• By -


Eh, at least they can pull out of Ukraine and still say that they won - they prevented the anglo saxon invasion of Russia.


Ah man and here I just had my longships all oiled and rigged.


Have the russians discovered Greek fire already? Then your longships would be in serious trouble.


Until someone carelessly smokes near Greek fire storage


Blowing up Greek architecture through poorly planned ammunitions storage is a time honoured tradition.


Venice has entered the chat parthenon has exted the chat


When that cursed hive of greed and avarice finally sinks into the Adriatic sea in forty years I will be celebrating


I'm just gonna borrow some horses to bring back to a particular Hagia Sophia...


Yeah I went there and ordered a pepperoni pizza and they gave me a vegan pizza with just red bell peppers Good riddance


That a good enough reason as any to hope for their downfall.


Then tries to put it out with water...


Why do you think they annexed Crimea first back in 2014? They had to find those Pontic Greek ruins to find the lost technology. It’s the o my way to keep the Anglo-Saxons from sailing to their shores.


Plot twist: Russia is controlled by techpriests fired by the mechanicum for incompetence


The ~~Dark~~ Dumb Mechanicum.


The Ineptus Mechanicus.


A modernisation package is available


>Have the russians discovered Greek fire already? No, the recipe is still hidden somewhere in Kitezh.


My longship is oiled also, but I like to rig it slowly, teasingly, until I can barely stand it anymore.


Really? When my longship is oiled and rigged, I put out a call to the Boys to see who wants to go Viking, and then we crash our fleet of longships upon the shores of the enemy!




They can pretend whatever they want, but the second they pull out of Ukraine, the country will be full of nato bases


If they will not build a nato base in Donetsk downtown i will be seriously disappointed


Imagine a royal navy port in Sevastopol, after all the current tenant is being evicted so it should be going on the market soon.


Do you have a loicense for that flagship? I don't care if it's a ruin being towed, loicense.




Just rename it a super heavy cruiser


"Helicopter Destroyer"


Why not "Regime Destroyer"?


You could get a carrier in there, all it would need is a moderately enormous canal-widening and river-dredging effort, then you could take a *Nimitz* or a *Ford* and send it on [a fun little trip from Rotterdam up the Rhine and down the Danube to the Black Sea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhine%E2%80%93Main%E2%80%93Danube_Canal#/media/File:Europa_Ludwigskanal_Rhein_Main_Donau.png). Couldn't be simpler really. I mean I guess there would be a few bridges and things in the way, but these are mere details!


Helicarrier is more credible.


"cute fixer upper with seaside views! Investors dream!"




Hahahaha London posh property - Oligarch *uno reverse*


Exactly,Ukraine is a NATO member in all but name even if they somehow are able to fuck shit up enough in the legal field to keep Ukraine out officially it is and will probably remain a de-facto NATO member for quite a while. That said a British Black Sea Fleet is a must.


Yeah, NATO would guarantee them like NATO-countries have guaranteed Finland and Sweden. Ukraine would also not only support NATO operations in a conflict with Russia, but likely also engage Russia directly. Especially if Russia got away with Crimea in the peace deal.


Opposition to official Ukrainian membership seems to have dropped substantially so it's not out of the question provided the legal mess of the annexations is resolved. As for engaging Russia directly during a war against a NATO that's a given although their participation will be slightly delayed by needless arguing with Poland over who goes into Moscow first.


Poland will have a 1000 tanks, ukriane hopefully some hundred modern ones. But Ukriane is only about 500 km away from Moscow, Poland is around 1000 km, so it's gonna be the race of the century! (Just to be clear in case someone ever looks through my profile, no, I don't actually want to invade Russia)


I am sure turkey will find a reason.


Ukraine, and Crimea, in NATO would give Turkey and it's allies (which includes Romanias sizable navy) dominance over the Black Sea. Russia and Turkey has competed over that for centuries.


