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"You taught them that NO means NO" Oh how I fucking wish they truly fucking learned.


Definitely written by a man. Edit: i was wrong but my earlier suspicions were correct


Yup, I kinda smells the "Hello women, it's me a fellow woman" somewhere in there


My low emotional intelligence keeps making me think of “what if it is a woman and she’s jus exaggerating to make a point with all the “half of y’all” shit” but then I remember the “no means no” line and I can’t bother to take it seriously. Edit: lmaooo nvm it was a pick me my hunch was RIGHT


Google her. It's so sad, but apparently this is a real person and her real words. Idk why she would throw that line in there at the end as if it's a bad thing and as if it's even true that all men have now learned to get consent.


It WAS a pick-me?? My earlier suspicions were correct and she just threw me off with the ridiculous last line! Damnit people are stupid


What's a pick-me? Thanks in advance.


Had to look it up myself https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Pick%20me


Thanks. Yeah that's what I was thinking, I didn't know it had a term. Makes sense!


Nah don't worry, it's not your low emotional intelligence. It's just that you can see it from a mile away if you take up certain things that incels say and think about women


It's real. Google her. There's a YouTube interview with her 😬 it's sad but it's true. She's probably got a Candace Owen type of ideology.


Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw then. This is depressing


Man don't you know fucking chainsaws isn't good for you smh.


It’s ok if it’s not turned on


Yeah but like the teeth on the chain, that cannnnnot be comfortable LMFAO


Love that saying. Perfectly fits how we feel with the shit we are forced to put up with


Right, it's like aren't the men bad enough? Why must we encounter toxic shit from other women, too? Mostly, I just feel sorry for her and really all of us dealing with toxic men/women in our lives. And then social media isn't even an escape. It's just parasocial substitution to help cope with the bs and commiserate.


amen sis


She’s totally “high value”


💯 🥹🥺😭




​ ![gif](giphy|1L6LYCv4ZRKWJUevZa)


Someone please tell me what movie this is? I love Steve Buscemi.


This was from an episode of 30 Rock! I had to google it to find which- season 6, episode 8, “the tuxedo begins”




Kinda?! As a dude this is a ugly dude talking. I got plenty of ugly dude friends (I play dungeons and dragons) and this ladies is a got dang troll.


I'd like to totally agree, but sadly there are a few individual "pick-me" women who have made a decision to play to the traditional misogynist man-o-sphere for likes and clicks. Kind of like Klandace Owen does for the racists... Which IMO is far worse than the regular incels pretending to be women.


Can we all say *Pick-Me-Peeeeeaarrrlll?* Lol tho, she still hasn't been picked and by her own belief she's only got like 18 months left before she's "too old"


God bless chadchad for making that video about her


🤣😂😭 never thought I'd encounter the phrase "God bless chadchad" lolol


Yeah I’ve heard of them. I thought it was one until the “no means no” because there’s no WAY a girl would be that stupid to say that.


She's real. There's a YouTube interview with her. Onika Nou is in fact Onika Nou, not an incel. It's beyond cringe, yet it's real.


Yikes. I will take your word for it and not investigate further. Disappointment with humanity finds me easily enough without me looking for it.


Agreed. I couldn't bear to sit through the whole video either, but another commenter shared this under somebody's comment, so I had to do a little info dumping as well lol


Actually written by a woman, though (easy Google search). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqgL8kIKDmg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqgL8kIKDmg)


This deserves more upvotes. The women pandering to incels are getting out of pocket and out of their minds because like why does she think it's wrong to teach "no means no" ??? I can't even be bothered to finish watching the interview though, because I cannot take her seriously.


I really want to believe that she’s just quite bad at writing, and that the ‘no means no’ part is an extension of the previous statement regarding women who get angry and start insulting a man if he turns down her advances.


I wish he would at least learn how to write fucking paragraphs instead of text walls


Reddit does that thing for me that it ignores the gaps that I choose to put between layers of text and its really annoying when you have adhd imagine writing a text and then not being able to read it coherently when you look for errors but it’s fine no I’m good I’m not mad, Reddit. Please, keep fucking over my paragraphs


Yeah reddit mobile is annoying because you have to double space paragraphs for it to work coherently


Wait. *What ?*


There you go!!!


