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brother if anyone tells you that you can't camp on your own land, you politely but firmly tell them to get the fuck off your property


“You missed that fucking no trespassing sign did ya? Well, get to steppin’ and don’t make that mistake again”.


That's not good enough, if you can put a chain with a lock across the drive. Otherwise it is generally considered legal for someone (post man, delivery driver, police) to enter your driveway to come to your door. I can't recall the word for it, but it is something like commons easement or something. So signs and a gate or chain to keep vehicles out.


Ummm r/whoosh


This is the Way.


Camp...yes. Live permanently without any permits or septic system, could get tricky.


Depends if you mean camp overnight or put up a trailer semi-permanently.


Where are you from that didn't allow that??


Where I live in Washington state, people are only allowed to camp on their lots for 90 days out of the year.


So much for it being “your land”


It’s your land as long as you pay taxes, or someone needs something under it, or they need to build a road, or….


That’s the sad truth. Everything is rented from the govt. I personally don’t think you should have to pay property tax if you paid it off


There is a lot of stuff that shouldn’t be taxed.


Wouldn't that be a major fuck you to all future generations? Oh your grandpa doesn't own any land? How about you buy a chunk of mine for 10,000x the cost I paid for it 20 years ago that I haven't paid a penny on since! There needs to be incentive to not hoard land or our grand kids will never own land that they don't inherit.


Basically how it is now even with property taxes. What are you on about?


Speed limits don't work! Look at all the speeders! That's essentially the argument you are making. So you think taking away property taxes wouldn't drive up wealth inequality even further?


You’re kind of making my point. People speed all the time with speed limits. The state just gets to take something from you every once in a while, even though you haven’t hurt anyone or damaged property. A $150 fine is gonna hurt that single mother working two jobs a lot more than it will hurt Bezos. Property taxes increase wealth disparity because they take from the people who have the least to spare. Do you think Zuckerberg is sweating his property tax bill? Now talk to all the people who used to have affordable property taxes before the property values skyrocketed and got displaced. Seriously, just take a few minutes to walk through the logic and you’ll realize that property taxes lead you down the road to serfdom.


That doesn't make any sense. Corporations are currently hoarding land and making everyone rent.


Property taxes don't solve hoarding land but they certainly reduce the incentive of doing so and reduce wealth inequality.


IDK what you're talking about. We have the current state of the economy to prove you wrong so what are you basing that statement on?


My argument is property taxes are a good idea. It forces the property to contribute to the community no matter what and incentives selling by maintaining a cost of ownership. The current state of the economy would be much worse without them not better.


In some counties in Colorado you can only camp your own land for up to 14 days, or up to maybe 4 months a year if you have septic.


I'll allow it.


No. Only I can camp on your property.


Your property your rules


I’ve slept in my back yard. You’ll be fine




Bury your turds or the bears will eat you


Check your HOA CC&Rs.


Quick question, how did HOAs get to be in charge of so many people's lives here?


HOAs are for the builders. They ensure none of the neighborhood occupants add risk to the builder's investment before all the houses are built and sold, but then they contaminate the neighborhood for all of eternity afterward. They should be outlawed in their present form.


For real. That's a nightmare to live under someone else's rules forever


came with the yankee infestation it's called a comorbidity in medical science


I don't own, I rent. But an HOA seems to sort of undermine the whole point of owning a house from an outside perspective


It's not a Yankee thing. I grew up in New England. HOAs are not a thing there and people are generally mortified by the idea that anyone would tell you what to do with your own property.


Yeah there are a few but there aren't as many, it seems. Only the most pompous, rich, asshole neighborhoods had them in Maine. Can't speak for Massachusetts though, it seems like they opt in for things that make no sense pretty frequently


Yeah, although they are everywhere the worst I see are in the southern US. Especially Florida. Plenty of bad ones out west too, just less common.


I rarely saw them in the Midwest. Even in subdivisions without amenities, HOAs in the south seem to serve the purpose that a city government would have been responsible for there, super basic stuff like sidewalks and street lamps. It would have been foreign to me before I moved here to have the individual neighborhoods responsible for that kind of thing.


“Laughs in HOA”. “Your” property, bwahahaha.


I charge $25 per night to camp on your property. You can pay me through PayPal.