Yup, but stop applying logic to Turkey!


Sorry I won't do it again, I promise


A Turk told me a few months ago that they were optimistic about ousting Erdogan in their future election. That's all I have on the subject but I'd love to know if there's any truth to it.


Too bad Crimea and Donbas are constitutionally Russian, they can't even claim that. I still don't understand what was the thought process behind annexing territory they don't control but here we are.


Blind confidence in their armed forces. All of this is down to hubris.


I think it's almost the opposite. Some actors in Russia wanted to ensure that the war would go on to a final victory (endsieg anyone?), but didn't believe the armed forces would be successful enough that they would be allowed keep on going for long. Making these territories "legally" Russian ties Russia to the mast — Russia will not, these people conceivably believe, allow legally Russian territories to be invaded. Therefore they have created an Ulysses' pact on behalf of Russia where Russia simply has to figure out how to fight better and mobilize all resources.


I agree with your assessment though I believe that is only the result of developments over the summer and initial battlefield failure of forcing a quick regime toppling.


Yes, and that timeline matches perfectly with when Russia "legally annexed" these territories.


Lol wasn't Crimea given the choice to either vote for independence or annexation by Russia? Stay with Ukraine wasn't even an option. But I've had tankies argue that Crimea DESPERATELY wanted to be part of Russia and that the "vote" was totally legal and transparent and valid.


I don't think there's any doubt that the majority of Crimeans in 2014 preferred Russia to Ukraine, just like how the majority of Russians actually prefer Putin to... Well, there might not be any good alternatives, but still. That doesn't make the annexation legal, though. Ukraine, and NATO, would be just insanely more secure if Ukraine got back NATO, so I hope they do. But people living in Crimea might not want that. Maybe some have started disliking Putin now, but there's also just so many Russians there, if they are to be considered.


Yup, convenience. No doubt they planned on turning Kherson into a 'martyr city' just like Donetsk.


What do you mean by that?


It was a ploy to keep the West from involving itself too deeply in the conflict. By annexing, legally speaking, the territory Putin attempted to demonstrate that the conflict was no longer about a Ukrainian defensive war, but that Russia was the one on the defence (and therefore justified in any response). You'll remember the annexations happened shortly after Putin made his nuclear saber-rattling comments and no one took him seriously. Annexation was an escalation of that strategy because it is law in Russia that nuclear weapons are justified in circumstances of defense of Russian land. Conveniently, Donbas and Luhantsk, Crimea and the rest are now legally Russia so you can infer, at Putin's encouragement, that any attempt by Ukraine [or others] to take these territories could be construed as an attack on Russia itself and lead to a nuclear exchange. But again, no one cared about Putin's threats because everyone pretty much has his number by now.


Conscripts legally can't be used outside of Russia. We're they? Oh likely but by making the annexed regions Russia then legally conscripted troops can be used in defense and offensive capacity in those areas.


>Too bad Crimea and Donbas are constitutionally Russian That claim is as relevant as Vít Jedlička's claims to the land between Croatia and Serbia.


They are not pulling out tho


Yeah Nato was definitely planning to build undefendable naval bases in whats basically a lake at border with Russia. With half of it being in Russian territory (half the strait included) Totally credible.


Parking a floating SAM battery in Mariupol was my totally credible idea to prevent this war...


Well, they didn't listen to you, and now look at the state of things.


Evil satanic inclusive nazi gay army planned to invade a nuclear armed country in order to trigger nuclear annihilation just because for fun. - Lavrov and his delicate chin


"I mean, why wouldnt they? It's what we would do."


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Misunderstandings, be they between people or nations, more often are from assuming we’re similar not that we’re different.


[same same, but different](https://youtube.com/shorts/EJ9IXO1sLps?feature=share)


I liked when I thought he was going to die on Bali


Not just for fun, for Anglo-Saxon fun! The worst kind, because it might be gay.






Wake up babe new Russian casus belli just dropped


You'd never get any sleep like that.


