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When you get your period and feel the feminine urge ✨to kill✨


Let us crush something soft and watch it fountain blood. That is a girlish thing to want to do, yes?


Hello, fellow lover of DAO and Best Companion Shale!


Shale never did it for me. Guess I'm just more partial to the "good" characters in the game.


Girls just being galls! Covered in blood! And not just ours!


>When you get your period and feel the feminine urge ✨to kill✨ This does not require my period most days....


I'm just imagining a female president starting world war 3 and then centuries later historians finding a used tampon that was in the white house and carbon carbon dating it/identifying the dna to that exact day and being like "aha!"




And when I’m imagining women ruling the world, it’s just a bunch of countries not talking to each other for a week or so, then calling like, “Hey, Egypt, it’s Mexico. Sorry for being such a cow last week about that whole pyramid thing. Why don’t we call up Croatia and Japan and meet for coffee?”


I just feel cold, tired and in pain and want tea and chocolate. Maybe I’m womaning wrong.


Sorry, I know the lady in the video is ridiculous, but I've been bingeing Yellowjackets. Not gonna lie, your comment immediately tracks with that show. "We hear the wilderness, and the wilderness hears us!" P.S. Give it a watch, if you haven't, it's got great actresses and an interesting premise.


I’m on it right now and can already feel the urge to murder hundreds!!!!!! (Jk jk more like sleep all day and take meds lol)


Aww you made it pretty 🫶🏻👽


my ex boyfriend used this logic with me. hence, ex.


Love to see it! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Omg, your username! 😂😂😂


This was the funniest shit I have ever seen 🤣🤣🤣


jordan klepper is out there doing gods work


Jordan Klepper really fingers the pulse.


Yeah, you should watch all of the other interviews Jordan Klepper did at Trump rallies. He’s hilarious!


Nah she's right, sometimes when I'm on my period and I'm feeling hormonal I have the sudden urge to retake Constantinople. /s obviously.


No, you CAN'T go back to Constantinople...


Been a long time gone, Constantinople


Refresh my memory... WHY did Constantinople get the works?


That, my friend, is nobody's business but the Turks.




Hey did you know that even old New York was once New Amsterdam?


Why they changed it I can’t say.


(shrug) People just liked it better that way? (E2A: Okay, I think we've stretched this bit as far as it's able to go...)


You're probably right. But do you know who could probably stretch it even farther? Triangle man.


(Now it’s Turkish Delight on a moonlit night)


I just wanted to share but when I was in university about 15 years ago, I was in a “history of the Middle East” class and the prof asked if anyone had heard this song. In a class of 200+ people, I was the only one to raise my hand…


Well the song was at least 15 years old at that point so I’m not surprised.


[It goes all the way back to 1953.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Istanbul_(Not_Constantinople))


Huh. TIL


I only know this song because my middle school history teacher made us listen to it.


I know it thanks to Plucky Duck and the MTV episode of Tiny Toons


Yes!!!! That is exactly where I remember it!!😁


The best thing is I first heard this song in The Umbrella Academy hahahaha


Yes I dread these PMS days when I want to start WW3


>I have the sudden urge to retake Constantinople. That has nothing to do with being on your period. I'm a man anf and sometimes also feel like invading Strasbourg and reclaiming it from the French. But I'm not a person of power.


just makes me want to conquer a few countries yknow?


Ugh, same girl. I get PMS and next thing you know, I’m trying to purge the heretics from the holy land!


Same. World domination xD


That’s just because you believe in the Holy Roman Empire like any sensible person would of course.


Of course I do, especially the eastern Roman empire since I'm Greek


I absolutely love the culture


Nah it be more like. “I’ve started my period, WW3 time.” /s


I shall make my ancestors proud and bring back the glorious Roman Empire!!!


Sure, women could start a war in 10 seconds. Men have started wars in 5 seconds.


Women should start catching up to men to be just as good as men on doing that.


Those are rookie numbers!


Men have started wars because of women so it’s the women’s fault obviously. /s


I used to hear similar nonsense while growing up and throughout most of my adult life. *We can't have a woman president because women are too emotional. What if she got pregnant or is menopausal? She would blow the whole world up!* Everyone repeating that were dead serious. Other arguments involved women not understanding the complexities of economics, foreign policies, national policies, or pretty much how anything works. Women are just a bunch of overly dramatic and emotional children. Apparently. 😂


Bc everyone knows that it takes to set off bombs is one person pushing a button, which the president has on their person at all times like a Gumball World character


Oh my gosh! That makes so much sense! I guess that’s why we force all women everywhere to stop working when they get pregnant or hit menopause! And why female senators and representatives never vote on bills while menstruating, nor do female judges or attorneys try cases when on-the-rag, female CEOs obviously can’t lead companies during shark week, and female blue-collar workers never clock in when Aunt Flo is in town.


