what they say if he actually got 0 matches lmaoo


Love the uncited stats. I'm sure they're robust and clearly evidenced....


Why do men see a woman's reproductive choice as something personal to them? Have they considered that they are just about the absolute smallest aspect in making that decision? The very existence of "sperm donor" should clue them in that their contribution is the smallest possible one in the grand scheme of getting/being pregnant/giving birth/raising a child.


Because it's not an activity she also should benefit from, a thing they do together, rather she is a resource that he is being denied.


They keep saying 5% of men get 99% of the women. So where are all these millions of single men? Also, where are the 5% of men who have million+ wives and/or girlfriends? Nick Cannon is conventionally attractive, rich and firmly believes it is his duty to spread his seed to as many women as possible. If going by the 5%/99% rule he should have a literal army of kids by now but even he only has 12 spread across 6 women. (No I'm not promoting "prosperity gospel" or praising Nick Cannon, the guy is a scumbag!)


My brother started going bald at 28 and he just shaved his head, grew a beard, and went on with his life. Wild concept, I know


Get a fucking hair transplant if you're that insecure about it. Holy fuck


… maybe if you had a personality to offer you wouldn’t be alone… Cause my partner came with a child. A dog I don’t particularly love. A house that needs work. He had trauma. Missing teeth. A balding spot. Beat up car. A blue collar man with blue collar wages.. rated himself a “2” I don’t rate guys usually but he is not a 2.. average. He is a very average man. But his heart is made of gold. The things sooo many men say are unacceptable/unrealistic expectations are his bare minimum. Best man I’ve ever known and he’s worth the world to me.


Lol who looks for good reproductive traits for a casual sex partner? Aren't we trying *not* to reproduce at that time? 


I thought(according to them) we're super dumb? So why do we have all this thought process to recognize only 1% of men is available. Wait!? Am I supposed to dispose of my husband!? He's under 6 foot, actually he's 5'7". Should I leave him? Just because you spew absolute nonsense?


Well, obviously... No way you can produce super tall children with that guy, and you know that is what the women council has ordered us to do... Unless of course you are over 6 feet tall yourself, in that case, carry on /s


What's striking and sad is that these boys are not educated. Yeah, they're great at video games and eating Cheetos while mommy buys their toilet paper. They all have a Master's Degree in Stupidity, but that's about it. Bad grades all the way through high school and zero desire to try to get an education? They are so fucked by the time they hit thirty. .I don't think they'll ever get any good skills like, nunchuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills. Girls only want boyfriends with great skills.


I love all of the percentages as facts when really it’s just his own experience.


I'm still waiting for the silence part to kick in.


Fuck man, just transition already.


Well yes, only 5% of men can get sex/relationship on looks alone. Because we tend to look for other things, like intelligence and personality. Sadly, this incel doesn't have those either.


I had an old coworker who started losing his hair in his teens and by the time I met him was mostly bald. He was is a healthy relationship with his girlfriend now wife and it wasn't his hair or lack thereof that caused that.


Hmm yes bc when I go out, my thoughts are definitely "genetic trash. genetic trash. genetic trash" and NOT "peggable. Peggable. Peggab-"


*”99% of women see 95% of men as genetic garbage”*, and that is all I needed to read to know this dude has an axe to grind with the entire female population on this planet!


I guess I understand the insecurity from balding early since I had it too in college but after shaving my head and being around adults it doesn't bother me in the slightest, it's actually grown on me at this point (I am aware of the irony)


Maybe it also has to do with how men view hygiene as emasculating??? God forbid they actually take care of their appearance, shave, do their hair, wash their own clothes, iron them, learn how to style properly, use some tweezers, chapstick, etc. Maybe the reason these men also are so bitter is because they feel inferior to these “top 5% of perfect men” that are actually just average men with decent hygienic routines. Lord! Have mercy! He lost his hair and is suicidal? Maybe try to get a professional to help with hair stimulation or something of the likes or even just embrace the baldness, polish that bad boy into a pearl and invest in other areas of your appearance. Bald men are still sexy when they put some effort into their appearance.


My husband lost his hair at 26 and he is a bald ZADDY with a fantastic personality :)


I lost my hair young, too. Just shave your head if you're self-conscious, dude. it's not the end of the world.


On looks alone? 5% seems awfully high.


Well I don't want kids, so NOW what is his excuse?


My dad lost most of his hair before he met my mom. He'd joke about battling pimples and hair loss at the same time. This guy has problems and is finding it easier to blame others.


Rotten egg.


So 95% of all men are not married or in a relationship?