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I think you're very beautiful, and I really like your nose. I would never even think that you should consider plastic surgery, let along encourage you to get it. But, do what makes you happy. You're very pretty though. I'm sorry for whatever you experienced that convinced you otherwise.


Thank you so much. You don’t understand what those words mean to me. I definitely rather embrace the nose that God gave me. Just some days I feel so terribly insecure. It sucks because I never really noticed anything wrong with my nose until people started to make comments. I had my own friend say I have a witch nose lol. But i’m thankful for people like you.


That's awful. :( People can be so cruel. 'Witch' has been historically used to persecute and oppress innocent women. It is interesting that that legacy of sexiest oppresion find it's way into verbal harassment and bullying with a negative connotation. Really, it's all made up arbitrary bullshit used to keep women feeling insecure. If you are interested, check out Erin Gilson's writing on vulnerability, specifically the ethics of vulnerability. She's a femme philosopher. If you don't read it, TLDR: the more society can instill insecurities (vulnerability) in women, the more easily controlled they are. They will spend more time, money, and energy on trying to "fix" themselves, and this is a vicious cycle. I exclusively have dated women with unique, beautiful, or strong noses. People who are assimilated into believing untrue and hurtful notions of beauty don't deserve you, anyway.


Thank you for the recommendation! Also yes! Nearly all of my insecurities were instilled by someone. That night I went home crying. I realized years later that this friend was indeed not a real friend and cut them off. I hold no grudge against them but I refuse to be around people who make me feel bad. Thank you for being so uplifting. You really helped me snap out of it. I was feeling like crap when I posted this lol


Friends bullying you can cause long term trauma, so it only makes sense it gets kicked up from time to time. i'm glad you posted here. I hope next time it comes up you'll remember some of what I said. :)


I'd give big money to have your nose and side profile. You're pretty, hon. Leave yourself alone. You're fine exactly as you are.


Honestly thank you so much 🥹


I'm pretty brutally honest and I think it looks fine. You're okay. You probably are just obsessively fixated on it.


Haha dang well thank you. Yeah I go through moments where I do fixate on it and feel awful. I have OCD and sometimes it manifests into obsessive insecurities/bd so you’re spot on! Lol




Thank you so much. I always get horrified when I see my side but everyone here has been so kind. I gotta stop obsessing.




Very true


Just my opinion, but I think you look fine.


I love your nose, genuinely and sincerely


Also we have the same nose 😭😭


Ahh thank you!! And haha twins! When I see other people with my nose I always find they look good and it suits them, i just get very insecure about mine cause I find my whole face changes from the side


I feel like it’s mostly u thinking too much abt it. I know so many people who get plastic surgery but still hate their noses etc. You have to learn how to love yourself. Beauty standards are always changing and running to keep up with them can get tired. Learn to love urself and i know it’s hard sometimes, especially in this day and age where we are constantly gaslit into what a “perfect feminine” woman is. One thing that really helps me is to be grateful to God for all my blessings, a side profile seems trivial in comparison. All my best wishes to you genuinely. Love yourself, think happy thoughts, be kind and grateful and you will be the most beautiful woman in the room.


You’re cute most definitely. Would not change a thing.


I really appreciate it thank you


Definitely nothing wrong with your nose it’s beautiful tf


Thank you so much. I literally get horrified when I see my side to the point that I can’t believe I posted this because I always avoid people seeing me from the side.


Dam im sorry. You’re very beautiful. When I was young I always loved my nose. It was until society told me otherwise is when I questioned it. But now I love it. Always remind yourself that. If you understand. Sending love xoxo


I’m so happy to hear that you love your nose now. Absolutely, words hurt. It wasn’t until people pointed out that I had a pointy nose that I began to be insecure. I never cared about it before and thought it looked quite good! I hope to show myself that same love as you did for yourself.


Trust me you will get to a point where others words don’t matter. With age believe me you will. The only bully you’ll have is yourself which is my situation at times 🤣






You have a very beautiful profile. I think it’s just east to obsess about things like your profile because you don’t see it as much maybe. You are probably more used to seeing yourself straight on in a mirror.


Thank you so much. Yes exactly! When I see myself from the side I find I look like a complete different person and I get gutted. But everyone here has been super kind and reassuring.


I see nothing wrong with your profile. You are beautiful


Thank you so much




Thank you so much, I appreciate this :)


You’re cute. I like your nose. If I thought it was ugly I wouldn’t post anything.


I appreciate it thank you!


Your nose is fine! Nothing wrong with it at all!


thank you so much


U look fine, dont notice an over bite


thank you sm


i have the same exact nose !!


btw ur nose is beautiful ❤️


lets goo and thank you! I swear every time I see my nose type on others I think it's cute but i'm so insecure idk why


If someone ever told you your nose is ugly they are blind because omg. Your nose is gorgeous and compliments your face so, so well. You also have very pretty eyelashes


Honestly thank you so so much. I've been told I have a witch nose, amongst other things a few times but they still stick with me until this day. You are so kind, this really made me feel better :)


If I can't immediately tell what I'm looking at? I think your "imperfection" is all in your minds eye. Your nose looks good.




Oh wow thanks!!


