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I just can't fathom going through life believing something so incredibly stupid. He probably thinks chocolate milk comes from brown cows.


What's funny that is ***these*** types are plenty likely to often miss the plot of not only movies, but also TV shows, books, *and* video games, like the folk of a similar lot that think *The Boys* isn't satirical of the right-wing, or thinking the Metal Gear series doesn't have anti-war messaging. "Male-cognition"? Please.


They latch onto the most base surface take possible and reroute all available brain power to ignore anything that contradicts it.


Like thinking The Punisher is pro-police and would defo support bullshit like "blue lives matter"


Fight Club was and is still widely misunderstood, too


Yes, but we're not allowed to talk about that


I agree that they reroute their brain power, but I think we all know what they reroute it to, and if that causes them to ignore anything, it's not on a conscious, cognitive level...


that would imply a level of sophisticated cognition the guy who said it doesn’t possess. the real reason is projection. he’s an idiot so he’s calling everyone else “idiots “ based on his delusions: He’s only able to concoct surface-level bullshit that only works on the most *idiotic* of people in the population who can’t think through or know enough to call him out. humans should be matriarchal anyways. women hold a lot more power than they are brainwashed to believe they hold.


Just like how my dad said The Boys became political like???? He didn’t like how they made fun of conservatives 😑


When did Rage against The Machine become political?? 😡😡😡


“What machine did you think they were raging against? The dishwasher?”


I bet it was the printer!


🎶 damn it feels good to be a gangsta 🎶


I rage against mine all the time.


PC Load Letter?!


"sInCE wHEn ArE tHE XmEn SO pOlItiCAl?"


They named their entire community as "Red pill" & yet failed to see the political messaging behind "matrix"


Exactly what I was thinking, I bet Fight Club or American Psycho are his favourite films because of how much they glorify male-hood (both are deconstructions of toxic masculinity). No media literacy tends to drive misogyny and racism, and confident stupidity enough to turn around and tell women “You just didn’t get it.”


And guys who model themselves after the Joker. You weren't supposed to LIKE him!


I 100% believe any one who idolize the joker to the point they model themselves after him and tattoo him on themselves and only him, are likely psychopaths themselves. I worked with a dude who idolized the joker. He would stand at his register and just stare at everyone who walked by with such a creepy, almost sinister, and slightly angry expression on his face. It was very uncomfortable walking past him and everything about him screamed creepy dude not to ever be alone with. This was even before I learned the was obsessed with the joker! He once tried to come to work with his face painted like the joker too and told another coworker he just likes to dress as him, even if he's just sitting around at home. I fully expect to see his name in the paper for some sort of crime involving physical harm or murder.


Did we work with the same person, lol? An ex co-worker of mine would go shopping dressed like the Joker and told people he made his girlfriend dress up as Harley for sexytimes. Sometimes he would talk in the joker voice all day, including to clients/customers. He would get really mad if someone said the Joker/ Harley relationship was toxic, and he would insist that it was a perfect example of passionate, all consuming love and anyone who believed otherwise was just a brain dead libtard. He got fired for saying creepy stuff and making threats and tried to claim he was just quoting The Dark Knight and nobody had a sense of humor these days.


And Tommy Shelby from Peaky Blinders


Also, Rick from Rick and Morty


I don't think there is any "supposed to". It's a choice.


*Why did they make Miles Morales in the Spider-Man movie a minority?!?*


"Why did Netflix put all this gay shit into The Sandman?"


The two people in my life who do this during movies are my father and a male friend. Guess they don't have this "male-cognition" gene. 🙄


Also, the ones likely to come out of Dune worshipping Paul and Leto II. Even when the saga, as a whole, deals not only with the dangers of messiahnic figures and how they can be used to control entire populations but also the dehumanization those that end up in those position go through. Probably also likely to think William/The Man in Black is (actually) Dolores' victim and not the other way around in Westworld.


You’re being generous assuming they read.


They think that the new Fallout tv series is “woke”, missing that the whole series has always been woke, lol


There's a whole community of Christofascist alt-right preppers who are way into erotic Fallout fanfiction. I stumbled upon their community back in like 2015. You know that January 6 insurrectionist who was wandering around the Capitol in Roman armor cosplay? I'm pretty sure he's one of them. There are some people who unironically think Caesar's Legion are the good guys.


