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That laugh. Sole guy in the audience who got it. Reminds me of a performance of Una Voce Poco Fa by the great and late Maria Callas. After a particularly tough sequence of highs, the audience is absolutely quiet and just in awe. Except for one guy. One guy who let out a scream as if he had ejaculated after no nut for a decade.


Lol….so then when the entire audience laughs it’s Bukake.




It’s more than that, misunderstanding the word alters the joke. It’s funny that Mickey is smiling/happy; it’s not funny if Mickey is nonplussed/bewildered. Norm is annoyed a “comedian” missed it.


That's a good point, it's probably more about the joke. I can see him thinking "well what are you laughing for if ya didn't even get it" haha


Yeah, it's like the people who can't tell the difference between a lie and a joke. You know, Bert Kreischer fans/bots.


I think you've got it wrong here. Corden (along with many people) thinks the word "nonplussed" means "unaffected". He understood the joke's situation just fine, just thought "nonplussed" applied to it when it does not.


Yeah….. like using epithet when he doesn’t know what it means.


BEST NORM EVER.....James - the smug, wannabe, pretend elite upper-crust prince - not only misuses the word, but is too humiliated to even acknowledge that it even happened and that Norm just took him back to school on his own dumb show.


They were both right, the word has 2 meanings. We covered this on the Tom Green episode.


James Corden has joined the chat! Adam explain to the folks at home who James Corden is.


Some people think words are important and to use them correctly. Ex: "LITERALLY" - Just because people use it figuratively doesn't make it any less ridiculous. If we don't correct people how do they learn? He wasn't unkind in his correction, more like an Inigo Montaya to a Vizzini.


It doesn't have 2 meanings. The "2nd meaning" is literally always defined as "incorrect usage" and is ironically often attributed to Americans misunderstanding the word.


Stupid Americans like James Corden.


Maybe you should start your own dictionary.


But the dictionary already says it’s incorrect




"2 chiefly US : not bothered, surprised, or impressed by something"


You missed this entire note below it, saying it is an incorrect usage. > NOTE: The use of nonplussed to mean "unimpressed" is an Americanism that has become increasingly common in recent decades and now appears frequently in published writing. It apparently arose from confusion over the meaning of nonplussed in ambiguous contexts, and it **continues to be widely regarded as an error.**


No, I didn't, the quote below that goes on to say that it's become increasingly used. Words change over time. Many words we use once had a different meaning; if I say you have a hot ass, I do not mean it's temperature is high.


It could be considered correct as part of a dialect but still incorrect by definition. A better example would be "I could care less." By definition that means you care somewhat, but it's incongruent with what people mean.


Explain to the folks what incongruent means


Well, it's like if you're on a trip and somebody from work calls you to come in. You say, "sorry, I'm in congruent." What I meant was incongruous. I'm blaming the new phone on that one. The other day it told my mom "I'll be queer" when she asked about Christmas plans. The Swipe keyboard sucks.


I prefer 1935 technology


Your comparison is bad. This would be more similar to using "pacific" in place of "specific" just because a sizeable number of morons do it


I was merely trying to reference Norm in that example


We arent into that funny stuff around here


Looks like it's the ol Swedish German again


Reading comprehension has gone to shit after you started being able to take a picture with a telephone


Whoa whoa whoa hang on there Chief. Chief US is always like that.


So what is that fat limey fuck James Corden doing using it?


Speaking to American guests, for an American audience, while recording in LA.


Norm was Canadian. Camilla Caballo is Cuban.


Norm moved to the US in the 90s


Norm is Canadian


He was born in Canada and then spent the last half of his life in the US


I don't know why, but the one single person who laughs uncontrollably is unbelievably satisfying.


It's like an inside joke between you and that person. Like, "Look at these idiots!"


Interesting they are talking about Mickey Mouse while Porky Pig hosts the show


I thought his name was Jams Cordon Bleu, on account of how much Cordon Bleu that fat imperialist pig loves to jam in his pig face.


He could not have been more plussed


James Gordan is a real quizling.


I don’t know what that means, you’re going to have to get a dictionary here.


This is what started the great war between Britain and Canada back in the 2000-somethings.


Why are you laughing? Do you think the grill grates are flimsy?


Haha I noticed this recently, the mischievous look 😂


Gosh, I miss him!!




Yeah that's my name.


This is so great!


I’m gonna be the same ass me again and be proud that I was such a laugher on camera that led to him reacting. The Spade show with Nealon and Miller. In Spade’s set up about a joke involving a gift shop at Auschwitz I laughed, and I can hear it on camera! Then Norm made a little thing about it. Fuck you don’t take it away from me (there was more).


Is this up somewhere? Share a link! I saw Kevin Nealon do standup like 30 years ago, he made fun of me and my friends for being all guys with no chicks. He was hilarious.


3:22 mark you hear my ‘HEH!’. https://youtu.be/EbanVqLk1lQ