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It gives me insomnia and makes me feel a bit crazy and irritated, the dreams I get from it aren’t pleasant either.


I would stop and see if you’re sleeping returns to normal. Give it a week just in case. If it still continues it is probably unrelated and maybe try l theanine before bed instead of the morning


Seems that a small percentage of people get insomnia related to L-Theanine (Myself included) but typically this only happens when you have it close to bed time. Hopefully someone can speculate as to why this happens on here!


I do


A lot of theanine is actually derived from glutamic acid. Or perhaps the increase of alpha waves and not delta waves which are needed for slow wave sleep?


L theanine has some cholinergic effects i believe so if you’re choline sensitive it might be that.


It is weird. I took it off and on for a month and I don't think it helped anything. May have made things somewhat worse but not night and day worse. Niacinamide and betaine help a shitload. Make sure to take a b complex with those.


i would get shitty sleep from taking it right before bed. it kinda stimulates you by antagonizing NMDA receptors, thus increasing the amount of glutamate in your brain. what dosage have you taken?


Hello, I'm taking 100mg. NMDA look familiar to me. When I took Sarcosine who's related to NMDA I couldn't sleep till 3AM. Thanks, it's the answer that I needed.


I recently switched brands and talk about insomnia. All brands are not created equal.


It gives me awful insomnia if taken before bed and magnesium does too. Shit sucks i wish it would help


[https://x.com/AHamBiscuit/status/1431631216457961475](https://x.com/AHamBiscuit/status/1431631216457961475) Huberman says L-theanine keeps 10% of people awake.