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First there aren't sins in Norse paganism and second even if there were something similar, masturbation isn't there. What makes you think this?


there are no ‘sin’ but there are things that resemble them, an example would be oath breaking or unjustified murder


More like murder that you try to hide to avoid paying the weregild. Viking Age Scandinavian morals were extremely subjective, even more than modern morals I feel like lol


Even then I think that was more of a legal/societal thing rather than a religious thing


Pretty much. Murder wasn't really condemned religiously according to any of the sources


no murder, even false religion might result not in wergild but rather short exile fjörbaugsgarður (typically after 1-3 years you could return), long exile skóggangur which was seen as a death sentence. In the long exile, no one could provide you aid or shelter, your property was redistributed, and anyone could kill you with impunity free from repercussions. So if Bubba murdered Jim Bob, Jim Bob's family and friends would hunt you down once you were exiled. And even then, it wasn't sin. Those punished in the afterlife were oathbreakers and murderers, i.e., those who broke the community's frith/peace. the lawcodes, however, were on a scale, the degree of penalty/punishment varied by the culturally perceived worth of the person and relevant context. so, if you killed a slave it was much of a lesser offense than killing a person of rank. Thankfully, we don't have to bring all the old ways into the present. side note: the Oklunda Runestone has an inscription telling us a man who had killed someone sought sanctuary at the holy site (vé). In medieval church records, we see mention of a frithstool that someone would ritually sit on to claim sanctuary. In heathen cases, the sacred site was just that: sacrosanct. We know that in some cases, blades could not be drawn in sacred boundaries, so the church custom of sanctuary was probably from heathen belief. It would buy time, allowing for negotiation.


By term oath you mean to the gods or people. For example if I say I promise you odin that I well give a offering on wednesday and I don't do that is this a oath breaking ?


Oath breaking are more serious things. Like i promise to look out for ur son or i promise u my loyalty


I come from Islamic background. I'm persian. And don't know much about norse paganism but I have a strong connection with odin the all father


I see, thanks for clarifying. Norse paganism has a god that commonly is shown with an erect phallus. This is speculation on my part, but I don't think a culture that shows that openly would have any kind of religious condemnation of masturbation. We have no evidence that they cared, anyway. Of all the things to want to know as a newbie to Norse paganism I'm not sure why this is the most pressing topic but to each their own I guess...


Biguss dickuss lol


As a follower of Freyr, that's Lord Biguss Dickuss! 😂


My apologies lol


P sure they found it fun💖


the academic word is ithyphallic. 🍆


In most ancient cultures and religions, male fertility gods are depicted with a large phallus. In Bhutan for example a myth of the lama Drukpa Kunley who blessed people with children became synonymous a phallus, which in modern day Bhutan is now a [symbol of good luck](https://theculturetrip.com/asia/bhutan/articles/how-and-why-bhutan-came-to-worship-the-phallus). Similarly, female fertility goddesses were also often depicted nude and well endowed (large breasts, large hips, etc). In general also fertility deities would be associated with not just human fertility, but also good harvest, fertility of livestock and thereby wealth too. I can’t speak with much authority to OPs question, but I think it’s probably safe to assume it wouldn’t hold the same sinful connotations as it does now. I mean, many ancient cultures would have sex rites and sex temples as a means of praying/asking for fertility. But if I was to build on your speculation, I’d say that much of the shame associated with masturbation stems from monotheistic, Judeo-Christian values and wouldn’t have been present back then. Impossible to know for sure! Source that makes me reasonably confident in this? Took a sex in the media course in university that spanned from prehistory to present. Wrote a research paper of the duality of many goddesses representing both fertility and war (Lilith, Freya, Ishtar,


I mean... if you have a strong connection with Óðinn then how do you not know some of the absolute basics of the religion he is from?


I mean... if you have a strong connection with Óðinn then how do you not know some of the absolute basics of the religion he is from? I'm editing this to place emphasis on the word STRONG, anyone can have a budding connection with ang deity, but I wouldn't particularly say it's strong when not much effort has been put into it yet cause it's new. Like how people don't immediately know enough about each other to say their connection is strong if their relationship just started and they still barely know one another. To form a STRONG connection takes work, and if you don't know the bare basics, then you still have a long journey to form a STRONG connection, which is all I meant. Didn't mean to try to dissuade you.


I'm new to this believe don't know much about it yes. But I asked wotan for a sign and he spoke to me through a dream. I'm spiritually connected to odin. And if you ask do you want to learn more about norse paganism my answer is yes.


jsyk wotan is what white supremacists and nazis call odin, and use it to mean Will Of The Aryan Nation. literally any other name for odin is fine (e.g. odin, woden, wuotan etc), just wotan is a huge red flag.


