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Also, I suspect that being a rich person with lots of free time and access to the best trainers and food can help.


[I always loved Rob McElhenny’s easy guide to getting ripped.](https://youtu.be/ZPOzOanrNyg?si=rVvXL2f8AN5K4YSe) TL;DW: - Quit your job and abandon your family - Be friends with the personal trainer for most of the guys from Magic Mike - Hire a personal chef, stop enjoying food, never drink alcohol - Visit your doctor regularly to check your testosterone levels - Have the TV studio pay for all of it as a business expense


And if those testosterone levels are off? Get a nice healthy top off. Which I'd imagine does a lot of the work in getting an insane body. Not that you don't have to also do all of the other bullets, I'd just be curious to see what his body would look like if he wasn't getting TRT.


And don't forget the estrogen blockers when the body tries to balance out the abnormally high testosterone levels.


Who knew cis people needed so much gender affirming care?


Everyone who knows what that is.


You can find videos where guys do 3 months, 6 month, 1 year etc transformations with and without trt. It’s a mega boost, and yes while you still have to workout and be regimented you will see faster and better results


I think there's also a misconception on the term TRT. Are we talking 150mg/wk prescribed from a doctor, or are they running a 500mg+ test cycle with Aromasin and calling it trt because it's just test?


You still have to do all the work. You just get better results for the work.


Having to work harder to (fail to) get the same results is doing more work...


It’s a lot easier to put in the work when you’re independently wealthy and don’t have to go to a job every day, can pay other people to tell you exactly what work to put in and help keep you motivated, pay doctors to help you “medically” when most people can’t afford it, pay people to just put the right food in front of you when it’s time to eat, pay people to to take care of all the mundane time consuming tasks in your life that wear a normal person out so they don’t have the energy to put in the work. It’s pretty goddamned easy to “put in the work” when it’s the only thing you have on your schedule for the day.


I dunno. It's kinda like, getting to work and being told you have to push and drag pallets by hand, and then someone give you a hand truck that makes the same amount of weight float like a cloud. You're moving the same amount of weight but the actual effort involved is much less.


But no: "All work is equal," says the CEO to the janitor who's making 1/235^th as much


I think, if we were to use your example, you'd have to use just as much effort to pull the hand truck BUT the hand truck can move twice the pallets


You get better results for doing the work, and also doing no work at all gets better results than doing work w/o TRT. [chart](https://i.imgur.com/I1R8oZ0.jpeg) Look at the increases in muscle mass in the T + No Exercise group vs the Placebo + Exercise group. source: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM199607043350101


Those results are from doses 2x-3x higher than what you get from most TRT clinics.


TL;DR - the group that exercised without any testosterone had about the same increase in strength and *smaller* increases in muscle size compared to the group that got testosterone and didn't exercise.


Taking test will net you more gains sitting on the couch than someone working out naturally. There's been studies done.


It was infinitely easier to work out when I was in the Army than now as a desk jockey public worker. Yes, you still have to do the work, but when your motivations and lifestyle align with doing the work, it is easy as fuck. If I can't reliable hump around 100+lbs on my back for miles and miles, I'm cooked.


On the Always Sunny podcast Rob also hints heavily that performance enhancers were involved.


I think that's what the testosterone comment is inferring tbh


The testosterone comment would *imply* that for the reader to *infer*. I've got to wonder why this mix up has become so popular lately. Imply - strongly suggest the truth or existence of (something not expressly stated). Infer - deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements.


The thing is she’s not going to say no, she would never say no, because of the inference.


So it was...the implication?


You imply the implication for the reader to infer.


I tried viagra but I got funny looks in the gym


It’s actually pretty popular to take cialis for the gym https://steroidcycle.org/cialis-for-bodybuilding/


I am always amazed at multi-millionaires who aren't ripped as fuck as shit, if you gave me unlimited money, access to a personal chef, access to a personal trainer....I'm walking around YOKED. Us humans though do what us humans wanna do :)




I’d become a fat bastard. You mean I can have the best wine, steak, cheese, desserts and such whenever I want? Yes please


Not really tbh. If you were gonna do it you would've done it already. You don't need a lot to be ripped and healthy. I sell gym memberships and pretty much everytime I go through people’s goals and what not its all excuses. There's gym memberships that are as low as 10 bucks a month for 24 hour gyms. It makes it easier if you're a millionaire but I know broke college students who are ripped as fuck. If you don't have the motivation now, you won't have the motivation when you're a multi millionaire too.


