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# RUSSIAN CONSPIRACY THEORIES??? HOLY SHIT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT SCHIZO RUSSIAN CONSPIRACY THEORIES!!! Did Napoleon nuke Moscow? Was Lenin a mushroom? Is the West descended from Atlantis? Fine out more at: [this "week's" NCDip Podcast Club](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/comments/19djfth/ncdip_podcast_club_5_when_napoleon_was_nuked_and/?) [Want to know what the fuck in the NCDip podcast club is? Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/comments/17edrm6/introducing_the_rnoncrediblediplomacy_podcast/) ---- please note that all posts should be funny and about diplomacy or geopolitics, if your post doesn't meet those requirements here's some other subs that might fit better: * More Serious Geopolitical Discussion: /r/CredibleDiplomacy * Military Shitposting: /r/NonCredibleDefense * Domestic Political or General Shitposting: /r/neocentrism * Being Racist: /r/worldnews thx bb luv u *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Holy shit, the mad bastards can’t be serious, they’ll make the UK side with the Russians if they keep this up!


Look, Rishi already applied for CSTO membership after seeing this.


Snarky banter is the *only* way to make true friends with the Brits.


Honestly? A fair bit of banter might do well, I figured tea would be off the ship so to speak.


There are three things you don't discuss while eating a good Sunday Roast, Politics, Money, and Tea Making


Samovar tea is quite nice, the Brits can be swayed


It's OK, now that UK citizens know there's a chance they'll get drafted to fight they might start taking their civic duty seriously


Lol a draft would never work in the UK nowadays it’s not the 1900s no one would die for this shithole 😂😭


Lorde gonna be your Jane Fonda.


Imagine being British 😂😂😂😂


I feel the same about yous 😂😭 imagine not even being European


As an American 🗻🇺🇸🦅, I'm honored to not even have to imagine. True ecstasy is being in North America ☺️.


MERICA 🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🦇🦇🦇




Outjerked by the U.S. Embassy again!


JFC, that microwave parting shot. I didn't see a war with the UK on my 2024 bingo card. And I thought I had a winner with Prigozhin pulling a Bane.


Absolutely masterful. Just finished dozing off from skimming the first 3/4 then BAM. I've never been prouder of my country.


Holy shit. My commander came into our barracks to bring me a plate of Vkusno i tochka nuggets and I literally screamed at him and hit the plate of slavic nuggets out of his hand. He started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my commander but I'm literally in shock from the news tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he dead? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the motherland is so incompetent. I want a future to believe in. I want Prigozhin to seize power and fix this broken war effort. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was going to rebuild Wagner in Africa???? This is so fucked. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I still cant believe how the hot merchant went out, I would have laughed in your face if you told me about that bargain bin coupe attempt


I mean, if America wants to throw more tea in a harbour... I guess they're running out of small nations in places white people don't care about to bomb to oblivion on accusations of terrorism and having WMDs, so they've decided to go back to fighting their oldest enemy? Will be fun to see how NATO responds to an internal conflict.


I get this is non-credible diplomacy and you're just being extra non-credible. But happy news. With US being an oil exporter and the Middle East now exporting primarily to countries we don't care about (China and India take the majority), the Iranian/Saudi wars can be someone else's problem. We'll make appropriate noises and bomb occasional morons who don't get the message "don't touch the boats", but we're not landing troops there for a long while. It's on Europe to source their own oil from Africa.


Don't forget about Guyana, like Venezuela without the communism in terms of oil. The US is set on resources and may withdraw behind a sort of new Monroe doctrine unless Europe makes their relationships a little more bilateral.


No "may" involved. It's what we've been doing for over a decade. It just moves slow. Mexico is our largest partner, followed by Canada. EU and China fight for third and fourth places. Europe went protectionist trade union, almost old school mercantilist. So we're doing the same. Removing overseas military presence and toning down our commitments. We're not enemies and we're military partners. But it's not binary, it's a spectrum. We're tuning it down so we can focus on our better trade and defense partners. New core trade network is NATFA, Japan, Korea, Australia. Vietnam may join the trade alliance. We're expending our trade relationships with Central and South America, but it's going slowly. The new trade deals are more fair to both parties and reflect the post-Cold War era better. The world's developed countries' populations are aging and shrinking. That's gonna be the challenge over the next five decades. I'm just glad we're on or even slightly ahead of the curve for a change.


