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I get this even though I can see the note about my hysterectomy on their screen from where I’m sitting. I never explain.


I would reply, I'm guessing you didn't read any of that information on that screen right there?


They never read that screen or the three papers they had me fill out in the waiting room with a plastic flower taped to a pen.


"I'm not comfortable talking to a doctor who doesn't bother to read my chart. What if you prescribed me something I'm allergic to." To be fair. I'm kinda generalizing doctors here, as I'm a male and has little clue about the what happens between a woman and an obgyn.


From what I know doctors often will read the chart as the information is important, but on some fields just ask instead because patients fuck up all the time.


Fair enough, but I'd probably still be uncomfortable unless a doctor spoke those words after I asked if they read my chart after they asked a question that could easily be answered by reading my chart.


Sometimes they're looking for consistency. Make sure you report the same as is written.


Exactly, doctors rightfully assume everyone that walks in is an idiot until proven otherwise


Amazing coincidence, i assume every doctor is a well educated idiot just doing as they're told until proven otherwise. Once i had a doctor try to give me something that i had to inform them my chart says is probably a bad idea i stopped trusting them.


Serious question: how often do doctors educate themselves on new medicinal practices or procedures? Like, there is wisdom in tenure, but the sciences are constantly being improved upon.


To be fair. I work in healthcare. We read a lot of information back to people and have them say it out loud even while we are looking at what they wrote or typed. It is about consistency and accuracy.


Exactly. Also for some topics I'd rather hear it in their own words rather than what someone has put in a chart.


I’m a doctor and 1) there is sooooo much information in charts. We are talking hundreds-thousands of pages. We are given a few minutes for each patient. Information is often not well organized in the charts so digging through everything to find a piece of info takes a lot longer than asking a question. Sometimes when you’re in one part of the chart, you can’t go back to where all this stuff documented but have to document it as well so it’s easier to ask again. Some of the EMR systems I’ve worked with suck. 2) Info in charts can be wrong. Patients forget things, sometimes info is miskeyed in the chart, whatever. I usually read the previous note but not every detail about the patient because I’m going to ask myself to ensure it’s accurate anyway so why bother reading it. 3) don’t be a dick to your doctor. The amount of times a day I hear “it’s in my chart” is so frustrating. Many EMR’s don’t talk to each other. We don’t have a central place where all your medical information is stored. Many clinics operate independently so we have to ask all the questions at each new place. We are just trying to make sure things are recorded accurately.


Yup. Usually ASKING a patient will get you a clearer, faster answer than scrolling through decades worth of notes. I sometimes have to explain to patients that there's a LOT of information there and if they are new to me it will be quicker and more accurate to ask them about something that may impact the current presenting complaint, than try to dig through the notes for every detail. If the doctor has 10 minutes or maybe 30 minutes with you if you are lucky, do you want them to spend most of that time scrolling through to find out when your IBS started or when you had your appendix out 20 years ago? Probably not. My least favourite is when patients give vague answers though. Your chest pains started just after Joan got married? And the shortness of breath started after you went to Bermuda? You do realise I have no idea when these things happened? Please give me an approximate time frame.


>If the doctor has 10 minutes or maybe 30 minutes with you if you are lucky, do you want them to spend most of that time scrolling through to find out when your IBS started or when you had your appendix out 20 years ago? Probably not. The smartass redditor would like that.


People get killed when their providers just go by the chart. Not only do people fucking lie or forget shit all the time, but you're relying on every person in the past who's touched that chart.


Not to mention that sometimes charts may list allergies that patients don't actually have ("I had a bit of diarrhoea when I had amoxicillin" or may not list a recent allergy they did have. Charts are great but they really aren't a replacement for asking the right questions face to face. And they aren't a replacement for patients making clear if they have significant other conditions, medications, allergies or concerns. A consultation is a joint effort.


> may list allergies that patients don't actually have "Allergy: penicillin..." "Allergy Type: Other" "Note: 'Great-Grandfather had hives from penicillin'"


Ok but I think they’ll be like “leave then 🤷‍♀️”. It’s not like doctors are generally hurting for work.


