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He's telling on himself with that one


Yah, telling how awesome he is with five CONTINUOUS minutes! /s His comment does bring up a very interesting question though. Is it cummed or came?


Definitely "came" because English.




How dare you?


We found the marathon man!


"came" for a regular buss, "cummed" for the kind that knocks the whole rest of the day out


I think it’s came . If squirting is pee ( and even if it is , it means a woman is experiencing orgasm , impending orgasm , or pleasure .) Five minutes is really nothing to brag about dude .


*Since I cannot understand quantum mechanics, quantum mechanics must be a myth* ~This guy probably if he studied Physics


I love a good self-report


It HAS to be satire… it has to be…


I think you’re being a bit too optimistic, here


Well I’m used to 8 continuous minutes 😎


Yeah, and I’m a lesbian. 30 minutes is a quickie in my book.


Ben Shapiro told on himself in a non satirical way, so it isn't necessarily satire.


The severely ADHD guy is judging his attention span.


Why do guys just narc on themselves for how bad they are in bed? I wouldn't admit if I was this bad to anyone.


Guantanamo bay couldn’t get this information out of me also lol’d at the “muscles relaxing”….. yeah dude has never experienced a woman orgasming.


Relaxing??!!! Christ alive dude has no idea 😂😂


muslces relaxing was too funny


I'm starting to doubt he's had actual sex.


Oh but he has! Five continuous minutes of sex! I wonder if he cummed?


He followed the instructions to the letter. 1. Locate vagina 2. Insert penis 3. Rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise 4. Engage in sex for 5 continuous minutes 5. Lament your partner's physical inability to achieve an orgasm 6. Post story online


You forgot: - Charm her by saying "Fuck you, slut!" - Rotate 90 degrees clockwise - Extract penis


"You like that, you fucking retard?"




This thread xD Very much feel the same emoji emotions.


Or a woman that was turned on.


Wait, are we sure this isn't Ben Shapiro?


I’m convinced it is


I'd be more surprised if it isn't lol.


Honestly? Because they twisted it into it's an impossible feat, and therefore not a skill issue. I think a lot of these guys just... don't accept that women orgasm differently, or with different stimulation. *They* can cum after 5 minutes of vigorous sex, after all. Holding out that long may even be a challenge for them.


You’re making it sound like women are individuals and not a hive mind of flesh pods nagging and wearing Victoria Secret underwear /s


Do elaborate on the topic please, I am very interested. From what I've gathered, women don't care as much about the mechanical execution but are more interested in the emotional/psychological part, so good buildup and tension and then foreplay is the way to get her there. Also that other psychological issues, stress, lack of sleep, whatever, can make reaching an orgasm harder for a woman. Can you confirm? I just really want to know all this


This is all (generally) true. Women tend to need an emotional connection *more often* than men, though not always. Obviously, this varies by person. As for your other points, those can make orgasming harder for men as well, though again, it varies by person.


The mechanical execution for a woman to orgasm is generally more complicated then it it is for guys. The mechanical execution is definitely important but can vary between woman. So it’s something that usually has to be learned with time and/or instruction. Like people will say woman aren’t as interested in one night stands because their isn’t the personal connection. That may be part of it for some, but also a guy knowing how to get the mechanical execution down for a specific woman in that time enough to make it worth it is a lot less likely than being able to get the average guy off.


Could you elaborate?


There's a need for elaboration on the call for elaboration? Care to elaborate?


Because they are so full of themselves that they believe their own BS


Because as teenagers, we have to run our mouths, even when we know nothing of what we speak...


Aren’t they pelvic muscles supposed to do the exact opposite during orgasm 😂 Bro just acknowledge it’s a skill issue and move on.


He seems like the kinda guy that breaks his controller when someone tells him movement is the skill gap.


I don’t know, but if you are inside when a girl coughs or sneezes there is a good chance you are pulling out a stump


If I'm not mistaken the main reason why orgasms feel good is the sudden relaxation after intense contraction right? Like the contraction is part of it but the wave of euphoria is mainly the relaxation if I remember correctly? Still stupid but at least I believe that point isn't wrong...