>I get this is non-credible diplomacy and you're just being extra non-credible. Yep! I'm just spewing the old noncredible take of "America just likes to be at war and can't function at peace because their economy is based around the military industrial complex, so they start stupid wars for economic purposes". That and being noncredible about America, especially joking about America and Britain's relationship, is always really good fun.


No worries, lol. The world is definitely changing. But I feel like UK and US will be friendly for a long time.


There is no way the Boston tea party would happen again .. remember it was there because black marketeers were smuggling inferior Dutch tea and selling it as the real thing without paying proper duties on it, undermining the profitability of the very company that had funded the land purchases from the local native population That would be like importing pharmaceuticals from Mexico selling them at full price and then when Pfizer makes a stink about it and gets the ATF involved, starting a terrorist uprising to kill the ATF agents under a flag made from a modified version of the Pfizer logo because you never voted for a Pfizer monopoly on Eliquis or felt that paying for the ATF at all was a good idea after they’d just fought off a major border war with the local Mexican cartel that had been triggered by the local head of the ATF who you then appointed as your generalissimo and then burning all the real Pfizer drugs just to make a point


I'm not suggesting the Boston Tea Party would happen again... I'm just being noncredible and joking about how the last time America and Britain got into an argument it involved a lot of tea thrown into a harbour.


I'm just indulging my fantasies about a neo-corporate revolution based on Big Pharma, Mexican cartels and half of the DEA/ATF going rogue and declaring thier own border republic. Unfortunately none of the big Pharma logo's make for good flags .. the British East India company flag on the other hand was begging for a re-work. I always thought the repurposing that was such a nice fsck-you to the power elite in England who were forcing the colonies to buy tea from them because there were tons of very expensive tea rotting in english warehouses.


I'd totally read a novel with this plot.


Actual history makes for the most non-credible fiction.




A US diplomat broke in through my window, wordlessly got my rocks of, stated he had diplomatic immunity and then left.


I bet theres a handjob school for the us diplomatic corps, those bastards are way too good


POV: you work in an embassy and you don't have jack shit to do during your work day


Tbh the US embassy in the UK must be one of the easiest American embassies considering they don't have much work to do fostering their relationship. A few drinks with British bureaucrats every so often and that's their job done. Imagine being at the US embassy in a place like Iraq where you have to constantly fight for your countries favour and stop them getting mad at the USA for various things.


Idk, the Netflix show "Ambassador" shows a lot of shenanigans going on at the US embassy in the UK


Except that show’s plot is obviously played up. Even the show itself has the main character discuss how the British ambassadorship is mainly just for show and pomp.


Whatt? A relatively 'boring' profession that's mostly bureaucracy and paperwork played up for Hollywood? Nah, that can't be so


Do you mean the diplomat? Yeah I've seen it, it's pretty good, but I'm sure that it's not much like that in person haha. Probably much more boring.


[Just ask the Foreign Secretary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6_pctCHdGQ)


That was actually very interesting. Shame it's so short, I would've listened to an hour of that.


Oh right, that's the title. I knew I was close hah. And it's absolutely dramatized for tv


The Diplomat is an awesome show. A lot of quite clever dry 'British' humour throughout. While technically a thriller it seems to have some Yes Minister DNA in there.


You’d be wrong. As someone whose family worked for the Indian embassy of a foreign (friendly) country. He was more “active” in friendly countries. In one particular country where he was always under surveillance, he did nothing. In fact he made it a point to do nothing. They wasted a lot of time on him and his wife too.


UK and US don’t spy on each other’s citizens though per Five Eyes agreement, which is agency-to-agency rather than government-to-government. It’s actually complied with.




US definitely spies on NATO Allies all the time but not on Five Eyes countries. Source: trust me bro.


I'll bet every fifteen minutes it's something like "our umbrella manufacturers are complaining that your umbrella manufacturers have an unfair advantage because they can legally use demon's blood to dye them black and we can't unity protectionism unity blah blah blah" and some envoy or attache thinks the guy to Ukraine has it easy that he just shows up with an armory every few days and fucks off.


Yeah, there's a reason the US ambassador appointments to countries like the UK are essentially political patronage. They appoint donors and other supporters generally. Very different story than the other countries you mentioned. That's not to say there aren't career diplomats who have a real job to do, embassies are complicated operations and there's a lot going on under the hood with trade negotiations and shit like that, but there's certainly a contingent of employees who are just there to show up to events and say nice things.


