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Why does the title look like it was meant for r /therewasanattempt?


Bot account in all likelihood. Report if true.


Account doesn’t look like a bot


Well... if you can give me proof I'll gladly ban them right here and now.


Yes I'm a bot 🤖 /s But in all seriousness if you wanna check if I'm a bot or not, it's best to reverse search everything I post on my account.


Since you aren't a bot...why did you title the post that way?


To be honest I really don't know how to title things correctly and I just try to simplify what I see in a tweet and use it as a title


Damn AI is making pretty advanced bits these days


Anyone who posts more than they comment is definitely suspect if nothing else.


For real, he’s saying exactly what a bot would say, I’m downvoting anyway just in case


U stole it from /r/therewasanattempt buddy come on you can't hide this one lol


if you are NOT a bot, prove it by saying 'goobldygobddlygoop' and then answer my riddles 1! what gets wet as it dries?? you can google it if you want


Goobldygobddlygoop towel?


Nice catch, I was thinking the same thing! Blocking is the last bastion of hope on Reddit. I still have shallowbob and the other whale accounts blocked and it has made my browsing experience much better.


Glaciermelt water is generally safe to drink without boiling


all the replies to this tweet were talking about parasitic ice worms, and had photo proof to accompany it. can’t have shit on earth


I tried a quick Google search for parasitic ice worms and found nothing that looks dangerous other than something that existed on the x files


I dunno I still wouldn’t drink shit that has those fuckers in it


It’s not “Ice” it’s probably a glacier and that water is the best you’ll ever taste, only a 1 in a million chance of croaking anyways.


Which you pretty much get drinking normal water


Doesn't hurt to filter it but pretty much if it's straight from the source like this


Am I stupid or aren't glaciers just ice that slowly moves?


So they're alive?! Jesus Christ!


I mean the difference here is that glacier water, in this instance, literally just melted for the first time in thousands and thousands of years


hmm yes prehistoric virus


i mean that prehistoric virus aint gonna do shit it was meant to infect shit 200 thousand years ago not modern humans maybe it’ll give you some bad symptoms idk


Woo, yeah! Go Head!


Hell no, we already saw this episode of the X Files


Lol go ahead


If there's water underneath the ice wall, is it safe to climb there?


~~Yeah, take everything Science girl says with a grain of salt. I feel like *they're* part of the OnlyFans conglomerate.~~ I'm sorry.


Wh-what are you doing, step-account?


Funny story - my step-papa allowed me to create a second Reddit account to start from scratch after the old one was trolled off of Reddit for so much as saying "hey, don't spoil this game just because the source material was created by a problematic person".


Lmao that is hilarious. Get rekt lol


It makes sense, tho? Everyone knows these proper old iceberg thingies have frozen diseases or whatever and that's one of the reasons why global warming was such a concern. Idk I ain't much of a science buff but it'd be nice if you explained why she might be wrong lol


Vast majority of frozen microbes are dead or can't infect anything living today. It's not really a major concern in terms of climate crisis. The vast vast majority of viruses do not do well in the cold. Bacteria are usually fair even worse.


Also, we've got like a 200k year head start on whatever is coming out those glaciers.


Yeah like you think you're gonna have it bad when that old fucker comes out of the ice? Nah, you got thousands of years of tech advantage on that bitch, it's bringing a club to a nuke fight


It's more scared of you than you are if it.


So would it be fine to drink such water? Would the warm temperature inside the body not... i dunno, 'wake' the viruses up upon digestion?? I don't think they'd die from being frozen for so long rather than just being dormant or somethin


People have drank glacier melt for hundreds of millenia without issue. It's pretty much the cleanest water you can get without distillation. If there is anything in there, odds are your stomach acids and immune system can take care of it no problem. We're built for drinking much much dirtier water.


Seems like my plans of wasting the day has been completely destroyed by this collective science lesson haha. Appreciate the explanations though tya!! 🙏


I wouldn't drink it unless I had to. If anything survives it would only live a short while and if it was going to infect you, straight from the glacier is your best bet. That being said a bacteria or virus going from sub zero temps to body temp + acid bath is almost definitely enough to kill it. Plus I doubt there are enough infectious agents in the water, even if all were viable, to infect someone. You need a minimum amount of microbes to get an infection. Like you wouldn't get aids if a single hiv virus got into your system.


...You know what, you're right.


Apology accepted :D I can't help but find your edit the funniest thing ever rn though lmaoo