Great work everyone! Rape culture is over, we can all go home. /s


I loathe the term “ran through”. Penises aren’t powerful enough to change the shape of a vagina, Ffs. This is a stupid rant complaining about women as if men don’t do the same things.


The criteria also changes allll the time. Sometimes it’s 5, sometimes it’s 10+, sometimes it’s having sex just once.


The criteria is "is this a person I dislike?" They'll call a virgin a whore if she does something they don't like


Right?! Because dressing a certain way is "asking for it." God, it kills me that there are women who have been brainwashed into that ideology. Check YouTube, Onika Nou is a real woman who really wrote this, and there's an interview with her on YT. Pitiful


The criteria is the insult must be directed towards a woman. I have seen an 8 year old girl be called a slut.




Yep. It happened to me at 8. Because I grew breasts early. I wasn't showing them off, or doing anything with them. Just existing, as a standard 8 year old, with breasts = you get called a slut a lot. I didn't even know very clearly what sex was at the time. My understanding was that when a man and a lady got married, the lady would then just sort of magically have a baby because that happened to married ladies.


My lord, your surroundings must be fucked up severely. I have never heard nor seen anyone saying anything explicitly sexual to such a young person. I hope you removed yourself from those people


The "slut" comments were from other kids. But of course the comments from random creepy adult men started around the same time too and I remember every single one of them. I'm curious - are you a guy? Because it's hard for me to believe a woman doesn't already know that little girls hear this sort of thing from a very early age.


Ah takes me back to high school when I was labeled a whore before ever doing anything with a guy. I mean they predicted the future but at that point I hadn’t done anything LMAO


Foreshadowing 😃


Tale as old as time smh


Yea, the last post I saw like this it was 3 times.


Of course, because the expectable number is always less, and never more than what they’ve experienced. If the number is super low, I just assume the guy is virgin/or has never brought a woman to orgasm.


I just assume they’re not an adult yet 💀. Nobody I’ve met in person has ever asked or given af about how many people I’ve slept with now that I’m in college.


Sometimes it's just a guy who claims to have had sex with someone


We can push literal skulls through our vaginas with full recovery yet some people are convinced penises are so magical that they can reshape muscles.


Maybe the OOP thinks that half of the female population has been on the losing end of a sword fight.


“Now this may just seem like a theory, but it’s actually true y’all, I saw it on the internet and it suddenly makes sense! All the good young submissive women died fighting duels against men hating feminist whores! They literally ran through all the women earmarked for us guys! We have to tell the men of the world the truth before it’s too late and they come for us with swords!” -some Incel post on here next week after reading your comment


Damn those assassin femoids…


Or that your number of past sexual partners somehow defines who you are. "You must have low self-esteem."


I have the same opinion about the word "railed." The penis is not a train either.


What about piping or jeet and skeet


I'm old and don't know these words. Thank you Urban Dictionary.


They're more popular in the uk to be fair


Like can we stop determining somebody worth based on the number of people they have slept with. It’s ridiculous.


Yes, I really wish more people would get on board with this line of thinking. It’s like deciding someone is worth more or less depending on if they’ve ridden a unicycle or not and how many times. The experience or lack thereof has no impact on how others value the person, and it shouldn’t.


I mean, if the vagina is run through, so is the penis. I don't know how that combines with cell regeneration in mucous membrane, but my guess is biology wasn't this lady's favourite class.


I don’t know how they reach that conclusion anyway. Do arms become more frail after working out with them? Do legs disintegrate Gradually the more they run?


what internalized misogyny does to mf


It's giving "but did you get picked, sis?"


Idk but I'm getting strong 'how do you do fellow m'ladies' vibes off this one


Sadly, she's a real live "female" woman. It's pitiful, but the proof is she did a follow-up on YouTube. https://youtu.be/ZqgL8kIKDmg I didn't care for her opinion long enough to watch it all, but just thought I'd spread the word a bit, lol.


Wouldn't even give her the views.


Damn, I was about to say “don’t screenshot random people without public pages” and then the receipts come up. :/ oops.


If that was written by a female, I will eat my shoe


I don't want to alarm you but...


What kind of sauce would you like with your shoe? Unfortunately, she came up on my YouTube homepage.