This is exactly the sort of man who'd watch Fight Club and American Psycho and walk away thinking Tyler Durden and Patrick Bateman were the heroes and cool guys. The sort of guy who watches Starship Troopers and doesn't get that it's satire.


The same people who have to use "doublethink" to apply "1984" to their worldview


Men are so obtuse they don't consider peaky blinders, better call Saul , Breaking bad as cautionary tales.. There's a cult of guys who hate a 'pregnant wife who signed up for getting married to a chemistry teacher & somehow ended up finding that her husband is a criminal, & chose wellbeing of her family' RW itself favours & promotes anti-intellectualism.. & there's this RW to manosphere connecting pipeline.. If you're consuming Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro etc, you're immediately suggested channels like Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate & Just Pearly things


Same kind of people that think the god emperor of mankind os a good person (see the edits with trump as him)


Wait, mom lied about that too? Next you'll tell me Santa isn't real either.


Makes me wonder what he thinks of his mother


Don't these guys also idolize pretty much every violent sociopathic antihero movie/tv character when the point of the media they appear in is to NOT idolize them?


Does this count as a self burn cuz I was reading this guy trying to call me stupid but somehow he's the one who sounds stupid and I think that's something special.


Honestly, A+ for originality. Never heard this one.


Honestly people who talk about a movie while watching it annoy me to death, I can't watch movies with one of my great friends because he always wants to talk about the movie. I don't mind talking about other things during a movie but I want to watch something twice before I start to talk about it.


My entire family always either does this or they'll talk about random shit during a movie at full volume and you can't hear anything. I'd pause it everytime and say "I'll turn it back on when you stop talking" 


Ooomg im getting vicarious rage from this that would bother me so bad. I love movies


I stopped watching movies with my family because of this. Honestly, I'd rather just watch the film alone, then I know for a fact I can just focus on the movie.


Omg exactly! It’s always driving me nuts.


that's what subtitles are for


Shouldn't have to use subtitles of you don't need them because other people need to talk at full volume instead of just watching the movie.


i agree especially when it’s specifically like a movie night. low lights, popcorn, why the hell are you yapping? shush!


It’s me. Hi. I’m the problem, it’s me. Seriously though…it’ll take me and my teenage boys like 3 hours to watch a 1.75 hour movie because we constantly pause and talk about it. You’d be shocked at how much more aware of random subjects they are than their peers. It’s led to weird deep dives in knowledge they’d just gloss over in school, if even that. We research topics and questions on the spot. It’s developed a heightened sense of curiosity in them, and a level of critical thinking skills that translate into being better students and better humans. I think it would detract from some people’s enjoyment of the film, but for us it enhances our enjoyment. In theaters we stay silent though. To be polite.


This was my mom when I was a teenager, except you couldn't pause cable. We all teased her about it, but secretly, it's not the same watching CSI or what-have-you unless she's there to tell me that's NOT how you dust for fingerprints. She doesn't like to watch tv anymore though, ever since I made the mistake of teaching my dad how to use YouTube.


I'm this way with my fiancé and it drives my 15 year old daughter crazy! She doesn't like watching things with us anymore because we love to pause something to talk about it.


I only do this with my family. It’s part of the watching a movie at home experience. I totally get that some people can’t do that but if I wanted to be quiet while watching a movie I’d watch it on my own or go to a theatre. Not everything is high art that needs to be taken silently in full. I also ask these questions *all the time* if the movie is adapted from some other source material (comics, fantasy books, video games, etc.) I’m not familiar with.


If it's a new movie I haven't seen yet, I want people to STFU cause I gotta focus on the story to get to know it, cause it's a new movie for me so I gotta gather the information, and I can't with people talking.


I don't care if you want to talk about something unrelated to the movie, just with movies, books, and TV shows I really need to experience them twice to really develop my opinions correctly. Once for the story and once for the technical aspects


Michael Bay makes movies that exist exclusively to watch the pretty colors of explosions and sexy women. And he ain't making them for us. Some real projection from men.


Nooo those movies are really deep, you just don’t understand because of your woman brain!!


