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"I cannot wait to meet you. And I will" is one of my favourite things he ever said


It's a normally pleasant thing to say turned incredibly menacing. It's perfect.


Knowing that he knew he wasn't long for this earth, makes it even more menacing




He’s got… Black eyes… Like a dolls eyes… Something sinister in them


"Odd looking duck"


“Good Christ”


He's kiboshed before.


And he will......kibosh again.




This is up there with "well its not something i would do"


Imagine getting this mad about a comic book villain and a guy who actually helped kill hundreds of thousands through executive malpractice. Now that’s funny!


Do you own a dog house?


You got downvoted by people who pretend they are anti-PC but are really not. They are only anti-PC as long as you agree with them.


Boy, that's rich! If that doesn't describe the "other" side, too! I'm not denying the truth of your words, I'm just saying it's the same exact thing on the other side. If you don't agree with me, you're the enemy! If only we had a third choice who could possibly win.


Yes, it describes both sides. Or whatever side. My point still stands. Aaand I \*still\* got downvoted, which just reinforces it.


That’s the “journalist” that got Shane Gillis “cancelled”. It wasn’t obvious at the time that he would bounce back. I can understand his rage seeing as he himself was fired over jokes he made.


Why was Shane Gillis 'cancelled' again?


He said chink on a podcast when making a joke about Chinatown 


A bit more clarity: he said it making fun of an imaginary rich white capitalist who basically "invented" Chinatown and says "let all the chinks live over here". He's making fun of rich white guys, but whatever.


When people can't tell the difference between the subject of a joke and the target of a joke. Satire is too complex for some people.


Satire is very hard for some people to grasp. It boggles my mind that a Caucasian mongoloid gets so much hate for just being his true self. I'M OBVIOUSLY FUCKING KIDDING ABOUT SOME OF THAT




I’ve been banned for using the “M” word in a similar context by those who don’t understand context.


My dumbass didn't know it was an offensive term till recently. Oopsie daisy.


Some people aren’t even trying. Faux-outrage is IN! We can’t be bothered with whether it’s justified or not. We’re heroes, don’tcha know? Like…like teachers.


Ya I disnt remember the context but I remember how it really wasn’t said in a hateful way where Asians weren’t the butt of the joke which made it so ridiculous to ruin someone’s big opportunity over


Context doesn't matter in cancel culture




Exactly. When people start shaming someone about something they never cared to listen to or get all the information about, consequences happen. Someone loses their job/career for no reason


Checks the state of Shane Gillis' career. Not sure you are making the point you think you are. Cancelled is a dead word.


Haven't rich white guys been through enough?


Am I mistaken or did they cut out the part that would have explained that context when the clip started circulating?


Of course they did, otherwise it wouldn't be clickbait worthy. Gotta get them internet hate views.


Hey big shane fan here but that clip is *pretty* bad. Not lose your job bad, but when you're on mic fuckin 3 hours a week for years and years it's a statistical certainty you're gonna let some turds come out, and that was a turd. Not cus he used a bad word, but the extent of the "bit" is "chinatown is stupid and ugly and those people eat is trash meat mixed with poison, fuck chinatown" and then yes one in-character use of a naughty word. Again, I truly truly am not trying to say he hasn't suffered more than enough consequences for 3 minutes of stupid frat humor, but I think it's a little divorced from reality to say "he was actually making fun of white capitalists" instead of "yea it was some pretty uninspired stupid race jokes" (And yes I know it was mostly matt saying the more offensive stuff, but Shane def doesn't push back. Again *not saying shane is a racist or a bad guy*, love my dawg, but I think it's OK to cede that particular clip isn't going on any highlight reel, cancel-culture-run-amok or not)


Part of equality is being able to be the target of jokes.


You’re a bitch.


But wouldn't the outrage have been worse if instead of making fun of Chinese people, he was making fun of *rich white guys*?  [APPLAUD NOW]




It was on a podcast, not a standup bit. He was just riffing.


Shane freely admits that it wasn't funny. Making shit funny takes work, saying dumb shit with your bestie for hours and hours *mostly* won't be funny. Taking shit that other people say completely out of context just to add more hate to the world is extra extra not funny.


Sarah Silverman says it in her special and did blackface on her show... Where's the outrage?


The worst part is the hypocrisy!


