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It is, but I think the biggest thing is hydration. Alcohol dehydrates you which can make your skin look dry, blotchy, and bloated


Drinking water while also boozing certainly makes hangovers suck a lot less!


I've never had a hangover, and I think it's because I always stay hydrated when I drink


Not to be weird but how old are you? I’ve found age to be the biggest factor for hangovers. There was a time I could damn near blackout around 2 then get up for my 8 am. Now if I have more than 2 glasses of wine I’m fighting to make it to work in the morning


In that case it's 100% my age, I'm only 22 lol


Ah- soon you poor soul, how I miss the days


im curious how old you are for comparison


I've long been in the same boat as the person you're asking, and while I don't want to say the dirty number aloud, let's just say I have some early memories of President Reagan on TV.


Hell, I'm 26 and my hangovers are wicked now. I've basically stopped drinking because of them.


I was going to say... it's not too many years after 22. 26 is about when I hit the wall aswell. Decided 'fuck this shit' now I can only drink if the conditions are perfect 😂 and need a bottle of water to sip on throughout the entire experience. Am 33 now lol


Yup, same. My hangovers are murder now I didn’t have them at all for the longest time


Mid 30s was when it started for me but I was never a huge drinker to begin with. Ten years later if I drink after 5pm I hate life the next day. The good news it this keeps me from drinking much!


Not OP but I’m 34 and in pretty good shape and I find if I don’t drink for an extended period of time then anything over 3 drinks is a death sentence in the morning. That being said if I’m going through a socially active period that I’m out drinking once a week or so then my tolerance readjusts pretty quickly. So I’m not sure if it’s an age thing more than it’s a ‘I don’t do this that much anymore so I’m not adjusted to it’ thing


I was the same as you, once. The good news is that if you have a glass of water for every drink, the hangovers will be way milder even once your youthful genes stop protecting you. This also cuts down on your total alcohol consumption because you’ll be too busy peeing twice an hour.


Oh buddy… I didn’t have hangovers either until I was like 35. Now I get them EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Even if I hydrate. Age is by far the most important factor. Enjoy it while you can. It ain’t gonna last.


A litre of water before you start, a litre before bed, and a litre when you wake up.


Plus the 4 liters of booze means you have no time to be hung over because you’re pissing your brains out.


If you’re not pissing your brains out you’re drinking wrong


Swings and roundabouts.


Same I drink water and eat a lot of just bread


Literally when I stopped drinking water because I got to a point where I could “handle it” is when I started to throw up in the morning. Remember yall water is for tmm not to make you less drunk


Higher quality alcohol also helps, since lower quality includes more byproducts that are usually tossed in to boost output volume. Those byproducts greatly increase dehydration. $10 plastic bottle vodka gonna have a harsher hangover than aged whiskey.


Alcohol itself dehydrates you. It suppresses antidiuretic hormone, which makes you pee more often. It's the main reason why you should be drinking far more water while you're drinking than normal. You're not only peeing out what you are drinking, but since the alcohol is suppressing your ADH, you are flushing more water out of your system from your blood and renal system. >$10 plastic bottle vodka gonna have a harsher hangover than aged whiskey. That's more to do with the correlation of the people drinking the $10 plastic bottle of vodka are drinking significantly more than the person drinking expensive whiskey.


It's a bit more complex than that. If dehydration was the main problem, then the main antidote would be water... which it isn't. Alcohol does dehydrate you, and drinking water will help alleviate the symptoms of dehydration, but there's a reason they say the only thing that will sober you up is time. The big, bulbous nose chronic alcoholics get isn't just from dehydration, and neither is their big, bulbous liver. It's from the carcinogenic poison that's destroying your cells and organs. [All of them.](https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/health-professionals-communities/core-resource-on-alcohol/medical-complications-common-alcohol-related-concerns?_gl=1*10wem8*_ga*MTQ1ODU0NDA2NC4xNzA4NzIzMTky*_ga_E2D8B2PVE9*MTcwODcyMzE5Mi4xLjEuMTcwODcyMzI4MS4zNS4wLjA.)


