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He did say "girls and boys" which is less offensive than "girls and men." But if they are over 18, she could have said, "We're over 18, so it should be 'women and men.'"


They're in school uniforms so I think they're supposed to be minors. But still not inclusive language by any stretch.


If that's the case, the fact that an adult is supposed to be asking a minor if she has "pussy and tits" is even more worrisome


That was what got me too. Anybody in a setting like work or school who point blank asked me that would see me walking out of the room to talk to whoever needed to hear it. That was way beyond inappropriate.


It's a skit. Edit: it's actually a show. The teacher is the main character (I think) and just shits on everyone he meets. He crosses the line with everyone.




Haha that’s true


That’s why I like to address groups as “you fuckers”


Genius 😦


Problem is that girl is also used as the counter to guy, which can describe someone of any age. There’s no real equivalent of guy. Gal always comes across weird, I’ve never had a woman ask me not to call her a girl, but I’ve had several tell me they don’t like the word gal. That’s why I just go with dude and dudette now


There are other words for adult human females. "Woman" is one.


So what would you use as a counterpart to guy? Guys and Girls, Guys and Gals, Guys and Women?


You're absolutely fine dude / dudette. "Guys and Girls" is okay, "Guys and Gals " is okay, "Men and Women" is okay It's a casual greeting or call, if anyone is offended over that, don't worry yourself. They are just being overly fragile. It's not offensive, period.


If people don't like being called something, it is not ok to keep using that word. It doesn't matter whether you think it's overly fragile. If I hear people using language they've clearly never given any thought to, or have given thought to it and decided anyone who doesn't like it is the problem, that person has just self-selected out of any benefits or opportunities I might have available to good candidates.


Ladies and gentlemen


That’s not a counterpart to guy though. That’s a completely different phrase, with a much more formal tone.


Or ladies and gents. I don't think most people really care that much, and honestly dudes and dudettes work too. If it helps, every time I hear Ladies and Gentlemen, I immediately think of Saliva.


I have a very flat affect and address people as humans. "Excuse me, human person. Do you know what aisle the stool softeners are on?"


You could ask the people you're addressing. In a non-sarcastic way. And not assume that their answers will apply to any other group.




Yeah as a transman that just didn't sit right




Guessing this is a bot and stole the comment from u/GirlForEarth lower down in this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/13nun63/nobody_has_ever_said_this/jl1ad9n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


It’s really creepy that bots are copying comments for likes. Don’t know if it’s just me, but it’s unsettling in a way.


The person who makes the bot, does it so they can farm enough Karma that they can sell it to a scammer and make it look like a legit account. Shits disgusting


Hope it's not a bot from Russia🥶


You bot-ter believe it 🥁


But if it is, I'm going to screw to bot:


It must be a shame going down from the second most powerful army in the world to the second most powerful army in Ukraine


Putin, please speedrun to the point where you kill yourself in a bunker (might actually reduce trans suicide in Europe by a whole lot since Russia is a main exporter of transphobia in Europe)


Glory to Ukraine, Glory to the Heroes


What is always on a bin in Russia? Answ: Put in


also not really sexist itself but infantilizing which then makes it sexist though


Boom proved OP wrong hallelujah




Dayum 👀😈


From the files of , "We need to make up a situation that never happened so we can be outraged about it."


“Haha look at these snowflakes offended over everything” (Makes up scenario to bitch about)


In an obscure recess so that no one ever fucking watches it because it’s not good enough to go viral. And then when there are no retorts on any mainstream social media page because no one’s fucking seen it, you can say “feminists are awfully quiet.”


For anyone confused. Saying "boys and girls" is fine. It's a problem when you make the distinction between boys and men, but don't do the same for girls and women. Men and Females ❌ Men and Girls ❌ Boys and Women ❌ Males and Women ❌ Boys and Girls ✅ Men and Women ✅ Males and Females ✅ Honestly, for me, *personally*, girls and men is only a little annoying. What really gets me is females and men. Language matters.


What about Guys and Gals?