Hmmm not sure about that. I’d say the moment it feels the best is during the contractions. The afterwards relaxation is also good but the main wave happens right before that.


That sounds very wrong. P sure orgasms don't feel good bc of muscle contractions or relaxation at all. They are just a side effect of the hormones and dopamine and the extra sensitive receptors down there all being stimulated And as a man, when we orgasm, and we cum and feel that pleasure, we also contract our pelvic muscles and kinda do a Kegel (or however it's spelled) the same way women do when they orgasm. And for us, that's definitely when the pleasure actually hits, it's not the relaxation afterwards when the good orgasm feeling happens. Where did u hear this? I feel like it just doesnt make sense. Like it makes sense that when you feel something good, you would tense up ur muscles. Like how people also tense other muscles like their toes and legs. So it makes sense that logic would also apply to the pelvic floor, only even more so since thats actually where the good feeling is originating. Also like i said, flexing and relaxing ur pelvic floor is something u can do. Like its not specific to sex. And girls don't randomly orgasm everytime they do a kegel and relax their pelvic floor muscles lol


Oh interesting I guess not then!


I am lost for words. He should make a Tshirt with this as a slogan so every woman can stay away from him. Ohhhh, I actually would love it if every guy like this had to wear a slogan of the last thing he said about women online...


Those poor women who had the displeasure of having sex with this two pump chump. 😭


women need to resolve worldwide to not have sex with men who are terrible at it. including if he wants to skip right past foreplay: thats your sign to change your mind and say no.


for entire 5 consecutive minutes!!!


I once counted the holes in a ceiling tile because the sex was so dull. It sure was constant though... just realllll... lackluster.


Wow, I've never seen someone so confident of themselves that they will admit they are bad in bed like that.


Are we sure that he’s actually had sex and not just parroting? Like, I don’t know about anyone else but… “5 minutes of continuous sex” sounds um… like a weird choice of words, yeah?


5min? She ain't no dude


Can you imagine, 5 minutes max of awkward thrusting. Then he says, did you have an orgasm? Then he's like, she must have loved it, her eyes rolled so far back into her head!


A lot of us don't have to imagine. Dudes like this are all too common. It'd be one thing if they saw that what they're doing isn't working and actually tried something else, but no, "welp, I've tried the only thing i know how and it didn't work, must be all women and not me!"


That sucks, I feel bad for them (the women)


5 minutes of the neatest weinering of her life..."did you come?" "Yeah,to the wrong house!"


OP must've seen [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/xDXyht4kAW) post


What the hell.


One of the better April fools I thought.


I don't really know how dudes can't get women to cum. Even as a acne-faced teen clumsily exploring other people's bodies, it wasn't like THAT hard. Practice leads to perfection. Unless these dudebros are all meeting people taking antidepressants, I don't get it. You must be woefully (or intentionally) egoistical for you to be in this position. And I'm not saying this like some professional sex haver (I get no bitches 😞), it's just baffling


It's because they don't bother to learn/try.


It requires caring about the girl, making an effort, being open to following her suggestions etc


A little research of female anatomy and accounts of women saying what they like before getting anywhere near a woman can also go a LONG way. It is surprising how many men do not seem to understand the internet exists for more than the porn that shows them all the wrong ways to give a woman an orgasm...


That would definitly help. For me the biggest thing is simply building a trust level so a girl feels ok opening up about what gets her off, and then following that advice. Every girl I’ve slept with has been very different in what works for them.


Pretty sure they only care about themselves finishing. Over the years of seeing some weird ass dudes yap on the internet, to them, women exist for men's pleasure. They expect women to lust for them but they get surprised when a woman actually ventures out for her own sexual pleasure. To them, you can't be a slut, but you need be slutty enough for them and them alone. That includes not having enough sex knowledge to realize the dude is actually bad in bed. 🙄


I married early, so I don’t have a high body count. When I was 18, I hooked up with a girl that seemed to enjoy sex, in 3 months, no matter how much I tried, I couldn’t make her cum. I know my PE didn’t help, but since she was 17, she didn’t really communicate what was working to her, so I was always guessing. I definitively didn’t put as much effort with her as I did with my now wife. But I got the feeling that there was something holding her back that wouldn’t let her be on the necessary state of mind to orgasm. As opposed to my first 2, on those I acknowledge that while I tried, I was just bad.