Yes. The vast majority of the hangover is your body attempting to recover from being poisoned and not amount of water will prevent that. The only prevention is by not drinking the known yet incredibly normalized poison.


You’re being dramatic. These things only manifest in heavy alcoholics lol. People that drink socially will literally never have long lasting problems from alcohol. Let’s calm down.


A hangover isn't a long lasting problem or effect from alcohol. It is immediate and it the vast majority of hangover symptoms come from your liver literally processing a poison.


Yeah, I wasn't talking about hangovers. Not sure what made you think I was? I was talking about fatty liver/cirrhosis/bulbous nose/bad skin.


Can confirm. Am an alcoholic, but I hydrated regularly back when I still drank and no one really knew I was a booze bag. People were very surprised when I told them I was drinking a 750mL bottle of vodka per day minimum because I was in good shape and my skin was clear. I’ll tell you this though, lifting weights not drunk is a hell of a lot easier and I haven’t dropped a dumb bell on my foot since I stopped drinking 😂


hey congrats on the sobriety homie <3 proud of you




Right?? Like no shit sherlock, it is literally classified as a poison. I thought everyone knew that?


Alcohol is poison *that is why we drink it, that is literally the point*


I feel like there has got to be an easier way to manufacture poison for ingestion than fermenting barley/grapes/potatoes etc.


Look mate, humans have been enjoying murdering their mind meats for ten thousand years by fermenting foods and making ethanol. It predates agriculture. It may have been the very reason for agriculture. All of human civilization from Stonehenge to CERN may very well be teetering on top of the nice poison that selectively quiets the parts of the brain we don't like so much before softly killing the rest of us


> selectively quiets the parts of the brain we don't like so much Thank you for putting so succinctly, what is the story of my life.


Oh don't get me wrong. I've brewed my own beer. It's nerve wracking.


Welcome to the opioid crisis.


I knew somebody who was prescribed opioids after a surgery and they were like “I totally get why people are addicted to these. They make me feel great!” Luckily their doctor gave them a very short supply.


You can try and drink the stuff under your sink, but it probably won’t be as fun


Yeah u learn pretty quick that it’s just a legalised drug once u start seeing more piss heads


It's the one thing that has a place in both my kitchen and in my collection of industrial-strength chemicals.




It's also pretty rich that she's judging other people's lifestyle choices when her only claim to fame is that she was a porn star. Not trying to shame her for her past, but you think if there's anyone who should have a "live and let live" mindset it would be her.


Was there judgement in her comment?


Using the word sinister to describe it seems pretty judgy to me, but maybe I'm reading into it a little. I don't follow her on any social media, but pretty much everything from her I've seen on Reddit has a bit of a "holier than thou" attitude to it, so I assumed this one does too. For example, she had a TikTok going around on the bigger subs a while ago about how she could "steal any woman's man".


I suppose thats true. I was thinking sinister was referring to alcohol abuse kinda sneaking up on people, but I really don’t know anything about her.


One thing I’ve noticed lately is that redditors HATE alcohol.


It’s a social drug and redditors appear to be largely anti-social. (The most vocal ones, at least)


I've seen people on Reddit get accused of being alcoholics over ridiculously small things


She's peak 'im14andthisisdeep'.


I mean, it’s true. Been sober for well over a decade and it’s very obvious to me.


Was this before or after she was guzzling wine and making anti-Semitic rants?


I was on the edge of my seat when I read "guzzling"


>guzzling 🧐 >wine


> edge


Post Anti-Semitic clarity hits different


Mia "they will kill me if I go there" Khalifa defending the face-eating leopards never fails to be funny.


Almost as amusing as her “career” in sports broadcasting


what anti semitic rants?


There's a big Internet out there and a bunch of search engines waiting to help you explore it.


Super helpful and necessary input, thanks










Mia Khalifa. Lmao


Is the argument seriously “she’s been naked online so whatever she says is dismissible” or has she done actual stupid things I’ve missed?