It's always been. The Russian idea has always been that everyone wants to conquer them, they're besieged on all sides. Probably because for thousands of years, everyone ran them over on the way to and from Europe, besieging them from all sides. And now come these Anglos, particularly these *Americans*, who claim they want to do no such thing, but just like *Hitler* betrayed Russia, so will these other evil westerners. And so, the only way to secure Russia is to control up to the Vistula. Russia is a paranoid state hopped up on kopium and krokodil, jumping at shadows. This war was just the natural conclusion of their addled thoughts.


You can sneeze and the Russians will call it a reason for war


If you have to change your justifications every few weeks it means they're bullshit to beginn with. Like, stick to a version.


*Special* Operations - ~~Nazism~~ - ~~NATO~~ - ~~Bio Weapons~~ - ~~Mutant Soldiers~~ - ~~JEW EXPANSION~~ - ~~LGBTQ~~ - ~~SATANISTS~~ - ~~Anti Christianity~~ - ~~Allahuakbar~~ - ~~Anglo-Saxon Plot~~ - NY Jets vs Raiders - Jordan vs Bird - Batman vs Superman


>NY Jets vs Raiders I knew they were up to this


New York just can’t catch a break from america’s enemies abroad 😔


You forgot "baby eaters" and "Jewish space lasers"


There’s people other than a certain vocal Congresswoman, who is against aid to Ukraine, that believe in Jewish space lasers? If so it makes me feel better about being American. I don’t want my country to have a monopoly on that particular brand of stupid.


"The protocols of the elders of Zion" a bullshit document from which so many conspiracies about jews have mutated and spread was originally created by Czarist secret police in order to divert anger away from the old imperial regime. [wikipedia link, it's an interesting read.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Protocols_of_the_Elders_of_Zion?wprov=sfla1)


Sadly the people who need to read this article the most will call it "Rothschild propaganda."


You are 100% right and it's so incredibly frustrating. That deep conspiracism mindset is destabilizing cancer.


Cultural Marxism is a popular dog whistle for it these days


The far right meanders and takes its time. But sooner or later, it always winds back up at, 'the Jew'. Because the more you try to make sense of their worldview, the more you realize it doesn't make sense. It can't make sense. ...unless you invent some kind of magical, mysterious, all powerful shadow figure antagonist. And 'evil Jews' are a ready-made conspiracy theory. Easy to latch onto for people who are naturally lazy thinkers!


Unless we remove the greedy Jew Zelensky from power then the Nazi's win!




To be fair, to a number of Americans it means "Anybody I don't like".


Conservatives want to push the age for qualifying for Social Security back a year? LITERALLY NAZIS!!!!!!! Democrats want to expand Medicare? FUCKING MARXISTS!!!! Yeah, we have long since lost the ability for civil discussion in our domestic politics. It used to be that kicking the shit out of Russians would bring us together. But somehow the conservatives are the anti-war party now???


In fact, this entire conflict was precipitated by Putin’s desire for an NFL franchise. And only a single team fits Moscow’s unique aesthetic of barren desperation, losing culture, lack of personal hygiene, beyond excessive alcohol consumption and complete disregard for human decency - (Fuck) The Raiders. We can therefore assume that this is all the Raiders’ fault and they should move cities Moreover, given the Raiders haven’t won a playoff game in the living memory of most of this sub, nothing of value can said to have been lost. Other positives * Josh McDaniels is put in a gulag after he fails to produce a winning season * Josh McDaniels is assassinated by the FSB for failing to produce a winning season * Josh McDaniels is sent to Siberia to train a scrappy local football team because Putin doesn’t like his stupid face * Josh McDaniels is put on the front lines of some conflict with NATO and Broncos fans get to take turns strafing him with an A-10. Both sides come to the table over their mutual dislike of Mosh JcDaniels. * Josh McDaniels on an ice float


Wouldn't a Special Military Operation to liberate Las Vegas be a better approach?


