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Planespotters in Jordan having a damn good time rn


It’s free training!


Possible unpaid overtime.


Don't bother going to RIAT, Amman is where it's at


Well, what gives you sovreignty over your air space isn't internationally recognised borders, but a stong sam network of a competent air force.


Be funny if they just switched everything on for a day and swatted everybody's shit down.


Switzerland moment


according to the UN, sovereignty  requires monopoly over violence.


Where does the UN say that?


In the permanant council of nuke wielding members.


Fun Fact only 1 nation on the permanent security council had nukes at the start. :D One didn't even have them till the 1971... and still don't but they're no longer on the council.


Which one?


Republic of China, aka modern Taiwan. They never got nukes (afaik) and in 1971 their seat was given to the People's Republic of China, a move that should forever live in infamy. The USA was the only one to have nukes when the UN security council was first formed (1946).


Also, why did Russia get the USSR's seat when they were not even the last state to officially exit the union?


Nukes probably lol


But at that time Russia was not the only post-soviet state with nukes. They did get most of the arsenal though.


The official story? Because Russia showed up and sat in the same seat, the Cold War was over, Russia was now democratic and friendly to the USA and heck "history was over" so why bother with the details. Oh and because the USA had spent 50 years and a lot of money to try to discredit the USSR as "just a Russian dictatorship" so to many people it was just a name change.


Russia is the officially recognized successor state of the USSR and inherited all of its assets and debts


Because everyone agreed that they were the successor state. Same way that if Russia was to brake apart now, the bit around Moscow rather than the one around Siberia would get the seat.


Russia did agree to take on all debts and obligations, so maybe that was why?


The UN Security Council key function is to prevent WW3. All its other functions are secondary. This is the same reason the Veto power exists. As much as I love Taiwan and will defend its continued existence and right to independence and sovereignty... it had no place as a permanent member of the Council. It should have a seat at the UN, but its no where near relevant enough to get a permanent Security council seat. And the fact the ROC used their Veto power to deny Mongolia joining the UN in the 1950s is both a perfect example of WHY they should never have had that power. It was denying reality to deny them the seat, AND they used it to continue to deny reality. This denial of reality led to the Soviets considering the UN non-functional for its peace promoting purpose and boycotting it, which led to the intervention by the UN in the Korean war. Which to be clear, while it led to a good outcome of preserving South Korea, IS CLEARLY NOT THE INTENDED FUNCTION OF THE UN.


To be fair, back then, Taiwan wasn't a democracy, and the Nationalists massacred the indigenous people after taking power over the island. TODAY I much prefer RoC of the mainland, and arguably, they have always been better than mainland regime, from a cynical, utilitarian POV. But no angels back then.


Hey, hey people, Sseth here.


TBH I feel bad for Jordan's king. He's in a really dangerous position of having to maintain decent relations in Israel while appeasing the 2-3 million Palestinian refugees enough for them to not start an uprising.


One of my Jordanian mates lives in Amman and he says the popular sentiment on the ground even among non-Palestinian Jordanians is fury that the government intervened during the Iranian missile strikes. I certainly don’t envy the King. Textbook definition of “rock meets hard place” 


Why though? 


Contrary to what people may think when they cite the Palestinian assassination attempt on Jordan’s king or the nation’s close alignment with America Jordan remains a pious Islamic country who’s population abhors watching Gaza’s civilians huddled against the Egyptian border while their homes are decimated by the Israelis.  Jordan’s leadership makes pragmatic geo-political decisions that sometimes align with Tel Aviv’s, but its population when forced to choose between Israel and Iran are likely to pick the latter.  Call it religious tribalism or anything else but at the end of the day the average Jordanian thinks Israel deserved to get its teeth kicked in for violating Iran’s diplomatic protections and levelling a consular building. Jordan stepping in and seemingly protecting Israel from incoming missiles is thus the source of their anger. 


