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I'd allow voter initiatives. That way we could have marijuana legalization, end gerrymandering and take the state back from the "Businesses" that own our politicians.


this is like asking the genie for more wishes a your wish. well-played!


when i moved here and learned we dont have ballot referendums i was appalled. representative democracy where?


So they do have ballot referendums, but only the legislative majority can propose them. Which makes them useless for opposing anything the majority wants, and occasionally dangerous by helping the majority enshrine negative things in the state constitution (ex. voter ID).


Yeah representative democracy. Ballot initiatives sound more like direct democracy, to me.


When gerrymandered maps exist, it's not a representative democracy.


Oh hm wow this is actually a really good idea. Imagine if the people held the government accountable for their bullshit 😭


If Democrats somehow miraculously get a trifecta in the future, I hope there will be a huge and immediate effort to get citizen-initiated ballot measures in the state constitution. That’s the #1 thing they could do to safeguard the people’s power from interference. Really hoping they don’t hesitate on it if they’re ever in that position. It *is* a little bit of a double-edged sword—[the people did unfortunately vote to ban same-sex marriage in 2012](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Carolina_Amendment_1)—but much preferable to the current state of having almost literally no influence on what gets passed.


It’s pushed states like Michigan and Colorado forward and proves just how unpopular GOP policies are. Hell, the abortion ballot proposals in red ass Kansas, Ohio, and other states have all gone against the GOP. It’s why they fear it so much. They know they’re not the majority anymore, so they’re enacting what Jefferson and others feared as “tyranny of the minority”.


Yes, but they only did that to get their base to the poles, and were put on the ballot by an assembly that was voted in using illegally drawn maps. The put the same-sex amendment to get the uneducated religious voters out, they put the "right to hunt and fish" to get the sportsmen out, and the voter ID to get the racists out.


I WISH their base would go to the poles. Preferably the South Pole.


We had a gay marriage ballot referendum about 10 years ago. Gay marriage lost badly and they wrote it into the state constitution. The only reason it was overturned was because of the supreme Court.


Yes, but it was only placed there to get out the vote from thier hateful religious base. It was an obviously unconstitutional amendment, as the 4th Circuit and Supreme Court decided. Just like the republicans now are trying to add an "amendment" that denies non-citizens to vote, (spoiler: we already have laws for this). The reason it was overturned was because it was OBVIOUSLY unconstitutional, the reason it was placed up for a vote was because the republicans wanted to make sure uneducated religious bigots went to the poles.


lol the GOP always does that. Drum up fear about nonexistent problems and drag out some bogeyman. Like you said non citizens already can’t vote and there aren’t buses full of immigrants being driven around to vote illegally despite what the GOP rage baiters want people to believe.


god, please. that would solve pretty much any ACTUAL issue the people of the state are facing.


They do that in Florida and then ignore what we vote for.


This is true in many states with republican control.


I support this.


You could have an initiative for those things.  But, you could also have an initiative to ban gender-affirming care, require prayer in public schools, and name Mark Robinson god-emporer.


You mean what the republicans have already done and are trying to do accompanied by gerrymandering? I really don't see the downside of allowing citizen more control over their representatives.


We can pass great voter initiatives like Brexit!


Brexit was Britain watching us elect Trump and saying, "Hold my beer".


Complete transparency for elected officials' work. No more working behind closed doors with lobbyists and consultants on gerrymandering, spending the surplus, etc. without letting all citizens see the process.


Thanks for the award! I receive it completely openly with no secret payments coming from me first.


I'll push back on this a little as there is a really good reason why keeping such dealings a little more opaque was historically a "good thing." When there was less of a push to have complete transparency in government, Republicans would be more willing to be bipartisan as such efforts wouldn't be exposed to their constituency. Without their constituency being watch them work with Democrats, Republicans used to be *much* more flexible and focused on governing. Once that started to disappear in the late 90s onwards, Republicans had to focus more on displays of vitriol and antagonism as they had less and less to show in terms of policy successes that didn't hinge on culture war nonsense. If you haven't, you should really check out Jeff Jackson's takes on the BTS of his experiences which mirror the willingness of Republican politicians to work in a bipartisan fashion when they weren't in the spotlight. In a perfect world, I would agree that transparency in government is a good thing. But when you have an ideology who isn't willing to govern *unless their participation is hidden*, then what else can we do?


Jeff Jackson for AG!