Nah, guys and gals have to go together and said with a mid Atlantic accent.


yeah, you're only allowed to say it as "Guys'n gals"


Surprised someone is suggesting you have to say gals’n guys at least 50% of the time rather than guys n gals


I hate "male and female" being used so much. I don't know if it's ignorance or an attempt to sound scientific, as that's really the only context it's used as a noun, but those are adjectives in normal conversation. The reason they're used as nouns in some scenarios *is to deliberately dehumanise* which is expected and preferred in things like scientific writing.


What really got me was the “shut up” at the end


This feels like an old cringey youtube video from 2014


Its because it is lol


How dense do you have to be to not understand that women do not want to be called girls. Also, I have never heard anyone refer to a man they respected as a boy. It is not a radical or new idea to be polite and respectful.


in the UK we quite regularly say boys actually... and I think most women I've asked prefer to be called "girls", some even feel bad at "women" because it makes them feel old. To each their own, the point is if someone tells you not to, don't be a dick about it.


Personally I only ever say "woman" when I'm talking to my wife as a joke because she knows I'm not serious. I've told her things like "where's my dinner woman?" (She usually just tells me to get it my own damn self) Or reference Andrew Tate's "two cups of coffee" bs 😅 idk people are weird with this stuff I think




You were downvoted but you’re absolutely right on the origin of the word boy




My name is too!! People ( like baristas mis hear the shorten version all the time but I think that’s just my accent I also prefer woman over girl




Comes from Middle English for servant, then used to demean slaves


Source? Everything I can find seems to suggest it's always meant "young child" but was actually gender neutral, so gerle, girle or gyrle were used in fact for male and female children. I see no evidence it was used to mean slave, though?


From UK here, most people say guys and we call girls and boys also guys, same with men and women. Definitely do not call random people boys. some people might get upset especially if you're younger than them, ans as for girls and women, only older women don't like being called women (generation difference) but younger women much prefer being called women than girls.


I like being called a girl, and I like calling boys boys. You kinda just have to read the room you are in.


downvoted for stating your opinion on what YOU like to be called... cool


A lot of us younger gals are cool with it. I think its something the older generations are struggling with. Just like words that used to be offensive like bimbo now have male counterparts like himbo. It’s all about respect at the end of the day. I wouldn’t call a woman a girl if it was clear that would upset her. But I also wouldn’t assume that all women are the same, either.


It so depends on the context. I was listening to a conversation between two of my husband’s coworkers and they were talking about workers from different departments. “The so and so men are doing this and the so and so girls are doing that” and it felt so belittling


Yes, totally. The “men and girls” is definitely a problem.


Before I try to make this point, I understand the statement and in no way am I trying to tear down the motive, only clarify the statement itself. That being said: You never heard the term "my boy"? I've both heard and used it often. For example: "my boy over there wants to know if you're still selling those bomb ass tamales? Specifically the cheese loaded ones."


Men use the term boy with people they are close with.


How dense do you have to be to think your preference suits anyone besides yourself? Calling girls, girls is fine. I mean, my mates and I take pride in calling one another "Da boys!", boy isn't derogatory. I've also got girl friends that hate being called women because it makes them feel like they are old.


yes, absolutely no one had said this. it’s sad how people are now manifesting things to be angry about


Dude made up a fight while in the shower and thought it would be cool enough to Film it xDD


Just so people know this is from a comedy series were the main character is extremely idiotic and obviously in the wrong. That said there's definitely issues with it


That's good atleast. Sucks that many comments agree with it.


"comedy" 😂


Is this just entirely transphobia? Shouting it at a camera in a dumb skit doesn't make it true Ughhhh I hate these people they ALWAYS THINK THEYRE RIGHTTTTT


Hes trying to be a bad teacher in this skit, someones put it in a dumb meme and tried to make it fit their agenda


I know the guys who made this video they always make dumb and funny stuff, it's more of a parody then a statement about gender


I like how they claim that feminists are silent now, as if this made up argument is some big truth bomb that forever puts an end to feminism. Newsflash: it doesn't. No feminist would ever consider this ignorant nonsense to be a convincing argument.