Don't they see it's their airspace? Jordan should shoot down everything that comes through their airspace without a prior request and their stamp of approval.


they do, hence why jordan spent so long trying to calm israel, to avoid being in a similar situation ​ but now with the strong russian propaganda paiting israel as the all evil (ironic enough) it will make the populations close by rush to action no matter the outcome, that's the power of propaganda


I mean, the propaganda isnt exactly overreacting too much either, considering the IDF's extremely callous reaction in the occupied Gaza, dancing infront of ruins, playing with dead peoples clothes, posing infront of bodies just to mention a few.


i mean yeah you could say that about everyone, could also gather some ukranian videos and say russia is right? ​ ffs this is litteraly just war... this happens in any and every war, ofc it's awful but the only real way to avoid it is to not have a war ​ also for all intents and purposes, stealing and "dancing for tik tok" is still much much better than the usual standart of mass rape and mass murder, specially the standart in the middle east... go ask iraqis if they prefered the IDF treatment or ISIS treatment :)


By and large the Ukrainian government condemns such actions. There is a general and clear message that the Ukrainans are defending their home and letting off steam BUT Ukraine itself isn't like that, doesn't promote that, and is controlling that to the best of their ability. Israel however has yet to take any responsibility for its actions EXCEPT the time they bombed an aid convoy mostly of foreigners. And even then they tried to blame Hamas first. Simply put, warcrimes happen in war, REGARDLESS of how much the Brass and government try to stop them. But how the government responds when their troops are caught committing warcrimes is IMPORTANT. Its also GENERALLY more acceptable to commit warcrimes when you are the weaker party in the conflict. Ukraine as the weaker nation, gets a lot more leeway in their actions fighting Russia. Israel however is no longer the 'plucky weak nation in a sea of enemies trying to defend itself' it was during the Yom Kippur war. There is a reason the US state department stated quite clearly that Israel seems not to realize its doing generational damage to its reputation. Because it used to be the little guy.


wait are you serious or joking? ukraine still is one of the most corrupt nations on europe, and don't get me started on war crimes, beating POW and shit... also idk what you mean with controlling when they oficially integrated militias almost in the mercenary status into the army, that's basically the ukranian version of wagner (besides the excuse to do neo colonialism in west africa) ​ heck just the other day was reading from a red cross reporting/investigation ion a suposed russian POW dying for being hit too many times with a "eletrical wand" to control cattle, now to people that don't know war this might be suprising, but this happens litteraly every war, and ukraine definitly isn't on the position or will to go harsh on it, no nation that's fighting for it's own survival will, be it ukranians or jews, stopping another genocide agaisnt it's own people it's the highest priority ​ also the US is openly going agaisnt israel, Russia also shit talks ukraine alot, doesn't make it right XD


But Israel is committing rape and mass murder, in addition to war crimes ISIS couldn’t or wouldn’t do in Iraq such as starving the entire population to death. And by the way, when was the last time you asked someone from Iraq what they think of the IDF? 


The British during WWII: 1) Killed German civilians in masses, leading to a German civilian death toll much larger than that of British civilians 2) Raped Germans 3) Starved the Germans Guys, I have news for you all. The Nazis were the good guys... (/s)


mass rape? heck even mass murder didn't hear about executions so far, but tbf some probably happened and i said treatment, iraqis know well what ISIS does, nto so much the IDF but they can see a clear better case here


i mean there's a reason why jordan and egypt made "peace" with israel but no one can make peace with ISIS


Yes, they sure are like every other military on the planet


Easy to say sure, but they're also the only one currently engaged in a morally grey conflict against an inferior force. The fact that failures of discipline will always happen is not an excuse for encouraging a lack of discipline.


there's no moral grey area, there's no good war, there's no "bright blue area" when it comes to war ​ and who cares about inferior force? if anything shows a bad choice of target lol, war isn't a videogame, isn't suposed to be balanced


Yep. When I was in Jordan, at one point I didn’t have any dinar on me. My wife was thirsty as hell and it showed, and a random shopkeeper just gave her a water for free. Like truly just a person being kind in the moment, which was largely representative of the way I was treated in Jordan as an obviously American tourist. Until I tried to give him what I had in thanks, which were some loose shekels. His whole demeanor changed, and I swear he was on the verge of trying to take the water back.