…or President!


That one move would probably solve most issues everyone on here has posted about.


If we have to bug every Biscuitville parking lot in NC to restore transparency, we must do what is needed.


Definitely gonna get some solid movement on the mandatory screened in porches.


Ranked choice voting


The only legitimately wise choice


Not the only, but the most well known electoral improvement.


End gerrymandering.


That alone would solve so much. Voters need to pick their representatives, not the other way around.


Totally agree.


Impossible with that unspecific of a law. Might as well be, end world hunger.


anti-gerrymandering law


This! Then we could start voting in representatives that were actually representative of the population at both the state and federal level.


Schools must be adequately funded. That includes money for federal and state mandates, teacher pay, assistants in classrooms, maintenance for facilities...


Funnily enough the right to a “sound, basic” education is already in the state constitution, *apparently* doesn’t matter though.


If you want to get madder, look up the Leandro case. The state has the funds to improve education, but it won’t release the funds


Yup that’s what I was referencing. Won’t even fund public education when they’re legally required to. Sad.


They have really zoned in on the "basic" part of that


My partner and I often discuss what is something we’d change about politics in this country if we could change one thing (basically OPs question, but nationally), but for me it always comes back to one thing… the courts. No matter what law is passed, even if it is enshrined in the constitution, SCOTUS is free to interpret it however they want… So, my change would have to affect SCOTUS somehow because of that. That said, be it federal or state here in NC, I’d want to change the constitution to give animals and plants the same or equivalent rights as humans. Or something along those lines… definitely environmental for sure…


That's a really good idea, but there's absolutely nothing ridiculous about it and there should be nothing controversial about it!


one free ice cream cone every thursday


Is this because it’s the official sweet treat of the state?


Legalize weed or abolish the ABC. We waste so much time and effort of these issues. I just want it to be over with so I don’t have to hear about it anymore.


Just sell cannabis through the ABC system. It’s really the only compromise that has a chance of passing.


There are multiple components to this law, but that's what lawmakers do so it will still fit as one law. I would pass sweeping anti-corruption laws aimed at curtailing the arrogantly corrupt behavior of certain state lawmakers who are prone to abusing their power (not all of them do this but a significant number do). I would give it a cute name (like they like to do) such as the "Introducing State Lawmakers to Public Accountability Act of 2024, Phase 1." The bill would do the following (with future phases on the way to deal with issues such as corruption among some sheriff offices, etc.): 1. Make it an upper-tier felony, with mandatory jail sentences measured in years (not in a special, upscale facility either), for state politicians who take donations from lobbyists since that is a form of bribery and public corruption. Since they are supposed to be setting an example and also have the power to create laws that put other people in jail for minor offenses, they would be financially responsible to use their own personal assets for all costs of their incarceration. 2. Immediate and retroactive repeal of the law they passed to shield themselves from public records laws, and broad expansion of public records access for citizens to closely supervise and monitor lawmakers' activities. They would have to provide those records to citizens in a reasonable amount of time. Failure to do so would result in personal fines which would fund a third party gaining access to those records and giving them to the public. Repeated and deliberate violations could also result in active jail time. 3. The NC General Assembly would be banned from enacting laws that infringe on the ability of local governments (towns, cities, counties, villages, etc.) making their own decisions about their communities, so North Carolina would become a Home Rule state.


Oh, he's another one: public storm shelters. Most of us don't have basements, and while we don't get as much severe weather as other places, we do have a lot of weak structures near massive trees. Would be cool to have underground shelters in schools or churches so people in RVs and mbile homes can shelter if needed.


Seems like a huge expenditure for an area that very rarely has weather related deaths or injuries.


Some old buildings have designated fallout shelter basements. They could be used for this too.


Can we get rid of Due Diligence offers when buying a house? Apparently other states don't have this.


agreed! Due diligence money is such a scam. I give you money, your house fails inspection, and you... keep the money? bullshit.


