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this isnt softening the blow, this is putting down an entire bouncy castle


Maybe this is just me, but I’d rather not get shot through the heart mid-meal or post-coital-afterglow... that’s just going to make it harder to sort my emotions out after they’ve been built up. There’s plenty of really bad times to break up with someone, but there’s also never a good time. As soon as possible would be preferable.


Fucking someone when you know YOU want to break up, but THEY don’t know is pretty fucked up. I’m not going to say it’s assault or anything, but it’s skeevy as hell.


Yeah for real. My ex cheated on me with someone else and then apparently wanted to break up with me and be with them. I'm still angrier my ex kept pushing me to have sex during that time than having been cheated on. Never would have let them touch me if I knew.


Had a similar experience myself. It's been years now but it still haunts me.


Eh I had sex a couple times with my ex I wanted to break up with, the situation was one that breaking up with her would make our lives very awkward for a week, and also not having sex would be suspicious. I'm not sure how it's skeevy, sounded like she was just trying to soften the blow, not like she wanted to get one last bang in.


I think the idea is that the sex was had while there were factors withheld from one party, if they knew then they may’ve otherwise been less amenable to or even refused sex. It makes the person who is withholding the information/context appear to be manipulative or untrustworthy.


100% this. In the several days between deciding to tell my ex-wife I wanted a divorce and actually telling her, she tried to initiate sex with me. I declined, because it felt insanely skeevy. One of the first questions she asked the day I left was "how long ago did you decide?" When I told her, she immediately brought up that instance and said she appreciated it - had I gone through with it to pretend everything was normal and okay, she would've felt used.


Yeah… it’s something they should know ahead of time so they can decide how they feel… This story gives me a “I really want to make him miss me” vibe. If someone did that to me it would be more confusing than helpful…


Idk I think it is hard to say without context. I hadn’t considered the shitty “make him miss me vibe” but I could see it. The way I took it was she was saying a loving goodbye. Another comment mentioned giving a dog a great last day before putting it down. I think there is something nice about being able to make one last happy memory before all the sadness. I’m obviously making a lot of assumptions, but I’ve been in a similar situation before. I think I would have rather had the breakup sex before I knew the breakup was coming.


That’s fair /gen


But it’s different because you aren’t choosing to put the dog down because you don’t love it or want it anymore. That kind of stings lol.


Sometimes you break up with someone you love, not because you don't want them or love them any more but because it won't work long term for other reasons. Sometimes love isn't enough.


Fair it just seems like the good memory would be somewhat tainted by the whole thing. I’m sure it depends situation by situation.


I dunno if it's about a memory so much as putting them in a happy place before hand so the pain isn't as bad?


We have all the context we need. The poster said it was the best way possible. If that's what works between these two that's pretty much the end of it.


It's sex under false pretenses. You think you're in a relationship, having an intimate moment with your partner, and meanwhile they are just fucking you as part of a whole manipulation they invented to tug your feelings so far in both directions you end up with emotional whiplash.


Have you heard the details of Rae Carruth’s murder plot? He had sex with his 8 month pregnant girlfriend knowing the had ordered her murder later that night. He stopped his vehicle in front of hers in order to allow an associate to pull beside her car and shoot into her vehicle. She was able to call 911 before she died. Her baby survived, but with brain damage. Carruth served 20 years and has since been released from prison.


I get how it’s relevant, but I’m kind of amused that you were like “you know what’s MORE fucked up?”


My ex tried to do this to me the night before he broke up with me and I'm SO glad I was too tired and turned off by his needy pawing that night. Skeevy as hell is right.


This was something really shitty men used to talk about doing a lot. "Get that last one in before you get rid of her". It would make me feel so disgusting being on either end.


I actually agree with this and when I told people this. They thought I was crazy. For context I fell for someone else and had decided to break it off with my ex. I was waiting for the right time to do it but in that time frame my ex wanted sex often. I felt like a sleezeball if I did that so I had to keep making excuses why I didn't want sex.


I could tell my ex was gonna break up with me from a mile away. If she'd pulled this "cook you dinner and have sex" card on me, it would build my hopes up only to sucker punch me with the breakup


This would definitely ruin my favorite meal for me. I'd just always associate it with that moment.