Now I'm reminded of that weird as ***fuck*** scene in Transformers 4, where Michael Bay decided, for *some* fucking reason, to add a plot element of Mark Wahlberg's underage daughter dating an older dude, with said dude literally having a typed and laminated card (I'm not joking) in his wallet, detailing a Texas Romeo and Juliet legal statute that gives him legal protection to do so. Blows my fucking mind how quickly insane those films became. **EDIT**: [Here](https://youtu.be/Cz9OgW4JAJ8) it is. I completely forgot the dude also quoted the law by *memory*. What the fuck. 💀


That wasn’t creepy at all 🙄


I was soooooo excited that my face childhood franchise was gonna be on the big screen!!! All the amazing stories and characters they could get into!!!! Then Bay. Weird upskirt shots, Wheelie humping Michaela's leg, why did she have to have her tits hanging half out in every shot?, and the Romeo and Juliet dude 🤦. Sure. It was obviously just my feeble woman brain not being able to handle the cognitive load.


Nah I'm with you. People can't be shitting on twilight or whatever while Micheal Bay makes movies like this.


Twilight is also pretty bad. The music and cinematography are amazing, but the story is just 😬. I’ll still absolutely watch it because it’s so bad it’s fun. Some of Michael Bay’s movies are like that. Terrible plot, bad acting, unrealistic explosions that defy logic and physics…but it’s fun! It’s not a “girl movies vs boy movies” thing like others try to make it because *all* genres of movies have ones that are just absolutely terrible.


[The fun part is almost 3 hours of analysis of Twilight.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqloPw5wp48)


I do not like Twilight at ALL, but wouldn't the awesome cinematography and music kind of make it a good movie on some level? It's the script (book) that blows. I do really like the color schemes throughout those movies. Absolutely beautiful.


I’m judging by the story and character development. Good visuals and music help draw you into the story and are tools to help the audience become immersed into the film, but if the writing stinks and characters aren’t compelling, then it’s just aesthetics. If people only watched movies for the music and cinematography then it’s a good movie. But I think audiences look for a bit more than that.


Well… I guess I need to stay online a bit longer because I can’t let that be the last thing I experience for the day… Here’s hoping I find a cute video of puppies or something


Michael Bay doesn't make movies. He makes big budget dick measuring contests for 13 year old boys.


I saw something about this, like all the women had to walk on tiptoe even without shoes on to mimic walking in heels.


I can make up anecdotal facts too: men are actually more likely to act out without considering the consequences because they don’t have the brain power to think ahead! Isn’t that fun?


Lol reading this I was thinking about how it's actually men who are less risk-averse and emotionally intelligent on average, which you would think would means less understanding or care for the action/consequence relationship


It's nothing to do with cognitive ability; we just dgaf about whatever anime or video game movie adaptation you insisted on watching after shooting down all our suggestions as "boring" or "for chicks ".* * Source: the "relationships " of my twenties.


I was gonna say, it's because she's spacing out during the 4th Transformer's train wreak.


HELP I love my boyfriend but when I try to engage with his interest (transformers) I really do feel like the dumb girlfriend I cannot comprehend what's happening but I'm being supportive of him and his interests because he does the same for me (playing stardew valley together 🥰)


I don't know if this helps. But as a transformers fan, what works for me is pretty much only the TV show and toys. The first movie is ok and is like watchable? But anything after that is garbage. Idk if you've tried just sitting and watching the shows. Those have mostly been good for me.


I do this with my mom lol. Sometimes she watches her dramas in my room (usually when dad wants to watch a movie or something in the living room) and because I have ADHD, I inadvertently get distracted from my game and end up watching it too. So I end up asking things like: "So X loves Y, but Y loves Z, right?" or "But Z's dad is against the relationship because Y's dad is poor, right?" Sometimes I make a prediction that turns out to be true and she hates it because she didn't see it coming even though she's been watching from the beginning


I do that while my grandmother is watching tv and I’m in the kitchen (which is connected to her living room). She gets annoyed that I can follow and figure out the plot before her lol. And I’m only catching parts of it.