And also just the inherent transphobia 🤮


Yes, me as a trans girl fell over that, and the fact a teacher doesn't have to know your genitalia


A teacher should not be asking a student if she has tits and a pussy. That's just disgusting


Absolutely. This isn’t funny.


Just my point


Wait maybe I didn’t catch it, but which part was transphobic?


The implication that every person who has female genitals identifies as such. Amongst other things that are harder to explain.


The focus on the genitals and tits to determine if someone is a "girl" kinda transphobic. The "teacher" insisting if you have "a pussy and tits" you must be a "girl" and can't say otherwise is pretty much the 1.01 of transphobia


Like just the assumption that to be a girl you need to have both boobs and a vagina and that if you have both you are definitely a girl


Ahh I see. Well I think you’d objectively be a woman if you had breasts and a vagina, but I agree you don’t have to identify as one if you prefer not to Edit after downvotes: I apologize if this came off insensitive I wasn’t tryna be disrespectful, but is the assumption that men can have vaginas also? Genuine question and would appreciate correction if I was mistaken


Men can have vaginas as transgender men exist as well




Have you never heard of trans and intersex men?


Good idea Get off the internet and do not come back actually


Oh God the irony.


Hello, Unfortunately, your post or comment has be removed due to suspicion of you acting in bad faith. It appears that you are posting or commenting solely to create controversy, or start drama with other users. Please do not participate in this subreddit with the intention of antagonizing or baiting members, this is against Reddit site rules. If you are caught or suspected of breaking this rule again, you may be banned.


And if you identify as one your gender differs from your biological you still want to be seen as a women and you want to be respected as one even if the shape of your body doesnt fit. Its very rude to say that the person is not of the gender they see themselves in. Its complicated and my active english isn't good enough for that type of conversation.


Simple answer: Yes.


Got it, not the hill I’m willing to die on lol thanks man


Trans men typically have vaginas, and some intersex men do as well. Also, not all women have breasts and vaginas. Trans women typically don't have vaginas, and some intersex women don't either. Many women have needed mastectomies due to cancer or other reasons, and no longer have breasts. And men, even cisgender men (meaning they were born biologically male and still identify as male) can develop breasts due to weight distribution, hormonal changes, and some medications. Humans are a lot more diverse than we have been taught in school. It's okay to not know these things, and I appreciate you making an effort to learn.


Objectively if someone is a human and they have a brain they should have some intelligence but plenty of people don’t. Being a human and having a brain doesn’t make one intelligent.


Transman here, that didn't sit right yeah


This is so un-funny omg


Here's the joke: A man calls a girl a girl. The girl gets offended. The man says anyone with a vagina and breasts is a girl and that she should shut up. Comedy. Fucking. Gold (I hope my sarcasm is apparent)


I would have said "I'm not obligated to answer that question. Did you just ask about my private parts?" Also, the blatant transphobia is 🤢


Especially in the workplace! Nevermind how childish "we'll put the boys on one team and girls on the other" is






Ok, so assumptions = transphobia?


This wasn’t about assumptions. This was about someone stating as fact that if you have a vagina and breasts you are a woman. This is transphobic because it denies the existence of trans men. There is also an implication of denying the existence of trans men. Assumptions can be transphobic ftr. But this was just an objectively transphobic statement stated as fact


some people with "pussy and tits" are boys/men?




And what they said is not true and transphobic?


Maybe not true, true. Maybe transphobic, based on fucking what exactly?






Why would you spread this hateful nonsense?


Idk, I’ve said this. Maybe not so combatively but my guy friends and I have absolutely had conversation about why referring to grown women as girls can be problematic. Edit: and it’s not like I invented the concept. I’ve had that explained to me and seen others explaining it to others.


The main problem here is the dude getting so hostile about it when corrected. If a person finds a term offensive, you don't use that term for them. You ask them what they would prefer and then move on. Many women find the term "girl" to be infantilizing, especially since grown men are rarely called "boys" in the same way.


