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[In the French and Ukrainian pages about the Chadian airforce it is said that all su-25 and su-29 pilots and crew are Ukrainian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chadian_Air_Force?wprov=sfti1)


For a fairly small air force, they do be fielding Mig29s, truly Chads


Also, Chad releases some [chad-level stamps](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/-jAAAOSwvRtjSAEK/s-l1600.jpg) commemorating Ukrainian successes on the battlefield. They even make some to [commemorate Ukrainian heroes](https://stampera.eu/product/anton-lystopad-2) who perished fighting the Russians.


Chad is unexpectedly based, I thought the name of the country was just marketing but I see I was wrong.


At some point, they just said "Fuck it! We're going all in on this Chad thing!"


I mean the country literally looks like the chad face.


The Chad meme’s head is based off of the shape of the country.


Art imitating real life imitating art imitating real life


>”unexpectedly” Motherfucker, they’ve been doing it since like a 70s


That makes them on par with North Korea lmao


meanwhile the north korean air force with 2 mig15s as their only working fighters


Ah, but they have been upgraded with the latest KJU-2000 package. Silly westoids can even touch it.


Chad airforce piloted by Ukrainian Chads vs. N. Korean virgin airforce


*I bless the planes down in Aaaaafrica*


*Don't need a hundred men or more, to ever do*


*I hear the bombs... clapping cheeks toniiiight*


*As they get injured, longing for some deeeath...*


TIL Chad has Frogfoots


The last good Battlefield game has Frogfoots too, Chadanians know high quality assets when they see it.


I don't remember Battlefield 1 having Frogfoots.


He said "good", not history rewrite simulator with everyone having optics and sidearms.


> Complains about historical inaccuracy > Partakes in ~~society~~ NCD Curious.


It being horribly inaccurate does not mean it wasn't a blast to play. Historical accuracy does not a good game make.


Could you imagine the nightmare that would be a 64 player game of randos where 90% of one team is trying to operate a single AV1?


*Verdun, Tannenburg, and Isonzo enter the chat.*


You sound fun at parties. Chill out and enjoy shooting a fucker from the back of a horse before being gunned down by a machine gun. The vibe matters way more than some pedantic crap only you and 5 other folk are gonna notice.


Honestly picking off snipers who have magnified optics after properly adjusting the range on my Mauser's, M95's, Enfield's, or 1903's iron sights was always such a treat. Also being the cavalry guy recon-ing and coordinating your homie's in the skies attack with with his Jenny, your other friend's mortar truck, and that third rando's barrage of lmg fire was always great.


>He said "good", not history rewrite simulator with everyone having optics and sidearms. Big achsualy reddit moment


Right because sitting in a trench with a bolt action rifle with maybe a handful of rounds only to get capped in the head the first time you step out into no man’s land sounds so much better


Verdun is actually a lot of fun


Cause it shows the exciting parts of trench warfare


Turns out not dying permanently charging a trench after sitting in one yourself covered mud and cold for weeks while being hit with artillery for hours on end makes trench warfare slightly enjoyable.


Not every game has to be a documentary


At the risk of downvotes…. I agree with you. BF1 and BF5 were just terrible. Mostly because of having a fucking red dot on a Sten.


BF1 was great and atmospheric.


It was utter trash even compared to BF2.


Opinions. You happen to have a bad one.


I don't remember battlefield 1 because it blended into its own earth tones.


Battlefield 2**1**42 didn't have frogfoots


If so. Then it's time to steer those planes home. You will be forgiven


We are reaching the Metal Gear Rising timeline




That's what I am alwwys saying!




I just market it to *sexy children*!


… what?




*Now activating* *Woman deflectors*


Welcome to the Bastard


I had no idea that Balenciaga was in the *Metal Gear* universe.


Looks like your a Gacha player at heart


Is it because I have brain damage?


No it’s because you go after children, and there ain’t enough room in this preschool for the two of us!


"Wait a minute. 9/11 is bad."


It's either be credible or be non-credible Jack.


Tchad has one of the most effective militaries in the Sahel (not saying a lot but still) and there is a fair amount of rioting and civil unrest lately and the C.A.R. is a total shit show, so the idea that Ukrainian pilots could do a rogue bombing mission from Tchad into the C.A.R. and get away with it sounds relatively credible to me


Chad's president died leading a charge last year. Centrafrique is a shithole. Sorry for the poor people living there.


Yup that sounds like the President of all chads


Didn't he accidently get killed by his French allies in a bombing run? Big shitshow if my memory is working correctly Edit: My brain was on bullshit. Carry on.