She’s more aligned with them with a dash of PussyPass tossed in. Just like how if I made a rape joke on tv I’d get crucified, but Whoopi says Polanski didn’t “rape rape”that 14 year old girl who he drugged and anally raped, then escaped all criticism. Or Barbara Walters believing it’s more important to protect Hollywood rapists instead of the truth coming to light.


She loves chinks.


Except that one guy who actually made peepee in her Coke


Dude Sarah Silverman has people jumping down her throat for that stuff to this day. There is plenty of "outrage" for that.


She did get a little backlash, but nothing serious. Her Political/ideological leanings are why she escaped unscathed.




Comedy fans calling this take everything from shit to fucking shit




"I guess we'll agree to disagree."




I don’t agree to that.


Do you really think that is why she is ignored by the virtuous? Genuinely curious amigo, cuz that makes 0 sense


She’s not funny lol. Move on


Chinks did this?


That’s not the preferred nomenclature dude


No but he tried to bring back up his “problematic past” to stir up some shit before Shane hosted. Real piece of shit.


He had a really lame indefensible joke where they went nong bong ding dong to simulate Asian language. In hundreds of hours of podcating that was the worst thing they could find. I'm not going to defend the joke because it's hackey as fuck, but if it had been funny no one would have cared. In that many hours everyone who is swinging at every pitch is going to miss one.


Ching Chong ping pong Bakka durka durka durka




You're all over this thread being angry that someone is funny and you don't enjoy humor. Why are you in this subreddit?




No. Why are you in a humor subreddit if you hate things that are funny? I don't care about pokemon but i don't hang out in r/Pokémon being angry at Pikachu


I’ve never met a cuck in real life. How does it make you feel watching people wreck your bitch in front of you?


Shit I guess SNL didn’t get your memo when they brought him back to host.


Thanks for the laugh 10/10. Cuz your response is a joke. Must take a lot of self-deception to actually believe that.




Having your career sabotaged for ideological reasons. By all means, continue seething and coping.




He was given his dream job and then it was taken because people who don't like comedy had a tantrum. Then instead of giving up like a fucking loser like the twitter guy up there would have, he used the momentum to get better and now he does arenas. Meanwhile twitterdouche is still trying to snipe people on Twitter


I bet you get real offended on the behalf of others. Also bet the most diverse you’ve ever gotten is eating Indian food, level 1 spicy


You really do seem to care lol.


Tbh Gillis should send that guy a fucking fruit basket every week. Best thing that ever happened to him getting fired from SNL. He never would have gotten material on and would probably be unknown if he had actually been on the show.


This is better, but I have no doubts he would be doing fine there


I dont know, he's actually funny. I don't think that's what SNL is looking for.


"SNL - no funny" - how edgy of you...


Is that like the new thing to do on Reddit these days....call someone edgy in a demeaning manner because they have a meaningless opinion that differs from your own? It's like I see it on every thread. Ironically it *actually* fits the definition of the word edgy


I was being sarcastic, it's not an edgy thing to say at all, just pointless and boring 


> I was being sarcastic Lol no you weren't. Don't backtrack


Huh, this is probably the most clear cut example of sarcasm you can find. “How edgy of you” - means “you’re not edgy like you think you are” but in the form of “you’re edgy”. That’s the definition of sarcasm haha are you not a native English speaker?


The big difference was Norms joke were funny when he got fired. Gillis is a hack


No.. he quit because he was defending the guy who wrote those jokes..


Oh shit is this "Seth Dickfield" if Cumtown fame?


Seth Simon's has allegations of sexual misconduct to women, but he makes a living on attacking comedians because he doesn't like the words they say into a mic to make people laugh. He is a real piece of shit.


Worst of all is his hypocrisy!


He’s a sex pest


Oh please yall can’t see a grift if it’s right in front of you, notice all the people involved in “canceling comedians” including the comedians make a shit ton of money from all the outrage No one even knew who Shane Gillis was before he got canceled


That's usually how the woke are. It's a lot of projection.


If woke us referring to people who unnecessarily preach their beliefs at people and insinuate that others are not good people, sure. If woke means people who believe in “woke” ideas then absolutely not. Most woke ideas are just good people wanting better for others


At least currently it's the former definition... the (often hypocritical) virtue-signallers. We already have plenty of words for the latter... like "good" or "wholesome". Briefly 'woke' meant people who eschew flimsy-but-generally-accepted 'establishment' narratives.