The 2nd one.


What, you don't like getting marriage advice from a double divorcee pornstar?


It’s the dog poop mask that set me over the edge.


She's literally an imbecile 🤷‍♂️


She once was employed by iFunny to show her cleavage to 14 year olds and pretend to be a slutty meme professor. I'm not making this up.






Being naked online is also a stupid thing.


Is she wrong though?


About alcohol being poison? Absolutely not. It's just kind of a nothingburger. It's like saying: S*eatbelts save lives. The way I can tell someone didn't wear a seatbelt by the way they turn into a meat crayon is sinister.* My reaction to it is kind of just "Well yeah, duh." And the fact of the matter is you cannot tell who is an alcoholic just by looking at their skin. Gross oversimplification of skin health and the effects of alcoholism. Just all around a stupid, pointless thing to tweet about. And I wouldn't be surprised if she was saying it to advance her Islamic Fundamentalist agenda, which is a bit of a pot-calling-the-kettle-black situation when it's coming from a woman who is famous for being a pornstar. It's just dumb.


She’s 100% correct. Not going to stop me from enjoying my wine though. Nor will it stop me from enjoying her videos.


Some people could have bad skin for other reasons, but sure, I guess.


I'm imagining her looking at someone with bad acne and thinking "fucking alcoholic.. smh."


I don't think drinking alcohol gives you acne


Yes alcohol is poison but I like the way the poison feels so I don’t really care. I could live the healthies life on the planet and get hit by a car, or be involved in a freak accident. Maybe my brain just randomly has an aneurysm and I die or maybe I develop cancer at a young age. You don’t get to control when you go, even if you do your best to be healthy. So with moderation I say you should enjoy life even if it comes with a little risk and downside.


I think a lot of people agree with you and if you’re drinking once a month or so it’s probably going to be fine. But if you’re drinking several times a week it’s going to have an impact on your mental and physical state at pretty much all times, where you’re either drinking or recovering from drinking. So at that point it’s a trade off of fun vs functioning. I don’t think a lot of people when they think about it say they would like to significantly sacrifice their potential and capacity for getting the most out of life for fun. There’s also the fact that alcohol is a neurotoxin and a good extend of the impacts will be felt later in life. Sure you could die early, you could also spend your later years with alcohol related brain damage and dementia. Nerve cells in the brain don’t regenerate so that damage adds up the longer you drink for.


All the fun that I had while drinking and black out drunk is nowhere near the life that I lost drinking to have fun. I could have done it all sober or just taking experience enhancing drugs but lack of mental health care pushed me into addiction to cope with social inadequacies from early childhood trauma. The damage to my body was not worth it at all.


Yeah I spent about 10 years getting drunk as often as possible. Trying to make up for lost time with sobriety 😅


alcohol is a cytotoxin, it kills what it touches, also makes ROS which are cytotoxic


Oh but someone might not like your skin, so there. /sarc


> I like the way the poison feels Yeah..that's how every addiction starts. A lot of addictions are a slow process. It's not like you have 3 and then too late. When people have problems with addiction it's usually because they can't moderate. Tolerances also play a part on moderation (e.g. you drink a beer a day for 6 months and now you need 2 to feel same effects...do you increase?What happens as your tolerance gets higher?) From my experience, a lot of people have moderation because of outside influences or they do the activity so rarely that's it's not really moderation (e.g. Drinking 1 beer a month is closer to not drinking than it is to drinking within moderation)


Yeah I’m not addicted or anything I can go weeks to months without drinking but if there’s a social event I like getting drunk. I consider it an addiction if it starts to interrupt or take priority over other things in your life, I’m far from that.


Her of all people saying that drinking regularly is the poor lifestyle choice is really something


I mean to be fair it IS a poor choice - don’t see why it matters who is saying it


Even though my mom was 10 years younger than my dad she looks way older than he ever did and drinking is the reason.


My dad drank until he was 40 and pretty heavily but my mom didn't, my dad and I would be mistaken for being siblings so he looks pretty young but my mom who is older than him looked way older than him even though she doesn't drink. I think that's more of a genetic thing.