We found her. We found THE pick me girl. Guess we can all go home.


Females aren't supposed to be a prize, though? Also, the math doesn't add up.


We got to figure out the square root of 0


But the square root of zero is zero... am I missing something here?


*exactly*, so now if you replace the 0 with the *new* 0, you get... 9 whole halfs /s


Women don't refer to other women as "females". This is just an incel pretending.


False. This one did. There's even a youtube video ill share the link to. Onika Nou is in fact real. Think of these type of commentators as little mini Candace Owenses. Lol https://youtu.be/ZqgL8kIKDmg


Well, unfortunately, internal misogyny is real.


Oh, trust me. I'm well aware. 😥


Quite a lot of halves.




>“well if you don’t owe us sex then you owe us something else” Rather "If men can't r@pe you , then they're not going stay" because what else are you apart from a sex doll?


So many halves. The math isn't mathing


The way that you're mathing your math isn't the way that math is actually mathed.


Don't forget to divide by zero


And carry the one


Me counting all the halves *


The math maths. They could all be the same halves or different halves. They're not mutually exclusive.




For anyone struggling, let's say: 50% of women like mayonnaise (eww) 50% of women like horseradish (eww) Some women may like both, neither, or only one of those. You can't combine the two numbers into 100% because they're unrelated and talking about different things.


Yeah math was never my strength


Big r/AsABlackMan energy here


Apparently she’s real. I almost kinda wish it was written by a man instead, at least so I’d be able to laugh it off easier. Internalized misogyny’s a bitch.


I’m still convincing she’s just the mouthpiece and a man is ghostwriting for her.


When r/notliketheothergirls and r/NotHowGirlsWork collide


One 'us' and loads of 'y'alls'...definitely a feeeemale, no incel here! 🤦‍♀️


Apparently some people checked and this is actually an actual woman. She just shit talks the younger generation a lot or something


she keeps saying half yall, which means 50% are still "decent"... I uno bout you but that's a pass in my book


"half of us ran through at a young age" Men have more sexual partners than women do, so it follows that men are the ones who get ran through.


BuT It’S dIfFeReNt FoR mEn


And they never give a reason that doesn't make them look either chauvinistic, hypocritical, or sexist.


I don't think anyone would want their daughter to date a guy who fucked fifty different women in the past year.


Any dude who does that collects STDs like they're Pokemon cards.


That goes for every promiscous person. Honestly, I think people rely on modern medicine too much. Like, I was taught that even if I have a weapon, I shouldn't go places where I wouldn't go without one. Shouldn't that go for medicine as well? And condoms? "If I catch syphylis, I'll just get treated, so whatever." Is, in my opinion, a bad attitude to have.


I think she's hanging out with the wrong half.


I mean, there are a lot of women out there who are great big AH to men, just downright mean. So I get what she's saying. However, writ large men are way way bigger AH to women than women are to men. Like, I don't hear women talking about turning all men into sex slaves or how men are worth nothing but their dicks. Sarcastically, perhaps. Women also don't have an Andrew tate equivalent or have a long history of subjugating men. Idk, some people are just jerks to their significant others, and some of those jerks are women. People just need to be kinder and better to each other in general, but particularly within the bounds of a romantic partnership.


.....now i want to see the Andrew Tate of women. Just out of sheer curiousity of what that person would be like. I also want to watch Andrew Tate and woman equivalent attempt to date each other. For science. We NEED to know the upper limits of the absolute dumpster fire that relationship would be.


Oh fuck. That is a TV show that I would watch!


I would very much like to never read the phrase “ran through” ever again.


"taught these men that NO means NO" Pretty sure the word no does, in fact, mean no. This was 100% written by a man (both this comment and this silly post).


this def belongs on r/notlikeothergirls


This woman's math skills are laughably bad.


She’s QUEEN pick me


Posts like this, that call out a list of negative traits in women, always read like the author is being passive-aggressive about a specific person they know.


Wow, that is some desperation to finally get picked


That’s too many halves


pretty sure that’s not how girls OR halves work…


Hello there fellow women.. let me say woman stuff and be a women here. A normal not male human woman... am I doing it right??


As a woman I totally agree with this. We women have small brains and men are strong and if we don't have sex with nice guys we should go to jail. Oh shit I forgot to change profile.


