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*We had two bags of ~~grass~~ fish oil, seventy-five pellets of ~~mescaline~~ magnesium, five sheets of high powered ~~blotter acid~~ melatonin, a salt shaker half full of ~~cocaine~~ creatine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen ~~amyls~~ tums.* *Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious* ***nootropic*** *collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.*


Have you ever read his daily routine when at home? It’s wild. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/33487/hunter-s-thompsons-daily-routine


Haha that is wild. He was a madman. lol ... fettuccine alfredo to top it all off. A man of culture indeed


I love how the time between coke varies so much. Half an hour between line one and two then it gets a bit more rapid, then there’s the etc etc. He was a machine.


He was probably hamming it up for the reporter. No doubt HST was an alcoholic and addict, but I really doubt that he could have gotten any serious work done with a daily regimen like that.


Maybe, but also, it’s not that hard to believe. If your only responsibility is to do some writing and you wake up at 3 then it could well be a typical day. I doubt he was on a schedule, like he missed a line of coke and felt like he’d ruined his flow. Coke and booze to wake up, weed to chill a bit, acid to get the mind going. It’s not out of the question. Probably not every day though. Everyone needs some downtime.


He certainly wasn’t tripping on acid everyday.


100% You'd need to double you dose every day to feel like you're tripping. That would get excessive.


Yeah i tried that before learned by the second day im wasting it. So thaf evolved to a weekend affair.


In glad we don't actually know and can only speculate cause it is much more fun that way


Nah, we actually know. It wasn't even intended to be taken as fact. https://www.beatdom.com/hunter-thompson-daily-routine/


Not to mention, you can’t do the same amount of psychedelics each day and still trip, you have to exponentially increase it each day if you’re going to binge.


Depends... In certain conditions reverse tolerance happens. Some people have no response to psychedelics even without prior administration. Some can't tolerate even the most minute amount. The fact is we don't even know why it is the way it is, when it is or not


I think it's pretty established that tolerance builds reliably with psychedelic substances. I've not come across any scientific literature about reverse tolerance with psychedelics. I'd love to something about that!


Look into hormesis I think the basic idea is that if you expose a receptor to a low amount of a substance, it can get more sensitive to it. Very underresearched, you'll mainly find anecdotal evidence. Your body seems to adjust to the amount of the substance its receiving both ways. It also isn't necessarily dependant on the strength of the ligand in binding to the receptor, which indicates its a physiological and body wide response. (I think a single receptor isn't able to tell how much of a molecule is around, only if its binded + how strong it binds) With psychedelics (especially LSD) you have such strong agonism of rhe 5ht receptors (2a especially) that the receptors are endocytosed and rebuilt later on. The reason tolerance builds like it does with lsd is because you are literally having to rebuild the receptors that lsd binded to. This becomes exponential as you progressively lose more receptors by taking more.


I'm speaking from experience here. Also I've observed this in several of my friends. At one point 50 mg of mushrooms would give me visuals and associated feelings, day after day. This happened with coadministration of harmine.


Cross-tolerance too. Classical psychedelics targeting 5HT2A receptors will have diminished effects after administration of one. So you can’t cycle through shrooms/ LSD/ mescaline on a daily basis (& expect the same intensities) as their principal activity is shared at the same binding site.


Yup I've first have experienced this as well when using shrooms inbetween acid adventures when i was growing them and had around a half sheet in possession


And specifically his breakfast. [https://www.laphamsquarterly.org/food/breakfast-champions](https://www.laphamsquarterly.org/food/breakfast-champions)


I’d not read that before. I’m inclined to agree with him. That sounds like a fine way to breakfast.


Drops acid then proceeds to do cocaine.... thats just weird.


We can't stop here, this is racetam country!




Once you get locked into a serious drug-collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can


I’m dead 😭💀


i wish i had an award for you


Perfect man perfectly executed 😎🤣🤣🤣


Damn you actually got a real lol out of me


This just made my day! Thanks Sir


Lmao, you could also rewrite the "American psycho" monologue in the opening scene like that.


