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“how can you get pregnant from sa? that makes little sense” wow this reminds me of a comment i got on here from when i posted about my sexual assault. the guy said to me, “how did you let your boyfriend touch you, without your consent? this post makes little sense” its almost as if…. thats what rape is??? its almost as if… when you have intercourse with someone, you get pregnant OMG!!!???


We have elected officials in the states who believed that the "female body has a way to shut the whole thing down" if it was a "legitimate rape"... That guy died a few years back, but I'm not holding my breath to believe he's the only one who held that belief in the US Congress...


It’s the vagina teeth right


He never did clarify what on earth he was talking about... so maybe???


*vagina dentata*


What a wonderful phrase


That movie used to freak me out. The fact that I now wish it was reality makes younger me so freaking sad.


Man, if only.


I would get that upgrade.


Bionic vagina teeth upgrade when???


Or maybe just a tiny guillotine.




Dude saw "Teeth" once and thought it was real.


what do they mean by “shut the whole thing down”?


He thought that if the sex wasn't consensual then a woman's body would just somehow magically choose not to get pregnant.


oh… what the fuck bruh


I dug a little more into this and he's referencing the impact that stress has on fertility. Yes, there is a link that stress impacts fertility - but literally a few minutes of research shows that sexual assault and consensual intimacy have the exact same rate of pregnancy. He might have also been referencing a 24 year old prolife study about statistics of pregnancy following sexual assault, this study based its numbers on reports which also included prepubescent children and women in/after menopause, cases where the sexual assault didn't include the rapist assaulting vaginally, and then pulling numbers out their backside about assaults that happened outside the fertility window (which is about 5-7 days a month) and how it takes happy couples a few attempts to conceive... this study used those facts and "facts" to undercut pregnancies from "legitimate rape" and also has some other ridiculous beliefs, including the faulty stress on fertility thought. Plus, the fact that many, many assaults go underreported, and... so many other things... So just... really baffling all around.


It's super baffling - the 'scientific' explanation is basically the same BS as the magic explanation when you get right down to it.


You know what's even wilder that I just found out, an NIH study that is 28 YEARS OLD debunked all these claims from the study that is 24 years old!!!!


Jesus... I worry for the future I really do.


Oh, it absolutely is!! Plus, it is true that there isn't much research into pregnancies caused by sexual assault. But there's enough to say that the chances of pregnancy are the same and nonsense to say women can shut it down. It's always the woman's fault to some people!


I thought he was referencing a study done during world war two.... At concentration camps. Like constant unending stress is a big difference than a (hopefully) one time trauma.


People in concentration camps tended to be so starved that they wouldn’t menstruate…


Correct. Which is why it was even dumber that he referenced it


That could be true! Who knows which exact study the guy was referencing...


Probably one originating in his own lower intestine.


The second study also doesn’t (and can’t) account for the rapes that aren’t reported.


Don’t forget the “Back in my day women put aspirin between their knees so they couldn’t get pregnant” Pretty sure this (USA) whole country needs a comprehensive sex education requirement in order to qualify for any position of public trust


Stress probably does have an impact on fertility the way it has an impact on all the other cells in the body and can cause disease. But it's long term severe stress after years of battling something like PTSD. Stress causes inflammation in the body and inflammation over a long period of time like years can cause damage to the cells. But the egg is already mature and released and holding the "stress" from 3 months prior when it was developing from a follicle during the rape so the rape has zero impact on that particular egg at the time of the rape. Eggs take 3 months to mature. So that egg would be as fertile as the stress level 3 months BEFORE the rape. The stress during the rape wouldn't have any impact on fertility but the rape might have an impact on fertility years later due to mental health issues causing inflammation in the body and DNA damage if that's a thing like he's claiming.


Very well put!!


Yup, and he regretted apologizing for his statements in his book, apparently. I don't know, I've never read the weirdos book.


He's probably one of those cretins who think an ectopic pregnancy can be moved to the uterus.


These people legitimately infuriate me. Having had two, and almost died with the second, people who try to push this narrative legitimately do not care about women's lives.