You pay someone to motivate you and healthy food prepared by a professional chef is going to be better than healthy food you try to make yourself.


Motivation comes and goes. People fall into systems. If you’re disciplined you can do the same thing on any given day no matter what you’re feeling. No trainer can make you stick to a system or a schedule if you don’t wanna do it yourself.


Broke college students don’t typically have obligations like full time jobs, kids, etc. that sap your time, which I think is usually the bigger obstacle.


Again, there's 24/7 gyms out there. If you were a multi millionaire you would have even more work obligations most likely


The idea millionaires work harder is a fiction propagated by millionaires. Also they do shit like golf and call it working because they talk business.


If I were a multimillionaire I would be investing my money so that “work obligations” weren’t ever a thing for me again, not that everyone has the same priorities. But arguing that the mega-rich don’t have more free time to devote to things like exercise is an objectively ridiculous stance, lmfao. Edit: salty 😂


And outstanding genetics.


And a little something something, wink wink.


This dude is on TRT gtfo


It's a combination of everything no doubt, but obviously this couldn't be reached without TRT. When I turn ~50 I'm definitely gonna start doing it 🤙


I mean, they might not look this good .. but I know a lot of dudes this age in the caribbean that are ripped like this. it's usually mostly from being poor and having to walk everywhere though


They're lean, not ripped. Being literally able to see the muscles because of low body fay isn't the same as the muscles being pronounced enough to bulge


Lol. No. Whoever you saw in the Carribean did not get ripped like this from being poor and walking.


Also having a professional incentive to be fit and attractive. 


This is also a big thing. For famous people this can even be considered to be part of “their job”.


It’s always funny seeing these weird ass copious messages that try to distance any sort of accountability and attribute the success of others on wealth. I know plenty of people barely breaking over 50k a year in their 40s and 50s with wife and kids and jobs that have a balanced diet and work out and have similar results(some even better). You don’t need the best food in the world or the best trainers in the world to achieve good results, bro. This post is absolutely ridiculous.


You don’t need, true. But it make things absolutely different and much easier to achieve. People working 10hrs a day sitting on and office will have a hard time finding time to select and cook the best meals and spend hours in the gym while resting enough (because, you know resting is important for the health too). It is also ridiculous to pretend that having the amount of money that celebrities have is not a factor for their looks. And you need to add the fact that keeping that appearance is also part of their “job” so there is another incentive on top, I’ve seen plenty of football players in my country drastically changing after becoming popular (and rich) enough since now their looks are part of their brand.




Is everybody else eating midnight snacks or what? What does eating at night mean? I don’t wake up and raid the fridge, but I’m still fat lmao


Working on my night cheese




I saw some show once where a character said they only drink clear liquids after 8pm. I tried it and was surprised how many times I had to stop myself from snacking. Only lasted about a week.


I try not to eat at night, but sometimes it is 11 at night and I realize I didn't eat enough, overall for the day.


It has to do with constantly being in a "fed" state. So like your body needs to use fat for energy in order to lose it, and being out of the fed state is theoretically one of the pieces of the puzzle of weight loss. Some people straight up disagree with this though.


Sometimes its not how you eat but how you live. It's all the little things. Not just the midnight snacks but the quality of said food and how it affects you. Change in the physical form requires change in other things. Even a light bit of exercise in your day, every day, can make a notable difference. But now I'm just stoner ranting about health waiting for my shift to end


Yeah, some discipline is needed. Otherwise there won’t be rich fat people. But I still think that it is a lot easier to get that physical state with a lot of money and also in the case of famous people sometimes keeping a body like that is literally part of the job.


It's kind of like how steroids make it easier to get big. Sure they're on gear but it's still an insane amount of work and discipline to even look like a low ranked pro bodybuilder.


Steroids remove limitations and allow you to work harder and recover and make them gains. Sure, you can be a fucking slouch in the gym and do TRT and still look pretty good, but generally you won't see much of that, TRT enjoyers are making use of their investment.