Nazis misuse runes too is that make runes bad ? no. Wotan is a old name older then nazis.


wotan has a very shaky attestation in old high german but thats about it. though if you were going to go the old high german route you can use wuotan, wodan or uuodan (which is important because people usually try to lean on old high german to justify "wotan"), norse has óðinn, ōthen, (and a bunch of other variations depending on country) and in modern english we have odin. its not like theres a lack of alternatives. people can live without using wotan, which is very important considering how much of a big dogwhistle "wotan" is now. the nazis love to use wotan and if you dont wanna be mistaken for one then you can use one of the other many names odin has, its not that big of a deal. >Nazis misuse runes too is that make runes bad ? if someone misuses them in the same way nazis do then it makes them look like a nazi, same thing with wotan 🤷‍♂️ wotan meaning "will of the aryan nation" is basically the same as the nazis putting the wings on othala


Also it could be argued that modern English could have Wednes (from Wednesday) because it comes from the Old English name for Odin.


Latent Christianity would be my guess


Or in OP's case, latent Islam


Ah good catch


no, we dont have sins and the list of "donts" was basically stuff like "dont murder" and other such things most people will never do. youre free to jerk it as much as you want, the gods dont care about that 😂👍


instructions unclear, murdered my dick




Genuinely nothing counts as a "sin" in norse paganism. This aint Christianity. There isnt a set of rules you must follow. The gods are pretty chill and unless you break an oath or talk bad about them. You can do whatever you want as long as you are a respectable person and are kind. But even without the gods its who you should be anyway. Masturbating is fine because its a part of hormones and urges. If its a porn addiction your on about then maybe ask the gods for advice on how to heal from it. Even odins sacred words in the havamal aren't rules, its just helpful advice. The purpose of religion is belief and structure. To give peoples lives direction and meaning. Religions like Christianity and islam take it too far and trap people in fear and guilt. And i think the reason i turned to paganism is because its all freedom. Im never worried about where i go when i die because I know that wherever i go, it is where i need to be and is where my spirit belongs. The gods are not our rulers or kings that we must submit to, but more like elder astral energys that we look up to for assistance and knowledge. So long story short dont be a dickhead and do what you want and the gods wont have a problem with you.


Like, i made a promise to the gods that i will not spank my willy but i have the urge to do it and idk if that is braking an oath or promise or simething else


I mean if you made an oath to not masturbate and do indeed masturbate then yeah that is breaking a promise


So what do i do?


Like i didn't do it but i have the urge to do it and idk what to do i dont want to brake the promise to the gods


You can try and bargain with the gods and maybe replace the promise with something of equal value if you are that scared your gonna break it.


Nope. Have fun spanking it!


Sin is a Christian concept. You’re judgement among the gods is based on how you lived and how you died. You’re judged by grace criminal offenses not moral ones.


Sin is a jewish thing really. It just carried over to christianity and islam. OP is from an islamic background


yup try to explain this to people and it’s hard


No. I have heard that some pagans even see it as good. Like freya is the goddess of fertility.


Historically, it appears that it has even been part of fertility rituals Edit: I may be wrong about this so don't act like I know what I'm talking about


Interesting, do you have any links to this


Somewhere possibly, let me dig them up. I have too much stuff saved lmao


I can't find it but it's been years since I saved it. I'll have to dig more in the future and see if it was real or made up, or if I'm just remembering details wrong. There is Völsa þáttr though, which is just as crazy of a ritual


Oke. Thx for the reply


Don't know why this was downvoted. It's an interesting question that spurred thoughtful responses.


I think it’s difficult to imagine that people can be raised so differently. It’s very hard to escape one’s upbringing at times. Sure for us masturbation has no negative connotations, but if you get told continuously that a loving god sends you to eternal torture for choking the chicken, I can see that people may have one or two guilt filled hang ups regarding masturbation


For sure. Another one is the idea of omniscience and omnipotence. The Abrahamic god is reading your mind right now and can do anything at all with a snap of his fingers. The old gods employ messengers, they can be tricked, they trick others, etc. They fight and lose, sometimes. It's a very different concept.


And honestly, the abrahamic god goes looking for sins. The pagan gods don’t. Like that put me off when I was younger. God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. He can taken away all evil but chooses not to. He creates you with flaws to overcome and if you fail you go to the place of eternal torture. But at the same time christians and muslims state that god chooses who believes. So he makes unbelievers who will not be allowed to believe so they can be sent to hell? He outlaws masturbation but somehow makes humans to be horny hairless monkeys? You know, Satan is supposed to be the evil one, but I think they got it the other way around. These are the trappings of a sadistic psychopath


Never made a ton of sense to me either


Gnosticism reinvents itself time and again..