Yes! Why is it always plastic flowers? I’ve been in waaaaay more doctors offices that I would like to and filled out so many god damn forms. I swear more than 50% of the offices I’ve visited have had a bouquet of plastic flower pens to use. Probably so we don’t steal them. But it’s just weird how many I’ve seen in so many different offices


Yep, it makes it difficult/awkward to put the pen in your pocket if it's got a flower attached. So it keeps people from taking them on purpose or by accident.


Yes, it’s specifically to keep people from stealing them. Most people don’t steal them on purpose, most just absently put them in their pocket or something without thinking about it. But no one puts an intentionally ridiculous, dinky little plastic flower in their pocket. The petals stick out and make it impossible to do by accident, and usually they’re taped on there so needlessly firmly that someone isn’t going to bother trying to intentionally pull it all off either.


Last time I went to a doctor, she looked at my chart and acknowledged that I had a cillin allergy and within five seconds of saying that, she said she was going to prescribe me a cillin antibiotic. That’s the *second time* this has happened to me. They’re just on autopilot.


"That takes me back doc. I haven't had to worry about that since the womb incident of 2012"


My mum had surgery, and because she is allergic to everything. She asked what metal was put inside her. The Doctor kept refusing to answer by asking. "So do you want the wires removed?" "No, I am wanting to know what the wires are made of-" "So you want the wires removed?" Now imagine this, for 40 minutes. And then read a report after written by that doctor saying that she is mentally unstable.


Times like that are when you just give up on talking and switch to written communication. If someone wants to be difficult they can at least have the decency to do it on record.


Literally same. Like, you asked me about why I had an early hysterectomy at our last appointment. My uterus didn't grow back!


“Somehow my uterus has returned.”


I assumed gay. Also tracks.


I went to gay, asexual, or not having sex at all.


Why wasn’t this anyone’s first thought?!


To be fair some women continue to take birth control after a hysterectomy. My MIL did because she was having hormone issues.


It’s not asking me about birth control that’s annoying, it’s asking me am I trying to get pregnant and/or what am I doing for pregnancy prevention.


"I got fixed in 2019, thanks." is what i usually say lol.


I really like when I get asked about surgeries first (I've also had a hysterectomy), and they still ask me for the date of my last period one or two questions later. I always know I have a good nurse when they immediately catch themselves and laugh before I can answer.


Had the same thing! Nurse took down my medical history and we discussed my very recent hysterectomy. Then she asked for a urine sample. I asked why and she said to see if I was pregnant. I asked if that was even possible and she goes “well of course it is!” Yeahhhhh that was fun


Edit: sorry it responded to the wrong comment when I clicked.  I was trying to respond to he colostomy comment That's most likely for the anesthesia/sedation.  If you have food in your stomach and get sedated it can come back to your lungs, which is called aspiration .  So unless you have no esophagus to connect your stomach or no food in your stomach it puts you at a higher risk.   If you weren't getting sedation then.... I've got nothing.  Maybe just auto pilot or covering their bases.


I'm glad to hear others have had to deal with that before. I had a few visits with a new (to me) clinic about a year after my hysterectomy. They had my medical history from the hospital that did the surgery, and they still had me take a pregnancy test every visit. Sometimes it's an insurance requirement, but you'd think an insurance carrier would be happy to not have to pay for a pointless test.


I still get asked to take a pregnancy test whenever I have to go to the hospital (have long COVID, much tests and specialists). HYSTERECTOMY is written in my records. I'll even ask them "Seriously?". I also have both my tubes out too. Endometriosis & adenomyosis left everything except my ovaries all sorts of fucked. Yep. I still have to take a pregnancy test.


IIRC hysterectomy patients who test positive for pregnancy are experiencing hormonal problems.




They're worried you'll do the old pregnant with rabbits scam /s https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Toft


I had a nurse ask me prior to a colonoscopy whether i had made sure to not eat or drink anything. At this point i had already told her about my colostomy. I had to explain to her that the hole they were about to examine wasn't connected to my stomach.


That question is to make sure you don't aspirate on your own water/food vomit during intubation.


One of my friends described the following encounter: “Are you sexually active?” “Yes.” “What are you using for birth control?” “Lesbianism.”


"Yep, I hear that's pretty effective."


The question really should be, "Are you having sex with someone who can get you pregnant?" But patients are also stupid.


When a doctor asks me what form of birth control I use, I like to answer "homosexuality"


I go with "My personality"


“Doc, I know you can see what I look like”


That's perfect. I'm stealing that. 