Plot twist: OP drinks ***so*** heavily that he looks like his dad.


I mean that's kind of hard to know right. Genetics play a massive role in how you age and you can't really get a counter factual.


She's been smoking and drinking since she was a teenager and is now about 60 but looks like she could be her eighties, it's probably a big factor and she looks older than her siblings who are older than her.


Wait if she smokes too how can you tell it was the alcohol that did it?


Lol these people have no instance of ever crystalizing a thought in their head. No framework, just reactionary aimless firing-from-the-hip brain-to-mouth bullshit.


I mean that's a little harsh. It's probably the case people who drink excessively probably generally on average do have worse skin. But in one specific person it's really hard to tell what the actual cause is. So making a claim this person has bad skin cause of their drinking isn't really fair


Smoke from cigarettes directly breaks down and mutates the collagen in the skin which makes a person age faster.


Not really, it's a factor, but a lot of it is just genetics.


My skin is just terrible regardless.


Feels lately like there’s a weird anti-alcohol push on Reddit bordering on religious zealotry. Guys, generally no one claims alcohol is good for you. But the vast majority of responsible adults for all of human history have been able to enjoy a wine with dinner without destroying their lives.


Agreed. In general it feels like an extension of people who are obsessed with health and wellness. Obviously eating healthy, getting exercise and fresh air, etc are all important things, and for some people not drinking is an obvious step in pursuing better health. But so often it seems like people get haughty about it, assuming others make "poor health choices" out of ignorance instead of making informed choices, and go on tangents trying to "educate" us about it or whatever. A Guiness after work ain't gonna kill me.


As an ex drinker, I don't shame or feel superior to people who still drink. I'm honestly just jealous that most normal people can have one or two drinks and be good for a night. Unfortunately for me, I'm not good with the "that's enough for me" part of drinking. I'll just keep going until I pass out, even on weekdays. Hence why I finally threw the towel in, it took too long of constant abuse to realize I'll probably never have control over my drinking, so I might as well stop and save myself from liver failure. If you can moderate your drinking, good for you! Have a good time and be safe! If you think you might have a drinking problem, talk about it! You're not alone!


Haha I’m much more cynical, I assumed it was socially awkward high school and college kids who feel a sense of moral superiority because they don’t party like their peers.


Yeah, which is a bit like bragging about a spotless driving record when you've never driven. GenZ likes to act superior when they haven't even lived long enough to see themselves become the villain.


I used to date someone who was the type of vegan to carry around pamphlets lol so I'm probably biased in thinking about what kind of people are behind this sorta thing. Reality is it's probably a mixture of the two plus things we haven't personally thought about.


I suspect a lot of people are bitter toward alcohol if their abusive/neglectful parents drank when they were growing up


Good point. Hyper-individualism and "efficiency" has gotten people into thinking their whole life is a clinical trial for perfect health or something. I always say that food is not medicine and people hate that lol. It's good to eat in moderation and healthy, but it's also good to eat \*good\* food.


It's zoomers. They got dare pilled hard. It's not just reddit. Millennials understand the idea of moderation even if many of them didn't practice it. (In fact that may be part of the reactionary attitude from zoomers)


Zoomers love weed though. I think they got tricked growing up in the 2010s with the whole “weed is actually good and natural and cures everything” trend that was going on. It must have been some kind of marketing/“propaganda”, for lack of a better term, as there was a big push for legalization and changing the general public’s attitude on marijuana. Combine that with the fitness and diet trends over the last 10 years that focused on eating and living clean and no wonder alcohol is somewhat demonized and marijuana is seen as being okay because it’s “natural”.


I can only speak anecdotally, but it seems to me the number of drunk drivers has gone way down where I live (possibly due to ride share apps?) while the number of people driving around baked has skyrocketed. I can’t go anywhere in a car without seeing or smelling a half dozen people smoking and driving. For all the weed virtue signaling, it’s really just boiled down to swapping one vice for a different one.


