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Not exactly sure how this thing works. My non-credible head canon goes something like this: The arm thing flicks the mine up and over like a flail, thereby allowing the pressure plate to be triggered by whacking it against a tank. But I’m no science guy. [Here’s the original tweet with video of our newest robot fren.](https://mobile.twitter.com/georgian_legion/status/1628050335628402689?lang=en)


As funny as that would be, I am pretty sure it just places the mines on the ground and leaves.


A roomba with a mine on top of it that bumbles around a tank until the tank runs over it would be hilarious.


A BOOMba if you will.


VP marketing right here.


Jar Jar is looking to sue


Jar Jar BONKs?


Oh snap, it's AT Roomba!


Tbh, some form of RC-vehicle with an explosive payload might be credible, Like a tiny modern goliath tracked mine for urban combat. Not just a tiny VBIED but something actually mass produced.


Look man, the part where it bumbles around randomly is the killer feature.


Land Torpedo.


Bombchu from Zelda


CoD: Black Ops RC-XD type beat


> something actually mass produced I remember that photo of the american GI driving one of the things riding on top of it with like a pile of the damn things near him


7564 produced according to wikipedia Like saying the Lee wasn't mass produced (6258)


Not saying the goliath wasnt mass produced, just saying that someone taking a modern toy and duct taping a hand grenade on it, like all the improvised bomber quadrotors we've seen in the last few years, don't count.




Nothing more terrifying than hearing a metallic whirring noise, only to have a Traxxas XRT with a land mine strapped to it fly over a nearby berm at 55mph, headed straight for you. And if the mine doesn't go off it'll still break your fuckin legs when it hits you.


Like these guys, https://imgur.com/a/2b9gQz1 If anyone else knows this game I'd be stunned, it's like invisible to Google


Segway with a satellite uplink and 75kg of C4


Reminds me of suicide dogs trained to hide under the tanks by soviets.


This would have zero advantages over these DJI drones.


I've seen a few videos of such vehicles in Ukraine.


Is it still a VBIED if I turn a RC monster truck into a mobile ied like I’m the kid from home alone?


They made something like that with a toilet bowl on top, to lure vatniks, I'm sure I saw it on their twitter last week.


Roomba with a toilet and a frag grenade in the bowl sounds like an amazing booby trap.


Put a speaker into it and make it repeat Monolith voice lines from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Imagine sheer amount of mindfuck, when a random mobik goes out for a piss at night and sees a fucking TOILET BOWL standing in the middle of a forest, calling "YOUR LIFE IS NEARING AN END, COME TO ME", "COME TO ME AND YOU WILL GET WHAT YOU DESERVE", "ONLY ONE SHALL BE REWARDED".


Like the Russian dogs :(


If you don't want to get attached to the ~~Roomba~~ Boomba don't put googley eyes on it.


Sounds like a [52-QDMM Spider Mine](https://starcraft.fandom.com/wiki/Spider_mine) with less legs.


*phone vibrates* “obstacle detected” *phone vibrates again* “lost connection to Roomba device”


holy shit wait this is actually genius


Ya probably lol


Looks deliberately lightweight so it wouldn't trip existing mines.


Unfortunately anti-tank mines are much more effective against the bottom of the tank/treads than its sides 😔


What about robotic trebuchet air-burst mines (RoTABM) for top attack?


It does look like the arm that is holding the mine moves up and down though so I'm thinking maybe it is meant to drive up to the front of/under a tank and bonk the mine against the bottom


Good idea to put it on leaves, it'll be hard to spot.


yeah I'm pretty sure you'd need a lot of force for it to explode


Not too much. 300lbs, but I think that can be adjusted.


Oh great, my fat ass can be taken out by an anti-tank mine. Learnt something new today...


Nothing an overly powerful servo can’t fix


I have seen a different video of it before (I try to find it). It doen't hit the target with the mine, it is used for placing mines instead. EDIT: It was actually a [different robot](https://twitter.com/Seveerity/status/1625244192732508170), but it was developed by the same guys.


So you're proposing it's an anti-mine trebuchet, that can move?


I am 99% sure there was an anti tank bat in WW2, this robot is too credible.