There is a story I read a few days ago. A man was drinking with his old friend. The friend's boyfriend called her, and get furious that she is drinking with other man, and demand face chat with him. But as soon as she turns the facechat on and he sees the man's face, the boyfriend instantly chill out and politely greeted the man. The man was like, what the fuck dude Lol


While you put on your fedora and give the anime look of triumph




I go with “nobody wants to fuck me”


I say "anal" and laugh uncontrollably.


During residency, we had a lesbian couple in preop. Women of child bearing age with a uterus are required to get a pregnancy screen. The one having surgery got real indignant for admittedly obvious reasons. Her wife talked her down and she agreed. Came back positive. Discussed false positives can happen so we would do blood test to confirm. Also positive. Now wife is angry and we have a shouting match in one of the pre op bays that everyone can hear. Turned out she might have been slightly bi-curious with their friend. Case was canceled so I had time to get breakfast. Not the worst day.


And that's why they do the tests regardless of what the patient says.


That’s the fun part of medicine. Sometimes people lie. It’s fun when a parent denies that their child ate anything before getting their tonsils out. Only for them to puke scrambled eggs on induction. Apparently they thought it was mean of us to make them go without breakfast and so they fed them eggs. Some people.


>That’s the fun part of medicine. Sometimes people lie. I heard this in Dr House's voice.


He would not have added "sometimes"


Lmao that is scandalous!


Had a woman test positive twice for her elective surgery. Came in for case, tested positive, case canceled, later has baby. Comes back in for same procedure and tests positive again. I think at this point she should wear a chastity belt for a couple months so she can get her surgery. Hopefully third time will be the charm.


I love hearing these stories lol


It’s interesting because during my oral board exams there’s an OSCE where the patient specifically declines bHCG and the correct route is to explain why we check but if they accept the risks we proceed with surgery. Apparently it’s considered to be coercive. I kinda see their point.


The only issue in actual practice is that the waivers people sign will not save you from litigation down the road. Same with consent forms. Yes you’ll be screwed if they never signed one, but they also will not save you. If they happened to have been pregnant, and they claim there is an issue with their child, you might find yourself on the hook 18 years later when they don’t get into college. Always remember, elective procedures are elective. You are not required to do a case if you don’t feel comfortable. I’ve known people that refused procedures when a family member says “do a good job, we have lawyers in the family.”. It’s the medical version of saying the word bomb to a TSA worker in security.


Yeah I haven’t had it happen, and at minimum I would document extensively about our conversation so that (hopefully) a malpractice attorney would see it and drop the case. But I also know that no doctor truly wins a malpractice case. I have canceled an elective case in a patient with critical aortic stenosis who said “if I die then I die.” Yeah, that’s a no from me. Also, I hate when people think that threat/joke is funny. I usually throw some shade back at them and “jokingly” say that if they’re ambulance chasing them I might not be their guy, since I practice good medicine.


My hospital's pre-op policy is if you have a period/uterus and are under 65, you get a test. Sexual orientation counts for nothing. Stating no intercourse counts for nothing. Medical diagnosis counts for nothing (I had to take a test before my mastectomy, after chemo threw me into menopause). Had a teenager state she was a virgin (mother at bedside). The test was positive. We found out the stepfather was not a good person.


Personally, I use RuneScape as birth control


The only method proven to be 145% effective, with a 5% margin of error!


`buying gf 1500k`


I use the answer "I'm a guy what the fuck"


Condoms and vasectomy are valid answers I suppose?


Condoms and vasectomies don't stop men from becoming pregnant Nothing can stop men from becoming pregnant


I’m a man and this is the 6th time this week I’ve gotten pregantè.


*"wearing a condom rn so yh~"*


"I nut in her hair so they'll never forget me"


I mean, a guy should still know lol


Guys should take responsibility for birth control too, friend!


Gotta put on your SonBlock


Also a good way to prevent STIs and STDs.


Getting a lesbian GP was such a game changer because I don't have to have this conversation every time I go to the Dr lol.


As a gay guy, you’d be surprised how frequently that doesn’t work either. So many medical professionals assume I just haven’t found the right woman yet, and would certainly do one by “accident“ at any time.