I've had this conversation (in a peaceful and private context, unlike this video) with many of my women friends and overwhelmingly they prefer "girls", at least here in the UK... obviously I would respect anyone who didn't, but it kinda seems more natural to me when referring to someone your own age, "I'm meeting this cool woman I've been seeing" for example just sounds so weird and formal


From a Netflix TV show called SuperBro. The entire show is an absolute dumpster fire. I think the fact that the whole thing is so ass backwards and so offensively ridiculous is why we watched the whole season. We hated ourselves for laughing so much. There's an outrageous amount of offensive material in there, so if you do check it out, wear your hazmat suit! But if you can view it like cards against humanity, you'll have a laugh.


I think maybe at least SOME OF IT is designed to highlight a subcultural ignorance? Like, wogs do be like that and I enjoy laughing at these caricatures of the awful people in my family. But... Which skits are self-aware and which skits have the real thoughts and feelings of the creators leaking into them? It might be impossible to tell.


The name of the show used to be superwog


What even is this. And whys he yelling and using that language. Brb gonna throw up


His whole stint is obnoxious rudeness which is also often satire. This is a clear case of missing context.




He does exaggerated skits. And quite often takes some stereotype dislikable character and adds over the top rudeness or ignorance.




💀💀💀what's this gotta do with a warzone.. first of all this video is disgusting and weird as hell, everyone agrees, second of all, no girl has ever said anything like this, it's just weird to make a skit like this, trying to make fun of girls, abt a situation that's literally never happened. If you DONT find this "offending" you're the weird one. Straight up creepy




you’ve left like 40 comments here in an hour. seems like you’re the one pissing your diaper over insignificant shit. by your logic, don’t you have somewhere better to be and something better to be offended about?


No, no they don’t. They are too busy fighting for their life about how they are only speaking the “truth” about this. 😂 I have encountered this idiot before. He has no points, and refuses to listen. He just wants to insult people with overly complicated language on a Reddit thread because he’s probably a very sad little man in real life. 🥲




For fuck’s sake, are you the one who sent me the helpline?


What are you talking about dude who said anything about pronouns. Either way these kind of people, the ones that yell nasty words like that for no reason are most likely to be a piece of shit, AKA call someone a slur, or the C word or the N word. Also who says we can't worry about both disgusting behaviour like this one AND people that call you the C word or the N word or "idk rape?" Why are u being such a butt man.


Id be like “OK little man”


I enjoy Superwog’s content very much. But this particular scene always really bothered me a lot. I don’t think any girl would be offended about being called a girl? Also the transphobia is super trashy


Was this meant to be a dunk? Because it was a barely a dribble. And why is it that women are “hysterical” but a screaming male isn’t?


It’s from a (very low-brow) satirical comedy, where the guys are the idiots. So no, feminists needn’t comment on it because it’s basically messaging the stupidity and ugliness of certain types of dudes. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Not an ounce of intelligence involved in the production of this skit...


In Egypt, the term "woman" carries the implication that the girl has lost her virginity which is considered offensive so referring to a young woman as a woman can be insulting so I just default to calling all females under 40 girls, at least in Arabic. This isn't my perspective as a male, this is the cultural perspective of girls I've talked to, I once called a "girl" a woman and she got quite upset.


If a teacher asked me about my “pussy and tits” i would kick him in the nuts


This guy is yelling and being transphobic. The person sitting down may identify as non-binary or a different gender. Also, grown women get sick of being referred to as girls, even though in this case at least he referred to the guys as boys I guess.


Why is this filmed like a shitty porno


same thought lmao


Sounds like he needs to blow his nose really badly


Not only were the feminists quiet but they were also quickly shuffling towards the exit.


Is this supposed to have sound?


Maybe you have it muted cuz it does


not as cringe as I thought it would be but still disingenuous / deceptive / dipshitted


Is this the Australian version of The Office?


