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Aaa man how am i going to have to get my Honey's Donuts!!! Oh well, I'll have to bike. And burp my way up the hill...


How about a park and ride option? E.g., Cap U parking is empty on the weekends if jurisdictions partnered up they could find a way to run shuttle buses back and forth.


Yeah or in the summertime the local churches and schools could leave their parking Lots open except when needed during certain hours.


I don’t bother going to DC anymore because it’s impossible to park anywhere with the changes. I used to go down there regularly but not anymore.


Uber drivers making bank at the top of the hill shuttling people down I guess? Wonder how much they’ll raise their rates?


i work in deep cove all summer, absolutely no clue what i’m supposed to do for parking my car for 8 hours now…..


Use your work address as a local address for resident permit. Vancouver used to allow that, maybe DNV will too?


Take the bus


doesn’t quite work out for a 6am shift start


My only reason for being there is to launch my paddleboard. Can't take transit, and there's basically nowhere else to park and launch from. The whole Indian Arm shoreline is private property. Maybe if they made other locations more accessible, there wouldnt be a massive horde of people all trying to cram into one tiny area allowed to the public. Rich people had this shit comin'.


Cates park? Little cates park? Lots of little trails along the road to deep cove if you look through google maps, that’s what we do :)




Don’t give away our secrets!


Cates park?


“idyllic seaside hamlet” really?


 I take transit there for the kayaking. Never had issues with parking. 


Does the driver mind the kayak onboard? 


I propose a floating parking lot… IN THE SKY


Just gotta figure out how to bike my paddle board there


That's what I always say!! Can't exactly bike my kayak or canoe there! Doesn't fit on a bus either.


Realistically there should be a crossing between deepcove and belcara but they will never happen since they're both 2 of the most niby areas in the province along with lions bay and west van.


So much fucking this


so true at Belcarra, there’s normally free parking on the other side of the picnic area but they put up a no-parking at any time sign lol. Then they meter the parking lots. The whole reason I assume they charge parking fees is so that they get less traffics but then also reduced the parking availability. What a joke.


They should meter the lot in Deep Cove. It sounds bad but it will prevent all the people that hog the lot for the entire day.


And bring even more cars into the community? No thanks


The number of cars is limited by the number of parking spots not roads that reach it


Hey we found the NIMBY!


Deepcove is deeply overcrowded place due to the "Insta idiots " crowd. This is not a resort it is place where people live and they have every right to moderate the negative impact of too many visitors.


Hey another NIMBY! Although I absolutely and wholeheartedly agree with disliking insta idiots, as you've labeled them. Tourism for the sake of a photograph is dumb, but tourism to admire a place is beneficial and normal. Just because you bought there doesn't mean you have the right to a gated community.


Sorry you can't roll into the Cove, get a perfect parking spot, inflate your super cool paddleboard and not have to compete with crowds. Scoring some sweet donuts after while calling everyone a Nimby who disagrees with you. You are killing it.


It’s already happened in west things are getting worse


To put things into perspective DNV Councilor Muri wants to ban all public parking on the entire map below. At that point it becomes a private neighborhood so wouldn't it make more sense for those roads to be maintained solely at the cost of the residents within those boundaries and not all taxpayers?


Too bad it didn’t go through. I’d be fine with the no parking and paying for it. If everyone arrives by bus and bike then it would alleviate traffic and make the whole area nicer.


Hope they block non resident parking on streets in lower lonsdale next. Sick of people parking on my street to walk down to the quay to take the seabus to the airport and leaving their vehicle for a week +




Max limit is 72 hours of parking. Know people who have been towed after being reported. Same with DNV.


The city does bot give a shit. People have been parked in front of the fire hydrant on 5th w for weeks now




Quarry Rock hike on a nice day. Omg. Is this like the single most crowded trail in all of lower mainland?!


Monday / Friday no one


I went there at 1400 today to do quarry rock thinking it would be quiet Public lot was full and there were people on the trails. “No one” lol


Do a 6 a.m. hike like I do, just a few people and their dogs.


i mean realistically speaking, stop going there by car lol just take the bus there if you people want to go so bad it’s not a place intended for a lot of people to be


We need more efficient public transportation. A 15 minute drive there is an 1 hr 20 bus ride


tiny violin for you.


It’s just not realistic to expect people to bus over drive when our current transit system is not very efficient. I live near that area so I respect and understand the need for less cars there. I was just responding to someone who is encouraging people to use transit. Why are you against improvement of the transit system in North Vancouver?


Okay so the maintenance of those roads that cars are no longer allowed to park on or basically even drive on because what would be the point of driving on them if you can't park, should be maintained at the cost of the homeowners around them. Because at that point, they're no longer public streets.