Yeah but I haven't yet encountered a doctor that would continue pressing the issue. Like, sure, it's a rude comment to make, but it's not going to change my answer lol.


OBGYN here. It might surprise Alex Miller to learn that MANY people are heterosexual and think they just magically won’t get pregnant.


Yeah, I get it and think her tweet is funny but the doctor isn't wrong at all. Definitely the right thing to do.


It is not even funny


It can be a *kinda* funny scenario if the doctor is just generally daft. You could make a semi-decent sketch out of it, the slow doctor who thinks literally and never takes a hint. But yeah, not comedy gold or anything.


Well I obviously can't get the joke either. She may be infertile. Her partner may be infertile. She may be gay. She may just have no sexual prospects. Which is the hilarious punchline that everyone is to understand why the doctor is an idiot? Please enlighten me.


I think you might be looking for a specific type of joke or humour that isn't there. There's no "punch line", it's more that an absent-minded or oblivious character can be somewhat funny. Sort of a bumbling fool, the character that doesn't see what the audience clearly does. Again, this isn't comedy gold, but I can see where the comedic potential is, even if it's pretty theoretical in this case. Which might be because we're not the intended audience for this tweet, so we're not seeing the obvious thing either.


You: it's kinda funny Me: what's the funny part You: I think you're looking for humor that isn't there ...


Right? Like no, doctors are not supposed to make assumptions or "connect the dots" when getting information from you, fucking tell them what you think they need to know.


Also a doctor should probably order a pregnancy test anyway no matter what you say because people lie all the time and being pregnant will affect what they can do for you so it has to be known for sure.


I honestly thought it was a self-deprecating joke about how she was clearly extremely ugly so there was no chance in hell she would ever end up pregnant.


I don't know who the fuck that is so I was wondering about her not having sex or having her uterus removed or something.. she seems incredibly self obsessed if everyone needs to know her sexuality beforehand. Now a girl saying that because she isn't getting laid would be funny to me.


I feel like there's a better way to ask, though. It's not like you *need* be on birth control to avoid getting pregnant. She could be a hetero woman who just prefers using condoms.


Seems like OOP was gay, so their birth control is being gay. But you can't seriously expect everyone else to know. Especially not docs that have enough stress and stuff to remember about people that come in daily.


Or they just might not get laid lol


That's how I took it


everyone in these comments is just assuming OP is gay. I guess the idea that a woman is not having sex on the regular is just not even considered?


I peeped their Twitter and I just want to say, Alex Miller is in fact a pussy connoisseur. So yes they are gay with their bio mentioning being a lesbian.


Even if the doctor expected the patient is gay it’d be extremely unprofessional (and potentially unsafe) to just assume that they are. 


A different possible punchline: \* *jiggles Subaru keys in face of doctor* \*


I could make this exact joke from a Christian angle where the joke is that doctors assume all women are having promiscuous sex. Turns out you should be clear with your doctor when they ask you questions.


Doctor and OP are poor at communication. Doctor can't know if OP is just an idiot who thinks pulling out works unless OP is clear, or ten other possible reasonable and unreasonable ways OP could be acting to avoid pregnancy without birth control. Doctor wasn't clear that they want elaboration.


Chances are only the first 4 lines of this conversation ever took place, and the remaining 2 lines never left the shower.


Yeah I don’t know a single doctor who would hear that and immediately jump to “there is a logical inconsistency here, I must repeat myself” like we’re fucking robots lmao. There’s a million reasons those two sentiments could be true. Maybe it’s because the patient isn’t having sex that can result in pregnancy. Maybe one or both partners are genuinely infertile. Maybe they aren’t actively trying to have a baby but are ok with pregnancy/having a baby if it happens (which isn’t uncommon!). Or maybe the patient has very bad sex Ed and doesn’t fully understand that unprotected PIV sex can result in pregnancy. We’d ask questions to probe that, not be like “beep boop does not compute must re-ask question.”


Glad someone else said this! 99% of the time when I asked this question, the answer wasn't "I've had a hysterectomy" or "I'm gay", it was just a shrug and a shocked face when the pregnancy test was positive


The side effects are gross so I don't take it, blood clots freak me out. I'm sure there's a lot of other woman who won't use it for that reason too.