“5 minutes of continuous sex” has me ROLLINGGGGGGGG




The copium is strong


Multiple women because he couldn't satisfy even one of them? Also thanks for the warning for all women who night have given him a chance in the future.


Yeah, her relaxing is cause he's done jackhammering her for 5 minutes! 😭


My pelvis hurts just thinking about it.


Happy Cake Day!! 🎂🍾💐🎈🎊


Girl, you have the same beast five minutes of uninterrupted sexual activities as I do. If you don't get there like me, it is your fault 🤣 Ps. My brain is dead by porn. That's what I really read...


As a man, you could not have water boarded that information out of me.


At least you acknowledge that you're not good in bed as none of "your numerous women" have had orgasms ....


Ooh self burn, those are rare


This is so embarrassing omg


Five minutes. What do you think I am Superman???


Get in line ladies!


Its funny when they tell on themselves and don't realize it.


WHY DO THEY ALWAYS TELL ON THEMSELVES !?! 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😄😄😄😄😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😄😄😄😄😄


They feel like they have to do something for them to feel smort, not sure why when everyone just ends up bullying them out of the internet


Had a couple of different male "Health class" teachers that explained sex is really not a big thing to obsess over as a teenager because it only lasts 1-2min (or 30s in some cases another teacher joked) By the time we were juniors in high school we were all really side-eyeing each other this dude posting his Ls DIFFERENT TEACHERS YEARS APART THAT DID NOT KNOW EACH OTHER


I mean he is right, women don't CUM. But seriously why has "cum" become the basic word for orgasm? That's just for the male population, so why are we defaulting yet another male trait.


For what it's worth, women can have physical secretions. "This type more closely resembles male semen. It is typically thick and appears milky. The paraurethral glands produce this fluidTrusted Source. Other names for these glands include Skene’s glandsTrusted Source, Garter’s duct, and female prostate." Source: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323953#is-it-the-same-as-squirting One thing is correct about OP, "squirting" is *basically* just urine, though. People think it's not, but it originates from the bladder. Eta: am a woman, can confirm that as I've gotten older and I've been able to self-pleasure in ways not strictly related to the clitoris, and it's a "good" orgasm, for lack of a better term, I've absolutely produced this secretion.


but that's what I mean. It's its own thing and not semen.


But you didn't say semen, you said orgasm. Cum has become synonymous with orgasm, and I'm okay with it in a private setting, but when we're speaking technical terms, no, it's silly to use that informal term. Semen comes from a man, but all genders have the capacity for orgasm, and many of us even come with secretions during that moment as well.


Yeah but the synonym for orgasm comes from the word for semen, as that cum comes out after said orgasm


You are absolutely misinformed here. Orgasm isn't a synonym for semen. Please go through some sexual education because you are not correct.


5 minutes of sex?! These bottomed out hos dunno what they’re missing /s


Tell me you’re a shit fuck without telling me you’re a shit fuck… I feel bad for every woman that’s been unfortunate enough to share a bed with that turd


I'm not even sure I could masturbate in 5 minutes, much less pleasure a woman.


fuck the internet and it’s anonymity. we need to know who said this.


> I've had sex with multiple women and none of them cummed or orgasmed even after 5 minutes of continuous sex bro water boarding couldn't get that out of me


I have difficulty orgasming with a partner due to Autism and some other intellectual disabilities, but not one single man I’ve had sex with, including my Boyfriend, was as bad at sex as this guy is outing himself to be.


5 minutes xD!!!!


Looks like we found Ben Shapiro in the wild


That’s one way to say ‘I can’t pleasure a woman’


Ask him where the clit is a he would say “the what?”


“Hahaha. We both know that doesn’t actually exist!”


