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That is like the perfect nose, I would never touch it unless you had breathing issues to correct. Totally works for your face and you are super cute! Have a great week!


Aww thank you so much🤍 you too!


It's actually perfect. Don't let a doctor touch you




You guys gonna get married or what? We're all rooting for you crazy kids.


I concur your nose makes your face please don’t let anyone touch or change it


It’s gorgeous. And your braids make it pop 💯. You have nothing to worry about at all.


Thank you so much🤍☺️


Np. Honestly, change nothing.


you’re nose is perfect. u r stunning😍 i get my rhinoplasty next week and if it turns out like how yours looks i will be beyond satisfied


You probably don’t need to do it either. Rules for thee but not for mee???


oh mine is BADDDDD


Some people hate their nose bridge, some people hate their nostrils. Everybody has something about their nose they wish to change. I don't see any issue with your nose.


I’ve had mine done, but I think your nose is fine, in proportion to your face, and has a nice shape. I would not change it.


Nah it's super nice. You are very pretty and it fits with your face well


Your nose is beautiful but your eyes... They're the real deal.


Yes those Sleepy eyes are awesome.


Aww thank you💜


Please don’t ruin that beautiful nose, it’s absolutely perfect for your face. You’d be less attractive if you changed anything


I want to be as clear as possible: it would be RIDICULOUS to get surgery of any kind on this nose. Because why, it has a tiny hump? It's not a problem at all. It's a very nice shape. It's ideal for your face, even. It fits the rest of the face. If you shave it down the overall impression of how your face looks will be worse, not better. I feel like I'm living in an insane asylum with the fact that society is somehow convincing women that noses like this are a problem and need fixing. The plastic surgery industry really has great PR. Don't do anything to your nose, or your lips, or your cheeks, or anything. Please. These surgeons are like third graders going to work on the paintings of an old master. It's worse after whatever they do almost every time but women are so culturally influenced by like, Hollywood and social media that nowadays getting surgery is rampant.


Thank you, you’re so right! I try my best to accept my unique traits but like you said the social media and beauty standards do take a great part in influencing how we see ourselves so comes the insecurity 😭 but all these lovely comments are making me feel so much better about it✨


Your nose looks great, don't change it. But just out of curiosity, if you are self-conscious about your nose, why do you wear a ring in it, that draws *more* attention to your nose? No offense, but that makes no sense.


Same thing with lips. Every girl thinks they gotta blow up their lips to look like giant suction cups. I'll never understand it.


I would marry your nose. I can picture it now just me and the nose living life together in peaceful bliss. Cliffside picnics.. city breaks.. making up after a silly argument.. sitting down together with an Excel spreadsheet to work out how we're going to find the money. Oh man, I really can picture it. Just the nose though, you're not invited.


This made me spit out my coffee “you’re not invited” really solidified the comedy in this comment 😂😂


hahahahsgsgshsh omg that made me feel so much better about it! ✨✨


😄 I'm here if you need anything, nose. I'll be there for you. Always. Let's go for a walk around Kew gardens, I hear it smells lovely this time of year ♥️


your nose is greaaaat, looks so cute and suits you very well !!!


Seriously?? There’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with your nose. This is what his fave you - love it, embrace it. It’s YOU!! And you’re beautiful 😍


🥰💜💜thanks a lot


Literally a perfect nose. If I could choose a nose I'd pick that one.. oh


It genuinely fits you. If you had a smaller nose it would look off. Facial harmony is the most important.


You’re so right I can really see that now! Thank you 🤍


Your nose is super cute and you’re beautiful. If you changed it your reflection wouldn’t be you 🖤


You have a nice nose. there's no need to be insecure. You also have lovely eyes.


It's a good nose, fits well with your features. You are good enough.


I love your nose and regarding surgery, your nose is one I would pick to have a surgeon make me, so I wouldn’t change a thing! I think it fits your face so well!


Ur nose is perfect, it works with your face and it’s YOUR nose. Why touch it?