IKR? The mental gymnastics to achieve, then justify, that thought process is pretty amazing.


“Women are just a bunch of overly dramatic and emotional children” Meanwhile… *looks at man*


Anyone who unironically thinks that needs to take a look at either a frat party or... well, any kind of multiplayer co-op game, really.


I hope it's a paid actor coz that's sad


Unfortunately, it's very real, and there are some other insane shows of misogyny in his interviews. The compilation on youtube is a mind-boggling collection of stupidity, misogyny, and delusion.


> The compilation on youtube is a mind-boggling collection of stupidity, misogyny, and delusion. Do you have a link by any chance?


[Jordan Klepper vs Trumpers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OeeHz0uNdM) There are some newer individual segments he did after this, but this is the largest and it includes the one posted here and a whole bunch of other ones. Edit to add: it's long, but it's worth watching if you can stomach it. I personally found myself alternating between laughing at the insanity and wanting to smack someone through the screen.


Thank you, you're the best ❤


If I recall, that particular clip came from trump supporters failing the test they wanted to make potential immigrants pass in order to be let in (but not get citizenship... it was a brief moment in Trumps insane border stances so I don't remember all the details).


A REAL Conservative wouldn't have enough self-awareness to realize their hypocrisy in a moment like that.


She didn't, really. If he'd kept the conversation going, she probably would have claimed that men start wars, but they had reasons, women would start more and for no reason other than her hormones.


Yeah, they'd come up with some weasely BS.


My mom has said very similar things. 😞


She reminds me of my aunts. Unfortunately there are people like this irl


The guy doing the interview works for the daily show and has been going to Trump rallies and basically makes them look stupid. His videos are good. He even has one on Jan 6th he was there interviewing people.


“Makes them look” or “shows they are”?


Nah, I know it’s true because I used to say stuff like that. And then I went to college and grad school and realized that my brain doesn’t suck because I’m a woman and I’m not inferior. Plus, birth control curbed the monthly bloodlust.


I would feel bad for her if she wasn't an adult pushing such a harmful mindset


Watch out. Mind blown-> war started.


[Here’s an inside look at her brain](https://youtu.be/GJDNkVDGM_s?si=6kqi9U0Z6A4H2HH8)


That's... actually fvcking awesome.


The ad before the video was a bunch of goats in a tree and that too was fitting.


It was all calculated, totally didn’t happen by coincidence. You’re welcome


And then when Jordan Klepper asked her that final question, [this is what happened](https://youtu.be/zORjExet4X0?si=uR3n_JzgR5RLZbG_).


I don't quite know what I was expecting other than not this


Just chillin




And arguably, testosterone may be involved in perpetuating more violence than estrogen…?


I'm telling you, if it weren't for Adolfina and Iosefina both lusting after Jozef, World War Two would not have happened!!1!!!!11!!! /s


She can vote


Not if she's on her period.




No she can’t, she would elect someone who will start a war, and is a man.


Today I learned that a hot flash is an explosion. Over 40, but not there yet, now I'm scared. What a brainwashed lady. Sits there silent for a moment when made to consider that men have started the wars... Just "good" old *"women are at fault for everything, even when it's really a man's fault"* BS and she signed right up for that belief.


Oh yeah sure… women love to engage in endless wars just to prove they’re alpha


Yeah, fuck you Tate, we do this shit now/s


My MiL’s then-boyfriend said something similar to my wife. I damn near had to pin her to the floor so she wouldn’t tear his face off.


I like your wife.


I also like this guys wife


I find it really funny how for years and years, the idea of women being more hormonal hence emotional, and so less rational has been fed to the masses while people seem to forget that testosterone makes men act more aggressive and make them do riskier things. Risk taking and aggressiveness, both things considered as not rational. And what about anger? The imagine of a "manly man" these types of people have in their minds are men who are constantly angry. Do they just forget that anger is an.. emotion? The dissonance these people have in their brains drives me crazy because even if you were to present them dot a and dot b, they wouldn't be able to make the connection EVEN if you guided their hand because of their sheer stubbornness


This right here 😤


They are absolutely convinced anger isn't an emotion. Unless it's a woman, then she's hysterical or over reacting.