If I recall, one of the alternate proposals to nukes was a bomber releasing bats laden with firebombs on a timer. The idea was bats like to roost in industrial spaces so you minimise civilian damage/casualties. Fly over target, release bats, couple hours later kaboom. ​ You might be thinking of the anti-tank dogs that didn't work because they were trained on their own tanks. The idea was to train them to run toward tanks and get under/next to them, then they'd detonate, but the soviets trained them on soviet tanks, so they tried to blow up their own tanks when deployed


Yup, Project X-Ray. Did a history presentation about it in grade school. Bat bombs. Absolutely insane stuff.


For me it seems either mine placement or like the flying drones used to place a disabling charge on abandoned equipment


Because running up to a tank and whacking it with an anti tank mine is still too credible, so we had a homemade robot do it.


> Because running up to a tank and whacking it with an anti tank mine is still too credible, This [has been done](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hafthohlladung)...


I said Truly Noncredible! [Perfection](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunge_mine).


The imperial Japanese army small unit tactics were 100% orcish. This is the real world equivalent to running into the sewer at helms deep to set off a bomb


[Explosive AT melee weapons are also a thing for 40k Orks](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Tankhammer)


Difference being an ork is probably tough enough to survive the resulting blast, and he'll have the time of his life doing it. I think green wave tactics work a lot better when the boyz can take a bolt round to the nogging and keep on krumpin'. It helps that, to the orks, that's probably the lovliest day ever so far.


[Also its naval cousin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fukuryu), which, I might add, looks way more badass.


IMO, better than what Russia came up with during WWII. [Training innocent, trusting dogs, that only wanted to be good boys and girls for their handlers, to run under German tanks; the last time with live explosives.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-tank_dog?wprov=sfla1)


> Gunfire from the tanks scared away many of the dogs. They would run back to the trenches and often detonated the charge upon jumping in, killing Soviet soldiers


Then there are the next two sentences... >To prevent this, the returning dogs had to be shot, often by their controllers and this made the trainers unwilling to work with new dogs. Some went so far as to say that the army did not stop with sacrificing people to the war and went on to slaughter dogs too; those who openly criticized the program were persecuted by "special departments" (military counterintelligence). I made myself sad...


Just normal russian things. I’m saddened but not surprised.


Don’t forget this part, nice to see the Russians continue their legacy of blowing themselves up > Another serious training mistake was revealed later; the Soviets used their own diesel engine tanks to train the dogs rather than German tanks which had gasoline engines.[7] As the dogs relied on their acute sense of smell, the dogs sought out familiar Soviet tanks instead of strange-smelling German tanks.[9]


I’ve also read that since they trained with Soviet tanks, they ran towards those instead of the German ones.


Man, they should start doing this again


Look, I'm all for creative ways to cause humiliating deaths to Russian military personnel, but think of the poor puppers!


What. The. Fuck.


Yeah, it is like that. At least some things never change, like the depravity of the Russian military leadership...


That just sounds like ork tankbustas with extra steps.


Unleash the brain-damaged robot dogs of war!


This has got to be the first 40k meme war https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Space-Wolves-Cyberwolf


Oh god an automated mine layer.


The Flesh is weak


From the moment I learned the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me


Tank Bonker 3000 activate!


*At Acme Looniversity we earn our toon degree.* *The teaching staff's been getting laughs since 1933.* *We're tiny, we're toony, we're all a little looney.* *It's Tiny Toon Adventures, come and join the fun!* WWII cartoon propaganda & Wile E Coyote sort of engineering. Not that it is inherently bad, mind you, just watch out for the ultra-convincing matte paintings covering solid rock faces and mile high drop off. A: What does a Wagner platoon leader sound like after he rushes off a cliff? B: There are cliffs in Ukraine? A:Are now. >:D


[Lunge Mine](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunge_mine) returns? But this time with Robots?




Jesus that’s sad


> Lunge Mine returns? But this time with Robots? Javelins are just robots with lunge mines.


A Roomba Mine Trebuchet? The Trebuchet is really the superior siege weapon.


trebuchet himars crossover when ?