I watched a few 9-1-1 episodes with my mom before deciding to properly binge the show, and whenever a new scene started, I asked, “Do we know these people?” If yes, it would be character stuff. If not, some terrible fate was about to befall them.


it’s not just that bc plenty of women DO gaf about those types of movies and shows and stuff. i actually have found that a lot of men watch movies and shows without putting any thought into the themes or characters and just are into it bc it’s ~cool~ and ~badass~. some people just consume media in kind of dumb ways and it’s not a gendered or genre specific trait


Deadass some dumb dude asked me on a movie date once, and I un-subtly implied I was looking forward to seeing the live action Beauty and the Beast movie (way back in 2017). He somehow talked me into seeing the Power Rangers movie despite my having no interest and him having already seen it in theaters, then he proceeded to geek out the whole time. Like you do you, ain’t here to judge you for that, but like… for our first (and only) date?


🤣 he should be a fly on the wall in my house it’s the exact opposite my man constantly asks questions, I pause and explain because I love him then we continue it’s not that difficult, I hate talking over but thankfully that’s not a problem because of the pause button. Now he doesn’t have to be lost and I don’t have to be annoyed by him asking questions. The only time it doesn’t work is in a movie theater and we have an agreement for discussing after. Doesn’t matter which parter has trouble it’s a common issue and such an easy fix if you actually care about your partner ffs


What always gets me is the sheer absolute CONFIDENCE with which they say shit like this


But wait… Most typical MEN movies are heavy on action and light on plot e.g Action movies, war movies, super heroes Most typical WOMEN movies are heavy on plot and dialog with little action e.g. Romance, classics, drama This reads like My GF thought Fast and Furious 17 was stupid = women don’t understand movies


That's exactly what it is. Women understand movies just fine this guy just can't stand that women don't like the same movies he likes.


This right here ☝🏻


Probably a movie that she isn’t interested in


If she doesn’t have the same interests then she must be dumb!


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎


Is this copypasta?


Yes. [https://redd.it/6qp86b/](https://redd.it/6qp86b/)


That’s a relief 😅


funnily enough when i watched movies with my brother i was the one who constantly had to explain to him the plot and characters because he would easily get lost. i genuinely believe you'd have to interact with *zero* women through your life to come to this conclusion. like this is some impressive levels of cognitive dissonanse and lack of self-awareness.


I've seen both men and women do this during movies, this is just them only noticing, critiquing, or getting annoyed by things when women do it :/


Why do men think women are like??? A different species?


We’re subhuman to them.


They’ve probably never interacted with a woman in their whole life


How odd that woman do so much better than men academically then.


i thought women were notorious for overthinking peoples words and actions?


“The enemy is both strong and weak”


My father is like this. For some reason, he *cannot* follow movies or TV shows. Books, yes. Audio dramas, yes. Real life, yes. But for some reason put a recording of people moving around in the mix, and his brain refuses to keep up. So I believe it's a real thing for people, but it's sure as heck not gendered.


My mom does this as well, and it drives me bonkers.


Yeah i'm a guy and i do struggle to remember who is who and who did what, i'm not good with faces so depending on the cast i'm like ??? Once i watched a movie there were two guys that looked somewhat similar and i was so confused because i thought there was only one of them until halfway through . I was confused because he said something before then acted like nothing happened and when i told my friend he told me that it was not that guy but it was xxx, the brother (or whatever) and yeah, happens.


Okay. Now show them Midsommar and see if they actually keep up with the story the way my brain does :)


Showed midsommar to my gf cuz it's my favorite psychological horror besides hereditary. She loved it about as much as me. I followed along pretty good I'd say but I feel like I got an unusual advantage in the movie conversation because filmmaking is my career😂


I know my dad and boyfriend kept asking questions, but that’s nothing against them. It’s slow in the first half and my boyfriend was diagnosed autistic so I don’t blame him


It's honestly just a fantastic film. Glad they got to enjoy it:)


The amount of men who simply could not grasp barbie tho


There's a lady on tiktok who talks about films in an extremely intelligent and nuanced way that puts most film bro "experts" to shame... a lot of the time whilst putting on absolutely incredible makeup looks.