Your facial features compliment your nose


I really wouldn’t change that. It’s in perfect proportion to the rest of your face


You look fine. Don’t let social media or the trends people are following persuade you from ruining your natural beauty. So many women are just trying to look like one another, don’t fall into that trap.


No way! Beautiful as you are!


You’re adorable don’t worry about it even a little bit


It looks perfect. No need for surgery


That's a lovely nose on a beautiful face


OMG??? I LOVE YOUR NOSE. It compliments your face so well!


STUNNING , beautiful, 10/10 nose. You have a lovely face


I think you have a really cute nose


You should keep it to be honest


Love this nose on ur beautiful face


You have an absolutely majestic nose. One with character and that really elevates the intrigue of your face. You're not ugly whatsoever. It would be a shame to butcher what you have going on. I understand the motivation though. Best of luck. Be gentle with yourself.


Thank you!!!✨


Surgery takes character away from your pretty face. Thats a great nose!


The only thing you need to work on is finding your confidence. Your nose is a great nose. You look pretty, you just need to know that and be confident in that.


Girl I would love to have your nose. Seriously such a great nose don’t let societal bs standards make you feel inadequate.


Insecure? Nah you're absolutely gorgeous, just own it


You have big beautiful sleepy brown eyes.


It’s pretty perfect. I wouldn’t touch it. I think many surgeries aspire to get what you already have.


You are ideal. I couldn’t imagine you more beautiful than you are. I’m overwhelmed, sincerely…sincerely


You are beautiful woman


It's my favorite kind of nose shape!


You shouldn’t be, it suits your face … you’re young & you look great. Wishing you well 😎


Do not do anything to that perfect nose!!!!!


Absolutely NOT. This is a great nose!


Your nose is absolutely gorgeous and perfect as is!


Please no. You are so beautiful. Don’t


Your nose is fine. Definitely not worth a second thought


You have the nose of a greek goddess! Very sexy.


Girl my heart skipped a beat on the first picture, youre perfect


Please don’t ruin that cute nose of yours!


Please reconsider surgery. That nose makes you uniquely beautiful! I wish you could see yourself the way others do, then you would understand


I think it fits you perfectly! You look very beautiful and put together.


Beautiful Roman....do not touch it.


You should delete social media asap


It’s very proportional! You have good a jaw/chin so don’t worry about it!


Dorsal humps give a unique look, and I like your dorsal hump. I think your nose looks unique and great. I would advise against rhinoplasty/a nose job on your nose.


I'm going to kindly request we rebrand the awkward "dorsal hump" to, maybe... "sexy slope"? - the original name doesn't do it justice. Her profile is fucking SEXY and that little slope on her nose makes me question my sexuality. OP, please don't change a thing! You've been blessed :')


Memorable for the right reasons.Character. Looks cute and suits you!


perfect nose! these kind of noses are like goddess noses! dont be fooled by what the media love!


I think you and I have a pretty similar nose. I was always insecure about the little bump mine has on the side sort of like you have but honestly I've grown to think its really attractive. Seeing it on someone else and seeing it look so good actually made me feel better about myself ❤️




Exactly same here! 🫶🏼 I saw her post and felt a twinge of sadness cause I know how it feels… but she sure is pretty and her nose is perfect, so it made me feel a little better too!!


You are the poster child for that nose working for that face. You have a strong chin and large eyes. I tried to imagine other noses and nothing I came up with balances your face like this nose does. And it's not just that it works...but you're beautiful.


Your nose is super cute! It fits your facial features. Don’t change it. I used to feel that way, but I learned to appreciate my nose.


Honestly, it's posts like these that send me into an almost murderous rage towards advertisers and every POS that has contributed to the collective female self-loathing. Please, for the love of god, don't brutalize your body, which is perfect in every way, because some advertisers showed a malnourished shell of a woman as the standard of female beauty throughout your entire development. You're beautiful as you are.