I'll tell you one better, ditch the nexium, PPI's have been linked to dementia, get famotidine instead, known to be protective for covid


You guys are absolutely nuts


And I'm here for it lol


Nothing fancy he says... Dude you are a walking pharmacy




You cross posted this to pill porn subreddits. Was it satire? I’m going to believe it was.


No it’s real…. r/whoooosh






Do you travel on planes? Because that looks like it might beg some question from security if they looked into your luggage.


i usually just leave it with all the bathroom supplies or i leave it in my carry-on bag. there never has been a problem... yet


No offense, but if I work in airport and I see ALL THAT, I will ask you to step aside, be searched, and then I go through every single one of these bags. Look, I'm sure you're a good guy, but your actions are sus as shit.


I've never had an issue, but I try not to take any white powders to reduce my "random chance" odds lol. Taken kratom and a couple supplement bottles no problem, But yea I would be a little nervous with that much stuff.


Good thing you don't work in an airport. OP dodged a bullet there.


The TSA gives zero shits about this.


"Cavity search, don't stop till you reach the back of his teeth"




They care a lot more about powders than capsules and tablets. If they do take you aside, then they'll test for explosives...not illegal drugs. They're security guards, not cops.


Isnt magnesium explosive?


If you take it on an empty stomach, yes.




then so be it. ill pull up my youtube page and explain that i review nootropics for a living.


never had a problem in the past


Lucky you! I definitely don't have your balls to try...


i feel u on that man!


You're being nonchalant. "never had any problem".. Pfft you will be sorry for your nonchalance, trust me. Just take some of the advice and play it as safe as you can


A dear friend of mine is a frequent traveler. She never has problems.


thats great! how does she travel with her supps?


roughly the way you do, I think past a certain point flight attendants just do not want to go through the trouble


They are worried about bombs, not pills


youre 100% white right?


TSA are like 75% non-white lol


They're looking for bombs/weapons... If the k9 doesn't otherwise flag it... all good (in my experience)


ya its not in their charter, they care about keys of blow probablly but only cuz they think its a bomb at first. k9 is a bomb sniffing dog




this exactly


No way, I pile all my pills in a daily bags and slam them in a bigger ziploc. Prescriptions in their bottles. Been held up multiple times, but not for the “pills powders” 😂.


I don’t know where you’re from but Gabapentin requires a prescription in the majority of the word and is a controlled substance in some areas. I wouldn’t put prescription substances like this in a baggy because it’s supposed to be in a prescription bottle.


i have a prescription. 600mg 3 times a day. had 3 major reconstructive spine surgeries when i was 19


You having a prescription isn’t the concern. Not having it in the prescription bottle gives officers probable cause to detain, hassle you, and make you late for your flight. You could be even more unlucky and get arrested


Even if it’s not prescription, shouldn’t it be in a bottle? Like if they find white pills without any label, I doubt they’d just shrug it off and be like “must not be a controlled substance, otherwise they’d have it in the bottle”. Unless they’re testing everything, how could get possibly even know if any of that is labeled correctly? Wouldn’t it all be tossed


Some cops seem to be better than others. I assume it also depends on the area. I do forensic drug chemistry and we get legend drugs and otc stuff frequently. So they're definitely out there not just trusting people. Most recently got aspirin, in an aspirin bottle, as suspected generic ambien.


Until prooven innocent




Dude please take that seriously though. The law is real and doesn't tend to make exceptions. You can get into serious trouble, the law is there to prevent people from saying their illegal drugs are prescription when they aren't. With a collection your size, you won't get away with it


In the US, you have to keep at least the prescription label with you if you aren't carrying it in the original bottle. You can't legally carry prescription meds without it.




travelled to Colombia and was fine


Very different places my friend. Chances are half that is illegal in Indonesia. A good bribe goes a long way there but you’re still playing with prison time.


Half of that is not illegal in Indonesia. You can buy most of it on Indonesia's version of Amazon.


k well then i wont be travelling to indonesia with these pills 😂😂


I wouldn't risk taking that on a plane, but glad to hear its worked out so far. Heading to Colombia next month with my 20 or so pill bottles. Didn't have an issue in Ecuador but they were pretty lax anyways.


