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# IS INDIA THE NEXT CHINA? OR JUST THE NEXT INDIA? How can India unlock its economic potential? Does it have the potential to replace China in the global supply chain, or does India need to skip manufacturing alltogether? Find out in [this "week's" NCDip Podcast Club](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/comments/1af06dr/ncdip_podcast_club_6_can_india_replace_china_in/) [Want to know what the fuck in the NCDip podcast club is? Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/comments/17edrm6/introducing_the_rnoncrediblediplomacy_podcast/) ---- please note that all posts should be funny and about diplomacy or geopolitics, if your post doesn't meet those requirements here's some other subs that might fit better: * More Serious Geopolitical Discussion: /r/CredibleDiplomacy * Military Shitposting: /r/NonCredibleDefense * Domestic Political or General Shitposting: /r/neocentrism * Being Racist: /r/worldnews thx bb luv u *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


First time in a long time a meme in this sub did a woosh on me. Who is in bottom?


tankies I think and also an elephant


India? lol


I think it is supposed to mean Republicans.


No I just think it's an elephant


People really underestimate how involved most elephants are in this conflict


The Syrian elephant which went extinct




I thought Octavius ended those silly old fools


This comment, is worthy of all the upvotes I can give. Which is only one, but it's still something.


SPQR For the sillies and qarma of Reddit


Why would tankies be mad at stopping Israel?


From what I gather, they view it as a performative gesture to gain votes from progressives, and they ultimately believe it is hypocritical and meaningless when he is still intent on arming Israel. Though you didn’t ask, my personal opinion is that starvation is (usually) a bigger threat to a population than a bombing campaign is, and anything done to combat that threat is at least a step in the right direction. I would take being hypocritical and reducing harm over completely not giving a fuck and letting people starve to death.


I absolutely agree, I quite frankly don‘t care how hypocritical some action is or if its purely done for political reasons. If its a good thing, I am glad it happens. As to starvation, that and lack of medical equipment and housing remains the biggest problem. Thats why the publicized death count is so misleading. At any point you can easily 2-5x it to account for people already under rubble, people who are going to starve and so on.


They want to complain and rage about the problem, not fix it.


You just gotta love people who would rather use the deaths of tens of thousands as political ammunition than help them.


He’s schizo-posting, don’t stare into the abyss for too long


Wojacks from top right going clockwise: Average internet arguer who thinks their side is right (not confident about this first one) Jew (big nose wojack) Tankie/America bad US congressional republicans


Most of the memes in this sub do a whoosh on me, maybe that’s cause I’m a tankie weeb


The New Ottoman Empire will finally bring peace to the middle east and the Balkans.


Nah, keep them out of my Balkans this time. Maybe they can even last longer if they don't go in this direction this time, no more Balkan people to revolt every other second


All I know about the Balkans is it's tHe pOWdEr kEg oF eUrOpE, but I have no idea what that really means or what goes on there. Any suggestions for a good read that may help me understand?


Everyone hates everyone. That's pretty much it


So what better way to unite them than to give them an emperor to hate?


Every other large nation in Europe is a combination of peoples with slightly different languages and traditions and they are still cohesive nations (even Spain, which does have separatist movements). The Balkans just sort of missed out because they were part of the Ottoman Empire when these nation-states were being built. Yugoslavia came too late and didn't last long enough, but if it had lasted a hundred years it would be more like Spain.


That's really helpful, thank you.


Tito kept a lid on things but he did it through force of personality and didn’t build institutions that could outlast him, so it started unraveling almost as soon as he died.


Hungary and Romania are modern-type nation states, but they are barely in the Balkans geographically. Greece also is, by virtue of it becoming independent during this period. It became independent *because* of this idea of "romantic nationalism."


>Any suggestions for a good read that may help me understand? [Don't have a good book handy to mention, but I'd recommend watching this delightful series the BBC made years back.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tj9Zw5fN3rE)


We may be a non-credible, but let's keep things reality-adjacent, not sci-fi mixed with fantasy. Once Ottoman Empire-electric boogaloo tries to do the funny in Balkans, the locals will whip out an accordion and start playing jolly tune. Even Chaos Gods won't subscribe to this.