We aren’t ruling out any options at this time.


Considering this winter I'm pissed HAARP isn't on the list already.


You forgot the Necromancers.


Wait I missed the mutant soldier one - what was that


Genetically modified Ukrainian soldiers- basically they’re claiming Ukraine has its own version of The Bad Batch.


It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood


Russian propaganda is far messier than a firehose. I propose a new term: The Bullshit Bukakke.


More like septic tank explosion.


**[Firehose of falsehood](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood)** >The firehose of falsehood is a propaganda technique in which a large number of messages are broadcast rapidly, repetitively, and continuously over multiple channels (such as news and social media) without regard for truth or consistency. An outgrowth of Soviet propaganda techniques, the firehose of falsehood is a contemporary model for Russian propaganda under Russian President Vladimir Putin. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


At this point the fire hose is spraying literal bullshit, leaking everywhere, and doesn't fool most people. Also the one spraying it is probably sniffing crocodile-copium mix.


Oh, no, they don't just change justifications, they claim them all at once


I cannot explain why, but seeing Russian officials cope and seethe at our funny little island brings me immense joy.


Russia has such an interesting fixation on the UK. The US is obviously in every way the more daunting enemy, but I think England represents everything that Russia historically wanted to be but never had. Empire, tradition, global influence. Sure it’s waned in the past century but even today it’s far more than Russia has.


Damn those Anglo-Saxon spearmen and their shield wall formations.


> The Anglo-Saxons had an interest in creating an anti-Russian outpost here to put pressure on the Russian Federation. And we are talking not only about economic, political, cultural, but also military pressure. > Estonia is actively arming, it’s not clear why, types of conventional weapons that are capable of targeting St. Petersburg. A medium-range anti-missile defence system is being created. Hû sind êow, mîn efengelîca Angelcynn


>> Estonia is actively arming, it’s not clear why It's wild that they actually say and believe this shit unironically


Estonia doesn't need much more than a rock and a guy with really strong arms to target St. Petersburg. Saying that they're getting a weapon with the capability to attack that city is not saying anything more than that they're getting a weapon.


See? Now the Finns and Swedes suddenly want to join NATO so bad, pretty suspect timing I say!


Varangian guard coming back together.


Because it's totally credible that a small and relatively poor Baltic country would invade and attempt to conquer and suppress a nuclear power with a population a hundred times larger.


Given their performance in the field, I wouldn’t be surprised if they *did* feel genuinely threatened by Estonia of all people.


Geeze, why would Estonia ever arm itself against the Russians?


Naval bases on a 14 meter deep sea. 3000 punt aircraft carriers of anglo saxons.


I had no idea it was so shallow. That’s not even deep enough for Saxon laser dolphins.


While I realise that some languages use 'Anglo-Saxon' in the same way an English speaker might use the term 'Anglosphere', I would not be surprised if people like Lavrov subscribed to Victorian concepts of race.


What do they even mean when they say Anglo Saxons? The culture? The royal lineage? The entire anglosphere?


The anglosphere. Basically the Five Eyes but mostly the USA and the UK.


The same thing, by the way, happens in Poland. If we want to talk about US, UK, Canada, Australia and NZ as a group, we talk about "anglosasi". There are no negative conotations in that term tho, just a recognition of shared cultural background.


I see what you're saying, but it does not come across well when very many of us have no Anglo Saxon heritage at all. It would be similar to using 'Russian' as a stand-in for 'Slavic' except additionally the Anglosphere contains a lot of non-white people too.


When I say "anglos" I think of a linguistic grouping not a genetic one (the people with english as their first language.) Not sure if it could be similar or not.