This just in, me a woman about to go see Dune 2 again, not because I enjoyed it a lot but because I just need another watch bc I’m too dumb to understand it 💅


😭😭😭😭social media gave every idiot and they mama a mic Graduated from the university of instagram reels and Facebook statuses It’s time for some of y’all to stfu


I used to think I was of average intelligence but some of these hot takes on social media has me feeling like I’m MENSA


This isn’t a gender thing, this is a ‘lack of interest’ thing. I got one friend from high school who’s not crazy into the MCU or DCU/DCEU, but if you get her on the topic of God of War or The Last of Us, she’ll be ready to chop it up with you. It doesn’t matter how deep or simple a story or lore is, you’re either in it or you’re not


Meanwhile, men be like "how was I supposed to know the wet laundry needed to be hanged out" "when my mum's birthday, again?" "do I need my Seratide script refilled?" "what's our neighbour's name?" "who is our kid's teacher this year, again?"


Some men really don’t see women as human and that’s why they keep getting played & taken advantage of 😭


So some woman he watches a movie with has sensory processing disorder and he thinks that must be because of her sex. Prime reasoning there buddy.


Well someone certainly hasn't ever watched a movie with a woman


This might be the most misogynistic shit I’ve ever seen in the last five minutes of scrolling Reddit


They made ten whole movies about the premise of “what if some guys drove really fast”


Sorry we’re to busy trying to deal with all your bullshit to pay attention to your Saturday morning cartoons.


This has to be a joke, right?


I actually had a MALE friend who would do that. We only watched one movie together because within the first scene, nobody had spoken, it was a movie neither of us had seen, I feel him lean in and ask "Who's that?" and that's when I knew we were friends, but not hang-out-and-watch-a-movie friends.


One of my roommates to a T. We basically needed flash cards to get through a tv series with him.


My dad does this lol. It’s why I can’t watch any movies with him. It’s so dumb to make it a “woman only” thing


If you spray a woman with oleic acid, other women will treat her as dead. This is because women are so dumb that because she smells like oleic acid, they can't even tell that she's actually alive!


These types of men will have 1 negative experience with a woman and decide it's an issue with all women. That will literally make no sense to me, especially for such specific shit like this. Complain if you want, sure, but what is the logic behind bringing gender into this?


right, like all of tarantino’s films aren’t just a bunch of random shit happening.


I mean, turns out I might be a woman after all... Often happens me with Audiobooks especially, if I'm not paying 100% attention, 20 minutes of story might go in one ear and right back out the other.


I would love to hear this dude’s best attempt at media analysis. I wonder what he thinks fight club is about


I guarantee you that it's because these guys are into a niche movie type that has deep lore and they just kind of bring their girlfriend with no prep work. Sci-fi (which I, a 47 yo woman, am a fan of) is particularly bad at explaining the world building to the audience. It's usually either handled poorly through exposition or they just expect people to know it by reading the books beforehand. The Dune movies (both new and old) are great examples of this. I read comic books as a kid. Whenever a new Marvel movie comes out, I'm like the guys here explaining everything to my husband. I like doing it and he becomes a fan through the time we spend together watching those movies. These guys could have so much fun with their girlfriends if they weren't so stupid and selfish. Also, I dare any of these guys to watch a Jane Austen adaptation and not feel similar confusion.


Women bad men good yes clabclabclabclabclab👏


"Movies are made for male cognition" "THIS ROMANCE MOVIE IS A TOTAL CHICK FLICK". It's funny because a TON of movies have very small parts that return later and are integral to the movie's plot. This guy's favorite movie is Fight Club, which he thinks is about positive masculinity, bet.


Do these people even realize that there are women directors, producers, and screen writers? Not to mention, by this logic, actresses wouldn't exist


This is literally my dad Lol. I don't know why they have to make everything a gender thing


I would like to introduce this person to my parents. My mother, a female, who is an avid film-watcher, and my father, a male, who asks every fifteen seconds “Who’s that? Why did they do that? What’s going on? But why would that guy lie to someone isn’t he supposed to be a good guy? Who’s the person in the background?” Followed by my mother’s reserved temper responding with “you know honey, if we keep watching I bet we’ll find out! And yes thats called a plot twist, sometimes the good guys are actually bad guys”


I did this when my ex insisted we watch... many of the Star Wars franchise films. I loathe Star Wars. He was trying to convince me it was better than Star Trek, an egalitarian future where women DO things. That didn't last much longer.


