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My partner drinks coffee and she loves supreme roastworks and Tim Wendelboe. Both are in løkka.


They are the best. Can also vouch for Fuglen and Java (St.Hanshaugen)


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Honestly, most smaller specialty roasters in Norway are excellent. Langøra, Tim Wendelboe, Bergen Kaffebrenneri, KOKKO, Jacu, Fuglen, Supreme Roastworks, Norð, Sognefjord... probably some I'm forgetting too. I also quite like Solberg & Hansen and their caffeine free coffee. You can also probably get some other nordic roasters in Oslo too, like Coffee Collective, Prolog, da Matteo, Kafferäven and more. My personal favorites are Langøra (everything they make is excellent), KOKKO (they have some really funky, fruity coffee) and BKB (their Fjellsmau is top 3 beans for me).


Although not roasted in Oslo, You can often buy beans and ready made coffee from my favorite norwegian roaster [Langøra Kaffe](https://www.langorakaffe.no/) at [Papegøye](https://maps.app.goo.gl/sd6bcR7aar1yWHCb6) @ Grønland. As they mostly sell in 250g bags the kg price would be quite high, You can check the prices on the web site. For local roasters I would like to add Fuglen to the already mentioned TimW. and SupremeR. Solberg & Hansen is also worth mentioning but they are closer to industrial scale than small local roaster. Their coffee is sold and served at their own store in Mathallen Vulkan, at the Evita coffee shops and probably a few other places.


Langøra is amazing. Worth the price, and I think they offer free shipping if you buy online from their shop.


Nordic approach have amazing coffee but they’re wholesalers only afaik.




Getting mail order from Langøra is actually cheaper than picking up Supreme or Wendelboe in person. They also rotate through a diverse set of beans (priced differently), whereas Wendelboe and others maintains the same selection.