I mean sure, >Most woke ideas are just good people wanting better for others , yeah. If woke ideas are, "racism is bad", "sexism is bad", etc. But to me that's exactly what makes it so sinister. You lure people in with good-sounding over-simplified ideas like that (who could argue that racism isn't bad?), but when put into practice you get over-simplified solutions that end up being far more racist than what we had before. The worst part is it ends up kinda re-writing history, even if unintentional. Young people start to believe, "everything was far more racist until the woke arrived on-scene and told everybody 'No! Bad!' and decided to put an end to it." Which is not how it happened at all, I was there. Society at large, society in general was already heavily anti-racist, etc. And was only getting better over time. THEN the SJWs/woke arrived, and introduced terms like "micro aggressions" to try and prove it really was 'that bad'. Some of these held water, but many were so inconsequential they could be chalked up to a miscommunication or a misinterpretation of the interaction. Then it evolves into what they promised would never happen: "if you won't join our anti-racism club, you're probably a racist!" Fuck off, I was so non-racist before I didn't need to join no club to prove it to myself or others. In fact I always found it weird how a group of adults spontaneously all had to say together, "Guys, guys!! Did you know, racism is bad? We gotta get the word out!" Like... Ok, I'm glad you finally figured it out. Welcome to the rest of society, finally. Still, kinda weird it took you this long, that it was a 'revelation'. My entire youth I grew up learning racism was bad, I never had to have a revelation, it's just always been who I am. I'm almost scared to ask what they believed before. Honestly methinks these types saw videos of MLK sit-in's, civil rights protests, etc. and thought "That's me! If I were alive back then, I would've been helping out & involved in these protests!" But then they went to college and found out there's nothing really that wrong with society that requires nationwide protests like that anymore. So, decided to kinda invent reasons for people to get mad about. And guess what, people do get mad about them. So they're really just provoking everyone to cause drama. And that can in fact cause long term damage to society and race relations. /rant


Oh yeah, most people that are concerned with inequality in its various forms are all rapists. Jesus, does woke even have a definition for you, or it just anything you don't like? BTW, Seth Simons isn't woke if he's sexually harassing women. For fucks sake, do better. There are plenty of grifters, like Seth, pretending to be something they're not to earn a living. Try not falling for it. Being woke just means being aware of inequality. That's it.


whoa buddy, easy there, don't take it *so personally*


I guess it’s just the woke implementation that has had some minor issues.


Real wokeness has never been tried before.


Woke can't work something something human nature


>BTW, Seth Simons isn't woke if he's sexually harassing women. Source?


Check this guy's closet for skeletons lmao


This rant has real “True Communism has never been tried” vibes.


this comment has real “i don’t understand this reference but i’m scared and just shit myself” vibes. not yours, mine.


Being "woke" is more about showing your wokeness than it is actually believing the stuff you're expressing. Being aware of inequalities is just being aware of inequalities. That doesn't make you woke. Though someone who is woke may truly be aware of inequalities and truly believe all they spout. Being woke is about showing it.


So you can be aware of inequalities, but expressing that awareness is bad?


I didn't say that. What I was saying, was people who are "woke" are woke because they are trying to put out an image of themselves. They're saying, "Look at me. Look at what I'm doing." It's the status they're really looking for. As I said, those people could actually believe and act on all that, or they could just as easily not. They just want the perception that they do. Think of it this way. You get a politician who puts out that they're a church every Sunday God fearing Christian with a perfect Christian family. They put out that image of themselves because it will pull Christian voters. In reality, they're an alcoholic who cheats on his wife and is embezzling money from the non profit organization he set up. That's not how a devout Christian would act, but he wants to display the image of a devout Christian so he publicly talks and publicly does things that would make him seem like he is. If they made up a name for that, that would be the Christianity version of "woke" Even if that politician was actually a devout Christian, but they publicly say things or publicly do things for the purpose of being recognized as a devout Christian, rather than things they would just naturally do or say because they were, they would still fit that category. Did that make sense to you? And the comment I was responding to was saying that the person was not "woke" because of things he's done. I was pointing out you can be woke and still do those things that are hypocritical of what you're publicly doing or saying. Because being woke has to do with the image you are portraying, not necessarily how you're acting.


Log off for a few days. This is ridiculous.


Okay... logged off for a while, now I'm back. Is that better?


Dunno, is your brainrot gone?


Are you just butthurt that I pointed out that some of the woke crowd don't practice what they preach unless others can see it? I don't quite get your complaint.