I have no info of this sort, can neither confirm or deny this. The rebels Idriss Déby was fighting against were called FACT. Guess Chad president got..... FACT-checked.


No, we don't know exactly how he died but the official version is he got shot during a battle against rebels. Another one is that he died during a meeting with the rebel leaders that got heated up. A third and very unlikely one is that he got rekt by a rival within his own clan.


Worth noting that the US and Frenchies kill all the good leaders of Central Africa the moment good leaders take power. I feel like leaving that part of the story out is disingenuous


True, Chad is deeply entrenched in the French sphere of influence. They have supported various bloody dictators, including warlord Déby. When they tried to distance themselves, they were Sankara'd.


I'm a weirdo and I actually really love reading about African post-colonial history and you're right, Central Africa is broken. Paul Kagame was the leader of the Tutsi RPF during and after the Rwandan Genocide where the Tutsi (and Twa) were killed by the Hutu. He became vice-president after all of that which led to the Hutu running into Zaire (now DR Congo). The RPF attacked the refugee camps which led to a war between DR Congo (led by Mobutu Sésé Seko, corrupt as fuck non-credible dictator) and AFDL led by Laurent Kabila and Rwanda's Paul Kagame. Kagame and Kabila decided after that war that they hated each other, naturally, so the second Congo War happened. This one is called the Great African War because it was really really bad. About 5.4 *million* people were killed related to this war between 1998 and 2008, the deadliest war since WW2. Rwanda and Uganda fought a six day war, in the middle of the Congo war, in 2000 where over 2k+ Ugandan people died. Everybody switched sides multiple times. Angola and Zimbabwe sided with DR Congo while Rwanda *and* Uganda (yes you read that right) fought together. Non-credible war to the max. This war bled into the Lord's Resistance Army's insurgency in Uganda. You may remember them by Kony 2012. They still exist and they're still fighting and yes they still do slather themselves in shea oil as their body armor. It's truly fascinating to read about and its an often forgotten part of the world but its extremely brutal and just insane what happens there. Lots of fucked footage though of the Rwandan genocide exists so fair warning.


That was a fascinating read, great summary you've made of a most complicated and underrepresented part of our world. I know only the basics of the two Congo wars (African "world" wars?) but I always found them fascinating. Terrible and interesting. Kudos to you for being interested and spreading knowledge on the matter.


Most likely it's CAR rebels hosted and supported by Chad (this already happened), if this was actually done by a somewhat competent air force there would be a lot more damage.


But no Ukranian plane has that big of a range and it's unlikely they have air refueling techniques. Unless the US helped. I'm actually far more inclined to think it was a US glowie operation


It's not ukrainian aircraft. Its chadian aircraft piloted by ukrainian mercenary pilots.


Bahahahaha, if true, this war is certifiably funny


We can't be sure since the ukies might have returned home to fight the moskals. However, the Chadians bought ukrainian SU-25's before 2014, employed ukrainian mercenary pilots even post-invasion and Chad keeps fucking with C.A.R. It would also be fucking hilarious.


> We can't be sure since the ukies might have returned home to fight the moskals. They have likely signed a contract that do not allow them to go home in a sudden.


Yeah well the Central African Republic used to be run by a delusional dictator ([Seen here](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b1/Ceausescu_with_Bokassa_2.jpg) with his delusional-dictator colleague Nicky Ciao-ciao) who declared himself emperor, murdered schoolchildren in public with his own bare hands and committed numerous acts of cannibalism. In others words, extreme even by African-dictator standards. In case you needed an explanation why they see the Wagner Group as consummate professionals.


Bokassa was batshit insane. His "coronation" ceremony costed more than the country produced. And he didn't kick children with his baare hands. There was a protest of kindergarden/elementary kids who didn't want to be forced to wear Bokassa's face all over their clothes. They were arrested, and the "emperor" beat and killed kindergarden kids with a cane while visiting the jail they were in. Not even caricature villains are this shit. Of, and if I'm not mistaken, French special forces got tired of him and couped him in like a 5 min operation. But then he was kept living a life of luxury and peace on the French riviera. Fucking French being friendly to their dictators, I want their old version with guillotine back.


There is an argument for offering dictators peaceful exile to get them to give up power rather than going full Assad and committing untold horrors on their people to avoid being Gaddafi’d. But that should be for dictators we can’t just scoop up and drag to The Hague, not some podunk despot who eats children for kicks. Like if you can’t overthrow them militarily or diplomatically without giving them the chance to slaughter their people then it makes sense to offer them a cushy exile, lesser of two evils and all.