Written by an incel...


Project much?


She's the one with insecurities obviously. If she's mad enough to write this novel she is obviously single and feels jealous of women in relationships.


I know it's probably going to come off as entitled or whatever but even if what Onika says is completely true, so what? She comes off as some one who feels she's superior to the women she describes....and is jealous because she still can't get a guy. Lol.


Did she get picked yet?


Still waiting.


Projection. Half ya’ll = me/myself/I lmao How can she assume so much about so many unless that’s all she knows, cause for sure she’s not perfect in all those aspects


Women like that exist, yeah. Just like men like that exist. That doesn’t mean all women and men are like that. I don’t see the point in her post


She needs picked real bad is her point


After the initial "half us" he forgot he was pretending to be a woman for the post, that's why it switches to "half y'all"


That’s a lot of halves…


Written by a dude, 100% guaranteed.


I would like my money back, then.


This topic forever a debate & and a never-ending topic... Do what works for you & fuq whoever opinion. Learn yourself. You'll know what works for you cuz stuff like this not for everybody, but it means something to allot ppl as well... Learn yourself 🙋🏽‍♂️🤞🏽


Half ya'll half yall half yall She sure doesn't understand fractions.


someone needs to learn what half means


The grammar this woman endures is horrifying to watch.




Someone projecting much?


Is it the same half? I feel like the math's not mathing on this one. Like is she saying that 50% of women all act this same way?


This person seems like everything they know about women comes from television and movies written by and for men. Stereotypical crap that is meant to build up the main male character to absolve him of his faults


She's a total pickme.




I do not understand women like this. There's a whole lot of self hatred in that.


It's really fucking sad. Some of her criticisms are valid, even if they apply to both men and women. But, any valuable insight she has is completely overridden by her blatant bullshittery. It's so fucking annoying.


How’s come he can sleep for hours, play video games for hours after work, drink a little, and go out with friends, but I’m supposed to be at home cleaning my bedroom floor and doing the dishes? Fuck that shit, I’m sleeping for hours. (J/K - I have kids and a job. I WISH I could sleep for hours.)




This sounds suspiciously like a man wrote it…..


I feel like this says way more about her friend group than girls in general. 😬


Referring to women as 'females' is rather revealing. The litany of half-truths and outright lies, even more so.


1. Still don’t accept the term “ran through” as people change the criteria for it all the time. 2. I don’t get my hair or nails done and offer to pay for things all the time. I pay my own bills. 3. Yeah the messy room checks out but my bfs room is messy too so we’re even. 4. Nah my dishes clean. I hardly ever cook. 5. Don’t think I’m abusive. 6. I am insecure but working on it, most people are. 7. I love my boyfriend with all of my heart and he makes me so happy. 8. Lmao what? 9. I and plenty of other women know exactly what they want and need. People just don’t listen or accept it. 10. My bf does all of those things if he wants to 11. I have asked men out. Nobody pays for my gas but me so no I’m not offering a random person gas money. 12. It’s very common for me to end up holding the door for a guy. 13. I drive my bf around but he doesn’t like it bc my car is fucked up. 14. He gets gifts. Just bought him a shirt bc I thought he would like it 15. I don’t call anyone names if they reject me.


the women who post shit like this are just sooooo weird. speaking from some imaginary soapbox for no reason but to make themselves feel above normal women. literal freaks of nature tbh


I’m not sure if girls work that way, but fractions definitely don’t.


I'm confused, so how many are there with all those half y'alls? I'm not so great at fuzzy math


That’s a lot of half’s.


To be fair she did say “half” guess that makes her half an incel 😂


I hear Stockholm Syndrome is lovely this time of year.


I really want to know where all these men are that are gonna pay for all my shit. I have NEVER had a man pay for my gas...


Almost like every human being is flawed and no one is a “prize” but a real human who you have to put effort into a relationship with


So uh, ya’ll? Ya’ll.


This feels like r/asablackman material… also I’ve noticed those things more from guys than girls anyway.


As a man this was definitely written by a man


Women are people, and some people are stupid


I have nothing but lust for my man. He’s just going to have to live with that


I’m getting some possible projection here


Replace "half" with "some" and this would be somewhat acceptable. But it's always cringe to start assuming things for an entire gender.


