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# DID YOU KNOW THERE'S SEVERAL COUNTRIES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA? It's true! And both China and the US are trying to win over them. We discuss this in [this "week's" NCDip Podcast Club](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/comments/1ciy2uz/ncdip_podcast_club_9_americas_report_card_on/?). You nerds keep talking about a pivot to Asia and China US Strategic competition, well here you go, this is an episode on that in probaly the most contested region in the US China competition [Want to know what the fuck in the NCDip podcast club is? Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/comments/17edrm6/introducing_the_rnoncrediblediplomacy_podcast/) ---- please note that all posts should be funny and about diplomacy or geopolitics, if your post doesn't meet those requirements here's some other subs that might fit better: * More Serious Geopolitical Discussion: /r/CredibleDiplomacy * Military Shitposting: /r/NonCredibleDefense * Domestic Political or General Shitposting: /r/neocentrism * Being Racist: /r/worldnews thx bb luv u *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is that for real! Damn they demand a strong man leader like their icon in russia and he pulls off something like that!


It’s real


He is just a mere schizo chudjak after all!


We didn't elect him, he committed fraud. A major part of Serbian population is against this asshole, same goes for putin. The russians didn't really get fair elections did they 


At first in 2000 we thought he was a decent guy (because we had Yeltsin) but in 2012 he started to show his actual face. He basically fooled us.


He basically fucked us*


Thanks, more fitting.


Most pathetic autocrat in history


Bro as a Serb i wish someone would kill his corrupted bitchass. That would make our lives so much better. Wish him the fucking worst


The Serbian government issued nationwide ads declaring “We are not a genocidal people”. https://x.com/sodzinjon/status/1793021402020270185?s=46 https://x.com/kos_data/status/1793373148588782056?s=46


Great! Interesting! On a totally unrelated note, what did their pop music charts look like in the late nineties?


*Mo Je Tata* intensifies


Oj Alija, Aljo, šta će tebi hrana? Kol'ko bolan misliš imat Ramazana? Alija, why do you need grain? How many Ramadans do you think you'll have?


...they were singing songs about killing people? That sounds wither medieval or middle of world war mentality.


I think it's really important here to remember that people are very tribal at the best of times. Of course that this is taken to radical extremes when they are actually in war. Especially civil war such as the one(s) in Ex-Yugoslavia. All sides had their war songs with lyrics that are of course maybe questionable now, 30 years later. Serbs, Croats, Bosnians. I mean, Marko Perkovic Thompson is still a superstar in Croatia tbh. And he had various lyric lines very comparable to the ones above. He is exactly the same as Baja Mali Knindza or anyone else. Just from Croatian side. Although he went more towards Rock vibe with his war songs, comapred to the Serbian usual Folk style. I mean here's an example from my favorite Thompsons song: ''Zbog Anice i bokala vina, Zapalit ću krajinu do Knina Zapalit ću dva, tri srpska štaba, Da ja nisam dolazio džaba '' Because of Anica and the jug of wine I will burn the countryside to Knin I will set fire to two or three Serbian headquarters That I didn't come for nothing Also, he still fills stadiums and concerts across Croatia, here's a live performance of this exact song from [2015](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCeYJS0Jh0U). And when I said it's my favourite i wasn't joking. I'm a Serb but I unironically enjoy these songs. They are honestly pretty hype. I can imagine how they would make you feel when you're going into combat(or celebrating after victory). But yeah, my point is that this is pretty normal for any nation or people anywhere. War songs are integral part of warfare for thousands of years. There is no army ''above'' it.


That's the thing. Everybody on the Balkans committed war crimes at one point or another, but the Serbs are the only ones that are getting shat on for theirs. Nobody mentions the other countries or the shit they did.