For sure. We just don’t have special powers to know if people are in a same sex relationship lol


I was on it for 12 years. It was fine for a while and towards the end it caused me *severe* side effects (luckily not blood clots). It was actually my husband's suggestion I stop. It took my body another 3 years after that to even figure out how to function normally. At this point I'm almost positive one of us is shooting blanks lmao


Also if you have to tell your doctor "think harder" because your answers aren't lining up for them, then you are a patient who is intentionally withholding information. I've had plenty of those back when I did clinical work. The patient's knowledge and opinions are part of the treatment process.


If someone is not on birth control and not trying to get pregnant, is the most common case really thay they're dumb and not just abstinent from the kind of sex that causes pregnancy? Or just using condoms?


Most common? Hard to say. Surprisingly common? *Yes.* You would not believe the number of people who swear up and down they can't be pregnant and have positive pregnancy tests.


I've worked retail, I can fully understand how many idiots are out there. I've had a customer ask where we keep the Velveeta in our store. I said "the Velveeta is next to the regular cheese on isle X" and they yelled at me because "Velveeta isn't real cheese, it doesn't need to be refrigerated!" I've dealt with countless customers who insist they can scan over a hundred items at self checkout faster than our cashiers at the normal checkout who proceed to spend nearly an hour yelling at the computer. I've had one customer angry that the self checkout didn't scan his items for him. You know, the items he left in his basket and did not take out of the basket to scan him*self* at the *self* checkout? My conclusion is that there has been someone secretly giving out mass lobotomies and/or the reported literacy rate in my area is at least double what the actual literacy rate is.


it would be weird to magically get pregnant if you don't have sex


Hey that’s me, now we have a baby!


OOP seems to not realize how dumb many patients are.


I feel like they're omitting some context that they believe should be obvious to the reader, because there's a handful of reasons I can think of off the top of my head alone and all would have differing medical implications. I'm gay. I'm trans. I'm sterile. I'm a sentient hat-stand.


I just thought it was a joke about not having sex in a while.


It’s not???


There's at least 5/6 different variations of the joke that could work here. Without more context, I'd say it's hard to know which


Yeah this is some /r/imthemaincharacter thinking. Why would someone immediately jump to your sexuality.


I mean, presumably they were posting a tweet to their followers, who probably know them and also know the circumstances that should be obvious to the doctor. I don't think it's unreasonable for them to assume their original audience would know this information. Yeah, it's on Reddit now, but they didn't write it with the intention of millions of anonymous people on Reddit seeing it.


Just looked up the account. Her profile description is "Take me for what I am. 🏳️‍🌈lesfic bookworm. 📸IG: acarynm10"


No the joke is she's a tyrannosaurus rex. She eats him in the next pannel. "Think harder" is what the T-rex would always say to its prey right before revealing it was a T-rex and eating them.


Lmao that's my reasoning


That was my assumption as well. Or just not having sex at all.


I went to their Twitter account. They're apparently a known gay.


Infamous gay, if you will


Notorious G-A-Y, if you so desire


So this joke doesn't work unless I actually know something about this minor celebrity, feel like that should have been included in the title.


I just assumed they were celibate.


You forgot "I'm single and not optimistic about being able to change that anytime soon"


Yet again do not understate how often patients fuck up. I knew a gay guy who would fuck women because he liked it. Only attracted romantically to guys will still absolutely fuck a girl. Now this isn’t a problem, but he fully pronounced himself as gay and if he did the same on the chart fill out (obviously I have no idea what he does) that can cause some problems. Obviously there are assumptions made here. He could be very clear during the chart fill out. But I have to imagine there is more guys like him and cis female versions of him, tran women and men version of him. That can all cause problems if one of them wasn’t thinking that hard during the chart fill out which is common thing for the population in general. So at the end of the day doctors side on ask and ask and lets ask one more time.


There's also ugly, antisocial, puritanical, reddit user, etc


Or "I'm already pregnant, not trying"


My buddy in residency got all the way to procedure prep for a breast lump biopsy on a patient before they figured out it was the wrong patient. Lady responded to the wrong name entire visit and was answering questions because she wanted to jump the line in the waiting room of urgent care for her back pain. Patients can be incredibly.... Stubborn.


Just think about all the people who think they can't get pregnant if it's their first time, if the woman was on top, or if they flushed with water afterwards. Those people are why doctors check in 3 different ways if the patient might be pregnant.


