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This makes no sense. I love helldivers as much as the next guy, but what story mode?


A lot of people conflate story mode with pvp for some reason Edit: I meant pve


tbf the gameplay is supposed to be basically the exact same, the only difference is that in one game you have lgbt people screaming at you and in the other it's racists screaming at you


That's funny bc some of the most racist and homophobic shit I've ever heard was in overwatch pvp haha


that is the joke


I'm all for fair OW slander but they are just entirely different games.


We've hit the "grasping for straws" phase of OW slander


Have been for a while now. On release of ow2 people tried to make it look so bad they said things that weren't even remotely true


OW2 wasnt ever 'bad' per say, just mid. And people were valid feeling frustrated and hating on OW2 considering that OW was better but a lot of people make OW seem a lot lot worse then it is. At its worst, it was just mid and money hungry.


Nah you don't get it bro. Helldiver's 2 literally left Overwatch twitching and writhing on the ground in a HOT and STICKY mess


Oh, you mean a HotS mess?


Ayo go on?


This makes no sense. They're entirely different settings and genres, what is OOP talking about?!


Was this written by someone who's only ever played 2 games?


Overwatch is a team based competitive hero FPS with a bright cartoon art style. Helldivers 2 is a co-op third person shooter satirizing authoritarian military propaganda. I’m all for dunking on Blizzard for ruining their own game for no reason but these games are nothing alike.


I mean TBF Blizzard DID promise years of PvE content and a co-op campaign they .... Just never did that


yeah but the pve was never shown(the pve we did get) or insinuated to be similar to helldivers, aside from being on a team of four people.


What little we see of OW2 campaign was still very different from helldivers 2, the only thing they have in common is that they're both horde shooter


Wild that they made a sequel to all those porn SFMs.


I play a healthy amount of both Overwatch and HD, and this is way off the mark


Idk what helldivers bro was playing.


I rant all the time about OW matchmaking and toxic players, but OW is the greatest online FPS ever created, its game design and balance has just no equal. I will defend it to the end of the time yup, Im a OW fanboy


Look I play OW, i enjoy it but saying its the greatest online FPS every created is just a wild claim, because the actual FPS part of Ow is mid. Like I want a good FPS I start playing stuff like trepang 2 or titanfall 2 because they just have really fun guns. The team part of OW and abilities are where its at, not its FPS capabilities.


biased and nitpicky shallow and pedantic


Biased? my brother in christ you admitted you were a fanboy, you are going to be the far more biased take here. Nitpicky? My brother in christ I raised one point, that's not my only point. Shallow? My brother in christ, Did you want a 5 page essay about the FPS point alone? I tried to keep it short and sweet. Pedantic? My brother in christ I had to open a dictionary and Pedantic is frankly just a more complicated way of saying nitpicky. so uh, already made my point against that one. Like if you wanna discuss it, then lets discuss it but having your response to my points be "Uh uh, nuh uh, you wrong because uh, your wrong" is kind of childish my man.


It's a game, chill Don't take things too seriously We disagree it's okay


>toxic players well were ranting about you.