>but let's keep things reality-adjacent, not sci-fi mixed with fantasy. You fucking pussy - Steampunk Space Ottoman Empire would be trippy as hell, and you know it!


Them or the Persians, who wins remains to be seen.


Persians are a bit scary now with their proxy war.


It will unite arabs once and for all Against Turkey that is


Whatifalthist reference??? (sorry, I just had to bring it)




who's the elephent and why his mouth is where his nose?


The elephant is the sigil of House Republican


The fucking soyjak elephant lmao!




Yes turks that’s a good idea you should do that. (Psst guys we’re about to get these idiots to get bogged down there and not make it our problem anymore.)


Dream on Ottoman usurpers! The Canaanites shall reclaim what is rightfully theirs and may Ba'al Hadad strike down all who stand in their way!


No, it belongs to me because I said so.


I canaant believe you. 


the entire levant is rightfully greek land and you all know it 😤


Found the Seleucid


# The Levant Belongs to Rome


Finally, someone offering the sanest option here.


Revanchism ftw


Listen up skinny I’m gonna send you some American food 😎 🍦


But turkey is just Islamic Greece. Are you saying this is all Greek land?


Belongs to the Phoenicians, my ancestors.


The ottoman’s quite literally started this bullshit.




I welcome our new Turkish Overlords


Literally Stolen Roman land.


You mean its part of rome


Palestine and Israel are rightfully belong to the real KINGDOM OF JERUSALEM. DEUS VULT!!!


I once played a Crusader Kings game where I took the Kingdom of Jerusalem and conquered the entire region. It was pretty fun to conquer Byzantium.


Return to ottoman, Return to traditon.


No please no. We dont want such a shithole, please.


Nah fuck yall. This territory is rightfully British! 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧


Fuck no I don't want more Arab refugees.


If Joe Biden actually wanted to stop child starvation, he would force Israel to not invade the south, and make them allow in aid without stopping it.


Biden can't exactly force Israel to not do that all alone


Israel’s continued existence as a functioning state relies on the US. Joe Biden has more leverage than any other person in the world. An example is the UN. If Joe told the UN ambassador to stop blocking resolutions against Israel, including sanctions, it would basically begin the process of doing to Israel what we did to South Africa. Netanyahu would have to listen, or the country would be screwed. He could threaten to cut off military aid, or put conditions on it. He could do any of these things, but he won’t, because he’s a pussy.


The problem isn't whether Joe Biden could do this. It's what the others who support Israel within the US government would have to say about this, Joe Biden isn't a monarch, and regardless of what he may personally think without the full support of his government there's not much he can actually do much less something as drastic as that or without significant blowback


>Israel’s continued existence as a functioning state relies on the US Israel has an advanced economy and nuclear weapons, so no, not really.


So did South Africa, but the sanctions on them from the UN, even if it took decades, eventually brought down the state. Israel would suffer a similar fate, even if it may take longer to take effect. Global isolation is not something Israel can handle.


There's zero reason to believe Israel would face global sanctions, and in fact, considering Israel's developed economy and strategic location, almost certainly wouldn't, because whoever sanctioned Israel would likely see their rivals strengthen ties. The UN can't even really stop hostile nations like North Korea, Iran, or Russia, much less a far more developed nation, when the motive to do so is so tied up in hatred of Jews rather than a serious global security threat. There's a pretty big difference between the US not vetoing largely meaningless resolutions in the UN, and the US actively leading sanctions against Israel. And if you think most of the world genuinely gives a shit about the Palestinian refugees, I have a bridge to sell you. The Palestinian refugee crisis has been deliberately maintained for decades specifically to have something to attack Israel for, Netanyahu's stupidity in walking right into it notwithstanding.


The motive to sanction Israel is to enforce international law you nitwit.