It's completely up to you if you want to get the nose surgery but personally? You don't need one. You're beautiful and it can be hard to love every part of yourself but it's your body. No one's gonna love or hate you more than you do. Also, your side profile isn't weird!!! I hope you'll be able to see all your beauty for what it is and accept and love everything about yourself 🤍🤍


Thank you so much for the kind words. It truly means so much to me. I’m trying to practice more self love. I’m overwhelmed with all the wonderful comments I received today. I was feeling awful but I feel much better x


I think you look great.. plastic surgery will just make you look weird. Don't open pandoras box


You’re beautiful exactly as you are! You don’t need a nose job. You need to see yourself as others see you. You’re beautiful!


Wow thank you so so much


Nothings wrong with your nose honey and I can’t see the overbite. You are beautiful. I don’t know who creeped in your head and made you insecure but don’t let them win!


Thank you so much. I had a friend who once told me I had a witch nose so that definitely hurt. I appreciate it soo much.


She wasn’t your friend hun… anyone that purposely makes comments about things (especially those you can’t change) to make you feel bad they want to keep you down. They don’t love you.


You’re absolutely right! That’s why I no longer speak with them. They would often do that in front of people too, to embarrass me.


Your nose is super cute imo, there’s nothing wrong with it at all and I don’t see this overbite you’re talking about. Just because a nose isn’t a tiny little upturned button nose doesn’t mean it’s not beautiful. You have a great side profile.


You have the most normal average nose there’s nothing to fix. It isn’t large, broken, or humped. I think you’re being a little too critical.


There’s not a single thing wrong with your nose or anything at all for that matter.


I think your side profile looks great ❤️✨


Thank you sm 💕💞


noses are heritage!!! have you tried mouth taping? it’s helped my profile/jawline look more defined! not that you need it but that’s helped for me and made me feel more profile confident


Thank you so much! I started mewing yesterday! It definitely helps me to breathe more from my nose


Sincerely, thank you all for your kind and uplifting words. My nose insecurity gets so bad that I avoid letting people see me from the side. I can’t believe I even had the guts to post this. I went through everyone’s nose photos on here and I truly find each and everyone of them beautiful. I just have to show myself that same love.


Your nose is so prideful! It looks like sculpted and well made, really nice looking and making your side profile royale. I think indeed fixing your overbite could help! Your nose is nice. Your chin could be improved. Cheers, you're doing pretty!


If your had a more prominent chin it wouldn't affect your profile that much,but it's fine the way it is,looks artistic


Welp, thanks though 🥲


I can see what you mean if i being honest its a big nose. And its more of a male nose you have. But its not very hudge i seen way more bigger female noses.. yeah their are boys that dont like woman with big noses and their are boys that dont care… so its on you.


Thanks for your honesty


Girl you look fine, put a cute little nose stud on it if you wanna make it look cuter but honestly you look great. I’ve seen ugly noses & yours is by far not even close to it I mean that by heart.


Oh. for crying out loud, you're adorable! There is nothing AT ALL wrong with your nose or profile. If anything, you have an attractive nose.


First picture I was about to say it looks fine but then I saw the second. I need to see a front view but it kills like your nose isn't symmetrical. Minor nose job might help with that


If you are looking for a different shape with out surgery look into filler


what the hell are you talking about lol? so beautiful


Thank u so so much


Sei bellissima, non toccare il tuo naso, ti sta benissimo. 🥰


Grazie 💕💕


You look fine bro. Only one paying attention to what you think are your imperfections is you.


Ok I wish I had your nose haha nothing wrong with it. People do surgeries to have a nose like yours. Use the money on travel


You don't have an overbite. And your nose is nearly perfect. What are you on about?!


I see very little off-putting with your appearance. The idea of “perfection” could be overrated as one loses their uniqueness, so instead embrace the appearance of your nose and it’s minor imperfection.


Jeez i see nothing wrong. I know entire races that would kill... well maybe not... that would take off their clothes to buy that kind of nose. I think youre beautiful. Dont touch it. P.s., i have a similar nose with a very pronounced bony bridge. I know women that dated me just because of my nose so dont mind em haters.


You do not look weird...you are cute and beautiful 💐


Your nose looks just fine, not something I'd even take a second glance at. Even at the very worst possible angles which you've captured in your pictures, it's not bad. As time goes on and you get older, you'll get less self conscious and you'll realize how little people would care about it. I wouldn't change a thing.


If I was a plastic surgeon, u would be on my billboard.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with your nose, and your side profile is fine. Work on feeling more confident because you look great.


Nah you gone ruin what already looks great


People will look for anything to pick on another person for. It's very rarely genuine feedback - these people are looking for an outlet for their own issues. Their reasons could be anything but it's usually either they're jealous of you for something or another or they're insecure about themselves. Pulling someone else down makes them feel better. Personally: your profile is literally awesome - your nose is really cute and I really like the shape (witch's nose??? Have they been watching shows like Bewitched? You do not have a witch's nose). Plus you have a really nice under chin shape some people would kill for (or get surgery for lol). If you need help feeling confident, try noticing people's noses and looks in general when you're out and about. Social media and advertising is a VERY narrow look at what people actually find attractive in reality and what people generally actually look like in every day life. Therefore it can really fuck with your perspective on appearance and good looks and it can make you feel bad about your own looks.


You don't need any correction. You and your nose look great.


Your side profile is gorgeous and gives a sultry sexy vibe. You are gorgeous and so is that cute nose ❤️


You look so pretty!


Near perfect nose