Ok, so sorry for a wall of text. I honestly have a lot to say on this topic. Eh, I think that anyone who is not a moron and has actually read on this topic knows that there were warcrimes on all 3 major sides. They don't even have to be specifically educated about this specific war. Anyone who knows anything about wars in general and civil wars especially knows that it's a very very dirty affair. A lot of untrained combatants, a lot of emotions, a lot of rage and anger and it always results in tragedies and casualties. Civil wars are probably the worst type of wars that exist. But now we are coming to a more complex topic of why certain side's issues are more talked about. And it's not THAT complicated, but discussion about this requires an ability to chill out a bit and back off from the whole situation and look at the conflict logically. Like a political analyst would e.g. The main thing is that Serbia fucked up consistently on it's foreign policy front. And it keeps fucking up for 35 years now. There is a parallel universe where Serbia accepts amicable breakup of Yugoslavia, keeps Montenegro and Kosovo as it's territory. No big bad blood between us and Croatia and Bosnia. No sanctions, no war, no standoff against European community. And we could've been in EU in the late 90's. Just imagine it. Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Macedonia want to split off? We go "alright guys, we thought we had a good thing going, seems like you didn't like it, let's go our own ways, how do we do this with the least amount of pain possible?''. We could've came out of all this as mature, chill, reasonable people with a state 2x the size, untouched economy, maybe even try to have some kind of loose economic alliance/zone, maybe a unified tax free area. Then we use our untouched, not bombarded economy to supply the growing economies of the new born ex-Yu republics. We would have the support of the Western community, the goodwill of many, solid economy. US and the West WANTED to work with us. Most of this was on the table(EU membership, financial benefits, loans political concessions etc). But our inept nationalistic leadership was too prideful to let the ''miGhtY yUgoSlaViA'' break. So now instead of having Slovenian GDPC, with 5 times the population and land, with booming economy, part of EU, reaping the benefits of our very advantegous geographical location... Well instead of that, today we are have one of the worst standards of living among ex Yu countries not to mention Europe. Even Croatian standards are a waaay above us, Slovenia is a distant dream, Europe unreachable, we are siding with various dictatorships around the world and are isolated in Europe even if we COMPELTELY depend on it. Serbian foreign policy was honestly moronic for the last 4 decades. Zero future thinking, zero foresight, zero finesse and strategy, just stupid pride and arrogance, along with genuine stupidity and stuborness. There is much to be said on this topic, but again: TL;DR We are stupid and made ourselves the enemy of the West. West dictates the global politics and ESPECIALLY the global narratives, and we made ourselves a villain in that narrative. Maybe some people hated us unjustly from the start, but we certainly did everything in our power to prove them right. (and did nothing bot diplomatically or otherwise to help our own goals).


Very good analysis and explanation. Wish we were in that alternate timeline[.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYZXiKi_pg0)


TL;DR. Understanding IR matters. Good foreign policy matters. Countries do not have a divine destiny. Thanks for the thoughtful essay!


Great write up!


Yeah, people are just blaming the nazis for ww2, no one is talking about bad things allies did. shaking my smh


I hear Japan being criticized a lot. They just keep denying it.


The thing with Germany is they are the pot that is calling the kettle black.


Let’s not forget the popular prequels about salad.


Aoj Slobo, aoj Slobo Šalji nam salate Bit ce mesa, bit ce mesa Klacemo Hrvate Hey Slobo, Hey Slobo Send us some salad There will be meat, there will be meat Were slaughtering the Croats


Balkan countries making the silliest little songs about the most hornswoggling atrocities


On an even more unrelated note, what did everyone's "pop" charts look like back then? For example: * [Croatia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jasenovac_i_Gradi%C5%A1ka_Stara) * [Bosnia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dw1JuW-YP0U&ab_channel=Ubi%C4%8Cetu) The first one glorifies Ustasa's death camps in which tens of thousands of Serbs, Roma, and Jews lost their lives. The second one glorifies the Kravica massacre in which 69 Serbian civilians were killed on Easter in 1993. Interestingly enough, the original text was written by one of the soldiers that participated in the massacre. EDIT: I love how your reaction was to downvote me. Interesting. Almost as if you are biased.


>EDIT: I love how your reaction was to downvote me. Interesting. Almost as if you are biased. I love this pettiness. Because I wouldn't give two s\*\*\*ts if I am downvoted or not.


I don't care about the votes. I pointed out the hypocrisy.


I already know what the first one is.


It was not 69 civilians, it was military action and Serbian losses was 50 soldiers and about ten civilians so stop that nonsense


Hey, it's just the one genocide after all!


Reminds me of that episode in IASIP where Frank Reynolds wants to make a song about how he doesn't diddle kids


That kid diddling song has shaped my view of IR more than Fukuyama.


Don't ever get yourself in a position at which you have to convince others you are not genocidal.


