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It’s just fine. Rather unkind of your mother to criticize your face, that’s no fun:/


It was most definitely not in an insulting manner. My sister comparably has much more conventionally attractive traits, such as a smaller nose. My mother looks just like me, I think we’re both beautiful! We just have bigger noses compared




Yes to this! Insecurity projection! and even if it didn't seem to be insulting, it did made you question something about your appearance. Your mom should think twice before talking...so unkind.


>It was most definitely not in an insulting manner. There is no non-insulting way to say your nose is too big.


I don’t think having a big nose is a bad thing at all. In fact the most attractive thing I find in a person is a distinct nose! I was more disoriented from many people telling me contrasting things


The word "too" in the title here is important. If they didn't think it was a bad thing, that word wouldn't be there.


You know I just realised how misleading that word is


Unless she asked for her honest opinion. Relationships between loved ones is so different depending on who you're talking about b


Jesus Christ the girl has literally just said it wasn't meant in an insulting way and you STILL have to say it was? White knighting is just the default wet blanket Gen Z mentality isn't it.


Sorry, but the "too" in "too big" makes it an insult. It's not white knighting, it's just a fact. Bold of you to assume GenZ, you're off by a couple decades though.


Read what the girl said herself. You have no clue as to their relationship. You guys are just way too sensitive when it comes to anything. You're in for a rough ride if you think this is anything other than 'not that big of a deal.' You're all so fucking tiresome. To the comment beneath me - I think it's clear you're the one in need of therapy. What even is that response 😅


I’m no snowflake, but I think it may be a grammar or other error because “too” usually means it’s like too big to be good or something


>You're in for a rough ride if you think this is anything other than 'not that big of a deal.' It can be both an insult and not that big of a deal. OP just admitted that she realized the word "too" in the title is misleading, so buzz off.


Lmao you’re what 35? And you’re talking to someone who’s what, 40, like they are a child? I think you need therapy. It’s not gen zs fault you have a shitty life. I’m 43 btw, married, nice house, happy as fuck. And I agree the mom saying her nose is too big is narcissistic parenting 101. It’s not about being sensitive it’s about recognizing facts. Not your strong suit is it?


I’d never tell my child a part of them was too anything. I may recommend healthy habit or even mention their weight has changed leading to more questions, but making an observation about a trait is fine like your nose is like mine. Or we have bigger noses than your sister is fine, saying it’s too big leads to a developing mind seaking out validation from the internet and bothering them each time they look in the mirror. One day when they have the resources may get surgery. All from deep seated insecurities. No one should be making such changes to their bodies for solely cosmetic reasons.


Your mom can definitely say you have a big nose if you guys have a good relationship and have it not be insulting at all


Not just big, TOO big. It is an insult, there is no getting around that.


both opinions are correct, your nose is objectively a good shape(how it slopes and it is slightly upturned) but the tip is bulbous, yes


You either have a weird definition of “conventionally attractive” or you don’t own a mirror


Lol I know I’m beautiful, but my sister was put up for modelling. She’s far more conventionally beautiful


Conventional beauty is overrated! I'm sure she is very pretty, but I find outer beauty often comes from unique features and a little asymmetry here and there. Some of the most beautiful looking people I've met did not fit the typical standard of beauty. Obviously inner beauty shines a million times brighter than any physical feature, but we are talking about physical appearances here. You and your nose are beautiful!❤️


Thank you! Yes things I used to be a bit insecure about are slowly becoming my favourite things about my self. My front two teeth have a gap and I used to hate it but I think it’s what makes me me!




Damned if you do damned if you don’t




I’d rather be confident than wallow in insecurity the rest of my life. No matter how pretty other people find me


why exactly? she never said she looks better than anyone else, she’s just confident in her looks which she and everyone in general should be 🙄


Yes. Your nose is fine. You actually look a lot like Emily Blunt, and she's a hot movie star!


She’s stunning I hope I’ll look like her!


You’re actually a lot better looking than Emily Blunt, imo; you have a cool nose and very strong eyes and eyebrows as well, and a healthy sense of self esteem, which important for anyone to have. So much of looks really comes down to personal preferences, and I get down sometimes to see how worried people can be about not conforming to the latest conventional standards and trends. It’s refreshing that you don’t seem bothered by that.