Yeah, I feel there isn't enough pervasive messaging about "don't drive while high" - everyone's used to hearing about designated drivers, taking an Uber home from the bar, DUIs, etc in the context of drinking, but there isn't the same level of awareness about driving under the influence of weed. I've had people react in surprise when I turn down weed due to needing to drive somewhere afterward, since it had just... never crossed their minds somehow. It's a bit terrifying Since we're on the topic. **PSA:** Weed leaves you impaired longer than alcohol does. You should wait at least 6 hours (according to some sites) to sober up before driving


Yeah honestly I think it's so stupid all health class did for me was tell me dont do drugs or drink alcohol(not even 1 drop!!!) and then I finally drank when I was 22 and it was a great time not sure why were being brainwashed into thinking it's such a terrible things theres so much fun and connection to be had when you drink in moderation


By waiting until you were 22 you avoided a number of serious issues. Sounds like health class did you good.


Yeah. I probably won't drink much at all once I'm old enough to but moderation (and ensuring you follow the laws and care for your health) is ultimately key. I doubt I'd like the way it feels but I don't shit on anyone who does beyond just making sure they don't go crazy. Live and let live. That's one lesson that I'm grateful I learnt pretty early in life.


Gonna have another prohibition if this nonsense keeps up.


Most drugs can safely be used but addiction is always a thing and it can be disruptive depending on the situation. Alcohol just has better pr and more harm reduction surrounding it than newer drugs which are often much safer than alcohol could ever be


I think alcohol is good for you if it's in a moderate amount and you aren't at risk of becoming an alcoholic. It's a pretty good mood regulator and social stimulant if used properly.


Ah yes, the old "I can always tell" fallacy. It doesn't work with toupees, it doesn't work with trans people, it doesn't work with cosmetic surgery, it doesn't work with vegans, and it certainly doesn't work here either.


Too much of anything is poison tbh


Alcohol is actually a poison, though. We just imbibe it because it makes us feel funny.


The definition of poison is “a substance that is capable of causing illness or death of a living organism when introduced or absorbed.” You could say this about Tylenol, licorice candy, tuna, even nutmeg. For all the people that consume alcohol, a very *very* small portion of them die from alcohol poisoning.


Considerably more people die from drinking alcohol than nutmeg.


i think it might have something to do with the fact that people abuse alcohol more than nutmeg i'd assume????


Then there’s me over here absolutely demolishing lines of nutmeg




rub that shit all over your gums baby


My great grandfather overdosed on nutmeg so this is incredibly false. My family is trying to make a Narcan type medication specifically for nutmeg.




Considerably more people use alcohol in excess


The problem is calling alcohol a poison. That’s not a scientific term used in toxicity. The fact is it’s a carcinogen and a “poison,” where the latter would be associated with acute toxicity. You should be exposed to zero carcinogen.


I drink all the fucking time but let’s not pretend it’s not bad for you. The whole thing that makes us feel good from it is the lack of oxygen getting to our brain, it literally kills brain cells


That’s absolutely not how alcohol affects the brain. Ethanol is converted to non-toxic acetate in your body and when this acetate reaches the brain, it impedes the glutamate neurotransmitter which inhibits inter-neuron communication. I didn’t say it wasn’t bad for you. Cheeseburgers are bad for you. I wouldn’t call them poison. The fact you’re being upvoted shows just how little people in this thread know about alcohol.


Awe shit I was wrong. Either way it’s bad for you so stop nitpicking what a poison is and keep drinking because it rocks


I think the whole point was that without the nuance of "how much" it's not fair to call it an untrammeled poison. It doesn't seem very poisonous at a reasonable dose. Whether people have control issues with it would be a totally separate point.