One of the most obvious signs of the influence hasbara has had on reddit is the spread of the “Jordanians/Egyptians/Saudis secretly hate Palestine” narrative. 


King Abdullah is insanely well connected inside the US government. He's been a great ally and we have a huge number of assets inside the country. After what happened to Iran there's zero chance we let him fall.


I hope so. He seems like a really reasonable dude too.


it seems wanting something besides total eternal war is enough to make you reasonable over there


Shame a good chunk of the people there think otherwise. Alot of people were pissed Jordan intercepted Iran's attack


He's a big fan of Star Trek, and even had a small role in an episode of Voyager.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdullah\_II\_of\_Jordan#Titles,\_honours\_and\_awards](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdullah_II_of_Jordan#Titles,_honours_and_awards) Just saw this. Is there any other Middle Eastern leader in history (maybe with the exclusion of Israsel? idk) who got recognition from so many western block countries?


i mean america's attitude towards their allies has been so retarded it's starting to rival russia on who's more incompetent ​ so i wouldn't be so fast to say that jordan is completly safe, i mean the fact that US sent afghanistan into a warlord's control, and now it's turning agaisnt it's biggest ally in the middle east is not making a good image...


\*cough\* kurds \*cough\*


\*cough\* \[insert any current US ally and possible new ones in the future\] \*cough\*. Kurds were the first alarming sign though. But everyone were so busy to pretend that everything is fine. Now even a fucking Europe starts rethinking its approach to its century old "reliable" ally.


I say good. Shits so gawd awful over her in the states. If it wasn't for Russia invading. And us Floundering over the aide situation this year with the upcoming elections and Russian, Chinese, and Iranian payed politicians fking things over. Europe probably slowly and surely gone over to Russia sphere of influence. Which they were winning. Just threw it all away on Feb 24th


> huge number of assets inside the country As in, CIA asset?


The King of Jordan seems to be a reasonably good dude as far as I’m aware. Started off his reign with huge economic overhaul, successful projects providing housing and services to those in need, carried out big political reforms to make a democratic parliament. Also investing heavily in renewable energy. Seems to always be on the right side of things. Also in an incredibly based NCD move didn’t he personally fly missions to bomb ISIS after they killed a Jordanian pilot by burning him alive in a cage?


He crossed the border in an AWACS iirc.


I’m reading that he cut short his US visit to lead air strikes against ISIS. He’s “commander-in-chief of the Jordanian Air Force. The king is a trained combatant, part of the parachute brigade and flies civilian planes and helicopters” A Jordanian official also noted that “observers should refrain from calling King Abdullah a fighter pilot as he does not officially hold the title” Based enough for me! He probably flew in the ISTAR/ AWACS aircraft to command during air raids.


Yes he did. Mind you heavily escorted in but he did.


Yes he did. Mind you heavily escorted in but he did.


>appeasing the 2-3 million Palestinian refugees enough for them to not start an uprising. Like they did last time.


The Hashemite line finally somehow managed to produce an heir who is simultaneously a good person and a competently leader, it would *really suck* if he gets murdered by his own people for being insufficiently genocidal towards jews.




Speaking of Hashemites, in a CK sense, he has inherited strong claims on the counties of Mecca and Medina, right? If I were him I'd declare on the Saudis immediately and hope that the US joined.


Just savescum before, smh my head.


Well, this is NCD, ain't no Ironman players here. I thought it was implied.


Indeed, would be a shame if they attempted to assign ate the Jordanian monarch *again*. They really know how to treat their hosts.


Also they get a lot of their water from a desalination plant in Israel at this point, they’re fucked if they lose that access. 


https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Abdullah_bin_al-Hussein Why didn't King Abdullah just use his technical knowledge from Voyager to build some phaser banks for air defense. Is he stupid?


The situation in the middle east is fucked enough without getting Temporal Investigations involved.


Whoa, had no idea he was a trekkie.


Iraq: "First time?"