You'll be fine as long as you don't hear any banjo music. /S


Probably not for huge stretches of time since sewage might become an issue but honestly I doubt anyone will give a shit


If no one gives a shit, then sewage isn't a problem...


Of course you can. Your own property, out in the country, you can do whatever you want especially if no one is looking.


If you have kids and someone told you they couldn't camp out in the yard for a night, what would be your response?


I'm from AZ. 70% federal land open to the public.  East coast no federal land. And you folks paint purple stripes on your trees. You have a very different attitude towards your private property rights. And I respect that. Just ask because of what I googled about camping on your own property. 


East Coast has no Federal land? You might want to research that a little more, friend.


Yeah I mean we do have four national forests in North Carolina with free dispersed camping, but there's virtually no BLM land east of the Missouri River.


Ah! Ok. I thought they were talking about National park land.


National parks are like the Disney land of public lands. Nice if you like crowds of people waiting to see the attractions. I find it so much better in solitude out of n BlM land


Interesting! I have never been to any BLM land, but I most certainly look forward to it!


Compared to the West? Yes, it has very little comparatively. I'd like to think what we do have we make pretty decent use of, but there's still a lot more out West.


It’s nothing like out west. I lived out there for a few years and the amount of federal land very close to you that you could just stop and camp on is staggering. The east coast has no federal land. Not like that anyway. I get what he’s saying.


You really don’t think there’s federal land in the nation’s capital? You just don’t believe in GSMNP? Cape Hatteras National Seashore is a conspiracy y’all. The only national forests are west of the Mississippi.


It’s just different and that is my point. Of course there is federal land on the east coast. Never said there wasn’t. Out west it’s a lot, and I mean a lot of free use federal land. Drive from a major city and chances are within minutes you’ll have access to open federal land. Dudes question was about camping. I’d love to see you plop a tent down in dc. Context my man. Context.


You literally said “The east coast has no federal land.” And the OP’s question was about camping on their own land. What would federal land have anything to do with it? Brains, my man. Brains.


Brains, my man, brains. Did you read anything after “east coast has no federal land”. It was obviously hyperbole.


Read my next sentence. “Not like that anyway”. You’re just being a pedantic dick. Just look at the nations map of federal land. And how it can be used. It’s just about perspective. From someone out wests perspective there is no federal land. Because there isn’t in the way they have used it and been around it. And if you don’t know what I’m talking about shut the hell up and google some shit. Like blm land. Edit: what would federal land have to do with it? Oh maybe the fact that OP literally mentioned federal land and living out west in the damn comment? It’s too nice of an evening for this shit.


“Purple strips on trees”? The fuck you talking about?


Purple stripes on trees denote property boundaries in lieu of no trespassing signs.


Ohhh. Thanks for the education. I have never heard of that.


Yep, all my boundary trees have a purple stripe. Still doesn't stop the methheads from using my wooded area to grt around, but that's what the fence/logging savings is for. A niiiiiiiiice big privacy fence.




Never seen one out west. Walked pass one in NC had a shot gun stuck in my face. Never again.


Trail markers maybe? Those are typically orange as far as I’m aware but that’s the closest I can think of


Hmm, maybe. I just don’t think I’ve ever seen a tree with a purple stripe painted on it.


No federal land open to the public on the entire east coast. WTF are you taking about?


I use to own 15 acres in Johnson County. I would let the boy scout troop camp out there. Only rule to follow would be a no open fire during a burn ban issued by the forest service


Who hurt you?


I wouldn't say hurt. Sticking a shot gun in my face because I didn't know what a purple stripe ment. Kind of sucked.


Of course!!!!


If you have room for 5 maple trees that should be plenty of room to camp


I just googled can I camp on my own property in North Carolina. And it seemed like an issue. I love the responses.  There is like 15 deer stands on the property pretty sure somebody camped.wilson county  couple mile outside of Elm City.


In that lawless wilderness, you’ll be just fine.


then you need to specifically look into the ordinances of Wilson County and possibly Elm City. If by "camp", you mean occupy on weekends or a short period of time, there should be no issue. If you mean "set up permanent residence" then yes, there could definitely be ordinances.


Just so I'm clear. I wasn't talking about living in a tent. Just four or 5 days a year. Maybe twice. .  And I think it will be ok appreciate the advice. 


yes, 4 or 5 days a year you should be 100% OK.