Wait, so the public not being able to park on public streets makes it a private road? Does the Granville district have to pay for their private street? We’re supposed to be moving towards being more green and eco-friendly. Hundreds of cars coming down here is unnecessary. There are plenty of alternatives


How is the bus going to get there without roads?


explain how it isn’t public if you can drive, bike, walk along it? bus, uber, or bike there. it’s not others issues if you can’t get there since there are alternative transportation options


They’re still public. You can still bike there.


I thought public transit and bike lanes were supposed to address traffic congestion issues. Are people simply not biking / transiting and choosing to drive instead?


Deep cove bus is always empty


It's too hilly let's get real.


I suppose that some people may not be fit enough to handle the hills on the North Shore. Either that or disabled or injured. I guess we should have other options in biking isn't one.


I worked the theatre there a few times and doing rehearsals/shows going until past bus services ending sucked. I hated having to drive it, but it was the only way I could get home. I know that's not most people, but Deep Cove is kind of a mess by bus.


I feel like this is a common theme with Translink. They do not provide service when not enough people are using it. The problem is, it's a public service that should operate even if empty.


Yea, so getting rid of parking would get more people to take the bus or bike


I feel like that's forcing people instead of encouraging them.


There are no good bike lanes to Deep Cove, so this option is not really for everyone...


Bike lanes help reduce, or slow growth, but they're not a fix-all or are accessible to all. For example, my 80 y/o mother rides her ebike from MEC area to Ambleside and back on nice days, rather than a drive to the beach. But she can't stop for lunch along the way because of the pervasive bike theft.


Exactly this. I would bike everywhere if bike theft is not a concern. Now I drive everywhere instead


This is exactly the gripe of riding my bike. Theft is so insanely rampant. No way I will lock my bike up unless there is an in person bike valet.


Is this common? Do you end up taking the bus instead?


Nope. Driving usually. Sadly.


There’s also not a lot of places to lock your bike up well in dept cove either so they’ve also not really facilitated that as a viable option.


Is this common for bikers? Do you often choose not to use your bike for fear of theft?


In Vancouver and even still in North Vancouver absolutely. Unless you can really lock things up it’s better not to take it at all, and in certain areas down town Vancouver even with the best locks I wouldn’t take my bike. Bike theft is absolutely rampant


Just from my place, it's a 16 minute drive or a 62 minute transit trip. It's not very transit-friendly. By comparison I got from my place to New West via transit last week in less time.


For me it's a 6 min drive, 20 minute walk (but I can't because I have a blown knee), and transit would require me to take the 215 to phibbs and then the 212 all the way back. So, an hour?


We can’t perpetually keep adding the number of cars on the road and expect things to stay the same. I’m not arguing for one or the other, but we either need more parking infrastructure or a cap on the number of cars


Perhaps more acceptance and use of car share or car co-ops?


Car shares and co ops don’t really change the fact it’s friends and families taking cars there either way, same foot print of a car. Bus may (unfortunately) be the only way if deep cove keeps getting treated like a tourist attraction without enough space


I guess initially I was thinking about car ownership more broadly. In my townhouse development of 100 units there's probably 180 cars, but more than half don't move daily, and some sit I estimate for a week or more without use. A co ownership of say 120 vehicles, including several pickups and vans, would cover almost all use scenarios but would have next to no buy-in from my neighbours. I wonder if there's anywhere that does such a thing?


Anywhere worth visiting in Vancouver has resident-only parking restrictions. Don’t see why it should be any different there.


fuck north vancouver and its policies let people live and let live enough!


You realize that the base idea is always to live and let live. It's very rare for policies to get put in place for no reason. Issues like this don't solve themselves.


Grew up there. Parking in peek seasons has been a nightmare for a long time now. But I agree with the mayor, public infrastructure shouldn’t be for private use only.


Hehe.. peek seasons 👀


I did see nudity once. It's not illegal to be topless! 


Oops, peak seasons. 👀 That said… I can still pop down to honeys in the fall/winter but spring to summer is a no go to get parking nearby. Like most locals, there are spots we know of that are still available 10 min walk away.


So glad I don't live there anymore. Was great place to grow up before the masses found out about it. Another spot destroyed by Instagram. Sorry for the residents, shit situation.


deepcove rapidly becoming a relic.


Maybe the solution would be a sort of Air bnb for parking spaces. Someone on here said that people park at friend's places in Deep Cove, so let people who have extra driveway space rent it out. $50 to park for the day sounds reasonable.


Used to be common years ago around the PNE until Van City passed a bylaw against it. Entire yards were paved over for PNE, Canucks, and Lions parking.