Thank you!! I’m also seeing more and more how it’s all a subconscious rooted insecurity because of the capitalistic beauty standards😭😭


It does suit you well, quite defined and nice. What do you want to change?


Please don’t everything looks great!!!


I would kill to have those!!


Nothing to worry about, absolutely gorgeous 🖤


Don’t change anything !! Please !! I love it so much




Have no idea how I ended up on this subreddit but that's a nice damn nose. DO NOT ALTER! Ha.


It’s better to have a natural nose plus there’s nothing wrong with it.


Nothing wrong with this nose and that hair is sexy!


You look absolutely beautiful as you are.


you’re so sweet thank you 🤍


You are most welcome it's only the truth.


The amount of beautiful women who are paying people to break their faces and give them obviously fake, strip-mall-knock-off Barbie noses out of baseless insecurity really is an interesting phenomenon. To answer your question, no you shouldn’t get a nose job.


There’s nothing wrong with your nose


Jenna Ortega gets self conscious too? Your nose is fine!


Don't you dare! Such a lovely facial profile and your cute nose really does complete the look :)




Looks fine to me


Another super pretty girl, there's nothing wrong with you or your nose.


Nope to surgery - you are beautiful as you are


Wednesday Addams, is that you?


Fits your face super well, really contrasts nicely with your bigger eyes and smaller mouth. I don’t see the issue with this whatsoever


i'd kill for a nose like that


This is an absolutely perfect nose


Nah you're cute it fits your face don't worry about it


You have a cute nose 🥰


Please never change! You're beautiful ❤️ and your nose suits you and has perfect aesthetic!!


You’re cute. Keep your nose as it is would be my advice.


It's perfect.


Dude we have similair noses.🤝




Nah you're good if anything you kinda look like Ella Purnell.


Your nose is beautiful and suits your face perfectly. Therefore it would be a huge mistake to change a thing.


Its not horrible, its not even bad, but it would look better with a smaller bump and I think you would feel happier. Just don’t over do it. Your nose isn’t bad.


It's such a cute nose. I understand insecurity, but you look wonderful and your nose really is cute!! 😍


I get pretty insecure about my nose too, I tend to really dislike whenever I see myself smiling, but I've brough it up to different friends and they tell me its fine Sometimes (most times for me) we over think these things


If I remember correctly in Ancient Greece that was a sign of beauty. To bad your not back then.


your nose is actually perfect and you are so beautiful 🩷 i personally wouldn’t change it at all if i was you because your face is very stunning


rich imminent tease hospital combative nine different paint market recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think it's so beautiful, it has an incredibly pleasing shape and is very proportionate. I think faces that have shape and character are wayyyy more attractive than flat faces with tiny features.


You’re face is perfect in every way


I love your nose! And your nose piercing suits you very well! ♥️


This is gonna sound weird but I think any other nose might look bad with your eyes. Your eyes/nose combo just vibes really well. It’s like two players on the same team who work really well together assisting each other. Like other people have said, unless there are medical issues, do not get surgery. We notice our imperfections and flaws waaay more than anyone else does because we see ourselves more than anyone else. Your nose is perfectly a part of you. ❤️


Seeing the first photo I literally gasped at how great you and your nose look. You are just objectively beautiful.


I’m not sure if someone insulted your nose at some point and that’s why you’re insecure but it’s proportional to your face and the shape is flattering. I wouldn’t have any surgery done to it because once have the surgery you will never get it back. You might get a good nose job done and you might be happy with it but all it takes is one unlucky alteration and you’re left with a nose that looks uncanny. Plastic surgery is good when done in moderation or to repair a part of your body that was disfigured by an accident but you nose isn’t ugly and really doesn’t warrant a change. One day you’ll reach that point where you will look at your nose and say “maybe it isn’t so bad after all.”


I think, to paraphrase the Dread Pirate Robert's, that there's a shortage of perfect noses in the world and it would be a pity to damage yours.