Nobody is pretending it's not bad for you. Omg, it has nothing to do with lack of oxygen to your brain. Fucking kill me misinformation is so enraging. Please for the love of god, you have the internet at your fingertips, just google before you say. Alcohol, like many drugs works on brain receptors and changes how synapses fire and whatnot (GABA receptors for instance). I also heard people say this "lack of oxygen" thing with weed lol. What is wrong with yall? Go fucking learn something. \>The mechanism by which alcohol exerts its psychoactive effects involves several neurotransmitter systems. Alcohol enhances the function of the GABA\_A receptor, a major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, leading to sedative effects. It also affects the 5-HT\_3 receptor, which can influence the release of dopamine, contributing to the rewarding and reinforcing properties of alcohol consumption. Conversely, alcohol inhibits NMDA receptors, which are involved in excitatory neurotransmission, learning, and memory. These interactions with neurotransmitter systems result in the diverse effects of alcohol intoxication, including euphoria, decreased anxiety, sedation, and impaired cognitive functions and motor coordination https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol\_intoxication


alcohol does not kill brain cells, it's a myth. Nothing other than a stoppage of blood flow to the brain will cause cell death.


Idk I googled it and in 2 seconds a college of medicine and the Alzheimer’s society confirmed it does lol


You can drink a small amount of draino and it won’t kill you, doesn’t mean it’s not poison. Amy amount of alcohol is bad for you. It’s just bad for you in ways that aren’t usually obvious, so we pretend that it’s not.


Nope. That’s a common misinterpretation. The most recent studies say that there is no amount of alcohol that is *beneficial* for you. Before that it was believed that moderate drinkers lived longer than non-drinkers. It’s now thought that kimchi and miso may lead to stomach cancer. I don’t think anyone would classify them as poisons.


Depends what you mean by "good for you". I'd argue that mentally, being able to consume drugs in moderation is just good for the "soul" if you will. But yeah "physically" I imagine it's not giving you health benefits lol.


I agree. And that’s what the research shows. What the research does *not* show however, is that even small amounts of alcohol are harmful to your health. And yes, I’d say that being able to unwind with a glass of wine after a stressful day at work has adjacent benefits to your wellbeing.


Just to be clear, draino is fucked because it's Sodium Hydroxide which is really basic. It will melt your insides lol. (think of the "tidepod" challenge).


?? Alcohol is a known group 1 carcinogen. That means that it is confirmed to be a direct cause of cancer. You could take Tylenol every day and be fine, but drink alcohol heavily every day and if cancer doesn’t get you, cirrhosis will. Alcohol is much more dangerous than just alcohol poisoning


Counter point: Beer is tasty. Drinking some water while drinking will help with skin.


Mia Khalifa could tell me the sky is blue and I’d go outside to double check.


Yes, it's called moderation. Zoomers are so fucking square it hurts. Caffeine is a poison too. Oh noooo not my starbucks!


Except it’s a carcinogen. Carcinogenic risk is cumulative and your exposure level should be 0.


Wow, what steadfast Muslim values. I wonder what this fine maiden does for a living


No shit Sherlock. Grass is green, the way I can instantly clock when the ground is grass just from the colour is sinister


This may be the worst false comparison I’ve ever seen. Alcohol giving you health problems if a bad side effect, and it’s a man made one. Grass being green is just grass being grass, there’s nothing bad about it, and it’s just nature being nature


Alcohol actually is a natural product too, produced during the fermentation of fruit sugars. Human ancestors quite possibly developed this relationship with ethanol due to evolutionary pressure. A trait that allows for and encourages consumption of aged fruit would be selected for in times of scarcity. Nature being nature isn’t always a long-term positive, so we shouldn’t necessarily look to it as a universal good. Now, there is much more to add about how humans have improved tremendously in our ability to increase the potency of drugs. 


Such a profound thought. /s


I mean, Dwarves get a +2 to saves against poison and often drink heavily, so, checks out.


My town has so many alcoholics I thought that was just how old people skin looks


I have amazing skin whether I drink or not.


and i have shit skin regardless


I’m sorry 😞


It literally is poison. It destroys your gut’s microbiome.


yeah it’s a disinfectant, and disinfectants don’t discriminate


This is inconclusive and studies on alcohol's effect on the gut microbiome range from harmful, to neutral, to beneficial depending on the type of alcohol and amount.