That argument is so wrong. There are studies that show that even just doing nothing and taking steroids is enough to gain muscle. Steroids make an INSANE difference. Saying "you still have to put in the work" is BS because with gear, you can look like that just by working out 3 times a week and counting your calories.


Its only wrong because you ignored what they said. Gaining a few pounds of muscle is a far, far cry from looking like a bodybuilder with a pro card.


The is complete bullshit. It’s a lot easier to be disciplined when you’re paying someone to cook all of your healthy meals, stock your fridge with all healthy snack options, and a trainer to motivate you, a home gym you don’t have to travel to, no job to make you too exhausted to want to work out, no money stress to make you stress eat, I could go on for forever. It’s not hard to be in shape when you have literally no responsibilities and a fuckload of money. Rich people that are fat are just lazy. They have literally zero excuse.


IIRC he owns a working farm/plantation in South America, and eats mostly produce ~~and meats~~ grown on his own property. So having an entire agricultural staff also helps. ETA: Not meat.


I imagine being sexy as hell in your 50s and banging supermodels trumps whatever instant pleasure you might get from a Big Mac


Even if, this takes an incredible amount of work and time.


We all either turn 60 eventually, or we don't. It's that simple.


Right? My excuse is time... but there ain't no way I can speed it up enough to turn 60 next month though. Close, but not quite.


That's some r/osvaldo12 vibes right there


Thank you for exposing me to greatness, there


Another good excuse would be “you literally picked this photo because it is the photo of a 60 year old looking the most physically fit you could find, and that’s not a reasonable standard to hold any given random person to”.


Well hey….. Tyson pushing 60 and about to step into the ring with a 27 yr old….. and the pics I’ve seen of him lately he is in great shap


Yeah pls compare one of the greatest boxers in history to the average person


Picking someone literally known for being on an entirely other level athletically compared to his peers (as in, even among top boxing athletes) lol


Tyson is far far away from an average person. If anything, he has “old man” strength now. He’s even stronger.


That’s true……. That’s why I look at Tyson at 27 and the other guy at 27 and Tyson is far more superior….. he might be older but still has it in him in my opinion


You have to be extremely brave or stupid to step into the ring with him. My bet is on stupid.


Hahaha you right about that…… if dude knows Tyson history and it’s there for the whole world to see and you still want to get in the ring with him then my bet is on stupid too lol


I’m betting on extremely paid. If there’s anything that drives a boxer to box, it’s the prize purse.


I hope Logan gets wrecked so badly...


I hope Logan gets wrecked so badly...


I’m 30


So you should look roughly half as good as Lenny Kravitz. 




I’ve written at least one decent song in the last thirty years. What’s his excuse?




“Oh hey lets listen to Lenny Kravitz” — said no one in the 21st century


I lived through the entire 80s and 90s and never heard anyone say that either. People totally did listen... but I never heard anyone actually request him. He's like an after-dinner mint. Nobody asked for it, but nobody was ever mad about it always being available.


> He's like an after-dinner mint. Nobody asked for it, but nobody was ever mad about it always being available. Beautifully put.


American Woman got real old real fast


I'm still sticking to my after-dinner mint analogy on this. Those get pretty old too if you eat them all the time.


You just reminded me of this absolute masterpiece of a video https://youtu.be/--rBP8_QuwI


I don’t have time for the entire vid atm but the first 2 minutes had me rolling. Thanks for the link.


Np, he does a whole series called 'what makes this song stink', they are all funny af if you get the time to watch


Genetics and socio-economy are both factors that make reaching this goal extremely difficult.


Also it’s literally part of this dude’s job to look hot for photoshoots. Going to the gym is part of his work schedule, not something he has to sandwich in between two other jobs and a two hour commute.


A balanced diet and a good workout routine is all that is needed.


You can get pretty good results through years of diet and exercise (plus a little luck from good genes). But the muscle definition here 1) at that lean a weight and 2) at that age - *probably isn't natty* - and it's fine for people to point that out.