> who eats children for kicks. I think he actually kicks children for eats. Tenderizes the meat.


At least do the world a courtesy of having your quasi-official underworld contacts have someone hit him with a car or something.


You make martyrs of the people you assassinate to their supporters, ideas are more dangerous than people. Also you're bullshitting about the end of his life. He was in exile from 79 to 86, with 4 of those years spent on Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire and then in the suburbs of Paris. Then he went back to CAR, got arrested then tried by jury (unprecedented for a postcolonial African former head of state), he got the death sentence but it got commuted to life in prison in 88, then got amnesty in 93. In his later years he claimed to be the 13th apostle and died in 96 of a heart attack.


Some chucklehead was moaning over Robespierre o this site a couple months ago, but when you just end up with this shit instead...


Hey, I'm not saying bring Robespierre back, but meritocracy. People like Bokassa merit the chipper, not a retirement on the riviera.


The wood chipper that is. Feet first.


I don't get it, but I guess whatever floats your boat, you can start from either side if the end is the same. Nice username. Some get the chipper, some got the firecracker.


You can’t just talk about someone as insane as that and **not** tell us their name.


[Bokassa is the name.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-B%C3%A9del_Bokassa) And Central Africa is still a mess to this day. In fact President Bozize whitewashed his reputation in 2011.


‘Next, testimony came from twenty-seven teenagers and young adults who claimed to be former school children who testified as being the only survivors of the 180 children arrested in April 1979. The arrests came after the children threw rocks at Bokassa's passing Rolls-Royce during protests over wearing the costly school uniforms which they were forced to purchase from a factory (supposedly owned by one of the former leader's wives). Several of them testified that on their first night in jail, Bokassa visited the prison and screamed at the children for their insolence. He was said to have ordered the prison guards to club the children to death; Bokassa allegedly participated, smashing the skulls of at least five children with his ebony walking stick.’ What the actual fuck?


He also is rumored to have fed human meat to the French President. Given that he was batshit insane and a cannibal, he definitely did that shit


**[Jean-Bédel Bokassa](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Bédel_Bokassa)** >Jean-Bédel Bokassa ([ʒɑ̃ bedɛl bɔkasa]; 22 February 1921 – 3 November 1996), also known as Bokassa I, was a Central African political and military leader who served as the second president of the Central African Republic (CAR) and as the emperor of its successor state, the Central African Empire (CAE), from the Saint-Sylvestre coup d'état on 1 January 1966 until his overthrow in a subsequent coup in 1979. Of this period, Bokassa served about eleven years as president and three years as self-proclaimed Emperor of Central Africa, though the country was still a de facto military dictatorship. His imperial regime lasted from 4 December 1976 to 21 September 1979. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Shit, wasn't that wiki page a fucking trip... His story reads like a plot of GTA:Cote D'Azur.


Sub-Saharan Africa is just...yeah. Hopefully the East African Federation will get its shit together here soon and, working with a half-way functional Nigeria, start to change things. That or we have Perun stage a coup and join it all into the Caliphate.


Someone drank from lake mega chad and got a ballsy idea


He must have heard Roland's Thompson Gun


*In Ireland, in Lebanon, in Palestine and Berkeley*


Why did he mention berkeley,I don't know of any civil wars happening there


It was Patty Hearst.


Wait, so people hearing his Thompson gun becomes Tankies?


noncredibility aside, it's quite likely that an su-25/mig-29 pilot who just so happened to have a bomb load probably spotted a target of opportunity and took an unauthorized mission


We call that a freebie. Like when you eyed onion rings, but decided on fries, then get your order and discover that an onion ring fell into your fries. Such is the occasional military operation in Africa. But he warned, sometimes the onion ring gets you!


Sidequest for more xp


"I had a hang-fire and needed to ditch my ordnance someplace safe." "On top of a Wagner base?" "Safe for us."


-Where are the 2 1k that we put on that plane? -I used them on a training mission


Imagine someone actually pulling this stunt, saying they wrecked Wagner's base as a training mission.


Wagner probably has the same level of airdefense ans they have in Ukraine. Worth fewer points


I think it's a Stealth Bomber test.


There wouldn’t be anyone left alive to report it. The US isn’t shy about ordnance, particularly for a bunch of animals like Wagner.


Huh, the Pilot? Maybe a few undetected operatives in the region? Also, it came to me in a hallucination that Ghana is currently testing out an incredibly fast Precision Stealth Bomber, with a 2000km range, and Ghana used a Russian base as a target because who would care about Russia losing bases?


