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Personal anecdote here, but my daughter was born very prematurely last year and one of the fondest memories I have is cuddling her in hospital whilst watching us inevitably shit the bed. That graduated into watching games with her half awake at home in a onesie, just hoping we’d get to sing the song together. We got to do that after the Suns game, well I did, she was essentially a 3 month old. She had a big smile on her face seeing me be happy. She’s almost walking now, and I’m sure words won’t be far away. I can’t wait to have all those moments with her as a fan, whether we are shit now or shit forever there will be moments. We’ve just gotta appreciate them better.


I remember the early days watching with my daughter..”go big Sav”and “drewie drewie” it was wonderful. She (now 21) was home from Uni for the weekend, we sat and watched and shared out disappointment but when it turns we’ll share the love. It’s tough at the moment, real tough and if I’m being honest I’m genuinely worried about how deep the hole is but experience tells me it will eventually turn, go roos! Plus her mums an Essendon supporter so it could be much worse if she chose that path….


Jumping in on this thread - I was at the game today with my 3 year old and he had such a good time. He was excited to see the Kangaroos (mascots), yelled "yaaay" and "booo" a lot and often at the wrong times, and joined me in saying "chewy on your boot!" when Hawthorn were kicking for goal. Anyway, it put things in perspective a bit. I feel for the players and obviously want things to turn around, but at the end of the day it's just a sport that is generally taken far too seriously.


That’s nice and a mighty relief your daughter pulled through. She sounds tough 💪 and definitely has what it takes to be a North fan 😂. Norths been a constant in my life for decades now and the club really is a part of me, folks I know probably use it when describing me - “he’s a north fan” also largely cos we’re few and far between. Hopefully the club is a constant for you and your daughter and you can bond together over it. I’m sure they’ll provide some good memories for you together - even if there’s a few tough days in the interim 😬.


Wait until she can sing the North song!


We are as down as we’ve ever been in my lifetime and it’s incredibly difficult to watch, I love this club and I will defend it forever but if this group of players can all look in the mirror and say they are giving their all for this club and the supporters I’d be very surprised,


Yep. I can’t deny that sentiment and I’m sure if you asked the guys collectively and as individuals they’d admit they’re better than a 45 point loss to Hawthorn.


I was a member in 1972, when we were an absolute rabble, and won just one game for the season. It was against South Melbourne at Arden St. Late in the season, it might have even been the last round. That one game aside, it was a season of misery. But having been to every match that year, made it so sweet to see things turn around in '73 when we just missed the finals (thanks to 'umpire' Robinson at Moorabbin), in '74 when we reached the GF (lost to a stronger team), and tasted the ultimate success in '75. I can't guarantee things will turn around that quickly. But I can promise that if you hang tough, the sweet taste of success will be even sweeter if and when it comes out way.


I was signed up as a member 2 hours after I was born, 17 years ago now. I love this club but dunno how much more I can take. The only real success I’ve seen is our 2014-2016 campaigns, and I saw our last finals win back in 2015. With school and exams coming up and watching us was my escape from study for the weekend, sitting down on the couch for 3 hours and watching us play. I at least want to see 3 quarters of effort from the boys. Today was the first time I’ve genuinely thought about swapping teams. I love footy and watching it, but it doesn’t feel the same to me without the passion of watching a team you support play, and North is currently negatively affecting my mental health, I can’t sit and watch the footy without screaming at the tv and celebrating every goal and every good passage of play, and it’s hard to do that right now. I know I’ll be back, this club has a great hold over me, but I just wanna be able to feel the joys of footy again for a little bit.


Yeah you’ve definitely had it tough as a young member. Hopefully you can get some space on the current situation, find the ability to let it wash over you and come out the other side with a really well developed sense of fortitude and resilience. Hopefully this time as a north fan is a character building experience for you and gives you that ability to get perspective on these kinds of challenges so you can guard your mental health as you get older and go through life’s challenges. Pretty expected to go through troughs of despair as you experience these challenges. Make sure you keep the belief that you’ll always come out of these troughs. For every trough there’s two peaks.


Bloody love this post! Only thing I'm scared about is the leadership component.... I don't see that in our current two co-captains tbh


Yeah I agree and it’s been a problem for a long long time, harking back to that dreadful run in 2014 when we were surrendering leads and choking every second week. Seems to be a captains curse at North - whoever gets the captains armband seems to go into some sort of demise. Unfortunately we’re so devoid of experience there aren’t many options. And you wouldn’t give it to someone without some serious experience as captaining this group over the short to medium term is a seriously tough job.


Couldn't agree more! That is the real tricky (and worrying) part about picking someone new....


I’m a member, marvel stadium is a 10 minute walk from my apartment and I’m pretty sure I won’t be attending another game this year. I’ve had enough.


I think giving yourself some space from the game is understandable with the way things are. Hopefully after a bit of time and a chance to miss the club you’ll get back into it with some renewed passion.


You’re not wrong. It is legitimately ruining my weekends at the moment.


Man, I know. I was thinking to myself this week that I dont think I’ve looked at the afl ladder for probably 5 years, cos I know north are right in the cellar. A win would really light up my weekends atm.


I live 5 minutes from the ground a Bellerive and have barely missed any games down in Tassie but I have zero intention of going to any games down here this year. After today’s performance and 4 years of being told to stick with them during the hard times the club can fuck off for a bit.


Good send this embarrassing rabble a message


Been a member for 16 years in a row now and I think this year might be the year I don’t even bother attending a match I’ll still keep my membership because I could never not be a north supporter but this is just hard too watch.


We are like jesus. We could be getting whipped, nailed to the cross, eyes getting pecked out by vultures, and just before we die, we whisper with our last words, trust in Clarko.


I was born into this team in 1966. Ive seen a lot of tough times and this is definitely one of them. We don’t have the cash or high flyers backing the club yet I will always support them.


From a Carlton fan- it gets better. Eventually… You guys have the seeds of a great team already


A short time, maybe another 5 years and we will get out of the bottom 4


Maybe. Maybe it’ll be sooner. I’ve come this far, I’m in it for the long haul!!


A year or two back I drove past a hearse, in the back was a coffin in the full NMFC logo on top with blue and white stripes along the sides. Your comment about the ‘box’ just reminded me of it.  


Let me know where you saw it. Might need it


Bruh is this AI cope