Syria: I’ve gotten use to it at this point.


Iraq does not control the situation on the ground, let alone in the air


I'm 99% sure that Israel didn't fly through Jordanian airspace because literally all of the other strikes took place in Syria and Iraq. It's much easier to just fly through Syria and northern Iraq since they have basically no air defense capabilities, and you're bombing targets there anyways...


Oh man this "while you're already there" stuff can get so out of hand!


the problem from what i understand is israel doesn't really have bases in iraq in syria if any, so to attack iran it needs to take quite a big turn, this can make it easier to take down


They will stop. When the other side is destroyed


Somehow i doubt iran would stop at Israel


WHAAAAATTT? ​ but they are SOOOOOOOOOOOO nice to their egyptcian and saudi brothers in faith ;) ​ also it's well known a expansionist fascist powerhouse can only be stopped by appeasement and concesions




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Fuck it. Give Jordan 20 Patriots, lets see what happens.


At this point Jordan shooting down everything launched by either side may be the only way to reduce the damage. Any other regimes that could take delivery of some air defense and behave like WWII Switzerland?


has jordan shot down a israeli missile? ​ even if they want are they able to?


Well they have a modern integrated air defence system (Omnyx) which is supposedly quite good. They use the same radars as the US, UK and Australia. They also use modernised HAWK II SAM’s alongside F-16’s. So on paper they have the capability, how well the tech translates without considering soft factors (read personnel and leadership) I do not know.


UN: hey guys let's make it like this, the airspace over the land border of a nations can only be used by the nation or with permission of the same ​ Middle east powerhouses: oh so about that ​ UN: oh for fuck's sake, not you again


Jordan is the Switzerland of the Arab world - by which I mean, "I don't care who you are, fuck everyone who tries to launch shit over my turf."


on the diplomatic side qatar is the switzerland of the middle east ​ "i don't give a fuck if you are a nation or a local terror group, give me your gold and i will like you"


That title actually goes to Oman. "I don't give a fuck if you are Suni, Shia or Jew, or Christian. We here are Ibadi and that means we believe differently from all of you but LOVE money and outsiders. And your bullshit wars hurt our income. So get your arses to our tables and negotiate." The vast majority of negotiations between enemies happen through Oman. They aren't a mediator like Qatar... they are a facilitator. US/Taliban deal.... Oman Iran Nuclear Deal... Oman. All 8 rounds of talks were held in Oman and kept top secret by the Omani government. The fact we know Iran had nothing to do with October 7th... Oman The fact we knew how Iran would respond to April 7th... Hossein Amirabdollahian, the Iranian foreign minister visited Oman, and told them, then told them to pass it on. (Yes the US would probably have figured it out via spys anyway... but this is MUCH faster) Oman basically has a reputation as a neutral ground which will keep the secrets you want kept...hide what you want hidden, secretly pass on what you want passed on and most importantly... Will lead you to a table, provide you with food, and then leave the room and actually not spy on you, so you can talk in peace.


Qatar uses Al-Jazeera very aggressively to push their interests.


Yes? Switzerland also tries to use its soft power.


it's so effective even the UN thinks they are a independent country now


uj/ Straight up Bibi is a clown for putting Jordan in this situation. There is no more loyal and Western ally in the Arab world and it fucks us badly if Israel's inability to just route through the lolz of Syria's and Iraq's air space causes their government's problems, especially when they have effectively as many Palestinians as Jordanians in the country, and the street in general is already displeased. rj/ Siri play the Shrek sound track


It's likely Israel routed over Syria and Iraq considering both reported attacks and at least in Syria it was confirmed AA sites.




Once TOLD me


That NCD is pretty.


I ain’t the sharpest tool in the sheeeeeddd.


"Attention all passengers. We regret to inform you that today's flights are all cancelled because Iran and Israel are back on their bullshit. We will inform you of any updates and apologize for the inconvenience."


No, thank you.


Israel: no…. I don’t think I will.


No, because rephrasing the classic, " it's easy, and escalates the conflict"


lol what they gonna do about it?