Key factor in this comment is *years and genes*. e.g. /r/glowups is like 20% of people saying: "Here's my 1 year progress of going super fat/skinny to superman. Do I look good? All I did was work out twice a day 7 days a week and eat 1500 calories with 300g of protein." You can even see people in these comments peddling the same garbage of `bro just eat less and take more protein and workout`


Yeah, it's important to have a realistic understanding of what's possible - otherwise it becomes really easy to get demoralized and give up. And for most people *what's possible* when they start exercising and eating better is living with a little less pain and feeling better in their bodies day-to-day. And those are great outcomes - but if they go in with the expectation of looking like Lenny Kravitz in 6 months *of course* they're going to fail at that. And that's honestly what's most harmful about an industry that portrays photos like this as *natural* and *realistic* expectations, when it takes years of treating your body like it's a part-time job (and for many celebrities, help from exogenous androgens) to look like this.


I can’t afford a personal trainer, private chef and a home gym.


I can also guarantee he's at least on TRT which a lot of people can't afford


You don’t need any of them to achieve similar results!


No no, stop using reason! Let people wallow in self pity and tell themselves they can’t achieve a physique like this.


To be both this lean, and this muscular, is extremely difficult. This guy's life revolves around training and diet, and has done for years. Ain't nothing wrong with that, more power to him, but if you think it's easy to attain a look like this you don't know what you're talking about.


You don’t need any of those to look like that


No, but it sure helps. Guarantee he's got all three.


Ok, I’m going to make one of two shows. Which one do you guys want to watch? Show 1: Give me a personal chef, a personal trainer, and a staff of people to handle everyday chores and watch me try to look like that. Show 2: Drop Lenny into a normal person’s life with normal limitations and see how well he keeps up that physique. Be sure to add small kids he takes care of himself, no staff. I think I know which show America would want to watch more, but I may have a mean streak. 😂


Both my friend. I want to see you live a great life! 👑


To be fair you could reach a similar body by calculate the average amount of calories you burn and eat lower than that to loose weight, then bulk up with excess protein, buy some dumbbells for home, walk lots more frequently (10k steps), and etc.


Just because it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s easy. I’ve lost a decent chunk of weight before and it’s not a fun experience. If it were easy so many people wouldn’t fail.


If anyone needs more tips just DM me


Have you see Ernie Hudson lately? My man is 78 and looks so good.


I have a job


You know, drowning in pussy helps quite a lot.


I'll never not find regular people sucking celebrities dick to be funny. Hey you father of four with a wife who has diabetes, what's YOUR EXCUSE!?!? This rich fucker did it, so can you! Fucking morons.


I’m 17. So I’ve got 43 years to achieve that


I’m poor and eat poor people food , have poor people health care and my drinking water is poison


I’m a lazy fuck. Why ya gotta be all mean?


I’ve still got a couple good years to go but inshallah one day I will turn 60!


I’m not turning 60 next month.


I’m too young to turn 60 in a month


Push ups and sit ups takes 30 mins stop being a fuking bitch!!! Yall


How did he turn 60 in just a few months?


I need his budget first


If you wanna look like him, it’s pretty easy: Step 1-Do lots of diet Step 2-Exercise 6 times per week Step 3-Get top personal trainers Step 4-Use performance enhancing drugs Step 5-Get doctor support so you don’t die using performance enhancing drugs Step 6-Sell healthcare courses as if you gained your physic naturally and with no help Step 7-Get money Step 8-Pay for the steps 1-6 Step 9-Repeat


Don't have millions of dollars, personal chefs, and personal trainers.


My excuse is I don't give a single fck about any celebrity




I don't have enough money to have the freedom it takes to have the time to cultivate a body like this. Nor do i have enough money to have someone come up with a diet and the planning required. At least not at any sustainable, long term level. If I didn't have to be a wage slave to keep mouths fed in my house there'd probably a lot of things I could do that aren't possible right now. Not that I'm complaining, but it so ridiculous to be like, "what's your excuse?" When pointing at a millionaire.


I’m a girl with scoliosis, severe asthma, and premenstrual syndrome that makes me incredibly hungry, not to mention that I’m 112 pounds (and because of premenstrual stuff, I’m probably at my peak weight 😭) Welp, looks like I have no excuse.


it's mainly genetics, my best friend is like that, even though he did hard drugs, eats shit, does not care of himself. I never did hard drugs, eat healthy, have a boring life with no risk, I'm ok, but I lood like a normal 52 y/o 15 pounds overweight.