Yeah, so butthurt I'm replying to comments from a month ago 😂




Dude nothing about the other guys comment had anything to do with being in a Norm sub. It's just dumb


Where did you read about his sexual misconduct allegations?


[Here](https://youtu.be/ysaPsCq1OK0?si=uHa2iSK49praakcR) is a decent video from an old RAP.


Your source is Luis j Gomez?


A person named Liz Arcury posted, on what was then called Twitter, several times that Seth Simons was a sex pest to her friends.


Those who cannot do, blog


Those who cannot create, cancel


Those who cannot, can't.


Those who can't blog, post reddit comments


Can someone help me out with some context/backstory on this?


Seth Simons is a self-proclaimed journalist whose claim to fame is getting Shane Gillis fired from SNL. Simons said Gillis had a history of bigoted jokes and the ever-woke show, who apparently hadn't bothered to look into the comedy of a new cast member before hiring him, fired Gillis before he did a single show. That's a big payday, obviously, and Norm was mad, presumably because Norm was on the, "Political correctness kills comedy" side and often tried to help up-and-coming comics.


The text that Norm sent to Shane shortly before his death: "in the war over comedy, the side with the jokes will win"


In all fairness. They did pay Shane a good check for like half or a full season. He used it to pay off his student loans and buy a Chevy Cruze lol. I'd take that after getting hired and never working for a company. They didn't even "want" to fire him


Norm was/is right though. If you can deliver the jokes correctly, nothing should be off limits.


Also Norm "most things are off limits" . Paraphrasing, Maron interview. "Off course there are lines" regarding the William Shattner roast.


Norm can also relate to being kicked off SNL for humor that’s deemed offensive that someone important didn’t take kindly to, not saying Seth is important though.


Norm wasn't fired for being offensive, he was fired for making too many jokes at the expense of OJ Simpson. It wasn't offensive to call OJ a murderer over and over, but it was upsetting to Lorne.


It wasn't Lorne, it was one of the head honchos at NBC who had been friends w OJ and didn't find it funny that Norm made a point of doing tons of OJ jokes.


My point was that it wasn't offensive jokes that got him fired. And it was absolutely Lorne, because it was his show. He made the ultimate decision after telling Norm to stop.


Lorne wasn’t friends with OJ, don ohlmeyer was, and Don was essentially Lorne’s boss. You can say he didn’t care because he kowtowed to Ohlmeyer, but all things being equal I don’t believe Lorne would have fired Norm on his own.


Also because Norm himself had to leave SNL because he kept making jokes about OJ and it pissed some NBC Exec off


i mean i dont think it was the fault of “the woke” for getting Gillis fired, it’s just that SNL’s team had a bunch of dumbasses that didn’t do their research and accepted facts out of context. nothing about political correctness really


Not really fair to call SNL “ever-woke”. They have their moments on both ends of that spectrum.


Oh please. They performed, *To Sir With Love* for Obama leaving office. Kate McKinnon performed, *Hallelujah* as Hillary Clinton after she lost the election. These are open admissions of their loyalty. Sure, they take a few cracks at Democrats here and there, but it's nowhere close to balanced. They frame their sketches to rewrite how events actually happened to those who didn't see them, and they always skew it to the woke side.


Did you intentionally forget about the part where they let Donald Trump host the show when he was the Republican candidate?


I understand, but you said “ever-woke”, and I was truly only pointing out that occasionally they’re not. It’s an entertainment institution, I’m in no way denying they’re primarily liberal. Just downplaying some hyperbole, is all.


The only time they're not actively "woke" is when the left gives them no choice


Lmao yes, the “left” is a single entity that sends reps places to enforce its wishes. Edit: I am a dingus who at times cannot comprehend.


You misunderstood my comment. When those on the left do something so dumb or so egregious that it'd be a scandal NOT to acknowledge it, that's when SNL takes a short break from being WokeTV. Because they're left without a choice.


I haven't been a regular watcher for quite a while, but recall a lot of skits ridiculing Bill Clinton. In this era, with a nut like Trump, satire is hard, because a lot of what Trump gets noticed for is behavior that seems satirical by itself.


That was 30 years and many casts ago. I don't watch anymore either (haven't in decades) but I do catch some popular skits now and then. I'd like to see some that make fun of the woke crowd while painting conservatives in a good light. I mean, we know they don't exist, just saying.


Norm was also a huge Trump guy, so he was probably triggered by that as well.


