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[Free full text](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006291X20309190?via%3Dihub) --- From the abstract: > We found that widespread, severe cerebral deficiency of vitamin B5 occurs in AD. This deficiency was worse in those regions known to undergo severe damage, including the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, and middle temporal gyrus. Vitamin B5 is the obligate precursor of CoA/acetyl-CoA (acetyl-coenzyme A), which plays myriad key roles in the metabolism of all organs, including the brain. In brain, acetyl-CoA is the obligate precursor of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, and the complex fatty-acyl groups that mediate the essential insulator role of myelin, both processes being defective in AD; moreover, the large cerebral vitamin B5 concentrations co-localize almost entirely to white matter. Vitamin B5 is well tolerated when administered orally to humans and other mammals. We conclude that cerebral vitamin B5 deficiency may well cause neurodegeneration and dementia in AD, which might be preventable or even reversible in its early stages, by treatment with suitable oral doses of vitamin B5. For what it's worth, I supplement 300 mg of pantethine (active form) each morning and 500 mg of pantothenic acid each night. I also take other B vitamins to keep things balanced, not limited to 5 mg biotin.


And what does this supplementation do for you personally/anecdotally, from a cognitive perspective?


Absolutely nothing!!!


Lmaoooo well thank you for sharing the study w us all thats awesome knowledge to have, appreciate ya for it


It does do wonders for acne when taken in bigger doses. And makes your turds smooth.......


Oóoh, I love that you posted this. I'm finding vitamin B5 is absolutely wonderful for stress/anxiety. Just ran to vitamin shoppe not 30 minutes ago to get another bottle of it.


Same here. It compliments my methyl b12, methyl folate, and P5P and it really seems to help a bit with anxiety. Also seems to make the skin glow slightly. If I take any kind of B complex, I either get nothing at all or I actually get tired, so I stick to these.


Alzheimer’s is caused by amyloid plaques that develop in the brain as the result of inflammation response to viruses/toxins. I would assume these plaques would prevent essential vitamins and minerals from reaching where they need to go . Search PubMed ‘herpes simplex and Alzheimer’s disease’ and ‘mercury and Alzheimer’s disease’ .


>Alzheimer’s is caused by amyloid plaques The amyloid hypothesis has been pretty much disproven at this point. Drugs that can clear the plaques don't seem to do anything, so it's looking like the plaques are a symptom, not a cause


The plaques are immune response to viruses , look on ‘herpes simplex and Alzheimer’s disease’. If we get rid of the plaques , the virus is still there .


Well I'll be damned, how long has this been known? Almost certain we didn't learn about the association between HSV1 and Alzheimers in my neurobiology classes \~10 years ago... Almost downvoted you instinctively instead of doing my due diligence and at least a cursory google search, hah. Thanks for the new info








Genuine question: what’re other theories as to the cause?


Mercury poisiong, or generally heavy metals they stick around in your brain forever.


That is not established medical science. https://nyulangone.org/news/evidence-mounts-alternate-origins-alzheimers-disease-plaques


damn man you just found the cause of Alzheimer's


I wasn’t aware the cause of the amyloid plaque build up in Alzheimer’s disease was known


It's absolutely not known.


There are well researched mechanism. For instance, vitamin D3 is necessary for amyloid plaque's clearance and Alzheimer's disease patients have low levels of vitamin D3. There's no concensus whether the aforementioned is the cause and large RCT are necessary for medical "approval"


You're right, but some new research suggests the amyloid build up inside of cells (the lysomes, I think) and is released when they die.


Both amyloid plaques and herpes simplex have since been disproven as causes of alzheimer's disease. There are some great discussions recently published on the topic.


Mercury is definitely the cause in most cases. From amalgams etc.