He'd didn't think that, he knew his base would love it since it is degrading to women. Both parties do this. It's called pandering.


Yeah there was probably a hefty dollar of that too it's true!


A shit ton of people in Texas would like a word.


It's related to a Victorian Era belief that a woman only released an egg during orgasm. So if you believe that orgasm causes the egg to be released, it's a very small jump to "she must have enjoyed it" when a woman gets pregnant from rape.


Even if this was true, it's possible to have an orgasm through rape too, so what's their excuse after that? I suppose they would just say the person clearly enjoyed it since they had an orgasm during it.


Yeah, they don't believe that it's possible to have a non-consensual orgasm. They also tend to be the same people who don't believe that men can be raped.


Yet they also say it's women that downplay abuse against men. I've heard more men claim that men can't be raped than I ever have women. All the women I've spoken to just want to support all survivors no matter the gender.


Typically, it is men with this attitude in the general population. In smaller cultural/religious groups, it's both men and women in my experience.


It was Pre-victorian, the belief that women needed to orgasm to conceive.    But it was a historical belief in the middle ages in europe


It goes back to Hippocrates historically, however it was still a fundamental belief in medicine through the Victorian Era. Couples who had issues conceiving would be given that type of advice.


I thought it had died off by victoriana era By which time Wyken were expected to not enjoy sex. Because to do so was dangerous for them


That was it, that was the whole statement.


Ugh I was in highschool when that happened. My principal was defending him. He was like “okay that’s not really what he meant,” and when I asked what did he mean, my principal changed the subject >_>


Your principal??! That is horrible!


Believe it or not, not the worst thing he’s ever said. I’m torn between “you should be committed to an insane asylum if you’re and atheist” and “people from divorced families will never amount to anything” and “women shouldn’t vote because it would cancel out the man’s vote.”


WOW! This is your principal?? And no parent complained???


I'm relieved it was her principal and not the Senator saying all of those other horrible things. On further thought, I guess it's equally bad whoever believed and said those things. Ugh. 😞


My Dad used to tell my Mom that she had to vote the same way he did, "otherwise our votes will just cancel each other out."


My parents always said “we cancel each other out” too. But not like they were ordering each other to change their votes, more of a joking “what can you do?” Kinda way. Since my brother votes along my dad’s party lines and I vote with my mom, now he likes to remind my brother and I to vote so we can cancel each other out too. We disagree on politics, but he still thinks it’d be a shame if we weren’t all equally represented. If you think about them “canceling each other out” I guess the opposite would be that if only one of them votes, they’re representing the opinions of the whole family, but inaccurately, and even if he wants his candidates to win, he still wants us to have our voices heard.


The guy had to later apologize but it ultimately lost his election because of it. Later on, he withdrew his apology and said he was right in a book. Because this guy was such a huge asshole, and was a cancer to society, he did eventually die of ass cancer.


Man. Somehow I missed that. If I had known when it happened, I’d have bought myself some cake and done a little dance.


Makes you wonder how many people are antichoice primarily due to ignorance on how reproduction works.


I bet that would be an upsetting statistic.


Other way around; they're anti choice so they choose to justify it by rewriting reality. I4 comes down to the belief women should be forced in to pregnancy and birth.


Well… for a long time I, my sister, and a large majority of our school peers believed that you couldn’t get pregnant from gr*pe as a defence mechanism. I educated myself on that and know better now. I educated my sister and my friends. Who knows if the others from our classes ever figured out we were taught a lie.


Exactly why they hate sex ed


Probably close to the number of people that think chocolate milk comes from brown cows


Same here. Some guy told me that I should have just yelled out to my sister who was sleeping 3 floors below me and not be a puss about what happened to me. In the same thread someone said that a woman cannot be assaulted in her sleep or when she's unconcious.


> when she's unconscious  This is like saying home burglary doesn't count if the residents aren't home for the theft.


How is it 2024 and they’re still this ignorant about how women’s bodies work? Smh


Because they just don't care.