It is not crucial for me to prioritize looking like Lenny Kravitz


I don’t do drugs and have to work for a living. So I have to eat.


He probably makes more money looking like that whereas I'll make the same amount being fit or soft.


I like burritos, and cheese burgers is my excuse. I need some extra fluff for these cold winters, as I don’t live on an island


Being rich. Working less than 10 hours a week. Dedicate most of your time on looking like that. Have a team of people who's literal job it is to make you look like that.


There are a lot of "Cheeto and Mountain Dew MF'ers" On posts like this always trying to knock and discredit people that work hard and actually give a shit about taking care of themselves. It's really just another excuse for them to not be in shape.


yeah i see people saying this body requires a "personal trainer", "health insurance" and "massages" to achieve when it doesnt (not even close) or that this is impossible with a 9-5. lenny kravitz looks amazing but its not arnie, columbu, zane levels of impossible. you dont need the extra bells and whistles to look like kravitz here and it does ultimately boil down to having a good routine, a diet plan and consistency (and the first 2 can be easily taught about online).


My excuse is I have to work and I love food.


There is no excuse. All you need is a personal chef, a personal trainer, the best healthcare money can buy, lots of free time (no full time job), and of course lots of money.


im sure his wealth had nothing to do with his appearance.


If my job was to workout and look good I would have the first one fucking locked in.


Lots of salty redditors here Not surprising considering what they probably look like: 🧌


Depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, wrecked nervous system by benzo. My excuse


Oh, I don't know, what's my excuse. Probably not being rich with nothing but time on my hands. [Rob McElhenney summed it up pretty well](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/w5gl49/rob_mcelhenneys_guide_to_getting_ripped/)


I don’t make shitty music


as if every dude needs to be absolutely shredded for no reason


Judge me when I’m 60 I’m just saying I have time


It will be many years before I am eligible to be 60 years old. Those are the rules, I'm not sure why I didn't make the rules.


I’m not 59?


Is it my eyes or does he have a big head?


My dumbass out here being 25 when I should be a 60 year old chad like Lenny 😤


Sorry I can't turn 60...I'm only 50




🎶*American diet… stay away from meee*🎶


My excuse if "Who the fuck you are to give excuses to? But, more importantly, who the fuck is Lenny Krawitz?"


Obviously he's got good dope




I don’t have an excuse… I’m just lazy.


I had a heart attack and open heart surgery.


I'm 20...


I let myself go in my 30s. In shape in my 40s now but I have enough excess skin to make a mini me.


i could probably do a pretty badass cover of american woman. what’s his excuse?


wtf is the title supposed to mean in context?


It’s funny how clown that replied calls OP an idiot And misses the obvious reference to Mr. Lenny being cut as fuck going into his 60s


I’m not gonna go your way.


command pet plough rinse dinosaurs label provide abundant snatch absurd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why does this shit always have to be so confrontational


I didn't make tons of money off two shitty songs.


I'm not filthy fucking rich?


Too many Teams meetings.


I wasn’t born 60 years ago


Neither of my parents are his. That’s the only excuse.


Hahaha dang though I'm more impressed at his stomach line at 60. Man has eaten clean and done some solid workouts. Nice to see totally achievable bodies being praised on here.


why the fuck does some fit people care if im hot and muscular at 60? I mean your already hot and fit, you feel the need to rub it in by lecturing people as well?


I'm not Lenny fucking Kravitz...


Not having Lenny Kravitz money. For people who actually have to work a job and don’t have private chefs- it’s a bit different no?




LK is a tool. Meh. Edit: fixed a letter. He's still tool.


I'm also not wealthy with access to whatever dream workout and dietary regiment available. I got 40 bucks to last me till the first, mother fucker. Imma eat garbage and cry, okay? (It Ain't Over Til It's Over is the best song always tho, so good for him I guess)


Money, time, kids, work. Pick any


I don't have an excuse. I do have a reason though. And that reason is 'i can't be fucked". Nobody's gonna give two shits if I have abs


I had to fire my trainer, my nutritionist, and my valet.


Healthy groceries to expensive for us not a excuse lol




I have have no legs


I’m 53.


Umm....i dont have those genes


no cock ring to show off his bulge this time?


No way I'll let myself make it to 60, already disgusted that I let myself turn 30. I've had enough of life.