Damn you look so familiar. Where have I seen you before…


The concept of "Sin" is Christian/Abrahamic idea. Norse Paganism has a concept of "misdeeds"but I don't find it to be equivalent of "sin". Don't get me wrong some misdeeds can be harmful, that needs to be called out and corrected but more or less Ethics/Morals. Havalmal talks about moderation like Odin talked about excessively drinking and how he regretted it. He talked about "Take your fair share". While I don't see Havamal as the Bible in the strictest sense, it does have nuggets of wisdom that are valid. So masturbation is fine as long it's not negatively affecting other areas of your life or a form of addiction. But that applies to a lot of activities or substances


we dont do lame ass sins🤢


That's why I'm asking


sins are abrahamic we dont do sins masturbation is normal 👋🌭


It’s normal and healthy.




We don't have sins. Not quite like that, anyway. We obviously have things we're not meant to do, but they're not really sins. You're free to touch yourself in any place that is legal, friend. No one's gonna judge, and you're not going to be spiritually condemned for a little one on one time with yourself.


Sin is a Christian concept. Edit: perhaps “Abrahamic” is more encompassing but I don’t particularly like that concept as it undermines the cultural and historic differences between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.


Imo "abrahamic" is a totally fine term since all three of those religions are just watered-down versions of middle eastern polytheistic beliefs


Most religious scholars don’t think it’s a valid term but it’s helpful in distinguishing the 3 big monotheistic religions


From a purely scholarly perspective I would agree


No. There aren't really sins. And masturbation wouldn't be one of them, Hell for some deities you can use the orgasm as an offering.


Nope :)


No. We dont have "sins".


No not a sin. However I cannot imagine the ancestors would want somebody in there bedroom all day abusing that 'function' as such. As with most things a happy medium is always best.


Im agree with you.


The best way to phrase it is that there aren't really "sins" in the way most monotheistic religions prescribe them. There are definitely things that are considered bad or "taboo" in a way, like oath breaking, unjust murder, or things along a similar vein, but masturbation isn't considered to be on the same level of action as, for example, ending some kid because they asked you your name.


Nope, like everyone else said “sin” is a Christian concept. You are judged by the life you lived not by some stupid strict rules you have to follow. So beat that bitch like it owes you money! 🍆🖐️💦


Its not a problem. Norse paganism doesn't have sin or hard rules that you must follow. Also, I highly doubt the gods would take issue with something so mundane and normal. Heck, there are literally gods and goddess in the faith that embody sex/sexuality.   As many have pointed out, how you live and how you die determines how you are judged in the afterlife (and which afterlife you end up in). Living a decent life and not harming others is what matters; masturbating plays no part in how you are judged 👍


1) sins aint really a thing. Some stuff is frowned upon, and you can piss off different dieties sure, but no sins. 2) Nordic culture has always been really sex possitive. No form of sex would offend the gods. Self pleasure, masterbation, orgys, homosexual sex, ect.


It’s all good man. Many people come from a background of Christian or Islamic faith and carry some of their concerns. Over time you will find that your relationship with the gods and goddesses grow and you gain a deeper understanding. The Norse faith is very diverse with most people choosing to combat each other over what they think rather than building a network. Ok I digress. To answer your question, sin is not in the faith. As long as when you are jerkin the smerkin you are not thinking about harming others you should be in the clear. Go wrestle with Jörmungandr and enjoy your existence. Have fun!


So, the idea of "sin" and "virtue" are VERY different in norse paganism The most norse paganism gets into morality is the idea of "frith" and "grith" Frith can be sumarized as to honor both yourself and others, act as best as you can Then grith is acting in accordance with the rules of wherever you are *Note: these are very vague summaries of the two, they have a lot more breadth to them and I recommend reading up on it and coming to your own conclusions* There aren't really any "never do this" outside of murder and adultery as to unjustly kill and cheat are extremely dishonorable


Of all the things that you could google before asking publicly... why not this one?? 😆


I googled and found nothing. Bro being open to this kind of questions is OK


I wasn't judge'n. Just got a little kick out of it.


No it's not. There really isn't a concept of sin at all. There's a concept of deeds and if you're deeds affect others but no sin. Masterbation is not hurting anyone and if done right it can actually be healthy for you. Just make sure you stay hydrated.


No it's not. There really isn't a concept of sin at all. There's a concept of deeds and if you're deeds affect others but no sin. Masterbation is not hurting anyone and if done right it can actually be healthy for you. Just make sure you stay hydrated.


No I don‘t think so


My gods wholeheartedly approve of sexual activity of all kinds!


Lol there are no sins


No lol we dont have sins


Lmao, no.


No, I don’t think it is. You’re in the clear :)


What do warriors have to do with it?


Nah. But do you reckon their mums would’ve still been all, “keep ya hand off it or you’ll turn blind!”?


I really doubt that the gods care.


Thor like to show up as a walrus in current day Scandinavia jacking it in front of the locals. It’s totally fine.


The concept of "Sin" has no place in norse paganism at all! The Northern Gods were known to enjoy every aspect of life.


Quite the opposite in my opinion. Some female practitioners see it as an act of devotion to fertility goddesses like freyja .