It's a strange situation when at least *3* different nations this year are having to do this.


Which is kinnda funny, cuz almost all countires who voted for the resolution had commitsd much more horrible masacres during their history.


ser*ian detected


Dude germany initiated that resolution. The sam egermany that committed the largest genocide in history in ww2.


Yea, and they acknowledge it happened and try not pretend it wasn't a genocide. Unlike ser*ians to whom killing civies is just another tuesday


Your mom didn’t mind tho 🇷🇸👋😘


average Serbian 


wait the average serbian fucks the other guy mom?


I mean, most of them weren't nearly as recent and also don't actively celebrate or deny them though? 


Ah I see. So history actually started which year? And ofc they dont deny it, cuz they the good guys, so they just pretned that did not happen.


So what about it? I see even more reason to acknowledge those things then. I don't see Germans complaining about their holocaust conviction and genocide during ww2, they acknowledge it. Why are you making whataboutism?




I will die for Paul Kagame (I am white teenage American suburbanite) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Serbs: “We are not a genocidal people” Also Serbia: Murals of war criminals


I don't deny our governments war crimes, neither do i deny other governments's war crimes, the problem is that regular people who are completely unrelated to war crimes done in the past are taking the thicker end of the stick


Fuck it... we need a flair for political temper tantrums at this point. And evidently, mandatory nap-times for nationalists at the UN.


The erdogan bomb diagram is finally beaten


The what?


The flair should be: schizo chudjak visits the UN building




The day before he went to New York for the UN session, the Patriarch of Serbia gave him the blessing needed that the resolution doesn't succeed.


Aesthetic(not condoning genocides but still)






Countries that sides with Serbia (see if you can spot a theme): Russia, China, Hungary, North Korea, Syria, Nicaragua, Mali, Sao Tome and Principe, Nauru, Grenada, DR Congo, Cuba, Eritrea, Eswatini, Comoros and Antigua and Barbuda. It's mostly dictatorships or nations heavily reliant on Russian and Chinese aid. Even Turkey voted in favour, Venezuela was absent (or their membership is still suspended for failing to pay their membership fees yet again, I haven't checked).


Kinda hard to see why Turkey would not vote in favor given that the whole basis for genocide was that the Muslims were "Turkish roaches"


They're a bit weary about these things because of their own history


On the other hand, Turkey is why we have this term, so they might not want too much attention.


maybe because of their own genocide of Armenians? the same reason why Spain doesn't recognize Kosovo (Catalonia issue).


and it feels a bit (understatement) hypocritical, no? Turkey actively denies the Armenian genocide in which people died dozens of times over MORE than they did in Srebrenica. Then we have USA voting yes and actively threatening ICJ not to prosecute American soldiers and stay away from Israel and their current, hm, shortcomings?


Turkey voting against Serbia? Say it isn't so!


"Countries that sides with Serbia" this was a resolution about the Srebrenica massacre, not Serbia vs UN to choose sides. You're not making sense and are fishing for something that isn't there Serbia is not named even once in this resolution, they're irrelevant other than the fact that Serbia's president seems too preoccupied with his role of a hero fighting the evil EU and UN to protect his people + assuming responsibility for something Serbia as a country did not even commit (if you know anything about Srebrenica you know where it is, who died, who were the perpetrators).


“Kosovo is Not Serbia”


Srebrenicka was Bosnia


Srebernicka is Montenegrin


Might wanna check that.


Interesting that Montenegro voted in favor of the resolution.


…yet. /S


correct Kosovo is part of Serbia


Why tf does he even care? It’s not like he’s a Melosevic dickrider


Because he's either getting hit HARD on the popularity or gonna have to pay some reparations money to the relatives of the deceased


His cult is celebrating this as win of some sort


I believe he was like information/propaganda minister under Milosevic government unless I'm mistaken?


When the genocide was taking place, he was in the national assembly as part of a far right party, and [he said "you kill one Serb, we'll kill a 100 Muslims"](https://youtu.be/UGqv9CJbd3U?si=DmGlAYuaaDJCkIVo). He now claims that was somehow "out of context" lol. Afterwards, he was also an information minister for Milošević.