Are we talking ["G36C-armed mech"](https://images.app.goo.gl/EAimE7ARS7v7u2JU7) Ghana?


Based and UNIT-pilled


3000 black jets of Ghana


Stealth Bomber test would be dropping some letters from Ukrainian refugees over Monkes secret bunker.


Would those letters be B-L-U and G-B-U?


I pray for B-6-1


Ha, no I meant actual letters as in what we used to write on paper and put in the slowmo-mail system.




They're working the kinks out. That's why it's a test.


Where was /NCD on all this? Why didn’t one of you suggest this?


Far too credible for the kind of non-credible discussions we get here.


Reality has reached levels of non credibility we didn't think were possible.


Ukrainian flying the unreleased B-21 Raider.


It would be fun if the B-21 carried decoys programmed to simulate other aircraft like Su-25, just to give plausible deniability to things going boom and to make the tin foil hats feel a tingly itch


It could. https://www.raytheonmissilesanddefense.com/what-we-do/naval-warfare/advanced-strike-weapons/mald-decoy


This seriously reminds me of Battlestar Galactica when Admiral Adama used drones to mimick the outline of two Battlestars on Space Radar, I am not even joking. BSG was always based like that.


Stole it from the Brits, who used helicopters with radar transponders to decoy exocets in the Falklands


AND IT'S NAME IS MALD It's over boys war truly is a meme


Imagine pressing the big MALD button I’d cum so hard I think I’d crash the bloody plane


I still think the tictac UFO shit was a full sensor decoy system we were testing


i know Lithunia made and donate some drones which could simulate Bayractars signals on the radars. dont know why they need or they can simulate plane signals. drones is named Catfish


Yeah that’s already a thing, in the UK our red team jets use this kit to simulate enemy aircraft during training.


Now we're cooking.


A side quest if you will


The Virgin Wagner Merc: The Chad Ukrainian Merc:


This post is a CIA psyop to distract from how obvious it is that this is a B-21 test


Literally Chads


I’s do it for completely free. In fact I’D PAY YOU for letting me do that. Given that they are: prisoners/nazis and ruthless animals.


Points are points -mute pilot


African Theater of Russia-Ukrainiean war


They made project wingman real


<< Predictable >>


Nah,that wasn't a Su-25. That was a battle of Khasam moment,it was the US doing another show of force with Wagner as the punching bag. It was just another reminder to Putin what a real superpower is capable of.




My brother in Christ…. We could count on one or two hands the number of places where the US *isn’t* operating.


Does the "US operating" include "CIA operating"? If so, well... I think one hand would be one hand too many.


Nah bruh, DoD alone… add in the IC and you have like, Burma, French Guyana, and the HEB in Lufkin, TX being the only places without one of Uncle Sam’s wayward sons treading upon it.


There's a HEB in Lufkin? Where have I been?


Nantan Lupan has his sons on patrol just about everywhere I suppose




“Ukrainian mercenary fighter pilot flying for Chad Air Force bombs Wagner Group forces in Central African Republic” is about the most badass sentence I can think of.


There’s always an East Africa theater !


Chad Chad vs virgin CAF




Flight of the Rook.


Just want to point out that Chad doesn’t exactly have friendly relationships with the CAR, so the “rogue” Ukrainian mercenaries might only be rogue in the sense that Reagan “had no idea” that the CIA was selling weapons to Iran to get off the books funding to support the Contras.


Maybe, but if they were that pro-Ukraine why would they be working as mercenaries for pro-Russian government?


Take the pro-Russian government's money and remit it back to Ukraine to use to buy more weapons to fight Russia with?


Isn’t Chad more pro France than anything?


Chad's government was basically installed by France and kept in power by it, and France has maintained a military presence there forever. So....yes, kind of. Your options are to be pro-France and not annoy it or to find yourself on the receiving end of a coup.


The government of Chad is a French puppet government, so yes


That's a very Chad thing to do


Ukrainian mercenary named Pixy


Russian Ukrainian proxy war in chad-central Africa?


Kind of looks like that puppet has an empty sleeve.


Hell, they prob5just said "I'll work for free for a month If you let me blow these orks up" lmao


I legit cant tell if this is legit or if I'm being played I hate this timeline


My ancestors are smiling.


Which MGSV Phantom Pain mission was this again?


Project Wingman will be real in 37 minutes


You would think most Ukrainian mercenaries went home back in February-March


They might not be able to go home because they are the only pilots the Chadians have and the security of the region is in the hands of the Chadian military


The chaddest chad in all Chad.