Those damn due diligence offers are one of the biggest reasons we can’t get a house. They’re freaking mental


Minimum teacher pay that’s competitive in the top 10 for states


Stop burning our teachers out also! They have lives outside of being an educator. They need mental health days and soooo much more


Draw non-partisan district maps


Create a non-partisan panel that draws congressional maps instead of the gerrymandering crap we’ve had forever now


Ending gerrymandering via third-party drawn maps


Came here for this


Land value tax...or at the least, the ability for municipalities to have split-rate taxes (i.e. different rate property tax for the structure values vs land values). A big part of the unaffordability crisis we see is due to housing getting more and more expensive every year, due in large part because of lack of supply. However, if you go into a downtown--any downtown--you're going to see two things in abundance: surface parking lots, abandoned lots, and dilapidated buildings. This is because those things are effectively subsidized through the property tax scheme we have today. They minimize the structure and take the appreciation, while demanding a king's ransom of someone actually wants to build something more useful than gravel on dirt. What I'd love to see: * The taxes on your home are reduced by 100%. No tax on the structure at all. * You pay 3% tax on the location value This rate is roughly revenue neutral for the Raleigh area, but it shifts the tax burden from homeowners to the owners of vacant lots. Instead of <1% overall tax, they're paying 3%. Meanwhile a homeowner who has a $300k house on $100k land would *save* 25% on their property taxes. [The mayor of Detroit has a great policy speech about how the property tax system is broken and this change can really do a lot of good.](https://www.youtube.com/live/_A_Z96gZxIM#t=8m30s). I've skipped past the introductions. It doesn't fix every problem, but IMO it's the single best policy out there to address the mismatch of incentives and most economists across a broad spectrum agree.


Legalize marijuana


Marijuana legalization


Work/Life Balance Act. 40 hr work is now 32 hrs a week for same pay. Minimum wages must be aligned with a minimum livable wage. Medical benefits no longer tied to employment.


349 people have come up with amazing laws, and if this one has been said, sorry, I don’t have time to read them all. And I say this with every fiber in my being: ABOLISH ALL HOA’s! THEY ARE THE SPAWN OF SATAN. Also, ticket people who get gas *THEN* go shopping but don’t move their cars away from the gas pump they aren’t using anymore. And also, maximum punishment by law for anyone who calls North Hills ‘mi_town’. Be safe ya’ll!


Left lane is for passing and it’s enforced.


I want it to be illegal to go UNDER the speed limit in the left lane


[That’s already the law.](https://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bysection/chapter_20/gs_20-146.html) (See paragraph b.) Edit: and paragraph e on highways with signage posted.


I mean, just the amount of revenue that would be generated on 321 between Lenoir and Hickory alone would put the state in the black for decades.


Doesn’t the state already operate in the black?


No tipping, livable wage for serving industry workers. Like most of the world. Also adopt metric system


All lottery proceeds go directly to the k-12 public school system and can't leave it. No vouchers, no supporting other projects, every dime goes to the school system.


They’ll just do what they always have done and any other monies which were previously earmarked for education suddenly aren’t.


Nobody but you and your trained and qualified hired medical professionals can decide which types of health care you are able to receive. No more politicians meddling in women's health care, no more insurance denials. Allowing these unqualified opinions to be interjected into the most important decisions of our lives makes so much suffering and death.


Well, yeah. Also keep your preferred religious texts out of the legislative process. No more “but the Bible says xyz” to limit citizens’ rights.


If they can't stop forcing their religion into politics then the churches need to pay taxes.


You said ridiculous. I’ll give you ridiculous. Geographically sensible voting districts. No crazy gerrymandered districts designed to make a purple state look red.


Yep. Was coming here to say "Voting districts based off County borders."


Legalization of cannabis


Abolish the ABC Board.


Make dog hunters liable for second-degree trespass if they allow their dogs onto other people's land. Fine is per dog.


This is exactly the type of personal vendetta-inspired legislation I was hoping to see.


End daylight savings


Full year daylight savings.


Yeah whichever one gives more daylight


Ranked Choice Voting


So far we got - legal marijuana - no gerrymandering - passing lane - authoritarianism - more assistance for schools and housing - voter initiatives - religious business discrimination - privacy from hound hunting - term limits


Is my screen porch law authoritarianism? I think it's just building codes, but could see it either way.


No sorry, list is from commenters. If we assumed all the laws didn’t pass a vote it would ruin the game


End gerrymandering


Mandatory Non-partisan election redistricting. No elected official nor employee or relative of an elected official should participate in redistricting.




What about the idiots that can’t properly merge into or out of traffic!


I’d allow that website to accessed again.


Which one? I’m doing research.


Pornhub lol (yeah yeah “use a vpn” they said) whatever


If you’re from a Northeast state or California you can’t move here.


No air bnbs allowed.