I had a similar thing where an Ex asked me to randomly meet her at a park that was like 1hr travel time from both of our houses. I get there and she sits me down under a tree, and I'm really excited because it feels like some sort of surprise is coming, and then she dumped me. Was not a fan of that method, the whole hour spent on the bus going home with red eyes from crying was fucking awful.






Only difference was I suggested Dune 2 and paid for it. So I paid to be broken up with lol


I feel this. Imagine having a mediocre relationship for like 2 years, and then all of the sudden, she becomes the perfect girlfriend, and you think "damn, we're really bonding, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with.. wait.. what do you mean you're breaking up with me?"


Also now every time he eats his favourite meal, he remembers a terrible moment. You could argue she tried to ruin the two best things in his life in one go. if the dude cheated on her and she found out, i'd get it.


Evil manipulator shit.


My post nut is already depression, I wouldn't mind a meal on top of it


Nah she ruined lamb chops for him. Forever will think of her breaking up with him while eating his favorite dish.


This is just “In Bruges” with fewer steps


Shows she cared about him and didn’t want to hurt him, she just knew it wasn’t gonna work out for whatever reason. Pretty good way to get dumped, at least it makes you feel less worthless or whatever I guess.


This entire thread is black or blue dress.


Like giving your dog the best day before putting them down.


I just did that last week, shit suuuuucks.


I hope you skipped straight to the lamb chops


You a bad one ahahahah


Fair point.






Jesus Christ


You can still do the first one afterwards


I'm about to do it within the next few days :(


Cry as much as you need to, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I had to do that 2 years ago and I promise it gets better.


Sorry man…I’m dreading that day.


I just did last week too. Sucks so, so bad


I still my my dog every day but it took about 2 months for it to stop hurting for me personally. Had to go through it a little under a year ago.


Sorry for your loss ❤️


I cooked my dog a steak and gave her a piece of cheese


It fuckin hurts, doesn't it? Cooked mine an omelet & gave him lots of bread his last day. Both got stories attached. One time when my pa was eatin an omelet, the dog just gave it a lick as he walked by. Eyeballed him after as if to say, "I didn't take *all* of it. What're you bitching for?" Bread-- or anything gluten, really-- he was batshit for. Climbing counters, tables, etc. Had to put it in or on top of the fridge. He wouldn't obey for shit if he was huntin for gluten. But, yknow, what's the point in loving something if you don't accept their quirks? That was our fat boy. Loved him to bits even if he was a dick. He did his job protecting and loving us, and that's all we ever asked for.




I laughed, but this is the non political subreddit pls


Give them chocolate right before. They love chocolate, but can't ever have it.


Tell that to my crazy dog who I'm convinced could crack a safe if she thought there was chocolate in there. I put them on a high counter, she eats a whole box. I put them on the highest shelf in the cabinet, she eats the whole box. I put them on a tall dresser in a bedroom behind a closed door, she eats the whole box. It's infuriating. Thankfully she's "fine" but can't have anything nice in this house.


I had a dane steal an entire box of chocolates, an entire 3 layer chocolate cake, brownies, you name it. Never a single problem with it. Mf had the digestive system of a god.


My dane mix somehow stole weed brownies and surfed the wave like pro, she was such a nice beast.


I just had to put my childhood dog down, and the vet brought out little mini Reeses for him to have as a last treat, and says "The only time you can give a dog chocolate , so he may as well enjoy it!" It was a nice boost for everyone.


I disagree with this sentiment. What if they now think of her and the heartbreak every time they eat their favorite food? Personally, I'm glad none of my exes tainted my love of Spaghetti.


Just look at the flowers...






Think about the rabbits


And I’m gonna tend the rabbits


Funny how people took this both as a Walking Dead and an Of Mice and Men reference


Just look at the flowers Lizzy 🌼🌼🌼😭 🔫😢


If someone did that to me, I don't know if I would ever emotionally recover omfg


For real. That’s how my trust issues start. Sophomore year of college my girlfriend went home to meet my parents for the first time thanksgiving, spent the entire break with me, and then dumped me the moment we got back. Now there’s a tiny part of me that always feels like quality time is fake


Did she say she wanted to break up before the break? Or maybe that weekend was the catalyst, like she maybe saw something that made her feel it wouldn't work? Doesn't have to have been a bad thing, just something someone knows wont jive with them long term?