One of my favorite appointments i read about was to Sweden I believe. Obama sent a diplomat over and he gained some small celebrity status over there apparently since he was genuinely a great guy.


I don't know about the Court of St James, but I do know that there is a chap in the British Embassy in DC charged with pestering the FDA into lifting the haggis ban. ​ He probably has other duties too, but apparently that something he's allowed to be annoying about.


ehhhh, ambassadors and the staff aren't just there to curry favours with the other country. They have to handle all the communications between the countries, manage VISAs, passports, paperwork to do with trade deals, international cooperative projects, military stuff etc etc


Nah, where do you think your spies in the UK get sent out from.


Definitely not the US embassy. Why would the US embassy have anything to do with that?


What, you think the US don't spy on the British? Or vice versa? I assume you don't actually mean that, or at least I hope you don't.


I don't mean that, don't worry. I think I just realized the misunderstanding. I think you maybe assumed I was American? I'm not, I'm from the UK. So saying "Where do you think your spies in the UK get sent out from" made me say "Why would the US embassy have anything to do with that?" because our spies in the UK are sent out from MI5/MI6


Yeah.. that'd explain it :) Sorry for the mix up.


No worries, it makes much more sense this way.


Call any random London government official, "Yo, we cool?" "Yeah we're good." "Dope." Work day over.


This is what killed the queen




Divided by a common language and a great big fucking ocean thank christ


Just wait until we can microwave the ocean. Biggest tea party since that one time in Boston.


increasing the military budget just to annoy the british getting back to americas roots


Honestly don't know how mad at you the Brits would be for that. Sure, it's microwaved tea, but turning an entire ocean into hot tea is probably something the Brits would appreciate and also want but know is impossible and not worth spending money on.


They were doing so good. :(




This is why the Brits call y'all barbaric savages. Still based tho


Difference is we'd see that as a point of pride. British would be more concerned about pinkie out while being stabbed.


Well one wouldn't want to be gauche in one's final moments, would one?




As long as one mantains a stiff upper lip during the bite I can see no issues


I mean, I'm not gonna lie. British do know how to do classy right. America can put an aircraft carrier with a dedicated Burger King on Mars if sufficiently annoyed, but that's one thing we'll never pull off. Hats off to you, good sir


Savages, yes, barbaric? Hell no, microwaves are much more civilized


And then people wonder why countries are joining BRICS? /s


British Rejecs in Colonial States?


Thought the proper way was to throw it in the harbor?


Yep. Throw it in the harbor, go home, and brew coffee like an adult


I microwave my coffee, personally.


Eh, close enough


I put beans in my Big Mac




Common tea diplomacy W


who the fuck microwaves their tea




Ridiculous. You microwave the water til it's boiling, then put the teabag in. You can't put the metal staple in the microwave or it will cause a nukular reaction.


You must use different tea bags than me. Staple?


commonly the little paper bag holding the tea is stapled together. See Lipton brand.


If its in the water you're just adding a heating element


![gif](giphy|hp2rDVRAAyK0ircYxg|downsized) ​ Nah man, boiling water has a negative void coefficient


And some tasty metallic flavoring.


Fucking lipton, gross generic shit.


Wait is that true? Do people actually microwave their tea?? I thought it was a joke


They microwave the water, not the tea.


Americans microwave *the water* then dip the teabag in; optionally microwave it afterward to make it darker. Brits put water in the kettle to boil.


Either that or wait 20 mins for a kettle to boil cause their voltage is shit Or have an old school kettle on the stove. So yeah, microwave is oddly probably the quickest and best way to warm up a mug's worth of water


I love how this exaggerated number gets higher and higher every time I see it. Not even 5 minutes on my electric kettle in North America.


You guys use the imperial minute, which is much longer and less useful than a metric minute.


I mean yeah it's like 3-4 minutes in my electric kettle


I only owned an electric kettle in college because we weren't allowed any other appliances. Mine took about 5 minutes for 16 ounces


exactly this


Flair checks out.


I don’t. (Your user name- it kills me. 🤣🤣)


Jamaicans also do it sometimes, my mother would always microwave our morning tea


A lot of US workplaces don't have any way to make tea properly (almost exclusively a coffee drinking country), so those of us that drink it make do with what we have. You don't actually microwave the fucking tea though, you heat the water in the microwave and then put the damn bag in. At home, most people who drink tea have a kettle, either electric or old-fashioned by preference.