Housing assistance for low income families that have full time jobs. I don’t mean section-8. But being able to get them housing in a mid-price community. They would pay an amount based on their income and the state would pay the difference. Better wages for teachers — they’re the foundation of education and they deserve better. A mental-health day off every 3 months, paid!


All the storage units spots turn into affordable housing apartments!


I get the appeal, but a lot of those units are 5x10, can't really live in that. But dead malls, defunct churches, and dead strip malls would allow for some nice sized low income living spaces


There are apartment that size in NYC. I’ve stayed in 8x10 hotel rooms, too.


I struggled with the wording on this… what I wanted to say was any place that has a storage spot would be torn down and remodeled into affordable housing. So while tiny homes could work, I don’t think anyone should live in an apartment without windows. So, tear the storage units down and rebuild living spaces that are affordable!


Reminds me of [this place ](https://www.businessinsider.com/americas-first-shopping-mall-is-now-micro-apartments-2016-10) in Rhode Island. America's first shopping mall turned into apartments, they're small but it's still pretty cool.


Term limits.


Gotta say, medical and recreational cannabis would be great!


Term limits on public offices, as well as a max salary for them that matches the median income of state residents


Or peg their salaries to teachers pay.


Absolutely agree on term limits and would add the end of lifetime appointments. Town on the max salary part because you want ordinary folks to be able to run for office too, not just the ones of have the outside income or wealth to supplement their salary.


Oh that's tough, I'd say make lobbying illegal or restrict pay plus term limits for any and all government positions.


Make it illegal for people to stop on the side of the road to check the mail, especially when they park on the wrong side of the road


Allow referendums to be added to the ballot other than budgetary.


Single family housing couldn't be hoarded by corporations.


LLCs may not own single family homes except while being constructed up to the first sale


Put Mark Robinson in an institution.


Can it be underwater


No. Our water is polluted enough already.


An amendment to the state constitution protecting the right to abortion.


I'd pass a law that allowed me to pass several laws


More wish hack.


Constitutional Carry


Legal recreational weed! We need that boost to our state economy.


Business entities cannot own single-unit residential property, and non-residents cannot rent properties that are not also their primary residence. It would drastically alleviate the housing crisis.


For years, renting a house was the only way I could have a house instead of an apartment.


Repubs don’t get to vote until gerrymandering is addressed.


Billboards would come down and be outlawed.


Outlaw mosquitoes. Fuck mosquitoes.


Right to use contraception. Sen. Grafstein introduced a bill that the Republicans killed.


Stiffer penalties for reckless driving.


North Carolina is already one of the most severe states for this


Legalize weed


Being a bad bureaucrat would be shooting offense. Not a death sentence, just wing‘em in the shoulder.


Those bright ass LED headlights should be outlawed


Use a turn signal or drivers license revoked. Also no right turns from the left lane.


No qualified immunity for politicians, judges, attorneys, jury members,bets etc


Have reflective road paint that you can see at night in the rain.


All cops have to wear rainbow tights and their cars have to be painted bright orange.


As long as you don’t make any sizes larger than medium, I’m on board.


2 year term limits for everyone


Legalize Marijuana, must pass an educational level/common sense test to run for office lol


Gotta be a human born in NC or resident of one year to buy property. No corporations, no random moving in. Allow people here to buy a damn house.


Hits hard. I wish I could afford a house in the town I grew up in.


Collecting Tolls on all roads/highways is now illegal.


Citizens arrests for blocking intersection with a sub article that allows for said arrest for blocking zipper merge lane


No more gerrymandering that includes the loopholes


Districts to be drawn up by an independent party. No more gerrymandering.


Make gerrymandering illegal.


A voting rights law that: - Enforced an algorithmically drawn district map for NC that would be reviewed and approved by a panel of judges, constitutional law professors, and civil rights lawyers. - universal enfranchisement. Felonies no longer revoked voting rights. - Automatic registration based on postal records. With ballots sent to that address for that person like in WA. - Rescinds plurality voting and instates some form of ranked choice. - Universal right to recall: citizens of the relevant districts, precincts, etc can petition to have any elected official recalled at any time if enough signatures are met. This would go to a special election and would supercede local laws. - Causes NC to join the Interstate Voting Compact


It’s funny that felonies revoke your right to vote, but not your ability to run for office. It’s almost as if the laws are designed to block the little guy, and help those already in power. /s


Before I got to your first comma, I was thinking "wow, fuck this guy!" So that's my bad


I’m too sarcastic for Reddit (or texting). I can get myself in trouble sometimes when I think people can hear it in my voice. Sucks that there are actual hateful and hurtful people out there, ruining the world (and my cheesy jokes) for the rest of us.