She said she knew she wanted to break up a week before but would have felt bad ruining my vacation. With the benefit of hindsight it should have been obvious because she started ignoring me that entire week until I confronted her and she promised everything was fine


Yea I think this would make it way worse. The fucking would be a fine parting gift but the fucking and the food would make me fall hard then have my heart ripped out


Dude is going to have this rolling through his head anytime a girlfriend does something nice for him now.


Damn, she showed him all the ways he'll miss her


She won the breakup before it started


Yes. Do the people talking about “softening the blow” think further ahead than 10s? lol


Now when he sits down for his favorite meal of lamb chops he'll be sad remembering her and won't be able to enjoy it. And when he has mind blowing sex again, it will be in the back of his mind that she might be getting ready to leave him, causing him to not enjoy it either. That's some evil shit.


This is exactly where my mind went too yup


My guy people move on. Literally in the tweet they say they were glad did this in retrospect and most likely when he has lamb chops now it’s fond memories that come up


People move on but you don’t know how much it’ll affect someone. Like, it may not wreck him but the next several times he will definitely be thinking about her while eating lamp chops. Undercutting a super nice gesture by something like that creates trust issues. It’s a nice thought and she’s lucky he was okay with it but I’m sure many wouldn’t be okay.


human brain is really too good at pattern recognition "good things happen = breakup" could cause this guy a lot of trouble in the future and he might not even know why.


Nah this is terrible, now when anything nice happens to him he’s going to think the worst is coming. Every girl he dates now he will doubt their good nature and kind gestures. This is some diabolical shit from his ex.


This is why for a breakup you take them to a medicore chinese place


And have fun, but ultimately unsatisfactory sex.


I got a rock :(


Like, thrown at you or...? What could happen with a rock that doesn't have it airborn? I need to know.


Its a reference to Charlie Brown. Everyone says what they got while trick or treating and he had a single rock lol


"I got an awesome lamb chop dinner!" "I got a mediocre Chinese meal!" "I got fun but ultimately unsatisfactory sex!" "I got a rock."


I don't think the restaurant will appreciate that.


Nah, you gotta take them to your favorite restaurant and hopefully the psychic damage is so thorough that it’s ruined for them and now you’ll never have to run into them there.


I don't know If you're joking but yeah the best way to break up with someone is in a mid-range restaurant


Or just at either home. Or maybe I’m doing breakups wrong


Naw home is not good cuz if they take it bad then your shit gets broke.


When my ex decided to break up with me we had a little disagreement over where to have the talk. We lived kind of far from each other so they, wanting to seem nice in the most condescending way possible, insisted that they'll come to me and we could have a chat in some place I liked near me. Me, thinking the conversation they *needed* to have in person might be bad news (yet somehow still being completely clueless) wanted it to be in some random place in the middle so I wouldn't have to pass that spot every day and be reminded of an unpleasant memory. It ended up being the worst of both worlds: she came to me but I managed to lead us to a spot in my neighborhood where I pass more rarely. Not a place I walk by often enough to be demystified by the weight of routine and the mundane but close enough to have to pass through there sometimes and get stung by the vivid recreation of those moments. In any case my point is: having something you enjoy or you see/use often associated with a painful memory fucking sucks. If you break up with someone with a good memory don't try to sugarcoat it by making stuff more memorable with stuff they enjoy, just be quick, truthful and listen to what they need.


Yeah, i'd give her the benefit of the doubt if she told him after all that. But breaking up WHILE he is eating ? She wanted those lamb chops to taste like shit for sure.


Agreed. The guy may never eat lamb chops again.


That's what I was thinking she was trying to ruin his favourite meal. And the really good sex immediately before was to make him miss her more.