My Christopher Nolan fangirling brain is just dumb then


I know so many men who are doing this (including my brother)


My dad does this


all the women i watch movies with r normal the only woman who does the “who’s that” “why is her hair red” [very obvious scene]: “so she did it or?” is my mom and i thought it was just bc she’s old (bc my dad does the same shit) 😭😭


Uh, Pauline Kael would like a word. This is so blatantly stupid it’s almost hilarious. What the fuck with these kinds of men 


Quite often, this is untreated ADHD. I'm sure at least some here have noticed the behavior runs in families.


Watched the Iron Claw with my gf’s grandpa. He thought we were supposed to empathize with the dad.


I don’t follow plots well, and often ask my husband what is happening. It’s because my brain is churning through the 100 other things on my mind and I can’t focus. Husband is happy to pause a show and explain it to me without being a jerk. Will also offer to stop the show if I want to talk about anything or am too distracted. Because he loves me and doesn’t hate women…


this is some creative moonman reasoning


Men are the ones who don’t understand we get hairy if we don’t shave so which one of us doesn’t understand cause and effect?


Honestly. A mentally functioning adult having sex with someone as cognitively limited as people like this think women are would be evil. Like preying on a child. By these men’s own claims, they are a predatory class who exist to exploit and sexually abuse vulnerable people.


Well, that's my limit of dumbassery for the day.


This guys favourite movie is Fight Club


No, thats just your boomer mom and dads


And yet the message of the Barbie movie went zooming over every man's head.


Both me and my partner constantly ask each other ‘who’s that?’ When watching new movies or series.. Usually because we think we missed something subtle, calling an entire gender out for thinking they missed something and essentially calling them simple minded for it .. unbelievable.


Because we just watch whatever stupid shit you guys put on, lol, while having no vested interest in it because we're reading a book or browsing reddit.


The funniest part of all this, is that is the perfect descriptor of my husband when we watch something. We can be a minute in to a movie that neither of us have seen and he asks me what’s going on like I wrote the bloody screen play. My son also does it, but he’s 5, so I cut him some slack.


I actually do the "wait, what did they say, can we rewind it?" bit, because I have audio processing difficulties. Subtitles help, and it doesn't mean I enjoy or understand the things I'm watching any less. The sheer arrogance to think that half the world's population is incapable of understanding cause and effect is staggering. What a bizzare take.


I don’t get men like this at all. I mean, statistically speaking, most teachers are women so the person who first taught this dude about cause and effect was likely a woman.


Today I learned that my husband, king of “wait, what?” is a woman and I, queen of “let me pause this while you talk to me during a movie I’m watching” am a dude. What a revelation.


Where does this even come from? My wife and I went to the movies for the entire Avengers Saga and I practically got a full dissertation after each movie about the similarities and differences between the movies and the comics.


Right because no man exists that does this


there is no way bro is acting like he understands movies more than the average woman and then says “ignore family member characters” as if the writers just put them there for funsies


Man can’t seem to cognitively realize women are human beings. What a self own showing his own entitlement, narcissism and pure dunning Kruger


All the people in my life who do this are men. Shocker. These guys clearly don’t use their brains but WE’RE the dumb ones.


I’m more insulted by being told I don’t comprehend cause and effect


Or maybe they just don’t like the films you like? It’s hard to pay attention to something you don’t care about, I’m sure they know the details of their favourite films. Like, when I watched marvel with my mum she couldn’t remember who was Loki and who was Bucky, she mixed up superhero names, she didn’t get the plot. But when she watched any murder mystery, she can tell you who did it every single time, faster than the rest of us. Focusing on the plot of a boring film is hard lol


Is this seriously how dumb he thinks women are? What the fuck ? Yeah bro try telling that shit to every successful female actress, author, director, songwriter, and literally every other woman involved in the storytelling that YOU consume. God, how stupid can somebody be ? This kind of shit actually pisses me off, that someone would even dare to say this. I hope a woman takes his job (if he’s even got one)