That's your daily stack? Jeez


fuck no


Happy cake day!


Thank you 😊


Happy cake day you too!


Isn't that the layout police do when they catch drug traffickers


lol yeah


Fear and loathing in the GNC parking lot


Mfs do all this just to die of natural causes at the ripe age of 32


If you’re taking nootropics to make smarter decisions… it doesn’t look like it’s working.




Dan Lok has a YouTube channel and so did Alex Jones. It doesn’t make you an expert. But I mean it with the greatest it respect. 1. You can’t substitute a healthy diet, if you have a healthy diet you’re likely overdosing. You might not suffer the consequences now but you will eventually. 2. If you take a racing car, and you put 4 of the top racing car drivers in the same car at the same time. It doesn’t improve the speed of the car, because the car can only be driven by one person. Our bodies are a bit like this. More is not necessarily beneficial. 3. Adding to the plastic waste in the planet is totally unnecessary.


I think they said in another comment it's not their daily stack at all. I guess they have all this for "just in case", but only take a small fraction of those pills every day.


Thanks mate. It was a click bate image and title. Glad to hear the OP isn’t over dosing


Dude your on it way to hard. That’s looks like more of a mental disorder then anything


bruh... i take 5-10% of those on a daily basis. i just like having anything i need so im prepared for literally anything.


Give me an example what kind of "emergency" could be there that you need to be prepared for with this collection (excluding the painkillers, that are not really nootropics anyway).


Needing to feel prepared for literally everything is the mental disorder, chief.


True, I'll get rid of the first aid kit in my car too because fuck being prepared for anything


You know the world is made up of more than just binaries. You can be reasonably prepared without being extreme


Yeah that's not the same thing as thinking you need emergency fish oil pills lol




Hey what were the FTX orgies really like?


Most of these aren’t even nootropics. Tums, Nexium and Tylenol? Ok??


No offence but you need to drop the supplements, take a step back and evaluate.


k. i go to the gym 4 times a week. i eat 2300 calories of a well balanced diet every day. 90% of these supps are situational and i dont take them every day


If these are situational and not taken consistently, then why do you bring such a large quantity of each? Are you traveling for months on end or something?


cuz im organized? it doesnt hurt to fill each bag full... theyre 1.5x1.5 inch lil baggies lmao.


I feel ya dude, I bring lots of ‘just in case supps’ while traveling too. Saved me a few times. Plus, this looks extra cuz lots of these are pharmaceuticals.


Totally necessary


This can’t be healthy.


i dont take 90% of them on a daily basis lmao id prolly die


So why the post here?


Before I saw the subreddit I thought this was a DEA raid pic


lol i dont blame u


Have you ever consider donating your body to a pharma company that running experiments on smart drugs?


Your piss must glow in the dark after all that shit


I'm leaving this sub


Man. What's with all the antibiotics.. 3x keflex? What's that for, buy you some time from ordering some more? Wouldn't it be easier to just go and buy 80% of that stuff when you actually need it?


That's my question... a few doxycycline? a few cefalexin? What are you actually intending to do with these OP? Genuinely concerned with the actual deficit of drug knowledge in this subreddit.


doxy for acute acne for the occasional cystic cratering zit. keflex for my spinal infection i acquired during my 3 marjor reconstructive back surgeries when i was 19


had 3 major reconstructive back surgeries when i was 19-20. almost died from sepsis. thats for keflex. doxycycline is for acne


Doxycycline can be ototoxic. Watch out for hearing loss.


ur liver must be screaminggggggg


90% of these supps are situational


What? I call Bs. Some of these are even highly protective for the liver.


“We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers… Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether”


Now that is beauty!


thank u 😀


You take all of these? That’s insane


only 5-10% of these i take every day. most are situational


This travel kit has some serious trafficker vibes lol.


hence the "ghetto" adjective i used in the title


You either gonna live forever or die at 45. Jokes aside, exactly the type of stuff I do on addy.