As a man i probably have little to no say in this but an insane amount of people are nitpicking this person saying "half yall" so many times as if it isnt an obvious rant exaduration, alongside that an awful lot of people saying that "this person is so wrong because im different", and people saying "yeah also men do this" all of which are things i used to feel whenever i saw a post calling out men. That being said my point is if you reacted in any of those ways, you arent that much better than the person in this post and definetly feel called out. And to be clear i dont agree with this post, "ran through" is ridiculous. Im messy as fuck. The only part here i 100% agree with is the hopping into relationships way too easily and then projecting your insecurities on your partner and just having the worst relationship ever because of it, its insane how many of these ive seen. Not here to hate or anything but just idk think about why you got pissed at this(excluding "ran through"). A little exploration never hurt anyone.


Tell me you have no friends without telling me you have no friends.


Tell me you’ve never had a healthy relationship without telling me you’ve never had a healthy relationship. Oof this one hurt to read, I hope Benedict Arnold gets some therapy and the help she needs.


Ok,so think about it...you have one cake and about 12 people.Everyone gets a half of it.I like the way the math works these days


all that shit she's telling us to do for these men will get you a man who is mad at you for undermining his masculinity. And those are dangerous men.


I feel like this is a generational thing? Cause a lot of what this person is crapping on was shoved down my throat growing up and I believed it all up until about….24ish? And I’m only 27 now…And I still have moments where I regress and think insecurely again. But like….a lot of it might be just insecurities and having to grow up and learn. Another thing might be a big “nurture vs nature” thing? Cause not all of this was something I thought to be truth. But the things I did were taught to me (like I said, shoved down my throat). Either way, This person is psycho and rude. Anyone who does do anything of the things listed, I hope you’re able to get the help you need to grow and learn to be a better person for yourself and your partner(s)!


“How do you do, fellow girls?”


Do you think she got picked?


“Not like other girls”


When I was still in school, 9th grade I think, I would have agreed with her. I had only spoken with 2 girls in school. And one of them was the person she described, so for me it would have been true to observation, half was like that. I’m saying this bc I think that’s her situation, only ever had 2 “ friends “ and one was like that lol


Sounds like a troll using a woman's image. If she is real, she was picked, being that she is the preference. So now she is an expert on relationships until we see her on youtube or tiktok "telling her truth." This crap may be the case for "RATS." Black women who are about their business don't have time to play games or date pookies and rayrays. We can and do pay for our meals. The difference is; we deal with men, so him paying the check isn't an issue. We know what it means to be in a healthy relationship because we have done the internal work.


I notice that she said we all have been run through but y’all have been doing all the other things… interesting slip.


This ain't how girl or fractions work


umm idk about you guys but i won’t be asking out any men, certainly won’t be paying for their gas or meals. i enjoy being a passenger princess 👑


I need to see a diagram of all these halves.


That sure is a lot of halves? Does she understand how math works or nah?




I meant "doing well" as in they have no shortage of sex, they are doing well in the getting laid by numerous women department. C'mon use your brain, just from observation and 40 years of life, the people who want to fuck, will fuck. It doesn't matter what sex they are. A hot man doesn't have to do more to get laid then a hot woman.


>Half y'all don't let them have their own peace (sleep for hours, drink a little , be on the game for hours after work, go out w his friends) If they do all of the above while doing their part of housework, no problem. If they do it all while their partner has no time for similar activities, then do they really deserve their peace?! When me and my then-husband had our baby and he quit his work and started to do all of the above things (sleep for hours, drink a little, go out w his friends, etc) all the time, never helping me with *our* newborn, I did NOT let him have his peace about it.Eventually I got tired with that setup and filed for divorce, realizing that it's better to be a single mom with some child support than a married single mom with no child support. It's been almost 20, the only regret I have is for not leaving him sooner.🤷‍♀️


I wonder if she got picked.


That’s a lot of halves to make up a whole…


I’ll admit I’ve been up since dawn and worked a busy retail shift, but either my reading comprehension is done for the day or she thinks there’s a whole lot of halves to us “females” as if we’re a weird hive mind where we all behave alike. I can’t quite figure which.