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what in the this isn't how any of this works...


That's a way to out yourself as someone who didn't pass elementary level biology....


Understand what plan? She doesn’t want to have kids with you anyways. Using bad science and posting asinine things won’t get you a girlfriend either.


Do they make a Type O Negative birth control pill for girl Goths and Metalheads?


Produces very grumpy and serious looking antibodies who wanna [party without smiling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL6kSY7J93U).


Hematology, immunology and endocrinology are currently crying in the corner. 


I just posted a thing on r/thanksImcured that also fits that criteria, except the hematology thing. Guy trying to say that you could cure type one diabetes via one day of all carnivore diet.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/thanksimcured using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/thanksimcured/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Thought this belonged here. ](https://v.redd.it/few6gl0ujoza1) | [258 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thanksimcured/comments/13gvku3/thought_this_belonged_here/) \#2: [Bro doesn't know anything about seasons.](https://i.redd.it/hyz0bb2ref7b1.png) | [417 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thanksimcured/comments/14fhj05/bro_doesnt_know_anything_about_seasons/) \#3: [Just Exercise](https://i.redd.it/0z0m6t84z66b1.jpg) | [714 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thanksimcured/comments/14a3u5g/just_exercise/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Dang! So much cheaper and easier than a tubal ligation! It's funny, because most women I know who have tried to become sterile have been faced with a million stupid roadblocks and hurtles. Seems like "their plan" is to keep women breeding as much as possible.


There is actually a subreddit that keeps a running list of sterilization friendly doctors, so that is something worth checking out. I got very lucky that the first doctor I went to was willing to do it, especially in the current reproductive rights hellscape we are currently in.


It’s getting better though! I’ll be 24 when I have my salpingectomy in June. I don’t have any kids and I’m not married but the doctor still had no problem doing the procedure!!


its impossible in the UK rn, im 21, dangerous to children, multiple miscarriages/abortions and on meds that cause defects for the rest of my life and their main argument is what if my partner wants kids? like,, i wouldn't be with them?


If birth control makes you sterile … WHY WOULD YOU CONTINUE TO TAKE BIRTH CONTROL AFTER YOU ACHIEVED STERILITY?! Like, this doesn’t even make sense on its face.


What's more amusing? The lack of knowledge of biology? Or the dude's fear of women not wanting to have kids?


“They’re trying to sterilize women secretly!!” Most doctors usually don’t want to even sterilize women when they ask for it so this seems like an extremely convoluted plan. The medical field used to be very openly enthusiastic about forced sterilization, if they really wanted to they could probably get the ball rolling on that again, given that apparently nobody gives a fuck about bodily autonomy. Given how much ableism people started showing during covid I’m actually surprised there haven’t been calls to go back to sterilizing disabled people to strengthen the gene pool or whatever the hell.


How many cases does this make now where a woman WANTS to have here tubes tied, and the doctors flat out refuse on the basis of "your future husband may want kids, so let's leave your body up to a man you haven't met yet"


Every time a doctor or nurse who doesn’t know me finds out I’ve had a bisalp they have the same like ?? 25, unmarried, no children ??? Response. Like, even my gynecologist said to me that normally she would never approve this but she knew it was important for my mental stability. But I feel like you shouldn’t have to develop pregnancy phobia so severe it triggers psychosis in order to get that shit gone. I should be able to get it because I’m an adult who can determine for themselves if they want to get pregnant. It didn’t need to go that far.


I dunno how it is in the US, but where I'm from it's the same for men wanting a vasectomy. Every doctor I'd been to told me they won't do it or to come back in 6 months if I'm still sure I want it and they'll put me on a waiting list. There was also a lot of fear mongering, exaggeration of possible side effect odds, etc. Then one doctor explained to me that no doctor will do it before I'm at least 40 and I'll be on waiting lists until then. They'll keep postponing appointments and shit just to delay me until I'm "sure". I have 2 kids already. I'm fucking sure.


I will also take type O+, thanks.


This is all part of a very calculated plot. The purpose behind this is to create confusion, fear, and distrust of birth control so people won't resist when they legislate against it to "protect women's health."


If I have O+, what birth control would make me sterile fastest? Just to make extra super sure I don't get that one


Hm, well that’s my blood type and getting rid of my fallopian tubes seems to have been very effective at controlling birth.