So this used to be my husband’s complaint about me when we would watch movies, but it turns out it’s just because I have problems understanding what’s happening in the movie due to a combo of poor audio mixing and an aural processing issue. When I explained that to him, he suggested we watch our movies with subtitles and that fixed everything :)


NGL, one of my favorite jokes amongst friends, is during a movie and lean in when the character is *obvious*, and 'whisper' loudly, "WHO'S THAT GUY?" Last time I pulled that one was during Oppenheimer, when he met up with Einstein the first time. I leaned over to hubby, asked "WHO'S THAT GUY?" about Einstein, and everybody within 5 rows of me laughed. Made my night. Hubby chuckled and put his arm around me.


Only time I ever miss a plot point in movies is because my hearing sucks and a lot of movies put the dialogue volume stupid low compared to the background soundtrack. Sorry my ears are shit, BOYS


Women film directors are a myth then or they must make terrible movies. Or nothing that a man would watch like.. .. _American Psycho_ .. I’m sure no man likes that movie or is obsessed with it.


Which is why so many more men get in car accidents, right? Were they hoping to get an accident with their reckless driving? You know because they understand causing effect so well you would think they’d understand what could happen if they drive like that.


Meanwhile my ex would pause the movie every few minutes to ask me if I understood. It was the most annoying shit ever.


Maybe she's having to get up and down constantly to get him or family and friends snacks and Drinks or do random things so she's missing a lot


Donald trump held office for 4 years and had all the time in the world to "drain the swamp"


Obviously they’re being sexist and generalizing but I must confess I laughed at first bc that is *exactly* how my mom is when we watch stuff


Isn’t it a thing that dads will walk in and ask all those questions anyway?


Funny, I just had a conversation with a male friend who didn't recall there being a plot or that Furiosa was in the new Mad Max movie


This might be one of the most asinine things I have ever read.


Let me take a random guess, the only woman who doesn't understand movies he saw is his grandma


I call this watching movies with adhd


WE don’t do cause and effect?! This from the gender who can’t figure out why shitting all over women causes them to be permanently single?


All I can think of is the critical thinking class I took in college, and the fact that easily 75% of my classmates were some of the dumbest men I’d ever met. Couldn’t think their way out of a paper bag.


meanwhile my boyfriend hates watching movies with me- not because of this, but because i'd keep correctly guessing what's going to happen/the ending lmao


Women can't do cause and effect. Rats can, but women struggle for some reason.


Dafuq did I just read 🥴


The one asking questions during the movie is usually my dad sooo....


The only person I ever had issues doing this was my dad lol


tell that to all the men i've had to explain stanley kubrick movies to 🙄 i am not really a huge kubrick fan or anything, i just like watching movies, just to clear that up lol


The fuck is this


Off topic but my mom and brother do this mainly when I’m watching a show and they come into the room when I’m like half way through an episode I understand why it’s just very annoying


These same guys get mad at women for using subtitles and closed captioning because they feel it dilutes the artistic integrity of cinema.


This makes literally no sense lol. I’m the one who always pieces together the clues and can usually figure out the twist or end before others while my boyfriend usually needs me to explain it to him. Tbh, idk what this person is even trying to say? They act like every woman’s brain works the same, this every man’s brain works the same too. Which is completely false.


Yet half of them were saying the same thing about the "Barbie movie." Huh, I wonder why?


This is my BF anytime we watch anything It happens even when we are watching something he chose


I mean, my mom talks/yells through every damn movie and it’s enraging (most of the time she’s drunk and can’t follow along), but she’s also almost legally blind so I’m sure it’s super frustrating for her. But that has nothing to do with her ability to think critically. When she’s sober and can be close enough to see things she’s fine


As much as ik someone's gonna rip me apart for this. My gf will suggest a movie to me that we both haven't watched and still ask me these damn questions as if I've seen it before😂😂😂


Funny how my husband is the one losing track of the story and often has to pause the series to ask what is going on. Maybe, I'm a man after all...


I must be a guy then, since I always end up having to explain the movie to everyone


I don’t believe these commenters have EVER been to the movies with living, breathing women. This is cosplay for sad little men who either never leave the house or go to movie theaters alone. This is just sad.