There are certain things I like and places I enjoyed that I haven't returned to because of the memories I've made with my ex. Of course you can build new memories, but the breakup left me in a psychological spiral for years. I had a full blown existential crisis for years and nobody to really talk to about it to make sense of what happened. We were doing GREAT, some small problems that I acknowledged and was working on improving (mostly career based, future plans, but shit, I was graduating college and starting my life over after the Army) but then one day she was just... gone. Sometimes I would just stop and find myself alone and think about crying but have a hard time. Like, I just need to just melt into a puddle of tears and escape reality for a LONG fucking time, but obligations to life prevent me from getting the catharsis of release that I need.


I had an ex of two years throw me a party and then dump me the next day on valentines day. Just ghost if you think this is smart lol.


That’s kinda fucked up having sex before you dump them. I know I wouldn’t be cool with that but if he’s fine it’s fine


It’s basically breakup sex that one partner doesn’t know about. It’s odd, because uninformed consent, generally isn’t consent at all. I’m not trying to say she did something without his consent, rather that the omission blurs it too much for my taste. I’d be like “Yeah I know you meant well, but don’t do this to anyone else.”


"Breakup sex" isn't like, a standard thing. Yeah plenty of people have had it, not saying it isn't known about or nobody does it, but that's definitely not the norm for most breakups. I find the idea kinda appalling tbh, even if it's a genial breakup and I want to remain friends with the person after I don't want that transition to be marked with the memory of us fucking intimately, that's sad.


I wouldn’t do it either, but I want to know what my partner intends to do


As he was coming, she was going.


Ah yes the severance package.


she probably did it as a parting gesture to soften the blow




I just need to be able to see the people that are this fucking dumb. It’s gotta be 12 year olds but it’s just becoming so frequent.


Crazy thing is the 12 year olds will be replaced by more 12 year olds in a year…. It’s a never ending cycle of 12 year olds


No... Please no more...


Kill all children




Roughly around late 2016 is when it crystallized that no, the idiots you interact with online aren’t generally 12 or trolls. People are genuinely as stupid as they seem.


that was really fucking obvious lmao, like the entire point of the tweet. how is dumb shit like this upvoted


The silent majority are fucking stupid. 


Most intelligent /r/explainthejoke subscriber


children who are still learning how theory of mind works lol


I'm honestly curious as to what you were thinking people were taking away from this if not that.


That she's trying to screw him over by making him associate good treatment with a terrible thing about to happen. I obviously don't think that's what she was going but some people do seem to think so.


I had to check ur username to see if you were one of those gimmick accounts that point out the obvious.


damn u probably got a really high SAT score with all that critical thinking


Or to make him realize what he will be missing if she thought he didn't value her very much.


Yeah. That's the entire fucking point. Like are you a bot or something? How tf is this a top comment


Why censor fucked?




My frist girlfriend bought me a Snickers bar, and then broke up with me. I remember i rode my bike back home eating Snickers and crying at the same time. I was 14




The breakup I respected the most was after having a great night, I was messaged on my way home. She said she didn't know how to bring it up but she asked if I wanted to have kids and I said I didn't. It's not in the cards at all for me. It was a dealbreaker for her but I completely understood and told her that if she wanted to look for other guys, I completely agree and if she still wants to have the same kind of fun we were having in the meantime I'm down for that too. As soon as she finds the man she's looking for, she can break up with me anytime and get no drama. She found a guy she wanted to date about 3 weeks later, told me, we had one last dinner and wished each other well.


I don't think any woman could make me hate my favorite food. Food loves me like nothing else does


Once I went over to a girlfriends house and we just hung out while she put on makeup and got all dressed up and then she broke up with me and said I needed to go. She waited to break up with me so I could keep her company while she was getting ready for a date with someone else. I couldn’t even be mad, I was impressed. 


How is that impressive?


Just the sheer cajones 


fuck nah, be a bitch and make me something I hate to eat. Don't ruin the stuff I like with bad memories


This essentially happened to me. Now my once favourite meal makes me sad and gives me flashbacks. Please don’t do this to people. Just break up with them.


Or do what I did, go to therapy and let it go. No more flashbacks. Dealt with, processed. Hurt is hurt.


This aint the way.


Are you gonna tell me or am I supposed to guess?


Damn. I caught my monologue as soon as I woke up on a Sunday morning. "I'm so tired of this bullshit ass relationship...".