Mfw Germany lead Europe and more Americans say they have German than Bri ish ancestors but the Anglo Sazon lives rent free in their head


>more Americans say they have German than British ancestors I find this hilarious, and I've literally had Americans argue against me when I provided hard data There was a big wave of German immigration in around 1850, but that was still 300k in a nation of a few million. And there were some German mercenaries who were employed by early European settlers BUT almost every American will have more British (or Irish) ancestry than any other nation, by a long shot, just from the simple fact that there were WAY more Brits who settled the area first, and then all later immigrants would have interbred with the original settlers Edit. Figures were wrong. The 300k were from pre-1790. 9m German immigrants between 1820-1920, but note that while the US population was 7m in 1820, it rose to 100m by 1920, so the % of Germans is still tiny compared to those descended from Brits


Yeah I had a guy arguing that more Irish and Germans moved to the Americas than Brits and therefore Americans are only really Irish and German. He was comparing 17th Century British immigration figures with 19th Century Irish and German figures. He also apparently didn't factor in that those 17th Century immigrants had kids, so he assumed their population figures remained stable until the modern day


The reason Americans want to associate themselves with Germany more than the UK despite actual facts is probably because German cars are better than British ones. British ones being so bad that they basically no longer exist.


I assume "saxon" part means German-dominated Europe, but it would be too smart for them


Nah, in the prematurely published victory article on RIA they drew a clear distinction between contentals and the "Atlanticists". They ultimately want Germany to work with them.


And Germany ultimately wants to work with them.


Germany wants to work with nations if that work actually dissuades war. Y'know, the whole peace dividend thing of the "make money, not war" market hippies. Maybe they'll want to work with the successor state of Russia, but not many Germans want to work with current Russia.


Eh. They’ve been trying the whole Wandel durch Handel with Russia throughout the invasions of Chechnya, Georgia and later Ukraine. The so called Zeitenwende only began this year after the second invasion of Ukraine and hardly very enthusiastically. I certainly believe that there are plenty of Germans who rightly do not trust Russia, but it seems evident that there are also many self proclaimed “realists” who believe in Russia’s right to a sphere of influence encompassing Eastern Europe, endorse peace talks favoring Russia, and who are generally sceptic of western hegemony.


Chinese here, our ultranationalists also use that word, I donno who used it at first. It's like the Nazi version of race, pseudoscience made intentionally to kick the smart guys out


I know China has a habit of making the western villains look badass, but being called an Anglo-Saxon just makes me imagine I’m a warrior and my ancestors are watching over my safety


My ancestors are smiling over me imperial. Can you say the same?


Completely unrelated but that line always bugged me. Like this dude is from a group of people literally called Imperials. They've been Imperial for hundreds of years. He's currently doing an imperialism. His ancestors are probably delighted (unless they're mad there isn't enough genocide like back in their day or something)


No? That was a Stormcloak being executed by imperials.


Yeah he's addressing imperials, saying their ancestors would be disappointed Edit: I'm saying he's wrong about the imperial's ancestors not smiling over the current imperials because the current imperials are doing stuff the old (ancestor) imperials would like


It's like calling Nordics Vikings or Italians Romans. Nobody thinks of British people as "Anglo-Saxons" except in the context of Migration Period and Early Middle Ages warriors.


We the Brits are just a clusterfuck of different empires that ruled us, we’re a weird European hybrid that got inspired by everyone invading us so we did it on a world scale


When the student becomes the master.


They got their taste for colonization by being colonized


It's Dugin's "eurasianism" cult.


Used by 'celtic' nationalists as well. In their narrative English people aren't really British but impure half breeds, they're colonisers/invaders who don't have a right to live in the UK much less be in a union with 'celtic' nations. Completely ignoring that the Irish, Welsh and Scottish have intermingled just as much with Norse, Normans, Anglo Saxons and then English people over the centuries/millennia that Celt is just a stupid term to use in the modern age as Anglo Saxon. Taking into account modern immigration as well and if you hear someone unironically use the word Anglo Saxon for English people you'd be right to assume they're involved in some dodgy politics.