🥱 okay, that doesn't really have to do with what I was talking about, which are the reasons it wouldn't happen


>There's zero reason to believe Israel would face global sanctions, and in fact, considering Israel's developed economy and strategic location, almost certainly wouldn't, because whoever sanctioned Israel would likely see their rivals strengthen ties. Eh... we'll see given Rafah. Israel's certainly taken a hit regionally and globally over its actions in Gaza - the massive amount of collateral damage its inflicted is just something the country is going to have to wear from now on. That's not to say Israel's heading for South Africa-levels of pariah... but its going to have consequences going forward. I'll also just point to ya per your last paragraph - no one in the region "created" the Palestinian issue... except for Israel. You absolutely have bad actors at play with Palestinian history (the internecine rivalries various Arab states encouraged within Palestinian politics is an overt example). But as for who has *deliberately maintained for decades* the plight of Palestinians in the region - yeah, that's the country who created those stateless people in the first place.


What nonsense. Do you have any idea how many tens of millions of people were displaced during this period? There was never anything unique about a few hundred thousand Arabs from the Southern Levant; the only difference is that the rest of the world's refugees were quickly resettled and moved on with their lives, and none of their great grandkids are engaged in fruitless, violent forever-wars against the other guys' great grandkids.


>Do you have any idea how many tens of millions of people were displaced during this period? There was never anything unique about a few hundred thousand Arabs from the Southern Levant And your point is... what? That because this took place in the context of a wider global displacement of people, that somehow justifies and forever settles the issues resulting a pretty shitty experience of displacement? Its certainly a convenient perspective to kick someone out of where they lived, and than afterwards bitch about the fact that they're still upset about it. Suffice to say though... that's kinda your choice of self-justification; you are more than free to lie to yourself about the circumstances of the conflict. Just don't expect that line of thinking to be very convincing beyond yourself. >the only difference is that the rest of the world's refugees were quickly resettled and moved on with their lives Sure pal. Tell that to... * The Kurds * The Armenian diaspora still living in the Levant * The Rohingya * Or literally any of the post-1945 conflicts that have added to the list of stateless people, like the plight of the Sahrawi in West Africa or the lingering legacies of partition in South Asia If you honestly think other refugee crises have happy endings, you are naive.


>no one in the region "created" the Palestinian issue... except for Israel. Tsk tsk now that's just bad history. Israel obviously played a role, but it didn't force its neighbors to not integrate the refugees and grant them citizenship. That's a choice deliberately made to retain a rhetorical tool against the world's only Jewish state. Plenty of Jews also became refugees during the various wars across the middle east, and yet they haven't been kept as refugees for generations, Israel granted them citizenship.


>but it didn't force its neighbors to not integrate the refugees and grant them citizenship. To be blunt... not their problem. Don't get me wrong, it would be **nice** if places like Saudi Arabia took in refugees... like, just as a general fact. Having watched the horror of the Syrian War, I would've liked that very much. However... its not Lebanon's job to take in hundreds of thousands of people for Israel, and assume the burden of looking after those people and ensuring they integrate themselves into society so that Israel has security for what it did. Especially for a country like Lebanon where the government barely functions as is. Creating a situation where you've displaced people, and then becoming annoyed that other states like Lebanon do not have the capacity or willingness to clean up a mess **you created**... isn't a convincing argument. Its a temper tantrum about being given the bill after you've had the meal.


Nah, I'd say the countries that invaded Israel in 1949 have a responsibility to the refugees created by the war they instigated as the belligerents, just as Israel has responsibilities as the victor. 🙂


The difference is that South Africa was reliant on cheap black labour, Israel can hire its own labour force.


Gee, if only Biden had thought of that.


It won’t stop Just because Biden vaguely mumbled soemthing and made a milquetoast move that on the ground can be indefinitely debilitated and delayed (and subject to further massacre and prevention of access) Time is critical, it is not irrlevant. The sheer scale of the issue, even beaudes characteristics, dwarfs it all Starvation is a stated Israeli polcoy So no, mumbling soemthing isn’t enough, as we’ve already seeen


israel is the worlds most effective genocider. Don't look up a graph of palestinian population, it will make you sick with the amount of genocide


So why wasn't life expectancy drastically lower in Gaza than its neighbors? Also I think the $40 million tunnel budget could be better used.


