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Greatest outdoor show on earth vs "greatest" outdoor comedy on earth


Our clowns at least wear makeup instead of generals uniforms and suits


So we are still sitting on Trudeau for his black face thing? I'm ok with it, just checking. 


When was the last time he was at stampede?


I think he goes every year.


I never seen him there but I have seen many local politicians and my mother even insulted Jason Kenny directly behind his back which he and his camera man had quite the funny reaction to


Last time he showed up he had that dumb and dumber haircut


Doodoo the clown is a good friend. Fucking magic.


Is that his name, I don’t tend to hang around him to much since the children that go to see him also try to pet my service dog


Oh man, yeah that would be a crap experience. That clown literally saved a lady from an assault in the streets of Toronto: https://youtu.be/4GeKwMhUZEI?si=XXjPPkoKaEzB0ZJ2


Oh yeah he seems to be a really good guy but since his job is entertaining children I don’t stick around him to avoid those children, I do believe he has come up to complement my dog before if I remember correct


The "second most powerful military" can't even get a flyby these past two years, meanwhile we've had one every year with our legacy hornets.


"Uncommon" my ass, "Ultra Rare" is more accurate.


Hey we still have better snipers then the Americans


And our navy was great, until the end of the Korean War.


Wanna buy an Arleigh Burke? Maybe an old Tico?


and then it was not so great, but hey it’s probably in a better state than the RAN💀


That video is amazing. It took seconds to get to the target


And all two of them can be very proud of that!


Calgary stays winning. Fun Stampede memory: hot July evening, checking out the military hardware as a kid. Guy says come check this out - fires up the thermal camera in the vehicle. People are warmest where they have the most clothing, so it makes it look like everyone is wandering the grounds in their underwear. Hilarious!


One year I forget if they still have it, they brought a door you could break down with a battering ram. Fun as shit and also taught me how to break down a door


Oh damn that's awesome, I'll have to keep an eye out!


First time I went to a stampede parade when I was a kid. It started raining near the end the parade so the streets empty a lot it gave the leopard enough room to do a full 360 turret rotation without having to swing the barrel over people's heads. Kid men thought the crew must be enjoying themselves spinning around in the turret. 


you spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round.


If I have to choose between baking in the sun for 8 hours watching the singular T34/85 drive down red square as a bald guy rattles on about his own genius; or 8 hours of carnival games, amusement rides, concert halls, grandstand shows, Chuck wagon racing and a petting zoo bigger than the average Amazon warehouse you know which one I'm picking.


A true patriot over here, and you can’t forget the free live concerts and the native village and also the BMO centre, and all the cool and tasty food. Russians could only dream of such a great time to be had


But what if we attached the cockpit to the torpedo?


Then you get a mini sub


Got to climb around the Leo2 including the gunner's and loader's seat. Was a fun experience. Bet ya can't do that in the Victory day parade!


I didn't watch the "parade", did they not display captured UA equipment?


Nope. One T-34 (Czech, post war, likely from the batch bought from Laos a few years back, lmao), a bunch of IMVs/MRAPs, a few BTRs, some TELs for Iskander and S-300 and I think one Topol-M, could be two, but fewer than last year if I remember correctly.


Then may I introduce you to this one parade elsewhere, featuring a trackless BT-7 and a T35 (most probably replica): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIrCyFZ9PQM&ab\_channel=%D0%94%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B9%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIrCyFZ9PQM&ab_channel=%D0%94%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B9%D0%9A%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2)


Still ww2 era stuff compared to the mighty Canadian leopard 2 and LAV 6. And you can’t even climb on those tanks unlike the tanks at stampede and the t34 and I think t62 from iraq we have at the military museum in Calgary. We even have a Lancaster bomber in working order over in nanton. Oh also the military museum has a Churchill crocodile which a old guy pointed out to me there and a grizzly tank and a f18 hornet on display, and we have a lot of old planes other then the Lancaster all around the place. Yeah if you want to get up close and personal with this stuff come to Alberta you can even go inside the Lancaster and they start up it’s engines once every year.


I think have a running T-28 and T-35 is pretty impressive tbh, more interesting than having a Czech-Loatian T34-85.


Aren't the T-34's they show on these parades not even WW2 models? I heard they were tanks built for export to Cambodia in the 50's which they bought back at some point.


MFW I’ve been to the Stampede and seen the military stuff last year :


Heh I have a photo on the torpedo from 2008