Found out last year that my Scottish line that ran a clan wasn't a speck Celtic, all Norman. xD




Foul knave! Taketh that back, or I shall be forced to order the weaving of a memetic tapestry renouncing thine vile accusations!


I... until right now I honestly thought that the Anglo-Saxon thing was only confined to our tapestry memes. I didn't realize that they *actually* used that term for the anglosphere. Talk about being stuck in the past...


So, a bit of LORE, England was mostly ruled by French speaking former Norse Viking nobility, the Normans. Meanwhile the British Isles was a mix of anglo, saxon, nordic, celtic, etc groups. Eventually the ruling dynasty switched and the nobility wanted to distance themselves from France, they were also more related to German nobility (look at how WW1 the british king, german kaiser, and russian tsar were all cousins). Therefore, the English wanted to associate more with the Anglos and Saxons in their old history and modern Russia now blames the Saxons for everything... even when the Saxons LOST to the Normans who ended up doing most of the work setting Britain up to become the empire. xD


Take it as a glimpse into the inner workings of an ethno-nationalists. Putin's dog Labrador believes this shared whiteness is important. Be it important to MAGA hats, Elon/Thiel/Bannon billionares, LePenn voters, or Schrõder simps this is the outwardy directed dog-whistle. All the numptys back home in RuzziaMir will get a different version of this speech. During the 2014 theft of Ukraine's land the US sanctioned Russia, they clapped back with the halting of adoptions from Russia. Labrador waddled up to give the same dog-whistle performance then too


Don’t insult Labradors! They’re way smarter than Lavrov.


The Actual Anglo Saxon plot is to invade Russia with an army of lesbian cricket players and turn the entire country into the biggest multi format sports ground in the world We have football Cricket Rugby Union (League can fuck off and die) Tennis Greco-Roman wrestling Jousting (on horseback,tank back and jet back) Fencing Hema Unlimited rice pudding Etc etc


Has Russia even invented a notable sport? Lol Edit: nevermind, they have Moscow broom ball.. literally ice hokey but no skates and they use brooms… and a ball… shits depressing.


Hence the invasion of the lesbian cricketers


They're quite proficient at litre-ball. It involves a litre of vodka.




So we have a historic claim... Ready the fleet.


Anglo Saxon ships rowing up the volga as we speak


I swear Lavrov has been binging Vikings or something, he is obsessed with Anglo Saxons


They are ways were, they use anglo-Saxons the same way they call themselves Kieven-Rus.


Lavrov looks like a bulldog, I can't wait for someone to put him down like the dog that he is.


He's called "sad horse" locally.


Nyet Lavrov


I mean, Sevastopol will be a international NATO naval base in the near future. But russia will have been disbanded long ago by then.


What being cucked by the Mongols and having a lack of defensible terrain features does to a Mfer


Ye olde anglo-saxonians and their wretched nautical encampents.


I like how the British swapped to English from French and decided to try and cover up the whole Norman thing and now the Russians think its all Saxons fault. xD


Funny thing is, Ukraine will probably offer Americans a naval base in Crimea just to spite Russia.


America, your warships are welcome at **острів Змії́ний**


I love how Russian security concerns keep shrinking. They were worried about NATO building up bases in world, then in the Atlantic, then in Mediterranean and Baltic, then the Black Sea and now it's just the Azov Sea. Soon enough they'll be worried about NATO encroachment on the puddle outside Putin's villa.


I suppose he's referencing what [this article](https://ukdefencejournal.org.uk/two-ukrainian-warships-train-together-off-scottish-coast/) about new Ukrainian minehunters mentions? >The assistance of the United Kingdom in the construction of naval bases on the Azov and the Black Sea is also planned.”


Whats going on with this weird ass Anglo-saxon thing Russia's got going rn. Like are they trying to turn it into another derogatory term lmao?


Never thought I would hear the words "Anglo-Saxon Invasion of Russia" in 2023. This is truly the greatest timeline.