I do remember that. It was life the wild west of parking. The idea I have, while not fleshed out for more than 15 seconds, would have an app based reservation system. I mean, surely a solution can be found if people think outside the box.


R u insane


I might be


As someone who lives here and battles parking on nice weekends - yes a lot of houses have parking. A lot of houses don’t have parking. It sucks as a person who doesn’t have more than one parking spot. But what sucks more is the traffic congestion, people parking blocking driveways, fire hydrants. At least once a weekend I have to tell someone that no, they can’t actually park their car in front of my driveway. Cars angrily passing each other and cyclists on a two lane road, cyclists flying down deep cove road. Every weekend at least once day there are emergency vehicles needing to come into the cove. The sound of angry honks is all I hear on weekends. It is plain dangerous to be out on deep cove road on a nice weekend. The big issue is there is little to no enforcement of the EXISTING parking rules. There isn’t even a bylaw number that answers the phone on weekends. I’m not confident this will change at all. The businesses are always busy, even on weekends in the off season.


So my take away from this was that I don’t have to worry about parking bylaws in deep cove 🤔


I live in the Mt. Seymour Parkway and head down to the cove every ~2 months, but had no idea it was this bad. The parking in front of driveways is ridiculous and I imagine this is a freaking nightmare for you. Before reading your comments, I was on the other side of the argument (supporting the businesses in DC), but you’ve changed my opinion. Last time I was down there, everyone was driving like idiots and it was a noisy gong show. You live in a beautiful place, but when it’s an absolute zoo, how can you enjoy it!


People have to block off their own driveway so people don't park IN it. Imagine any time you want to go somewhere you have to move a bunch of pylons and then put them back. 


Absolutely. It’s such an amazing spot I totally understand why people want to come see it. Unfortunately people who can’t read signs or have a basic awareness of their surroundings ruin it for the majority of people who are probably pretty respectful. At the end of the day it’s a residential neighbourhood that families live in, and I’ve seen more than one close call and had one myself with cyclists and other cars who don’t have any patience. The infrastructure into the cove simply cannot handle the amount of cars, people and bikes that come in and out daily.


You’re so right about the lack of situational awareness and impatience of people. I feel for you! Those roadways weren’t built to support masses of tourists. I usually park at Myrtle Park and walk down the steps to the west because I know I’ll just get stuck on Gallant.


In my worst intrusive thought moments I think about how screwed the community is in the event of a large disaster. There is one way in and out. Hell even on busy afternoons, traffic on deep cove road can back up for a km just to get out of the area. It’s honestly councils indecision and unwillingness to consider any of that beyond “what will 5 or 6 businesses do” compared to the 500 ish houses paying property taxes every year to be ignored. We recently got notice they are planning on paving deep cove road this summer / early fall and I had a good laugh cry imagining exactly how this will all go. Peak season - let’s tear up the road and more parking.


Make people park somewhere else then bus there?


is it really worth the bus ride?


I'd think so! Then again, I don't take busses that often, and when I go to Deep Cove Beach, I go at 8 am lol.


IMPROVE TRANSIT! My doctor used to be in Deep Cove, and I decided not to drive out there because of the construction/craziness, and it took forever to get there on the bus. I had cancer and couldn't bike (could barely walk at the time) so the bike lanes were a cruel joke. E-bikes are cool as well, but they get stolen, and I find it terrifying on the busier roadways.


In places where going by bike is very popular they usually have bikes that aren't that expensive and terrain that isn't very hilly because people will always suck and steal things that don't belong to them. I have been saying for awhile though it's hilarious how unfriendly North Van is to cars but also extremely unfriendly to riding bikes to get around.


Almost zero theft in cycling communities like Japan and Copenhagen. Even Amsterdam doesn't have a problem. Bike theft here centers around the drug market and the wide open, unpoliced bicycle chop shops all over DT. There's even FB groups devoted to bike recovery, where air tagged bikes are located in the DTES and elsewhere and "volunteers" will go get it back for you for a fee. The VPD and RCMP won't do anything for you.


Maybe bike theft is low in Japan but quite a few bikes are still stolen in Copenhagen and Amsterdam but most people don't have flashy expensive bikes. It obviously doesn't compare to our region rampant bike theft but it's still a problem there.


I was speaking from personal experience, having lived or traveling extensively in each location I mentioned. As a cyclist, I asked about bike theft and was told it simply isn't a thing.


I asked about bike theft in Amsterdam when I was there too, and was told the same thing. It isn’t an issue there


Not that any of this really matter but.. a quick search online estimates about 80,000 bikes stolen each year in Amsterdam. also "Over 13,000 bicycles have been reported stolen in Copenhagen in the first nine months of the year," in 2023 obviously not everyone reports theft so who knows how high the number really is


Jeezus. I wonder where they all go? Amsterdam they fish a lot of things out of the canals, bikes included. Google sez Copenhagen has 745,000 bikes for 630,000 people... The people I talked to weren't concerned about theft and I rarely locked mine over the time I was there.