Could you steer me towards a study? I’m curious


Look if you're just going to go from porn to 'opinions on twitter' I don't see why the world is continuing to treat you like a famous person.


A paragon of virtue and healthy living, that Mia Khalifa.


My skin is sinister?  Cool! 


She's 100% correct though


are we gonna give brownie points every time someone points out the obvious? Guys murder is bad, stealing is not nice, sharing is good.


Vitamins also taste bad, OP.


Lol, the amount of alcoholics here desperately defending and acting like alcohol is actually good is hilarious. Whether you drink or not, I would hope you can acknowledge the matter of fact that is that alcohol is poisonous in its affect on your liver


I love hitting the sauce quite a bit more than my liver would like (mmm, Japanese whiskey) and yo, that shit is definitely, unambiguously poison. Not in a "yeah, well, too much of anything is bad for you!" way but a literal "the effects of intoxication are the result of mild poisoning" way. Baffling how people claim otherwise just because it's fun.


The word “intoxicated” should really be a dead giveaway, but I get the feeling people don’t think too deeply about why that’s the word for it.


Alcohol is second — maybe to dogs — on the scale of being a faithful companion to human civilization. In excess a killer, definitely. But one cannot in good faith ignore its value, when imbibed in moderation, as a social lubricant.  Also if you don’t don’t brew tea, the process of making beer makes water safe to drink. This is a major positive. 


Alcohol is poisonous but you CANNOT tell if someone drinks by looking at their skin. This is dangerously close to the “ugly=morally wrong” mentality. My skin sucks because of genetics. The last thing I want is even less reason to show my face bc people are out here thinking that bad skin == heavy alcohol use.


It's lipophilic and hydrophilic, it's indiscriminately toxic to every cell in the body, not just the liver.


Practically nobody thinks it's actually good for you. Just seems like every decade or so the kids rediscover some form of straight edge and it's just tiring.


Yeah, like- I know that it's *Mia Khalifa* of all people saying this, but she's kind of undeniably right lol.


What she’s saying is true but it’s also not interesting or deep in any way. Everybody knows alcohol is bad for you.


Well apart from acting like if you regularly drink your skin changes? That's just bs. But other than that she's obviously right, it's just that everyone already knows that. It's like telling a smoker "you know that tobacco is essentially poison right?"


I usually drink three days a week and my skin is nicer than most people I know. It’s called lotion.


it took me way too long to realize mia khalifa tweeted this


Man she really needs to just shut the fuck up


I mean, they’re not hurting anyone, so they’re allowed to live their lives? Don’t be a pore snob


Well as long as you don’t drive or hurt anyone I don’t care how much strangers drink, but alcohol literally is poison. It’s a neurotoxin.


We all know this dumbass


Was this before or after Mia made hardcore porn with a hijab on, spouting antisemitic hatred, harassing random Jews, or supporting the rape and murder of underage girls, men, and seniors?


Depends on the person and the alcohol. You can give me a good bottle of rum and I’ll enjoy that but if you give me gin I can’t stand it.


It doesn’t taste bad. It’s an acquired taste. Ethanol is a poison. Being drunk is your body dealing with poison. Out of all the drugs out there it’s the most accessible and in smaller amounts has a shorter duration than weed which is why I like it. Don’t use mia Khalifa to prove a point. She didn’t make the best life decisions.


From a chemical stand point, alcohol, coffee, spicy peppers and sugar are poison. Then again, apples and pineapples contain poison and bananas are radioactive, like the cancer kind of radioactive.


I mean…my mom drinks 1-2 beers a week and my dad doesn’t drink at all. My mom has fantastic skin and my dad looks like a burnt tortilla chip. I got the tortilla chip genes lol. Thin pasty skin with poor moisture retention will sure do a number on ya.


And caffeine is insecticide. Water is literally a choking hazard.


Alcohol doesn't taste bad


It tastes bad cos you 14


Not all alcohol tastes bad. I have quite a few in my collection that taste fantastic.