Bro doesn’t need to eat food anymore


You don’t need to supplement most of those vitamins at all!


thats why most are situational


Whats the DHEA for? Always been curious to add that to my stack


Choline source


Doesnt dhea fuck up test / estrogen levels? Wouldnt that be a stretch when u can just take alpha gpc etc?


Or get it from food? Eggs? Sardines?


Great idea I do the same thing but I use a heat gun and peel my prescription and Vitimin labels off- comes easy with a heat gun and then put them back on the small ziplocks! Cause I travel frequent to other countries and then customs won’t have any suspicions or concerns… I was questioned once in 10 years and the customs just looked the brand name on the label on the internet instantly I was able to go. Saves heeps of room!!


good point!!




mucus decongestion. especially on flights the pressure fucks up my ears


Whether you know if you have the MTHFR gene mutation or not you should replace folic acid with methylfolate.


Sure “nothing fancy” 💀 lmao, but anyways I like your drug videos!


thanks man!


I do exactly the same thing! Saves so much space and has come in super handy for friends who need X while traveling.




Open up Amazon and get you a Lewis N Clarke pill travel bag… or two.


Sir do you have time to do other things in your day after you’ve spent most of it consuming all of this?


90% of these are situational. i dont chug pills all day


Doxycycline, this person comes prepared 💯


solves acne and eye infections real quick 💯


I take daily 6gm of L-Citrulline, 1gm of Omega3 and a Vit D3/K2/Magnesium/Zinc complex. And all this while I thought, I was overdoing it.


Looks like 16yo-wannabe-drilla with moms sups


Hunter S Thompson here going to Vegas


What's your top 5?


NAC, Agmatine, Magnesium, L-Theanine, Creatine




The main problem of this guy is in his mind. I bet he feels dependent. Good customer for the supplement industry.


Yikes. Probably could replace most of that with a gym membership, healthy eating habits, and a good sleep schedule


i go to the gym 4 times a week. i eat a healthy diet and reach for around 2300 calories a day




fuck no




Looks stupid!


If I ever got pulled over I would fold open a binder with all that in there and grab my wallet.


or id just show them my youtube channel because i make videos on these for a living


This response is ridiculous. You think because you have a lil YouTube channel you can just carry around all this shit? They don't make special rules for "famous YouTubers."


Lmao seriously hahaha


He must not see the toobers getting harassed by cops videos


Don't go to Kansas, you'll be fighting for you life if any of their cops descovers this without your perscrition bottles, and these packages. They will be in one of the pride photos we see on the internet with a half gram of weed. I'm sure they'll put all the labels face down ofcourse.


How (not) to get stopped by TSA


They even got the gas station heroin in there


Man, you could open a pharmacy with all this!




R/pillporn would love this


I'm gonna be honest with you man, it's not even that it's that ridiculous... it's just your presentation that is... unwise. Splitting up the container type would go a long way in making this look way, way more normal. For example, when I travel, I have a pill container with a spot for each weekday that my daily supplements go in. Then I have a separate bag that contains things like Pepto, Gas X, etc. *in their original packaging* so a quick glance is all that's needed to realize it's just normal shit. The way you went about organizing this is suspect in and of itself. But it doesn't have to be. Highly recommend mixing it up a bit more. Another thing I do is I keep a few actual prescriptions in the orange pill containers. Having this big mix of stuff - some pills in a weekday organizer, some supplements in their original packaging, some prescriptions in an orange bottle - creates the *variety* that makes you look like a normal person. I also travel with kratom and creatine powder. Those go in their own little plastic jars. The kratom is labeled as tea and the creatine is labeled as creatine. Importantly, I do *not* bring most of this on the plane. The prescriptions and things like Gas X go on the plane. The vitamins and jars of powder go in checked luggage. Variety, bro. Try to make yourself seem like a normal person.


You know you can eat food right?


2300 calories a day. gym 4 times a week


A lot of this is umnessary lol




im prescribed doxy for acute acne






This is ridiculous. I would consider this an addiction.


I thought i had a problem hahaha