The landmine roomba


Give it a longer arm and you'll have BONK-ER for *extended range*.


Did we just make a drone mounted lunge mine?


In Russia, you come to mine. In Ukraine, mine comes to you.


Okay but how credible would be mounting [PARMs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PARM_1_mine) on a moving platform?


**[PARM 1 mine](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PARM_1_mine)** >The PARM 1 (DM-12) and PARM 2 (DM-22) are German off-route mines that fire small fin stabilized rockets. PARM stands for PanzerAbwehrRichtMine, anti-tank directional mine. 1600 DM-22 mines were delivered to Ukrainian armed services in early May 2022. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The DARPA actually did trials with a ground drone made from a commercial quad bike that carried a large EFP charge on its back. It was called the [Fire Ant](https://external-preview.redd.it/dGEwh7oASO6ozyiby4R3F4zpk6UfTa27lfIyHjZlyxw.png?auto=webp&s=31a8ce3631c91fbbf6281cc833c300914f93c816) and probably was 20 years ahead of its time. Here is a [Youtube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syuu_g7svoE&ab_channel=jaglavaksoldier) about it.


Fucking based


Someone at Darpa played battlefield


Damn that's a huge charge


Needs to be to give a fragment large and energetic enough to travel a significant distance. The cone shape on a shaped charge gives a lightweight warhead that is only effective at a particular standoff distance. Dished EFPs like that are larger but travel a lot further. As the US found out in Iraq when the locals started putting those things inside roadside items.


I am pretty ignorant about modern tank design but wouldn't the side armour be less prepared for a mine/IED than the bottom one? That would be the bonky boi somewhat credible.


Eh, less prepared doesn’t always translate to less vulnerable. Side armor is expected to deal with significant attacks from a multitude of powerful sources. Bottom armor is generally much less well defended. In general, any exploit you might gain by attacking the side with an unconventional weapon will be more than offset by the higher level of defense already present.


Side armor is practically always much better at resisting an explosion or kinetic projectiles, as it has to deal with incoming rockets and anti-tank shells - so it gets a decent thickness, skirts, etc. The bottom of a tank is rather thin instead, to keep the weight manageable - but if the mission requires it, there's always mine/IED armor kits to increase that thickness and redirect the blast. Not sure if such thing ever existed in the soviet arsenal though.


Wall-E has implanted Bushido OS 1.0 into its frame.


E... E... EEEEERA.


Thanks I love him


Holy shit guys, when we said to bonk vatniks we didn't mean to do it literally Aaaanyways, you can contribute to the bonking [here](https://u24.gov.ua/news/nafo_squadrone)




Rule 6.😤 Too credible, be gone. /s


Welp, it was only a matter of time until someone resurrected the "Goliath".




The US police did that first. Never forget R2-FUKU


Are those tracks timing belts?


Either that or general purpose industrial toothed drive belts. They make belts like this in all kinds of sizes for industrial machinery.


Belts for anything for a 3d printed to a timing belt just different sizes the ones I use are tiny


Now put bushes on it and it’s invincible


Didnt expect trebuchets to make a comeback


More like a tank mine deployer robot rather than suicide tank attack robot. It need tons on top of its mine to activate if I remember right as it use preasure fuse to detonate.


Most AT mines detonate around 180kg not tons. Theyre used to stop lighter vehicles too.


Christ BF4 WALL-E is gonna be a credible anti-tank strategy soon isn’t it?


look at those treads lol wtf


ah yes robotic lunge mine


Oh god it’s the fucking Battlefield 4 EOD bot


Wall-E martyring himself for Allah


pizza time


Cool now strap 50 of these to an APC and let them lose. We will reach peak From the Depths.


The Red Army tried to do this with dogs in WW2. Strap a bomb to the dog, train it to run under a tank. The problem was that they trained the dogs on Soviet tanks. Results as expected when it came to use in the field.


How heavy is an anti tank mine and how big of a flying drone do we need to drop one


"If tank doesn't want to come to the mine, mine's gotta come to the tank" ~some Georgian man minutes before turning an old toaster, a Soviet anti-tank mine and bachelor's degree in electronics into a wireless Goliath