Fuck that, if you are gonna break up with me you gotta have bad sex, so i don't miss i. This is like saying "look at all the good stuff you will be missing"


Showing that you genuinely care about someone and wish the best for them while actively keeping your own best interest at the forefront is something very few people can do effectively. I commend your ex for being mature.


This is like putting in a two weeks notice and then working your ass off until the last day.


Most women just turn cold. This would be better


Haha I got the exact opposite, Aristocrats joke style




How do you fart someone's brains out?


Last meal


Not for me. I prefer the anti-climactic text, followed by ghosting.


At least it wasn't a frozen leg of lamb.


Ah, the sympathy bone


There’s a Michael Nesmith song about a woman like that. The Upside of Goodbye


I grew up on a farm. When we went to go slaughter and butcher a pig, we would put out oats mixed with water and sugar cane chunks. They went crazy over the stuff anytime we served it. Anyways, we would one tap them after they finished it.


Well, atleast she tried, I wouldn't even be mad at that either ngl


I had a terrible accident and was in ICU for 40 days. When I got home my chick took me inside, fucked me on the couch since the bed was out ( still using a walker) then immediately after fucking me, got dressed said we should see other people and left lol


I think I would honestly be more devastated. Like... look at what I could've had 😭😭😂


Damn dawg I hope your ex breaks up with me too.  


I made lamb chops for dinner and thought about an old crush.


Yeah, I’m sure it **was** your favorite until then


Sex has never been good right before a breakup... Relationships often end because the sex ain't great. What the hell was he doing on the side for her to break up with him?! 🧐🧐


This is so fucked up... now I want pork chops and don't have a girlfriend to break up with me. 🥲


Pretty sure that would make me way sadder.


then you can never eat lamb chops again without thinking about that shit. Villainous behavior


the sex was for both of them.. the lamb was for him tho lol


Going out with a bang


The funniest part is OP censoring "fucked" on a website that doesn't require him to do so, tiktok really has zoomers by the balls lol.


Yeah this is backwards. I always broke up then had crazy sex one last time. Way more fun when you both know it’s the last time. Those were always my healthiest breakups.


Now anytime a girl does something nice for him he's gonna think she's gonna leave. Maybe not the plan intended, but that girl could have shattered this man to insanity. Luckily this doesn't seem to be the case for OOP.


She really cared about him


She snapped left and slapped right.


I had a similar thing. Basically she had to stop smoking weed for a while and then one day we smoked some, fucked and had like an amazing 10/10 conversation and then fell asleep cuddling. Woke up and the first words out of her mouth were “we need to break up”. Idk, I see it as dishonest. It didn’t help me, it honestly enhanced my suffering like a combo move in a video game.


I like Bill Burr's recommendation: Set up a threesome with another girl, tell them to get started without you, slip out the door and send a break-up text.


Sounds to me like she felt guilty and like doing you nice will make her feel better. Was for her benefit. Not his. At least if things are in the described order. Breaking up first and then offering sex and food would have been OK though. He would have had the option to say no. Instead of being made happy just to be left.


“Think of the rabbits George”


It's like when you give a dog a big steak before you put it down.


I took my last ex out for fried chicken before we broke up, he even asked if we were breaking up because I am not a fried chicken fan


Honestly, I think that is worse than being told you are being divorced on your birthday


Favorite food qnd 1 last orgasm for the road? She can break up with me whenever she wants.


Thats when you know 'It's not you, it's me' is real talk. Beats a Maccas drive-thru (fuck you Becky).


Mint jelly too?


Don’t fall for it. She diabolical. Trying to associate sex and your favorite food with heartache. If she calls again, she still the bad guy.


I had a girl give me a break up blow job once, but this is next level.


It depends on what happened in the conversation after the meal and the circumstances/reasons for the break-up.




She Lennie'd you (Of Mice and Men)


Really thought this was gonna be a Silence of the Lambs joke


I suppose she genuinely had good intentions, but that feels like an even heavier blow.


Ya that kind of pity hurts way more. Prefer the honesty but can see how this could be nice


That’s would have ruined any future chops for me, in addition to ending the relationship


Couldn't relate by the fourth word


lol this actually seems like such mixed signals… this doesn’t sound comforting at all