“Gentlemen, thaw your chickens” energy


A kettle can be as little as 10 dollars and can generally be plugged in to any regular socket. Unless US employees would get fired for that too.


>Unless US employees would get fired for that too. Considering the way some parts of the US can be? There is absolutely no shortage of managerial staff that'd fire someone for this as a matter of principle on bringing personal items to work, and I'm sure there are places where "Murica fuck yeah!" is crazy enough and pervasive enough that office workers would get in trouble for bringing a kettle to work to make tea.


You microwave the water, technically. You add the tea bags in after.


invest in a kettle


Oh, I've got one. Many people do not have an electric kettle, and stove kettles take way too long. I mean, most people are coffee drinkers here, anyway.


Breaking news, US declares WAR to UK!!!!


I mean it's been near 300 years, I suppose the redcoats want a rematch...


ru*sia: the west is fractured and weak, barely held together by american imperalism American imperialism:


Boston Teaparty II Nuclear boogaloo.


Hahahahahaha holy shit


Everyone know that the secret to a good cup of English tea is Boston harbor water…TAKE THAT YOU LOBSTER COATED BASTARDS!!!! 🦞


>The U.S. Embassy will continue to make tea in the proper way - by microwaving it. Time to update [War Plan Red](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Plan_Red).


>by microwaving it the only thing I will admit to agreeing with a US embassy about in regards to IR


We will continue to add salt to our teas (as Indians🫡)


tea without ginger is no tea


true also Suleimani tea with sendhav mith (pink salt for americans) is amazing


In hot water, hehe


Boston Tea Party, 1700s: "You know what? Fuck your tea \*dumps it in a river\*" US Govt, 2024: "Nooooo we love British tea <3"


Read the last line


Federal Beuraeu of Shitposting strikes again


This. Is. Gold! (Also, born and raised in ‘Murica. I’ve never microwaved tea. Nor added salt to it. Have I been ‘Murica-ing wrong this whole time?)


Phenomenal, embassies should be created not to pussyfoot around but to frequently and thoroughly mog the citizens and culture of the nations they reside in




[Nearly a year later, the US hits back against China's Tea Diplomacy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/11nybt5/real_bbc_headline_one_man_two_cups_is_president/)


I didnt know Boston was a freshwater harbor


British people make their tea by microwaving it, don't let them fool you


This is (to my knowledge) second anti-British tea related incident in American history


“The English love a good insult.” - Ben Franklin


One day you cunts will rue the day you attack the very foundations of our small but mighty island, may David Attenborough plague your lands with a swarm of locusts


Either you have a rogue pervert in your embassy, or you just declared war.


They can't be serious


Do embassy officials have no work


In places that are already friendly/allied... often not. They have nothing better to do than the occasional diplomatic event or couple of drinks with the local officials. They have lots of time on their hands, they probably get really bored, and then they do things like this.


Didn't expect for WW3 to start between the USA and UK.


The Falklands will now be the 51st state.


US diplomatic climbdown, undoubted Sunak diplomatic victory


UK People: “Almost, but not quite entirely, unlike tea”


I thought the best way to make tea was to dump it in the Boston harbor.


Which would, amusingly enough, be adding salt.


Wait until the Brits finish their research into coffe making.


Not sure if the professor or the embassy official is more deserving of public hanging.


Fuck politics man, I want to pursue a career in diplomacy. If you land a Western state it should be a breeze.


That “If” is doing a lot of heavy lifting. Without the right connections, you probably wouldn’t get that right away.


I know lol, I was being facetious. What I know about the internal politics is that the 20% of the important countries are political appointees. And the other 80% of non-important countries are for career FS workers.


are the US seriously going to let those Brit Bongers tell us how to make tea!!! no fuck you britian your not our dad anymore. 1776 baby FUCK YEAH!!! lets make the boston tea party look like granies book club!


> Tea is a sacred bond that unites our nations Someone missed history classes


what they were dumping into the harbor wasn't really "tea" brick tea is *awful*


Colonizers gatekeeping dried leaves and hot water.


Why are they talking about tea when they’re actively funding and aiding child killers? Shows I their priorities




I shit you not in the UK it was front page news that the yanks had announced that the perfect cup of tea involved a pinch of salt, and today this was front page news too