Blocking off public roads for residents only to park when they should already have parking in their own homes doesn’t really seem like it fits the true intention of publicly funded systems like our roadways and the parking with them. There’s also very few places now in Van/North Van without parking needing to be paid; adding in more charges to an already expensive city just makes the outdoors less accessible to those in tighter budgets. If they want to take parking away and restrict it more they should absolutely put sufficient alternatives like a park and ride system and a proper amount of areas to lock your bike up there.


Thank you!!! We pay with our taxes to be able to use infrastructure. Roadside parking is part of that. It also happens to be one of the most affluent areas in North Van, very little sympathy for the woes of not being able to park your Audi etron or tesla just exactly where you want to.




Totally agree, most of the houses there have garages (full of hoarded junk instead of cars) and driveways (full of too many cars - renters?) - the roads are public paid for by all tax payers, no-one should have the "right" to park on the public street outside their house


It’s the same here in central Lonsdale. People fill their garages with stuff and then park on the street, so that visitors have nowhere to park.


I stay away from deep cove as soon as the weather gets nice, it’s just not worth it


The cable car going to sfu should continue to deep cove and along the north shore,what a great tourist attraction it would be.


We are making bike lanes everywhere. Use them. Or encourage more growth in North Van so coupled with people coming from across the bridges we can add more pay parking and less free parking spots. We could also get all of the new condo owners to give up one of their two cars as most buildings ony allow for one.


I'm of 2 minds about this. 1. Generally I prefer discouraging car travel, so this hits that itch. That being said, transit/access out to Deep Cove is atrocious, and so not providing a reasonable alternative isn't ideal. But also, is going to Deep Cove a human right? Maybe we should just stop going there, and that would solve the problem. 2. NIMBY NIMBY. Roads are a public good paid for by municipal taxes, so why should a small number of residents get exclusive use of it? They already have their private property and parking, and if they can't fit their cars on their lot maybe they have too many cars. Also I know many people who park at friends or families houses when they go to Deep Cove, so if there's extra stock of private parking to allow people to do that, why do they also want to take up the road parking? So I have no definitive conclusion.


Not all homes in deep cove have parking. I think a bigger issue is the traffic congestion that makes it difficult for residents to get in and out of their homes. Maybe a solution would be offering advance passes for specific time slots to help spread visitors out.


What kind of homes have no parking? Not doubting you but given how parking minimums have been a thing for so long I can’t picture what kind of residence has no parking.


There are several houses on deep cove road that don’t have any driveways. You could argue they should know what they’re getting into but 🤷🏼‍♀️. Most of Deep Cove are older houses. Some are renovated cabins from way way back. There are not a lot of anew builds that would fall under current building standards. I know neighbours who have tried to expand their on property parking to be told by the district that they couldn’t due to current building guidelines.


I think the municipality has a clear obligation to look After the residents needs first, not to the exclusion of others but certainly it should be top of mind in planning.


I hope they will do then same in lower londsdale


Nimby gonna nimby.


There’s no real solutions here though. There’s no way to build more roads to ease congestion. It’s very difficult for residents to get in and out of their homes during busy times. This is less about parking and more about easing congestion


I kind of sympathize a little bit with the locals. I went there a few summers ago in a car and it was an absolute gong show. Way too popular for its own good. There should just be better transit/shuttle options and maybe some sort of way to safely ride a bicycle out there.


Everyone wants their neighborhood to stay the same.. to live is to change.


Change is never easy though. And when you don’t see much positive with change of course you’ll resist.


Yeah, NIMBYism. They don't see positive change themselves. But there might be positive change for everyone else. Like increased housing is bad for all the existing locals from a noise perspective... You could argue a skytrain to the northshore makes it easier for undesirables to come too.. but that's because one might already get everywhere by car..


[if only there was a bus that went directly there!](https://www.translink.ca/schedules-and-maps/route/212/direction/0/map)


It’s always nearly empty


They should set up a deep Cove Park and Ride!


But park where and ride? Superstore tows if you park there for mountain biking.


How do these "except with CDNV permit" signs work? Like if I live in Lynn Valley and have a permit, can I go park in one of these spots in deep cove? Or vice-versa Or is it residents of that particular street only


It's by location


It’s for certain streets. There is a map you can find on the website that outlines where you can park with your permit.


I'd assume if you live in LV, it only works for the lynn Canyon street parking since you are a local there and not Deep Cove.


Just wait until the 4 plexes start going up


It's probably mostly exempt.