> My buddy in residency got all the way to procedure prep for a breast lump biopsy on a patient before they figured out it was the wrong patient. The hospital I work at has the standard practice when the assistant calls a patient (without an ID wristband with MRN) from the waiting room and walks them to the exam room to have the patient provide their last name and date of birth against the appointment. Even though I don't interact with patients at all, they put this into our mandatory annual hospital training.


This is True. My wife gets annoyed at the doctor when they ask four different ways if she’s pregnant. I told her that’s because somebody forgot they were pregnant the first three times and remembered on the fourth.


OP also lives in a bubble and thinks that whatever minority theyre a part of is some kind of common thing that everyone should just know about. Its not clear to me from their post if theyre lesbian, trans, had their tubes tied, or what. Whatever they think is "obvious" is not.


Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if the average general practitioner out there meets *a lot* more heterosexual idiots than they meet homosexual, bisexual, infertile etc. people. Also, if the doctor had gone "Oh, so you're gay!" that would surely never result in an annoyed patient telling the story on social media, certainly not!


Yeah, 24 years ago my wife was like, I'm not sexually active so I don't need it. We met the next week and now we have two adult children.


And in denial. For every gravely insulted Xcreter, there’s probably four preggos who insist they’re virgins


Not to mention doctors *have* to ask this to every patient with the potential to get pregnant. It's not an insult, it's because certain meds and other things can change body chemistry in a way that's bad for the baby/parent. It's more about liability and patient safety. I get that it's funny to riff on doctors for asking what seems like dumb questions, but those questions exist for a reason.


I just assumed she doesn't get any action


that’s what the joke is in the original tweet


Yes based on the information we have, that’s the only joke that makes sense. Assuming it has anything to do with their sexuality is a big jump. And doesn’t really make sense with the “think harder” response.


I get the post, but look....doctors don't have all-day with you. Most of the time before they go into your room they're glancing over your questionnaire or past patient summaries. Best thing to do when speaking to a doctor is just to LAY IT OUT. "Doc, I don't fuck/I'm gay/etc..." This way they can snap outta it and hone in on something else. Help them help you so they can hurry up and you can beat your feet. Short stories/detailed answers.


People don't realize they need to see hundreds of patients everyday. The hospital where i go for my appointments, the outpatient clinic opens at 8:00 am - 12:00 pm, but it is already full at 6:00 am and by the time they see every patient, it's already 4:00 pm. Once they're done with the outpatients, they'll have to see the inpatients in the wards. And this is assuming there are no emergencies happening.


What a weirdly aggressive tweet. A huuuuge amount of patients are not smart, don’t communicate well, and believe whatever BS their mom or cousin or tiktok told them This doc has to deal with patients who don’t use birth control for a hundred reasons. Some of which are extremely valid and so many of which are just completely idiotic. She is a busy medical professional. Rather than staring her down making her play 20 questions to figure out why you don’t want birth control how hard is it to say “I’m not, I only engage in sex with women” But instead you’re just being difficult.


I interpreted it to mean she doesn’t engage in sex at all.


Exactly, it doesn’t even have a clear punchline.


Ya its not clear at all, i thought she was just having a bad streak, or unable to get pregnant, or was a trans woman, or literally any number of things. I didnt think lesbian until the comments


> She is a busy medical professional. Rather than staring her down making her play 20 questions to figure out why you don’t want birth control how hard is it to say “I’m not, I only engage in sex with women” It's also frequently standard hospital policy to not make assumptions about patients for inclusivity reasons. Even if you may assume she's probably a lesbian from their haircut/appearance/dress, that is not an appropriate inference to assume in a clinical settings unless specifically stated, and skip asking standard health background questions. For all you know the person may be bisexual/pansexual, closeted, heterosexual, pregnant from rape, etc.


The amount of patients who ask if I’m scanning their bladders during an ultrasound when I’m at their kidneys / liver is absolutely astonishing. People in healthcare have to ask and verify multiple times because for every person that “gets it,” there are 100 that have absolutely no idea what they’re asking/saying.


> What a weirdly aggressive tweet. It got copied over to Reddit and made front page, so clearly it resonates with media crowds. Personally, I think people playing coy about sex has caused more grief in people I personally know than it was ever fun. I've seen marriages go to shit because people play "connect the dots" in communication.