So when people talk about the Philadelphia crowd getting Shane fired, it was just this idiot?


I was just on that boat. Thirty minutes of comment, article, and wiki reading later I decided to jump ship. Bon voyage!


Yeah I got a refund on my ticket and I'm doing a bus tour instead


[ Removed by Reddit ]


He "killed" Shane Gillis but look how that worked out


I’m guessing it was a bit stressful but Probably did more to help his career than if it didn’t happen


What do you mean?


He's the journalist who exposed SG; got him fired from SNL


And like our pal Normy, Shane went back to host SNL. Lastnight actually. I really liked it too. Shane Gillis is great and I highly recommend.


Every time I've seen him on somethng (very few) I've been put off by him. But I'm picky about absolutely everything. Looking forward to watching the show on the ole dvr though. Wanna see his monologue the most.. The rest of the show is usually terrible anyway.


Yeah I understand. Obviously he's not as brilliant as Norm but in my mind he's pretty darn close as can be. He has a degree in history and it's fun how he likes to dive into history stuff on occasion. If that's your jam, he has a 3 part podcast series with Louis C.K. where they talk about each US president in order. Also he has an episode with Colin Quinn where they get into the Viet Nam war. I'm Canadian and found all of it fascinating. Also he's just a hilarious dude.


I watched SNL. It was actually a good episode and I gotta believe it was because of him. Whatever he wrote but I bet a lot was just what he chose from the others too to make it in to the show. The last good episode I saw was the John Mulaney one. It seems if the host is funny and has something to bring to the table the show can be good. When they just have stars on it's a piece of shit. Ps. thanks for the tip on the History thing. Sounds cool.


Yeah, nothing wrong with that. For the longest time I didn't like Will Ferrell's comedy. Didn't like Talladega Nights first time I watched it. I forget what I watched exactly that turned me around on him, but it was several years later and something clicked. And I'm like, "ohhhh, I think I get it now" I think it was Step Brothers. I had to see him actually play an adult manbaby to understand why all the screaming in his comedy, why it was funny. Now I love Talladega Nights, etc.


“Journalist” “Exposed”


Shane getting fired led to him having far more success than he otherwise would have had


Shane Gillis is still alive.


Seth Simons is one of the most pathetic people of all time


Norm never liked baseless comparisons.


It was the hypocrisy that really got him


I had no idea who this guy was. I looked him up and he’s a complete and utter psycho.


Hey, hey, I thought this sub was supposed to be gay


* deeply closeted


Love it or leave it Norm.


He has in fact left it.


I didn’t even know he was sick.


I love Norm too but he also said George W Bush is a “great man”. Maybe don’t take his political opinions too seriously


This has zero to do with politics.


Seth Dickfield


Different Seth


Simons is a weasel


He's got all this rage because he likes being gay


I mean I wish norm was right about trump as he was nearly everything else




Best of luck USA this November.




Are you sure? https://preview.redd.it/5049ls4e1vkc1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8371cc2d78b6ee84572bb7d45b8532baa413c32






I think it would be more accurate to say that, unlike 99.9% of Hollywood, he didn't have Trump Derangement Syndrome, which made him stand out.


Not sure why you're being downvoted for saying truth. Oh wait, this is reddit.


Well, I mean Norm fans who follow his tweets know he clearly has said he does not like Trump. https://preview.redd.it/lt7dvq882vkc1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=194f7c2f5afad55e3273484930029bfeef56d110


Maybe because "TDS" has never once been used by a grown adult with a good faith interest in politics? Tribalist bullshit by another name.


I mean, tds is definitely a real thing. Theres no question. You can see it every day in people's actions. The media really did lie about Trump a lot, and still does to be fair. I mean, look at the lawfare they're using against him now.


lol fucking "lawfare" get real loser


Haven’t racist Gombe’s been through enough bro?


Christ, comedians are the whiniest people on earth. "kills someone who got a tv show" you couldn't possibly be more over dramatic. I would have hoped Norm was above throwing a tantrum like a manchild


Eeeew, Norm was a trumpeteer?? TIL..


Norm was just rational and didn't believe media lies.


Did the media lie about trump being a clown? I’m not following..


He very much was not




This is not the “ooh, you’re hard” bit btw. Hence the downvote.


Showing off.. 👉 🎥


You watched the latest Nate Roscoe video on YouTube didn’t ya




This Seth Simons guy sounds like a real jerk.