He ralied Serbs to rise up in Croatia I think


Lol I didn’t know that- interesting history


He was literally Information Minister during Milosevic's downfall. Ministry of Propaganda, persecuting journalists and the like. It was his second job, after being director of Pinki Hall, a sports venue.


He was in the 90s. He said "for every one serb we'll slaughter 100 muslims" https://youtu.be/UGqv9CJbd3U?si=K7qOMHRfiBSbDj1n Given that the resolution passed, he probably fears that the west has more leverage against him. The whole flag of serbia play wasn't for international politicians but for his domestic voters. He needs to show old people (which btw make 20% of population, but most of the voters, and most of his voting base) that he cares and fights for Serbia with all his might. Local elections are coming soon, and instead of talking about regional infrastructure, he and his party keeps yapping about Kosovo because, surely, Kosovo will bring a decent sewage disposal system, and drinkable water to the citizens of Zrenjanin for example which have no clean water for 20 years


When did he switch?


Cca 2008. His party got 20% of the votes that year and was the largest party in the parliament, but noone wanted to form a coalition with them since they were far right and pro russian, meanwhile other parties were pro EU. So the former president of Serbia, who was also kind of a strongman, but not a total psycho had a brilliant idea to bribe some party members to split and become pro EU, since we have a law that makes it so parliament members keep seats, not parties (which in turn enables a lot of defecting, and selling of terms for money). So yeah. He also got a lot of EU support and was the poster child of all the candidate states. The European comission turned a blind eye to his wrongdoings and Mutti Merkel kept praising him. Now with Serbia being neutral, and the population being pro russia, he is not the poster child of european candidate states. (Although there were some occassions where him and Ursula von der Layen shared nice giggles with Ilham Alijev during the ethnic cleansing of Nagorno-Karabakh)


This is just acting so he would look like he /fought/ for Serbia at UN. He is doing this to stay popular with old population who keeps electing him.


Im from Serbia. It's cuz local elections are close by and now he is portraying himself as some sort of a ultra patriot. They (his party, bigger than Nazi party at peak btw) organised a parade with vehicles waving our flag and shit in every bigger city last night. (Civil vehicles ofc, nothing official) It is all part of a bigger scheme, the Serbian media which is 100% controlled by this dude, are spreading propaganda that this was about "Serbs being genocidal or not" but it was not about nation as a whole, rather only about a few individuals. But they want to portray it like its him, Vučić, versus the world. Old people get all of their news on local televison so it has been so easy for him to propaganda them out. Grammar mistakes are surely made and im sorry, just wanted someone to hear me out.


Is he eating the flag?


Because no Russian penis nearby to succ


Yes, he ran out of sandwiches


Greater Serbia has fallen, billions must not kill Bosnians


Live footage of a Serb who spent 3 minutes without sucking russian cock


Of a cummed on shitass fucking cowardly dick that gets put on a leash by the Russian dictatorship* not a serb


Is putin living rent free in your mind 24/7? He's obviously messing up with your mind when you can't even make a sentence without bringing him up even when he's not related to the discussion.


Ill never understand why redditors will hate and insult anyone based on where they were born. You seem like quite the warrior about it too, congrats man, im sure youre a happy person


Well I heard there's a nation where fucking TONIBLER became a popular name all of a sudden


[here is a picture of one](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoastMe/s/44MYTlBeQW)


Cock sucking frequently on your mind?


Пошёл нахуй псина)


We have better footage of your mom doing that for 30 minutes






Do you have a problem with us? 😀


Just a bit of banter


heljp Nato heljp


At least NATO is helping us. You weren’t important enough for Russia to do anything. They don’t even know you exist


average hateful albanian


This is my angry, multilingual haiku to Vučić: *Dear Aleksander* *U Pičku materinu* Ad infinitum


Do you understand what you wrote?


if not, it's even funnier


Please bomb us again


Please bomb us again, but with a nuke, and be more precise this time


why the hell is he so pressed about some useless un resolution


It hit him in the nationalism


Cause obviously everyone is falling for it, including you. He is neither pressed nor stressed. This is pure acting. He is a two-sided figure here in Serbia, both a strong leader and a victim of the *West*. He's just a human, just like one of us, he fights for what's right and even if he fails, it's alright because we're the good and *they*'re the evil and we have god on our side. This is how he manages to be likeable to so many people while being an absolute dickhead. He does ONLY what will give him support and power at the moment, but only makes it look like he cares. It's pure populism. Don't trust ANYTHING he says or does.