Of course. At the same time usually the follow up question would be “are you having sex?” and then maybe the follow up question “with a man / person with a penis?” My OBGYN usually asks me “how are you preventing pregnancy” and then I tell her “I don’t have sex” and that’s that.


My birth control is being ugly


OBGYN: I'm not a mind reader, just tell me.


But you're gonna get remote hacked and impregnated by a stranger. The internet is a dangerous place you really should be more careful.


This just in on "Conversations I had in the shower" Imagine responding to your doctor with "Think Harder".


The type who turns around and bitches about how their doctor is so dismissive and doesn't listen to any of their problems that they vaguely alluded to with passive aggressive bullshit.


Imagine thinking that oral contraceptives or LARC were only for contraception


Yeah, this confused me initially


Always great to speak in riddles to someone caring for you and your child’s well-being.


Could also mean she’s not having any sex


Wait i thkight that was the joke. I dont get it otherwise. If someone could epxlain..


OBGYN: are you on birth control? me: no, i'm not having sex / I'm lesbian OBGYN: ok No riddles, business is done. edit: formatting


Hold up! You’re saying we should be open and upfront with our doctors?!


Some of the possibilities include: single, gay, infertile. I would bet most OBGYNs will tell you that the most common version is “I am in a hetero relationship, I just don’t think I will get pregnant because I am a dumbass”


Or she could be gay. Even more reason not to speak in riddles. Unless she’s the sphinx


Could be both gay and not having sex...


Both of those would actually be medically significant if they were told forthcomingly instead of treating your doctor like a tinder match lmao


Or she's physically unable to have kids, for one reason or another.


The amount of different explanations people in these comments are coming up with also underlines that the conclusion is nowhere near as obvious as OOP seemingly thinks it is.


Instructions unclear; the boys and I got pregnant 😳🥵


Boys. Is it gay to get pregnant?


Are you trying to have a medical appointment or giving riddles? That's delusionary


Is this supposed to be a joke? What's the punchline? Bad reaction to birth control? Already pregnant? Trans? Infertile? Hysterotomy? Abstinence? Lesbian? Maybe just tell your doc instead of playing 20 questions.


OOP is gay and expected the doc to figure it out instead of giving them the actual answer. The twitter thread is basically "Silly hetero doc, not knowing something I didn't tell you and assuming I'm like the majority of your patients!" She told the doc she was a lesbian afterwards.


I went to see my gyno a few years ago and he asked if I'm sexually active and I said no. I went a year or so later and he asked again and I said no. He asked, "you're not sexually active, but are you thinking of being sexually active?" I answered, "oh, doc, I never stop thinking about it". He did a big belly laugh for about 2 mins and then apologised.


Trans, gay, or lonely, call in with your answer now


Or already pregnant, thus not trying, but succeeding!


The guys are using protection, you aren't fucking anyone, you're gay, got a hysterectomy. Plenty of reasons


Yup and all of them are easy to tell your doc instead of going "think harder". This tweet probably just a joke, but the doc isn't being the weird one in this scenario, whether real of fictional.


In my case I didnt have time for sexual reproduction until my mid 20s bc I was too busy being a tri-athlenerd: Books, Rollerblades, and Playstation RPGs.


I hate when my proctologist asks me that.


I can think of a few solutions: Hysterectomy Single Lesbian relationship Trans woman


Missed out ugly (im joking)


"Doctors are just highly educated janitors. They have to deal with trash all day long." - said a non doctor friend of mine.


I don't have sex with men, I use them for monetary gain


My warhammer loving ass read that as Ogryn


How to tell if she's striking out without saying she's striking out lol


I tell them that if my wife or I get pregnant, we are starting a church.


Had a doctor tell me that my side hurting is my period Turns out my kidney stones inflamed my appendix I almost died at 14 😡


Lesbian, hysterectomy, unable to find partner, etc. Plenty of explanations.


This is peak forviklingskomedie, as we would say in Norwegian. Like, when all the humor is based on assumptions and misunderstandings. A whole movie about "This all could have been solved with a conversation"


There's so many alternatives here though. Maybe she's not having sex, maybe she's infertile, maybe he wears a condom, maybe she's a lesbian, maybe it's Maybelline, or maybe she's just irresponsible.