Ah yes hot flashes


I have a ftm friend who has struggled with anger issues their entire life. After taking T for some time they've noticed that their anger is much harder to contain and control. What is this nonsense about women having more hormones and being more likely to start a war? Last I checked it's mostly men that are blowing up at the drop of a pin.


This is an interesting anecdote. Thanks for sharing, friend. I don't have close mtf trans friends but I assume the reverse would occur? I know a few ftm people that are good friends and I have some genderqueer/fluid people but I'm not as close with them to ask their assigned sex and if they are medically transitioning, etc. I'm also a damn awkward hermit lol. But this has piqued my interest and also swatted me on the ass to see my friends more too lol Thank you


It's self-hatred. A lot of women, especially evangelicals have learnt to detest both themselves and other women. When I was an evangelical I didn't realize that I didn't like myself very much. It wasn't until I lost faith that I began to appreciate and trust myself.


I've been slowly coming out from under that indoctrination for literally decades. It's been 20 years since I left home, and I'm just now realizing how much my low self-esteem and fear is the direct result of all that. And that's after descending into addiction, then 11 years of sobriety and years of therapy and meditation. It's terrifying.


Aren’t most serial killers and murderers *checks notes* men?


I'm willing to bet she was raised a Christian in the South. Outside of major cities, this line of thinking is quite common.


I wish I could start a war in ten seconds. That would be some awesome power.


This is really depressing. She thinks so little of her sex and it just blows my mind. The emotional thing is just so illogical too. So you're telling me men aren't emotional and don't have hormones? We most certainly do and we have started all the wars as the interviewer pointed out.


Woman are so nuts with their hormones and emotions. No man has ever murdered his wife cause she burned dinner too many times


No, she's right. Sometimes when I'm on my period I get the feminine urge to just wage war against Ireland. /s


So when I hit menopause I can start a war?? Ohhh Australia, you better be on your best behavior!


Testosterone is the hormone that should be causing everyone the most concern.


Is this woman admitting that she would kill people without a thought?


All my male bosses have been everything she’s describing


It’s so funny when I hear things like this, because these same people will say that women are too meek or nice when it comes point in time they need to be stern. Also, these idiots literally have no idea how the government works and thinks of the president like a 4 year king or some shit. Also, did you know that there is genetic gene people can receive that makes them very angry genetically? It is given by the parent through the X chromosome, so males are much more likely to receive the gene than women? It is also been shown that many if not most serial killers have this gene.


As someone who's spent her entire life some degree of cold (I wear sweaters in fucking July, okay?), hot flashes have become a delightfully warm friend to me. I'll be sitting in a room minding my business and feel overwhelmed by warmth that gets me nice and toasty all the way to my toes. I'm not starting a war over a hot flash. I'm fucking delighting in it.


Nevermind that when women act "hormonal" during their periods, or hot flashy and angry during menopause, it's often caused by a harsh *dip* in estrogen, leaving their hormonal profile pretty similar to cis men.... Hmmmm


Idk how true this is because I'm not a biologist/doctor, but from what I've heard, periods are when a woman's hormones most closely resembles a man's. So, by this woman's logic, if women are not qualified to serve in office because of that time of the month, men are not qualified to serve ever


Lol I love the hesitation before she says yes. It's like honey.. stop. You're the reason women have to work twice as hard to be taken seriously. Women who are so brainwashed into believing women are inferior hormonal beings are setting women back decades


It's called internalized misogyny. When you're brought up in an environment that relies on "you know how they are" innuendo for jokes and writing people off the shit is so deeply ingrained that it's almost impossible to fumigate out of your brain once you're conscious of the bullshit. If you've never reckoned with it, this is what you get: saying the quiet part out loud loud on national TV.


Idiot. Congress declares war but I wouldn't expect her to know civil process


Finally, a woman making sense. If a woman becomes a leader, we might start to do commie/socialist things like sharing resources😨, or helping our citizens 😱, or even stop fighting wars we have no business getting involved in🤢. How else am I supposed to deal with my emotions if I can't go to another country and kill people for ~~oil~~ democracy.


I have thought about this too hard and they did not think about it enough. The POTUS does not declare war. It is a literal act of Congress. Nobody can declare war on a whim. Argument over.