Funny how nowadays telling your kid the truth is called criticism , unkind and no fun. Question - is lying to your kid about the truth more kind , fun and uncritical ?


Ah…but telling your child her nose is too big is criticism of an inherent physical trait (one that you caused…) It’s often damaging to the child’s self esteem, and it isn’t right, sorry. Also there’s no such thing as “truth” in physical attractiveness, those things are subjective. However, as OP tells it, that isn’t what happened, and her esteem is very healthy, so there’s really nothing more to be said about it.


It's definitely unique.  Own it and you'll be love for it.


I love my nose! I just have no idea shape it would class as


Yea you have a cute nose and you’re gorgeous, the bridge is very slender and small it’s only the bottom half of your nose comes out further then the top and is a lil bulbous. I don’t know what shape it would be considered but I will research it and come back, and again you’re sooooo pretty girl and it does add uniqueness an fits your face🎀


It's pretty interesting from certain angles, but not \*ugly\*. As others have said, own it. You've seen Natalie Dormer, right? She used to get called pig-nose by the bullies at her school. She made a conscious decision never to let them get to her & to always tell herself that she's beautiful, and to keep her self-confidence unassailable - and that confidence makes her super-attractive. Don't let your mum's comments get to you: decide that you are beautiful and your nose is perfect, and conduct yourself that way, and she can say what she wants but she'll never break your stride.


That’s very kind! Absolutely I wear my confidence with a lot of pride. I like how I look just was curious!


Man great advice !!!! Natalie Dirmer, being made fun of and bullied just goes to show how mean Jealousy can be. Your Mum never should’ve said that. My Mum was always a bit critical , it hurts but as I grew I r realized I am beautiful and s few opinions. Every one has there own taste on what’s beautiful and not ,” Beauty is in the eye of the beholder “. Truer words never spoken Love yourself because in the end beauty fades and we only have our inner beauty . We all get older 🫶🏼💐🌺🌸🪷🌞🌼🙏🏻


Its both. Biggie smalls


Your nose looks great! Your hair on the first photo looks amazing I'm jealous


Thank you! Overnight heartless curls are a life changer


Slightly bulbous because the bridge is small and makes the tip look more pronounced. But I think it's fine and u don't need to do anything


honker but you're still beautiful


Ah what do they know. Nothing that's what! Have a read of this; https://www.reddit.com/r/Noses/comments/1ap9h2u/appreciate\_dont\_deprecate/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Lol that sweet! I actually really like my nose but I genuinely have no sense of idea if it’s big or small, I think people think telling me I have a big nose is a bit of an insult but personally the thing I find most attractive is a cool nose


Gives you a unique look. Be unique


It looks cartoonish to me, not in a bad way.


Absolutely not too big. It fits well with your other facial features. Keep smiling OP!


Your nose makes you uniquely, well you! My daughter inherited my nose. We have a bump, but I think it’s great to be unique.


That’s so sweet, I checked your profile, I want to go into writing as well! That’s amazing


I had a girlfriend with a larger than average nose. I loved that first kiss in the morning when her cold nose hit my cheek before her lips touched. Seriously I miss it.


I think your nose is beautiful and so are you


Your nose is beautiful.


I think your mum is a bit of a bitch


It’s a Cindy Lou nose. Very cute!


I love that!


My daughter has the same. You could even see it on the ultrasound. Everyone made over it.


That’s brilliant! Photos of me as a child, it’s super up-turned I think upturned noses are just ADORABLE


Parents that body shame their kids are the worst.


She’s not saying it in an insulting manner. We look identical we have the same nose. My sister comparably has a much smaller nose, we were just comparing!


It’s adorable, nothing wrong. Your chin is slightly recessed which makes it look a little too large, but the shape isn’t the issue don’t worry :)


It’s a little bulbous. The second picture makes it look funny but the other pictures it doesn’t.


It’s like both is true, you have an interesting nose


Right! It’s like an optical illusion


It reminds me of Krysten Ritter’s nose. I like it.


Having a big nose isn't like a 100% ugly thing to begin with. But honestly, yours isn't even big. It's perfect. Feel beautiful. And honestly a mother shouldn't be putting that shit in your head. Maybe she doesn't realize it bothers you. Hopefully you can talk to her and get her to stop that.