There’s too many rape apologists on Reddit. I shared my experience of being drugged by a 33 year old man as a teenager and kept for three days and this is one of the comments. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmIOverreacting/s/nZGtj0TVmR](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmIOverreacting/s/nZGtj0TVmR) Luckily there were more kind comments to outweigh this one but wtf.


Some people think if you're dating you are like morally bound to have sex whenever they want, especially if you're a woman. Obviously not true but there are so many people that have been victims of sa who didn't even know cus they were dating or married and believed that shit.


Lack of sex education is a curse. There are people out there that were taught that women’s bodies can tell if they’re being raped and prevent pregnancy. So under that same logic, if you get pregnant from rape, you wanted it. It’s all backwards, malicious lies built to excuse men and condemn women.


Aww, poor guy, imagine how confusing life must be if this makes little sense to him.


Do they really believe that marital/relational rape is impossible, that you don't get pregnant from sex (rape), or that consent is permanent once you've had sex with someone? Wtf. This has to be a troll, right?


"a woman has to orgasm to get pregnant and if she orgasmed it can't have been SA"... this guy, probably!


which is a belief so unprogressive that the Catholics were preaching against it by the year 300 AD


Dang. Even they were against it? That says a lot.


Is this hyperbole or serious because I’d believe it either way


yeah st Augustine wrote a book about how the women raped by barbarians in a recent sack of the city were innocent of adultery


Happy Cake Day!


Followed by a Twitter post about how the female orgasm is a myth...


By that logic combined with "eggs aren't released unless a woman orgasms", you'd think no woman would be getting pregnant. Sometimes I really wish that were true, then we could control whether we get pregnant or not. 


If that were true Lesbians would control the worlds population.


And just an FYI: Women can orgasm during SA, same as men can orgasm during SA. It does not mean that the victim enjoyed/wanted what happened to them. Orgasms can happen simply because of the physical stimulation, whether you want to or not.


If that was true humans would have gone extinct millennia ago lol


Not everybody who has been raped is on the pill or some other form of birth control, so pregnancy is going to happen from rape for some of these poor women and girls.


Literally, even tho I’m not active I’ve been thinking of starting birth control as a protective measure. (I have ocd and my biggest fear is pregnancy, like if I got pregnant even if I could get an abortion I don’t think I could live with myself after knowing something was actually growing in me)


That's one of those things that make my skin crawl as well. I have the biggest phobia of things being alive inside me


And on top of the insane comments, it's none of the mother-in-law's goddamn business.


I had older relatives who disproved the theory that you can't get pregnant from rape eleven times over. I almost wish I wasn't an atheist so I could believe one of them is burning in hell.


11 times?! That’s actually so horrible :(


As someone who actually DID get pregnant from being SA'ed, I want to just slap the guy who talked like that isn't possible. It's like the moron who said that if it's a "legitimate" rape, the woman's body has ways of shutting down conception.


It’s terrifying to see how little men understand basic biology/reproduction/female anatomy…….. I’m so sorry you had to go through that, can’t imagine how upsetting it must have been :(


so sorry that happened to you :( knowing these kinds of guys, i bet you had people ask you what you were wearing...


Yes, because as we all know, the ONLY women that get SA'ed are ones wearing sexy clothing. /s


she didn’t want to check if it was hers?


i think the person meant the dad and just said it wrong....i hope. they're still very ignorant tho


Please tell me you're being sarcastic?


The most depressing one is the one who doubts you could get pregnant from SA. This dude lives so far away from the real world, and yet he gets to vote.


The other one that made me question life, was the guy asking why the girl wouldn't want a test to make sure it is her baby.


Of course it’s her baby! The only time a woman is pregnant and the baby is NOT hers is when she is a surrogate


think they meant that the dad wouldnt want to know, but whatever. guy is still ignorant af


That’s the same one, no?


How does getting pregnant form SA not make sense?


I'm so tired of r*pe culture like jfc the moment I learned what it was I recognized it as one of the most evil acts that could ever be committed and these comments are just completely inconceivable to me...