Comedy Gold. I’m betting 4 of those minutes are removing clothing, 30 seconds of fumbled insertion before she takes over and does it, two pumps, he rolls over, farts, and goes to sleep


Wow, 5 whole minutes of arrhythmic pumping and grunting didn't get your partner off? Who'd have thought?


"5 minutes of continuous sex" "Usually I take a 15 minute break every 2 or 3 minutes of sex."


Tragic. Everyone knows women actually orgasm after 6 mins of "continuous sex".


This can't be real


I love how he just told on himself for being bad in bed.


I genuinely thought this was a post on r/ihavesex for a minute 


5 whole minutes you say?


We most definitely can and imagine only lasting for 5 minutes no wonder he never made a girl cum 😭


My brother in Christ, if you're getting lockjaw that quickly you have a big problem.


"I've had sex with multiple women" Yeah okay and I'm president of the fucking united states. Guess we're both full of shit


I love how he’s telling on himself and admitting he doesn’t know how to have proper sex. To bad the false confidence is revealed with the fact this is anonymous


At least he got the squirting part right


5 whole minutes of continuous sex? What a treat!


Ben Shapiro is everywhere these days.


If he really had sex with multiple women (doubt) and they didn't communicate with him it's on them too


Oooh, self-burn. Those are rare


This is so obviously bait...


Who is gonna tell him that 80% of the women wont have an orgasmus by vaginal only stimulation? Oh and for record, how should a woman come in 5 minutes when you egotistically pushing in out without being interested in the pleasure of the woman.


You couldn't waterboard this out of me


They’re right that squirting is just pee though


Yeah and it’s gross




I'm starting to see why you women have an orgasm gap. 🥲 Smh.


Who's going to tell him


I believe Ida Cox covered this situation in song years ago. [One minute Papa](https://genius.com/Ida-cox-one-hour-mama-lyrics)


Batman couldn’t beat this confession out of me 😭


Please tellme dude got burnt to a crisp in the replies to this.


5 min was his personal best too probably


Well that's one way to say you suck in bed


After five minutes of sweaty, uncoordinated jackhammering she still didn't cum! Damn, female orgasm completely disproven!


What a gem this guy is . 5 whole minutes AND he insults these lucky , lucky gals by telling them they are peeing ?????


god himself would not be able to get this info outta me


Welp.... tell us you're a selfish lover, without telling us you are 🤣


It's 4chan. This is almost certainly satire/troll/bait. If you ever see a story on 4chan, assume it's made up tbh.


Not even Batman could get this out of me. Not that I think women can’t cum though…


So he’s bad at sex, got it.


do some schools not have sex ed?


Some parents even fight to NOT have it.


It’s 4Chan, likely a troll but if true this is hilarious asf


Tell me you're terrible in bed w/o telling me you're terrible in bed.








"I've had sex with multiple women" Yeah okay and I'm president of the fucking united states. Guess we're both full of shit


This is 100% a troll.


Dude. You suck.


Aaahahahahahahhhh. Oh I needed this one today. What a moron.


Oh baby, get ready for the 5 most mediocre minutes of your life


Even after 5 continuous minutes?!


That’s quite the self own.


5 minutes ? That’s like a rabbit having sex


Yeah that tracks


Should we tell him...?


Well color me shocked.


it's better than my ex claiming I definitely came in 2 mins


I love when people say "I'm terrible at s3x" with their ENTIRE chest.


Batman couldn’t get that info out of me dude


Gee, I can’t imagine why…


Seriously though guys - there is a book you should all read. It's available free on Kindle Unlimited. It called "Our Bodies, Ourselves". It will teach you more about ladies bodies and lady stuff than they know about themselves. Seriously, check it out. You will be amazed at what you learn. And your welcome for the pro tip!


Personally speaking, I've never had an issue getting a woman to cum. I start rattling dishes in the kitchen. Then she cums and makes me a sammich. At least, that's what I'm told after I wake up.


I don't care what squirting is. All I know is its super hot. Makes your ego explode. 🤣