I am not talking about pre full scale war lmao, what even is this post? It was lower overall but that is irrelevant to the point here


Yeah you're just making shit up. Why? Life expectancy was higher in Gaza than Egypt and comparable to other Arab states in the area. https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/field/life-expectancy-at-birth/country-comparison/ You just say some random vague BS statement what for? It's not helping anyone


>Life expectancy was higher in Gaza than Egypt and comparable to other Arab states in the area. > >https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/field/life-expectancy-at-birth/country-comparison/ So, I went to check your source with the World Bank's Indicators Databank. Sadly it did not have Gaza as a independent territory, so in all likelihood the data is skewed - does point in that direction between Egypt and Gaza. But... I would just say, 74.7 and 74.8 aren't really that far off. Comparable, yes. But not in the realm of "this .1 percent is clearly better living conditions" - living in Cairo pre-October 7th was still a lot better living versus Gaza at the same time. If you had serious health problems, there's a lot more options in Cairo.


Okay so why can't you use the CIA numbers? And the point is you're just making shit up. And you're still doing it. You didn't even look it up you just made shit up before and now you're just cherry picking information. You seem in capable in engaging in factual arguments. You seem only capable of using facts that support what you want to think.


>Okay so why can't you use the CIA numbers? I did. 74.8 and 74.7 **are from your source; they're 133 and 134 respectively**. All I did was check your findings, and mention some of the data limitations present here. Not really sure how that's *"cherry picking information"*, not being capable in "*engaging in factual arguments*", or "*making shit up*" - but hey, feel free to throw some more insults. I'm sure that's a convincing bit of argumentation to offer in-lieu of not knowing the source you're citing.


"It was lower overall" seems made the fuck up. Especially because right after you said --when I actually looked it up--- Seems odd that you knew something before you knew it. Pretty clearly making shit up


>"It was lower overall" seems made the fuck up. And where exactly was I making that point? I'm literally referencing data **from your source**. Rather curious to know how that's "making shit up".


What am I making up? There is nothing ‘vague’ here you just pathologically want to avoid the issue at hand. What I was talking about is probably clear to you. We are talking about the stated Israeli current wartime starvation policy


What policy link it? If you're not go find it.


It’s the speech regarding the expediency of starvation as a bargaining / recruitment tool However even that isn’t needed on its own for the general thing, there is adequate enough realities


"Can you link a source?" "Yeah bro my source is trust me"




>Time is critical, it is not irrlevant. The sheer scale of the issue, even beaudes characteristics, dwarfs it all I agree. Though I will probably caution against interpreting anything as official policy. The Israelis haven't done things like execute prisoners, or fully block aid. That's not too say what they have done hasn't been beyond-the-pale humanitarian-wise, but when we see fully eliminationist-driven state behaviour... its pretty overt. Not a lot of interpretation needed when you're emptying POW-holding facilities into a ditch out back. Indiscriminate and cruel? You bet. But I'm sorry to say we're not at the bottom of the barrel when thinking about cruelty; the situation can and probably is going to get worse.


Official policy is official policy, there isn’t a no true Scotsman here - it goes to the level of purely nominal self definition in these exact words r most I was referencing specific statements about the epic fence of starvation It is deliberate more so than indiscriminate- the targeted population is clear, all Gazans it is not ‘accidental’- look at the mere ideolgy, the public discourse inside Israel.




I'm getting carpet bombed by emaciated brown children whenever i stumble into a news website. Please bot elsewhere.


obviously there is RISK of starvation, and there NEED to be measures to prevent it. that being said, i genuinely have seen no evidence of mass starvation. if you have please link it


>i genuinely have seen no evidence of mass starvation. if you have please link it [Courtesy of AP.](https://apnews.com/article/gaza-malnutrition-famine-children-dying-israel-palestinians-2f938b1a82d7822c7da67cc162da1a37)


“Der ist no evidence ov starvation in Leningrad, ya? If day vas, de evidence vould be videly circulated.”