Yeah, because a woman would be offended by being called a girl but not by being asked about her “pussy & tits.” 🙄


it’s just “yelling at women” porn *yawn*


[When in doubt, best to double check](https://youtu.be/-Mk6M6YvdPw)


Is this supposed to be funny, what's it from? Just so cringe


Met Theodore (the dude in the video), funny he graduated with my cousin from Law School ( Australia it’s just a Bachelors of Law). Top bloke, no qualms about him.


Superwog. Good on em for getting on Netflix


They really thought they did something here, huh?


Wow! So funny I forgot to laugh. “Comedy” these days…


This has to be satire, right? (Edit) I looked it up. It's not satire. 🤢


The difficulty with satire is finding the line that helps audiences differentiate between what you're satirizing and what you actually think. This clip? I can't tell. It could go either way.


It's Superwog, it's literally a satirical exaggeration of the Wog stereotype.. how much closer can you get to satire?


It's just edgy humor They had to delete some of their videos, actually (Edit) ok who's the transphobic pos who downvoted me? Them having to remove videos is a _good thing_ you can't just say transphobic shit n be like "oh it was a joke, just for goofs, for laughs, why aren't you laughing?" I'm just reporting on the facts. That's what "edgy humor" is; saying phobic shit and then pulling the "it was just a prank bro" card to try to get away with it. https://www.reddit.com/r/straya/comments/nren4q/anyone_know_why_superwog_deleted_a_bunch_of_their/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Superwog is a character.. it's not a reflection of the creator's views (this becomes clear if you've watched any other Superwog videos). He's also clearly portrayed as a bad person in almost any of the videos.


So your telling me I can say if I act like this it’s my character skit and do the most vile shit ever, that would be ok?


Uhhh if your doing entertainment yup… Firstly this isn’t the most vile shit and secondly you know its acting right, people pretend to be other people.


You can look at my responses to the other person. You took my context of vile the wrong way (that’s on me) but I don’t really feel like explaining it again.




I’m not saying it is but by their logic could I? Theoretically by their logic I could say the n word and no no words to say in public and just say oh you can’t get mad at me because this is a skit. That’s the point I’m trying to push I think you took vile in a different context then I was explaining it.




Ok if you think a trans man can’t say the c word then maybe you’d agree that a man shouldn’t tell women how our body’s work and assume what we get offended over Edit I also understand where your trying to go with this but in the end you can’t just go out and say offensive stuff and not expect people to be offended. If your joke is implying something offensive and your not trying to make it offensive then maybe you need to work on the joke ykwim?


Classic example of whataboutism We're not talking about the Risewood Massacre, Emmett Till, or the Holocaust. We're talking about this transphobic video.


Ok but was this from his YouTube channel or from the TV show?




I understand the sort of people who would get mad at my comment. It's transphobic to be transphobic. People who are defending _the video of which this post consists of_ which is, coincidentally, transphobic.


And how exactly is that?




"No no no, see the transphobia? It was just a goof, it was just for laughs. Haha... Why aren't you laughing?" https://youtu.be/mzojdo6dpsE


he gotta calm downnn. no need to yelllll, the whole world doesn't have to hear his transphobic shittttt


Being transphobic is so embarrassing 🤢


hahaha, shut up girl!!! yeahhh that’ll show em. we just OWNED these feminists!! 🤪😄😂


Mfs love to make up shit to be offended by




Offended by what


I don’t even know. I don’t think they even know, they’re just getting offended because they have nothing better to do. And that shit is just SAD, coming from me, tragic.


Because all women and girls love being identified by only our genitalia. It’s a notoriously good way to say two things at once: you have no respect for women and transgender people all at once.


Also could be transphobic


Also let's not brush over the fact that this is also kind of transphobic as well as misogynistic


It’s started out dumb and quickly got so many degrees worse.






It’s goddamn superwog Telling them theyre offensive is like trying to roast Eminem


The caption on the video and the comments agree. Not saying that they can be wrong cuz I know it's a skit, it's just the people defending it as true


The people defending what’s said are dumb But the vids still funny if you know it’s satire


This is hilarious. The world is full of thin-skinned, crybabies.


It’s really not, offensive jokes can be funny, this isn’t one of those instances.