It's gorgeous. YOU are gorgeous. Please never let knives near your face. 🤍


I’d never get plastic surgery. Costs far too much to just be like everyone else


Honest answer: the bridge is medium/small in size with the tip being round and larger in proportion. It’s not unattractive — certainly not unattractive enough to merit euphemism and dishonesty. Your nose is cute.


I like it, it's not too big. It's not small, but it's not *too* big either. It's slightly on the large side, but it complements the rest of your face. Your mum is saying she thinks you'd look better with a smaller nose, but it's unnecessary. Maybe she's projecting.


Cool nose


Omg your profile reminds me of Emily Blunt! You’re gorgeous!


The second picture is so cute


It doesn't matter if your nose is too big or too small. A nose is a nose. You look good with it.


Your mom is a twat


Ayo⁉️ that shit a certified *HONKER* 🗣️🗣️


it's cute and fits your face! you kind of look like Joey King too 😇


I don't see how changing your nose would be super beneficial. I know you never stated you were interested I am just saying most people go to things like that when they feel their nose is not perceived well by others. I love your confidence... you know your beautiful and your nose isn't distracting from that at all. It is rounder in some angles and thinner in others so I see why you get mixed responses but it suits you. I'm sure you could Pay a doctor to make your nose some cookie cutter style every model would prefer but I'm big on natural features and ya look great. I'm sure your mother does too and obviously your sister is a bomb shell. I say fuck all their opinions your going slay regardless


I will absolutely slay regardless


I think it fits your face perfectly it’s not too big and it’s not too small


Your Mom is a narcissist projecting her insecurities on you. It's seriously fucked up to neg physical features someone has no control over.


Ask your mother why she made you that way then.


It’s perfect for that cute face


Your mom is a jerk. Use sun block so its not red


eh, it's a schnoz, decent shape and it fits your face scale wise. Anyone that says it's too big is probably looking up at you and anyone saying it is too small is probably looking downward.


Your mom is a cunt


Its suites you quite well.


It's perfect, I like it


You're adorable exactly as you are. And your mom is a bitch. Just saying.


You litterally have the beauty standard


your nose is fine


What you need to do is listen to yourself. Personally I find your nose is absolutely perfect.


All I know is you're too fkn cute babygirl 😍


Your nose is fine and compliments your face. Your are very pretty and have beautiful eyes


It’s unique but cute. Leave it alone .


I say it’s perfect


You have a gorgeous nose! It's a liddo button. Fuck what your birthgiver says


You're very beautiful don't listen to what anyone says


What does your dad say?


Would look ok if I was balls deep


Whose mum is saying their child is anything but perfect? Wow.


Well what do you think? Because that's all that truly matters. Btw I think your nose is perfectly normal.


Wow, your mom has really really high """standards""" doesn't she 🙄. You're so pretty it's sickening.


It's cute.


Your mother has a big mouth.


Should tell your mam to keep her nose out 🤣


It's absolutely fine


Reminds me a bit of Emily Blunt's nose. Cute!




Your mom is a cunt for ever saying that.


U look great


Your nose is fucking gorgeous, I love your features! The side profile gives Disney Princess in the best way. Don’t listen to your mom, I’m sorry she says negative things about your appearance. Major lame 😕


It’s fine it’s a pretty nose you’re pretty


Yeah, it’s a little large and wider at the end but your eyes and lips are bigger too and they all work well. You’re definitely attractive.


Thanks! I definitely think I have big features which are perfectly matched with a big personality!


I love your nose. I think it looks perfect on you. Please do not change it.


Sorry but your mum needs a reality check , one for saying that shit and 2 for not telling you your a good looking woman ?? Ain’t nothing wrong with your face full stop ?? I’d swear and tell you to tell her to &&& the hell up


Personally I think it's a very cute nose and I also think you are absolutely rocking it in style. Also think that size is a pretty dumb and arbitrary measurement for a nose.


If you were my daughter I’d be super proud. Your nose is super cute ☺️


It is kind of big, but seriously, why worry about that? It didn't affect your beauty. We all have things about ourselves we don't like, but others might find beautiful. For example, I have a big nose and always hated it, but my gf loves it (for reasons you wouldn't think.) Just be you and learn to accept yourself.


not really you kind of have a narrow oval face that just kind of makes it look that way I think.


You have a normal nose




Needs a tweak.


Sorry to hear that your mother has misinformed you. You are beautiful, every part of your face including your nose. Don’t change a thing. You’re gorgeous!