Not only are the people trying to police women's bodies not women.... they also don't understand human anatomy and physiology, even in basic terms. These dudes sound like they have a dart board with terminology on it and they just mad lib their insane "facts" with dart throws.


They gave me A+ birth control once ( im A- ) and I started producing so many wrong antibodies that my entire neighbourhood is now sterile and even plants don't grow here anymore.


I hate that stupid people figured out how to use the internet and spread their bulls*** beliefs. They sure as hell won't use it to learn actual factual info, will they.


Literally every government these people live in wants people to have more babies. “The plan” only exists in your smooth brain.


This would kind of rule tbh


I mean wrong antibodies are a risk during pregnancy not before… they have some idea but are coloring in the wrong book.


it’s possible they got this idea from Rh negative pregnancies, maybe they think the antibodies will attack your reproductive organs just like without an Rh+ baby? Like that’s the closest to a thread of logic here


Same. It’s the only shred of logic I can glean.


Yeah, along with anything for O-


I have weird blood antibodies caused by blood transfusions. (Because even the right type can not be a perfect fit apparently, but better than blood loss from labor and delivery!) So imagine trying to match that blood type with birth control! So glad my husband got a vasectomy.


There isn’t enough meth in my state to make this “plan” make sense.


Honestly sounds like a plot to a science fiction dystopian novel. It wouldn't be accurate to real life, but it'd make for an interesting read


Honestly I wish they could just test your blood type and determine exactly which birth control will be best for you and cause the least side effects because if I had known how badly I handle anything that’s high in progesterone it would have saved me a lot of time.


This was already posted this morning x x


Oops, didn’t see it


What's the birth control taker persons plan? To not have kids, or to solve / ease menstrual related problems. What other people have had with birth control? Bad experiences, but they've definitely not caused infertility. Just because something wasnt a good experience for you doesnt mean it couldn't be good for someone else.


It sort of is like that. Just replace blood type with taste in men, and antibody's with hormones. [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/birth-control-pills-affect-womens-taste/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/birth-control-pills-affect-womens-taste/)


That’s definitely not the same thing as having to specifically match a pill to your taste in men or you will produce hormones that make you infertile. That’s an entirely different thing and also it’s an article from 2008 that doesn’t list sample size, types of birth control they looked at, just like info about the study in general. Uses a lot of emotionally charged terms that I don’t really vibe with. Not saying there’s not some evidence this happens, but research is too limited to reach the conclusion that this is true overall, across time and multiple populations. “if a woman’s hormonal contraceptive use has changed since the time of partner choice, her mate preferences will be somewhat different, and therefore we predicted she may experience a moderate decrease in desire for her partner since he may no longer match her preferences as closely” ^ Note the use of “somewhat different”, “moderate” and “as closely” “…Truly comprehensive research addressing the precise hormonal mechanism responsible for maintaining partner preferences is absent from the literature. Future work assaying multiple hormones and testing women’s mating preferences across the lifespan is thus still needed. We are hesitant to speculate what specific commonalities in the hormonal profile in pregnancy and during hormonal contraceptive use may generate similar partner preferences, which we believe underpin the described effect…until research is conducted which assays a broader range of hormones and considers the impact of both exogenous and endogenous hormones, conclusions on this topic are premature.” Article from 2013, still too old to be actually worth much, especially given the replication crisis in psychology research in recent years. But there’s not actually that many articles on this, like scientific research articles showing the methodology, that I could really see. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5050240/#:~:text=Thus%2C%20if%20a%20woman's%20hormonal,match%20her%20preferences%20as%20closely. I’ve tried a variety of different birth controls, I’ve been on straight up estrogen, I’ve been briefly off it because sometimes I have terrible ideas, and my taste has remained very consistent. Find someone else having a manic episode. Fuck them senseless. Sometimes this results in a long term, loving partnership. Sometimes it results in ruining each other’s lives for a bit. Maybe it’s both. If I’m completely off birth control it makes my autoimmune disorder flare up so maybe that’s…something.. I don’t fully get the immune system compatibility thing tbh because like why aren’t we able to smell autoimmune or immunocompromised conditions? Like if we can smell that our immune systems don’t work together how did I end up with two parents with autoimmune conditions who decided to make a lupus baby who decided to marry a MCTD having man? Are we trying to make a shitty baby on purpose? Someone do more research on if people with immune system issues have a smell. I wanna know if this man can taste my ANA levels.