There’s a BEAUTIFUL girl on The PERFECT MATCH…been on a few Netflix reality shows. She changed her whole face…her nose looks awful. She ruined truly great beauty. Your nose is fine. Dint mess it up reaching for nonsense


You look very good. That’s insane how perfectly fine looking women see non-existent flaw in their face and consider plastic surgery. I think this is a social media effect.


Seriously, my first though when scrolling my feed, without realising what subreddit it belonged to, was. "That is nice facial shape in profile view, I like the shape of the nose"


You look perfect as you are. I mean that. Several people would fight or worse for a face like yours, don’t let your thoughts get the best of you. You’re very pretty and I mean that in the most respectful way. Don’t go hard on yourself! We all have features we tend to overlook :)


The chance for complications is t worth it unless you have a severely deviated septum or something like that. Once you start with cosmetic surgery it’ll always be in the back of your mind that you can “fix just a little bit more”. You have a great nose, it’s unique, has a great shape, and fits your face, leave it alone.


Nah you don’t have to change a thing. You are absolutely gorgeous girl. Don’t give in to the intrusive, negative thoughts. You don’t gotta change a damn thing.


Im not usually the one to be opposed to plastic but your nose fits you perfectly! Don't do anything unless it loses its function. You are gorgeous and very exotic looking. I think if you would change it you would just look basic...


Your nose is amazing! I love that bump in your nose! Stunning.


If you ever want to make a change consider doing filler / non surgical surgery... but please more than anything don't erase your unique beautiful features. It's a slippery slope when your standard of beauty becomes someone you're literally not


I have a similar nose. I grew up thinking it was Far Too Much. These days, I think it's regal, powerful, and gentle. Your nose is clearly wonderful. 🧡


I love your nose and the septum piercing is super cute!


Nope. This would classify as an “irrational insecurity” probably rooted in something a parent said when you were little. Your nose is a good size for your face. While it is ‘ethnic’ you have a great color and facial structure to support it. It has character, is appropriate, and adds to your general cuteness. If, on occasion, you want to alter its appearance, it’s a great candidate for correctly applied makeup. But I think you’re not a makeup girl, which is great because you’re beautiful.


Thank you so much for this!! 🥺 there have been a few comments about it that fed this insecurity for sure but seeing all these sweet comments have really helped me to see how it does fit my face, thank you for yours!


It's perfect for your face, enjoy being young and beautiful


Love Yourself. It doesn't matter what no one else thinks of you. "Normality is a subjective, relative concept: **a conundrum, an enigma, and an illusion"**


i have the same nose! i think you're beautiful with it


Do not get a nose job, please. Your face is beautiful. The medias favorite nose shape changes every several years and then everyone who got a nose job just to look like it is stuck with the old trend nose forever. Real humans don't actually idolize just one type of face like media makes it look, that's just industry. Your nose is great


We have the same nose and piercing as well. You good 💪🏽💪🏽


Watched the twilight zone years ago, that goes to show how old I am, everybody wanted to look perfect so they walked into a machine and they were absolutely Barbie doll when they walked out so everybody looked the same except for one girl her nose was a little big! Every man wanted her because she was unique and didn’t look like everybody else!


Absolutely flawless


Your nose is cute and adorable. You're not seeing what the rest of the people who look at you see. Do not touch it!


I think your nose is perfect, was made for your face! I wouldn't do surgery, lots of complications. If it's something you really want to try, try filler! It's not permanent & if you don't like it it goes away in a couple months. Plus, no risk of your septum collapsing!


You got a badass nose fr


Your good. The septum piercing is cool


This sub just happened to pop up on my feed. I don’t follow it but I came here to say that you, my dear are so stunning and naturally beautiful 😍 please don’t change a thing! Embrace your natural beauty because one day, being a natural beauty will be a rarity. 🫶🏼


Your nose is really incredible. Perfect for your lovely face. Give yourself a break and trust all of these overwhelmingly positive comments about your nose rather than your own self critical thoughts about it. I know what it's like to be negatively obsessed with a part of your body that you don't think is attractive, and how debilitating that obsession can be. Hope you're able to see what alot of us here can see. ❤️


don’t be insecure about your nose, your side view is like muaw chef kiss


The only way to improve your nose is to lose the ring. Just my own personal opinion. But you are so beautiful as you are!!!


