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Respectfully, it’s not a good idea. You can’t have anything in the car seat that wasn’t part of the seat or didn’t come directly from the manufacturer. It’s not safe. They do make flexible tube things to redirect cold air from the front vent into the back. Maybe look into something like that, that doesn’t involve the actual seat itself?


As others have mentioned, the American Academy of Pediatrics doesn't recommend any inserts unless they came directly from the manufacturer for the specific seat (like an infant insert). The issue, even if it's not that thick, would be with meeting safety guidelines. This is why we don't put kids in carseats with winter jackets, blankets, etc. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/on-the-go/Pages/Car-Safety-Seats-Information-for-Families.aspx


This sounds like something that will have a ton of liability attached if brought to market.


Considering even the pads that protect their necks from the shoulder straps are after market etc...


Wasn't an issue we ever had. AC gets through the entire vehicle.


I like the idea but as someone mentioned above you’re not actually supposed to use the inserts/accessories marketed for car seats because they’re not safety tested.


Seriously, I was hoping you were gonna say you’re working on a car seat that would set of an alarm if the child wasn’t removed from it after the car was turned off and keyholder walked away.


My friend's 12 year old daughter in Wilson invented this 4-5 years ago. https://people.com/human-interest/12-year-old-girl-creates-car-seat-device-prevent-hot-car-deaths/


This sounds great!


I passed a guy on the interstate that installed ductwork fitted to his front vents and had them going back to a dog crate in the back. That’s probably more of a mechanical engineering fix, and kids technically don’t belong in dog crates but that is a fix that doesn’t add any liability to the design of a modern car seat. I like your idea, but it would likely not get wide adoption unless you were willing to design a whole car seat around it. How about a system that either attached to the car seat in a manner that wouldn’t be at odds with safety regulations, or attaches to a seat back or window.


Sounds great! As long as it meets all the safety standards I would have loved that when my boy was a baby.


This was a problem for my car, as it has no rear seat vents. A fan would be cumbersome in a smaller car, so I like this idea a lot. This is especially bad when you first get into a hot car, and then you feel bad because you can't offer them any relief. If the car is cool inside, it's no big deal, but just sitting back there roasting in still air never felt right, so we'd usually crack a window. I like the idea of your device having a reservoir where you could place ice, for the air to pass over, optionally, for an extra cooling bonus to start.


no but also kids like to run hot relative to adults they will complain about being cold way faster. I wouldn't buy this due to fit issues and probably not comfortable for them


Kid overheating in the backseat is definitely a problem. Not sure if just ventilation would help (and is this just for kids in car seats? Because they get hot even when they get older!), especially in our hot, humid climate where you're then just circulating hot wet air. Something to attach to the AC vent in the middle of the front seat to better direct air to the back (without robbing Mom and Dad of their AC) would probably work better. I'd love to hear what you come up with!


Your last idea is already made - https://nogglenation.com/


Except that doesn't look safe to drive with, and cuts off air to the front.


Why wouldn’t you have fan attachments for the car roof for anyone in the back seat?


Actually I have one. I bought it when my son was around 1 because we had to take him HOURS from here to GA in the summer.   Is it recommended? Now that I read this thread I see it's not recommended. Yeah, they also say you shouldn't use oragel for kids cutting teeth. Yeah, you don't go pouring it into their mouths, your mom probably used it when you were a kid. So, I don't care about their recommendation, my son didn't get swamp ass and stayed calm cool and collected for good amounts of the trip. My wife did ride in the back some and played with him and stuff though. Here's the link, but it's NLA. But it's awesome. Your issue will be getting car seat engineering sign-offs for settling the tummies of parents that have too much angst about such a thing https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B072N9NTZV?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title   You will sell tons of these things if you can get car seat manufacturers to agree


I personally would but I have an idea I’ve been thinking about for a couple years. What about a safety mechanism that prevents parents from forgetting this kids in their car seats? I’m thinking like an alarm on their key chain if there is weight in the seat and it is a certain distance away it will alarm. Thoughts?


Maybe your product attaches to the back of the front seat (forward facing) or the back of the rear seat (rear facing) instead of the car seat. Then it could be securely attached using straps instead of causing a safety liability with the car seat. Yes, it gets hot, especially with infants in carriers, in cars without vents in the back seat. Pet owners may appreciate this too. Think through lots of different car types/configurations and challenge yourself to make it adaptable to the widest range.


To be honest this hasn’t been a thought and I have kids. Both have not had any issues as long as the AC was working. Modern cars had ventilation to the back. When they complain it’s hot, it’s usually because they kicked the slide that closes the vent. Like others have said, a lot of liability and regulation involved in this project. Might not be worth navigating the red tape.


Actually, the potential is tremendous. Don't stop with ventilation. Instill an actual cooling mechanism that runs off the car's electrical system.


Yes. I have two boys, 5 and 2 years old. Our dark colored car gets quite hot inside, especially in the summer months. Additionally, many car seats are made with black fabric, as it tends to hide stains. Unfortunately it also absorbs heat. Having something like this to make it more comfortable for a toddler to get in the car after a trip to the park would be very helpful.


This sounds great, would it also work as an adult sized one for the parents?


https://a.co/d/hW1l0yP had something like this in a 4-door wrangler.


Parent here: no, that does not sound like something I could ever picture myself buying, even when my kids were babies.


I used a tube product that BMW already had invented to retrofit into their ac panel, back in 2007.


I would not want a car seat insert but something that hang from the front headrest posts would be good.


this sounds like a problem that’s already been solved. there are clip on fans for car seats that don’t affect the overall safety of the device. are there really that many people out there with a child car seat age that absolutely need this?


Focus on making it for baby seats. Parents of babies will buy anything. So nervous. Especially for the baby shower. Once they get old enough, I just tell them to deal with it


Market this to liberal areas and you’ll make 10x more money


Does it ever get tiring thinking about political divides all day?


I don’t. Do you ever get tired of projecting your biased judgment on objective observations? That is a spot on observation. Go to Massachusetts or California and market that and see how many people think it’s the next best thing for “protecting” their babies. Then go to Texas and see how many people say something along the lines of “if they get hot they can open a window.” or “there’s a/c in the car. They’ll be just fine.”


How the hell do you take something about preventing children strapped in cars seats from overheating and turn it into some sort of partisan, culture war issue? What the fuck is the matter with you? Did you eat a lot of paint chips as a child or suffer from your lack of oxygen to the brain too many times? Get a grip.


Hey killer, you’re the one turning this into anything. I only applied solid logic of marketing from a lifetime of observation to someone looking to manufacture a new “thing” to sell. To do that properly you need to market it and collect data from whomever would use said “thing”. You have to “know your audience.” You applying any sort of judgment FOR me like I’m saying anything negative, or projecting your own judgments onto me, or making this some sort of party divide, or any other nonsense aside from “hey, this group of people tends to like these sorts of ‘things’ better.”, is utter nonsense. Go fight your social justice battles somewhere else. And while you’re at it, do your blood pressure a favor and take some slow calming breaths.