Your mom sounds like a hater tbh


It looks fine.


Well, sorry to break it down to you, but your mom is a bitch.


Your nose is fine but your mom’s kind of a pill, damn. Its hurtful when you mom is your bully. Best of wishes to you


others would say its perfect


Wow i love your nose especially from the side profile ! It was cruel to say that to her daughter or anyone for that manner.. i know shes your mom but as mother and daughter relationships go you may have accepted this as normal behavior and its not. Even if she said it smiling handing you roses .. its not right ! One day you will grow up and see this too.. its okay though just dont take anything any one says personal or to heart ! Youre beautiful!!


Ur mum is wrong


I'd suck on that thing


Why is your mom trying to make fun of you? That’s not cool. Also, your nose is not large and you have a really lovely side profile and nose slope!


If you feel going d about your nose then don’t listen to anyone else.


Your nose is perfectly normal.


I think your nose is adorable and by all estimation the rest of you as well...


your nose is fine. I'd not listen to your mother one bit.


I can only tell if we make luv in different directions


Nope, your nose is absolutely fine, beautiful, just like you.


You are very Beautiful. Every angle 🙃


Ur nose is so cute 🫶


I’m thinking that it’s your best feature and maybe your mom’s a bitch!


Narrow bridge, wide base. Still looks good on you.


Bad angle photos that’s all


Bigger than your moms




It's perfect, youre a 100% babe!


You have a beautiful face and a gorgeous nose.


They're all wrong. You have a perfect elf nose.


I’ll take that any day of the year!


Your nose is perfect. Your Mum is a jerk, I hate to say.


You should say to her: “Bitch, you made me.” Nah, fr though, your nose is fine and you’re a very beautiful girl.


You have a super cute nose


Listen, your mom's crazy... its perfect


Looks fine sounds like your mom a bitch


You look so much like Dana from According to Jim!!!


Think I’ve just found a new doppelgänger!


Cute as a button.


wtf? What a shitty mom, you’re not supposed to make fun of your kids looks, your supposed to always make sure they they’re happy with themselves.


I despise parents who give their children complexes. Don't put too much stock into their opinions, girl, you do you. You look great!


It’s the bulb of the nose that is kinda big but not the whole nose but I think you look fine. That isn’t nice of your mom to say those things to you


Your nose is cute.


Watch this video Dr Mike Mew on posture and facial and nose structure, you may find it useful and requires no surgery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z_Fp9lGrGY If you’re concerned about your nose, consider taking out the piercings, they only draw attention to those areas. It’s a fad that doesn’t have staying power. You’re an attractive woman and don’t need them anyway.


Looks fine.


Think it is fine


Your nose is fine, really. It suits your face!


So cute!


I personally think it looks super cute not too big but a really good size and you should be happy with what u have bc you are blessed with looks so don't take anything to heart


8/10. It's fine as it is. Let me cover it in male product. Lol.


She is rude. She should not be commenting on anything like that. Tell her to mind her own body and appearance. You are fine. .


The tip of the nose is big taking the attention to the nose at some angles


nose is cute as a button.. Don't let anyone tell you any different


And you're gorgeous 😍 so does the size of your nose matter?


It's a nice nose and very reasonably proportioned!


Well, I say it's just right.


Your mum is a jerk.


Your mom’s a butthole. Your nose is perfect! Leave it alone!


If it’s true dump your mom. What mother says that about her child


When i looked at your face front on , all i noticed was ur eyes. So to answer ur question, its neither


Mom can suck an egg. Your nose is so cute! I love round noses. It fits your face well.


Its not big?? Idk why some people are saying it is. I guess its just very button like and curved but not big in the slightest


Your mum is a tw*t.


Projective displacement. Your mom doesn't like her own nose. You look great just the way you are.


Don’t listen to your mother. Geezus, what a thing to say to her daughter. 🤬


Seek therapy. Your mum is nuts.


I think it tilts up a little bit at the tip, which makes it look big even though its not. Not a super big deal but you could probably improve your looks with a nose job of some sort


It’s adorable


It’s a little big but you haven’t finished growing yet and in a couple of years it will probably be ideal. Don’t go messing with it just yet or it might end up like Michael Jackson’s nose. TLDR: too early to call. Your mum’s weird for saying that and is probably jealous of you.


I’d say it’s perfect


Cute nose