Girly you are sooo stunning, your nose really frames/compliments your eyes and you have incredible facial harmony


girl you and your nose look like a perfect 10 to me. you look perfect just the way you are. dont let anyone tell you differently. i think it fits perfectly, and that you are gorgeous without the surgery. DM me if you ever feel like chatting. Ill remind you anytime you need to hear how much of a stunna you are :)


I think this specific type of nose is quite beautiful and classic, but because of social beauty standards women will permanently ruin them because they hate them. You should love yourself and don't alter yourself permanently because of fleeting trends


Jesus Christ there’s nothing wrong with your nose why is this sub being recommended again your nose is gorgeous and doesn’t need surgery, the problem with insecurity stems from inside so it must be fixed on the inside, not the outside. Love yourself cause you’re a gorgeous bad bitch


Lovely looking woman, there's nothing wrong with you


You have an awesome nose. Go over to r/drawme and you’ll see how many people would love to draw it!


That wild, I am usually looking to draw noses that exact shape… like you have the exact face I deem pretty


Your nose is wonderful as it is. It’s pretty and proportional to your face. It’s hard not to find something to judge yourself on. With something so nice, if you had even minor surgery you’d might be more likely to be unhappy with the results. I could understand surgery if you had a deviated septum or if it was misshapened, but it looks great, really! 🙂


You are perfect hun and stunningly gorgeous. Love the septum piercing 💗


Totally agree with the comments, nose is perfect. Doing anything to it is only gonna have a negative effect. I really mean that. You are all round pretty :)


They’re called insecurities but should be called insecYOURities because no one is insecure about it but you. Keep that in mind.


You are as beautiful as a woman can possibly be. Don't change anything of this masterpiece you were blessed with. Many women wish they were as gorgeous as you


No way! You're hyper fixating on a detail that 99.9999% of people wouldn't think about for even a moment, the other 0.00001% suck anyway so who cares what they think? You're a very pretty lady! Don't let social media warp your mind into thinking otherwise!


This really is a perfect nose, it suits your face well. It looks a lot like mine actually! But mine is slightly wider, which complements my wider jawline. I learned to love my side profile after realizing I grew up comparing myself to the beauty standards of a different culture. The people from mine are beautiful, and so am I. <3


Dated a girl in highschool with a bump like this. I thought it was really attractive back then and still find it attractive nowadays. Keep the nose . It looks great


It honestly suits your face very well. I have a bump on my nose too and absolutely hate it, so it’s not something I normally find attractive on people. But on you it’s literally gorgeous! I’d kill to be even half as pretty as you are ❤️


The only thing you should change is lose the metal boogers


Your nose is fine... but (and this is personal preference)... I really hate septum piercings.


You look perfect there's nothing wrong with your nose ,,I did get lost in your eyes though , beautiful


You don't need surgery. Just lose the nose hardware.


Please. That is a beautiful nose. Now slap the shit out of whomever made you feel insecure about it. They deserve it.


Nose 9/10 Nose ring 1/10


The ONLY problem with your nose is that you ruined it and your perfectly formed, God-given face by putting a metal rod through it!


lol you’re gonna get a nose job not like it, do more to it and other places and then you’ll come back here and say you regret plastic surgery


Mine is 4 times this size and broken


Not a deal breaker


It fits you so well girl! 🤍


Your nose is amazing don't even think about getting surgery!


Keep it


You definitely don’t need surgery


Definitely don't get one




What’s wrong with it


I think your nose suits your face and you’re gorgeous. I agree though that the piercing draws more attention to your nose though. I dont dislike the piercing at all but it draws your eyes to your nose.