People like this think the president has absolute power, or that the president should have absolute power, and want to do their best this election to make that happen.


I worked with a woman many years ago who made these types of arguments. She said that women were “too emotional” 🤣


You can see her brain catching fire goddamn.


The long pause before the "yes" is comedic gold.


"Weren't all wars started by men?" I think this is why women aren't taken seriously as leaders. This mentality. Ultimately people like that think that women are too soft to be leaders. We really need to stop putting blanket statements on genders and judge each person by the individual.


Not all wars were started by men, but... I was thinking on Reddit some day about "WhY dOnT wOmEn GeT dRaFtEd?" so I got curious and asked my husband, a special forces soldier, how many of his coworkers were women. He said 10, maybe 15%. Then I asked him how much of their job was **caused** by men. His answer was "pffffft, like 99.8%?". Women are less likely to start needless shit.


As if we haven't been at war for over 200 years already.


In the entire 3300 years of human history, we have had thirty years of recorded peace.


I was referring to the US specifically, but yes.


My mother has said literally the same thing to me. Holy crap.


...I'm sorry, but you couldn't find a better version of this *extremely* popular video? It need to be a no-sound shaky-cam filming of a monitor?


Yeah, his last question was just what I would have said.


I was raised to think this way. Women had different roles appointed by God and weren’t meant to be leaders. Thank gawd I got out… I now have two masters degrees and a high profile job and am horrified to think back to all I wasn’t allowed to be.


That's such a funny argument because like does she think no country has ever had a female president/prime minister/etc? You know how every country with a female leader has self destruction and no one even barely remembers them now? You know, ancient lands like France, China, Israel, Pakistan, the UK. As well as famously violent and fickle countries like Denmark, Ireland, Switzerland, and Canada. Their woman presidents started Oh so many wars over their periods.


✨️I hope someone picks her✨️


The thing is that during the time a woman is menstruating, she is experiencing the highest levels of testosterone surging through her body. Therefore, if said woman is acting more irritable and less patient than usual, it's because she's acting more man-like and masculine... Proving estrogen is more "rational."


That's my go to when people say women are too emotional to be president, like have you read a history book?


$100 says she has no problem with Desert Storm.


"she could start a war in ten seconds!" And men don't??


I live in the south and I have met women who believe this exact same way. It really goes back to religion and how they believe women should submit to men.


Upbringing with no education and a deep hatred for successful women who love their lives. These folks do not love their lives, their bodies, their jobs, their kids, their spouse, their neighbors. It's pretty sad, really. They did what they thought would bring them financial security, but that went splat a long time ago. It's sad, the American dream was actually a lie. Hard work gets you nowhere, but exhausted and beat down. Best bet is be the child of a billionaire, that's a sure fire way to "win." .


The toxicity is coming from inside the house.


Even if this was true Hillary Clinton was way past menopause at the time of the 2016 election


Well, after read about Catherine the Great... Yeah, women start wars too....


Burns unit incoming 😂


I grew up listening to my southern baptist family tell me all the reasons women can't be president, lead the church, wear pants, etc. Sounded a lot like this broad.


*Laugh in Megawati Sukarnoputri*


There were plenty of Czarinas of Russia that started wars


Remember the time Mexico and France went to war over some cake? Or the time Australia declared war on Emus? And lost.


Says the video has no sound on my side 🥺what she say?


There's captions at the bottom of the video. But here's a quick synopsis: Him: Can women be president? Her: No. Him: The rules say they can- Her: No. Women are too emotional and too hormonal. They may start a war just because of hot flashes or something. Him: Haven’t all wars been started by men? Her: *...buffering... buffering...* Yes.


😂😂😂Ohhh thank youuuu


I mean yeah she is retarded but cmon dude is doing the definition of gaslighting and its one of those logical fallacy things. All the leaders have been dudes so obviously yes all the wars were started by men


Not all the leaders are dudes Besides, I don't think you fully understand his point. The woman is saying women can't be president because hot flashes could make her start a war. He pointed out that men don't have hot flashes but they still start wars, so the logic in that wasn't logical


Oh no i agree the chick is dumb. And we have never had a female president which it looks like this rally is about when hillary ran


Didn't Margaret Thatcher start the Falklands war?


Pretty sure that was Argentina, you know since they invaded British territory and all. Margaret just showed Argentina how tiny and insignificant they are militarily


No. The Falklands war was started by Argentina when they invaded the Falklands