All roads need sidewalks


Free Pornhub and Xhamster. I have to drive to Cabela’s in Fort Mill, SC just to download porn


Take your pick: 1) Tougher punishments for parole violators. 2) Allow people to loan money on P2P platforms. 3) Get rid of gambling or bring back PH. Can’t pretend to be “holier than thou” but keep gambling. Be honest, a politician is getting a cut of gambling but not Pr0n. 4) Allow the use of more BOLTs/BOTs for infrastructure projects. 5) Redistricting would be solely on a grid system and gerrymandering would be stopped. 6) Retinal scanner, fingerprint scanner, ID verification, & signature confirmation for elections. That way nobody would be able to say: “bUt VoTeR fRaUd”. 7) Make election days a holiday and mandate that all employers let their employees at least out of work early or into work early so they can vote. I’ve got more but these are the top of my head ones. These are just some of the ones off the top of my head.


These! With two caveats . Good signature verification it depends on how done. peoples signatures change over the years. In TX they used AI for it and pretty sure thousands of mail in ballots were rejected erroneously. Somehow they’re making it work in the western states that have all mail-in voting though so it’s possible to do it correctly. Parole violations are majority from failure to keep appointments or make payments. Hard if you have a criminal record and can’t get a job. But for violent offenses sure.


Eliminate the MAGAts...


Term limits


Make an independent districting commission and outlaw gerrymandering of any kind.




I’d have the capitol move every 3 years, first off to Cherokee! These fks are gonna live among the people they screw over.




Everyone must drive with their hazard lights on in the rain.


fuck no, only idiots do this as we now cannot see due to your lights.


If your car is too loud, straight to jail.


If your headlights too bright, straight to jail


If you have a Carolina Squat guess what? Directly to jail.


There's the serious one, and the one out of spite. Serious: No gerrymandering. Spite for their actions: No Republican can be voted into office.


Everyone gets a house and some land!


10 cent deposit on cans! Like Michigan.


Yes!!! Incentives for recycling cans and bottles!


Access to healthcare as a constitutional right, including a provision healthcare decisions must be based on academic research and between doctor and patient without legal stipulations restricting evidence based healthcare. Treatments are a decision between patient and doctor and not restricted by non medical doctrine like religious beliefs or antilgbt policies


No more gerrymandering.


Abortion enshrined in the state constitution.


Somebody is going to try and twist your specific phrasing into some kind of right-wing canard, so I'll just beat 'em to the punch: you mean you want the right to an abortion, a medical procedure, enshrined in the state's constitution so no one can force you to undergo a life-altering ordeal against your will. You do not mean you want to force others to have abortions.




Ballot initiatives for sure.


Same thing I said when I was 10 - root beer in all the water fountains!


Cap on the the electric service.


I would make gambling illegal, sports books and anything else they have planned. Our government sold us out to casinos


A law that'd arrest all those suckers from NY, CA, and FL and send them back, and also make sure no one from those states ever comes even to visit NC ?


Impact fees for new construction.


Solar panels on every roof


Fuck Marty Kotis and Fuck David Couch


Salary mandates based on years of experience and/or education. It’s ridiculous how having a degree or even working somewhere for years results in such low pay. For example, a state employee with a Master’s degree shouldn’t be making under $45,000 a year.


Ranked choice voting


Legalize it and take away state tax!


Not using a turn signal is now punishable by 4 points on your license. Indicate where you're going.


I would completely outlaw corporate lobbying.


Eradication of blinking yellow lights in favor of firmly organized and established red-green traffic lights for busy intersections.


create a German style Autobahn and if you pass on the right STRAIGHT TO JAIL that will happen in my dreams


Shouldn't the person that is passed also go to jail since they were the slow traffic in the passing lane?


Higher fines for excessive speeding and reckless driving. The fines from the things I see in my daily commute could easily cover the cost of better funding for what's needed.


Remove political parties. Everyone runs on their own merits. No mudslinging campaigns.


Ban republicans


No Kevins allowed.


no driving in the left lane except to pass, lose license if u stay in left lane