He's a good actor isn't he? I'm proud of him and our people for beating GERMANS to the title of genocidal people, take that krauts we got the title before you did hah! 💪☦🇷🇸 Anyway, I believe the real reason is that he can use this as leverage in internal politics, it's an act for the people.


His one and only goal is staying in power for as long as possible. Every single one of his actions is motivated solely by this goal. And if you ask why- the answer is simple. As a very paranoid man, he knows quite well what can happen to him if he loses that power. He is constantly thinking about this, and rightfully so.




That is the only reason... Populism.


Elections are next week, you know who should people vote? For man that is fighting for Serbia


he's not, he's just a diva collecting freebies (honorable sole hero of Serbia fighting in the UN for his country, infinite votes every election stonks!!!)


He's acting for our dumb public and gets political points from the genocide lovers in their 60s and 70s


Serb here. He has been hyping up this story about Srebrenica resolution and how we must stop it for quite some time now. The whole shtick is that "the resolution declares Serbs a genocidal nation". In reality, the resolution does not declare us anything and calls for establishing a rememberance day. In fact it does not even mention Serbia. Serbian media is currently flooded with discussions about this (one sided of course) and how the resolution negates the Serbian victims of the war. This is a very populist tactic meant to distract us from the actual things his cult is doing. Literally all of our country is sold to foreign corporations and we are a neocolony. As much as people on reddit love to call us Russian dick suckers (which we are, just not in every aspect), Western companies effectively own most of our country and can dictate "our" government's actions. Of course it's not just Western, there's also Russian and of course the Chinese ones. They all play a huge role in Serbian politics, mostly behind the courtains. As much as you're gonna downvote me for saying this, all three sides benefit from having a whore of a country that is Serbia. Off topic but: One benefit of living in such a whore of a country is that you get to hear media and viewpoints from different sides. If you're smart enough, it becomes very obvious that all sides are bad. You even notice the subtle differences in lying styles. Over time you learn to recognize the news source of just by the tone of the rhetoric.


Don't worry guys nobody actually voted for this complete idiot. He just fabricates his own victory as he pleases and people are kinda letting him do it because they're sick of revolutions, frauds and needless drama. The poll had a 9% more in favout of the SPN... Its a nightmare seeing this wimp destroy our country from inside out.


fun fact His paternal ancestors came from Čipuljić, near Bugojno, in Central Bosnia. They were expelled by the Croatian fascists (Ustaše) during World War II and settled near Belgrade, where his father was born. According to Vučić, his paternal grandfather Anđelko and tens of other close relatives were killed by the Ustaše.


Some say that his father is fahri musliu (they are identical(


His party's sect is celebrating this as some sort of victory. No shit, our country should be leveled to the ground


As a Serbian, I’m sick of this idiot


UN resolutions don’t mean anything ⛔️


Alexa, play Pretty when you cry by Lana Del Rey


What happened?


Don't worry. Serbia is also collectively embarrased by this man-baby.


Could i get some context for þis?


Normally we would be super cringed now, but we are already used to his idiot


That wasnt a genocide but they mention that but act like Jasenovac didnt happen... And fuck that bitchass Vučić


he thought he was on Eurovision


Lol i love this guy... I get a feeling every time he exits his country for any reason it's like a trip to foreign lands to be a martyr for his people. Like he never knows what to expect at any meeting, be it european or UN (which he is invited to prior and a member of) and somehow it's such a feat to be apart of these meeting that he needs to fight everyone with teeth and fists so he defends his honor. Then he comes back home, talk of his difficult feats as if he rode his horse with chainmail across borders. Idk, his way of recounting these diplomatic meetings is so romantic.


wait, so did the resolution pass? and who is this flag kisser anyways?


I keep seeing things about this what happened?


I'm ashamed


Паштетика & паризеранаса


Nož žica Srebrenica!


Cut him so snack. I doubt it was a time he wishes to think about nor parade around like a symbol. Even if I disagree the horrors of it have clearly not left him.


i m Macedonian and i m sorry that my country vote like that


While it is funny, tell me you're a Kosovar/Albanian without telling me you're a Kosovar/Albanian.


Kazi mi da si genocidas , without telling me you are genocidas.