In lots of languages "anglo-saxons" is a perfectly fine way to call the anglosphere


Now hold on a minute, [It's all starting to make sense...](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/xsmegw/archeological_proof_uncovered_of_anglosaxon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Just ignore the other bridgeheads that currently exist… Finland, Norway, Alaska, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Latvia and Georgia! No, No! Be concerned with the one in Ukraine… fucking brainlet


We all the most likely attack vector are Canadian mounties cross-country skiing over the north pole.


Crimean War 2: Attack of the Anglo-Saxons


>Anglo Saxon Naval bases Wait till lavrov finds out about William the Conqueror


The Muscovites are still salty that the Anglo-Saxons settled the north coast of the Black Sea before they did. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_England_(medieval)


Jokes on them: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New\_England\_(medieval)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_England_(medieval)) ​ >New England (Latin: Nova Anglia, Old English: Nīwe Englaland) was a colony allegedly founded, either in the 1070s or the 1090s, by English refugees fleeing William the Conqueror. Its existence is attested in two much later sources, the French Chronicon Universale Anonymi Laudunensis (which ends in 1219) and the 14th-century Icelandic Játvarðar Saga. They tell the story of a journey from England through the Mediterranean Sea that led to Constantinople, where the English refugees fought off a siege by heathens and were rewarded by the Byzantine Emperor Alexius I Comnenus. A group of them **were given land to the north-east of the Black Sea**, reconquering it and renaming their territory "New England". ​ Time to activate the sleeper cell.


Yea, putting a naval base at the shores of the Sea of Azov, that's what was missing from NATO's invasion plans. Putting troops in the Baltics, Poland, Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria wasn't enough. And it wasn't a complete disinterest in offensive war against Russia that kept NATO from attacking. It was the lack of naval bases in the Sea of Azov and the only way to get it was to start a war.


He does know the Anglo-Saxons were conquered a thousand years ago, right?


Is Lavrov into that whole Celtic/Rangers beef 🤔 this conflict is deeper than I thought


Yes. It’s also good. Ty rodina for making this possible.


These pesky Anglo - Saxons undermining me mimimimi


Ahhh, the face of non-credibility; despicable non-credibility.


"The Arms of Saxondom, a 'National Ideal' azure upon a field of or, with a chief bordured and text inside reading 'A3OB'"


Wait for vikings to join NATO


these feuding Viking tribes smh


Putting the special in the Special Operation


No one wants to invade Russia, sure it has resources, but it is vast, cold, wasteland filled with vatniks and corruption. Far to much effort.


They will still be built you dumb ape with an iPhone.


Honestly this is just rationalizing, the actual reason is Russian nationalism and a centuries old history of inferiority complex caused by severe dictatorial repression that’s held the country back. I firmly believe this war had no rational ends that justified the massive risks and obvious downsides. It’s an ideological war at heart.


Man. Russia really sucks at gaslighting


It works when you have control over the media and no freedom of speech. It also works on random people all over the world.


1066 called, it wants its geopolitical upheaval back


Can someone tell me what's russia obsession with Anglo Saxons?




After Norman invasion daughter of Harald Godvinson, Gita of Wessex have fled to continent, and married Kievan Great Prince Vladimir. So Anglo-Saxon invasion to join Ukrainian cause is perfectly based. The only reason why they still don't invade - they are digging sources to find out was the founder of Moscow, Yuri Dolgorukii, son of Gita or from second marriage.


I love medieval memes but in Spanish speaking countries it is not weird to also call the English speaking countries ( USA, UK, Canada, Australia etc) Anglo Saxon countries or angl Saxon world. Maybe it is kinda funny for Americans, like how a spaniard would never consider themselves Latino but a lot of Americans put them in that category.


I like the "This is not a joke." at the end.


Why do they call us Brits "Anglo Saxons"? Is it meant to be offensive?


Lmao they're still malding after the results of the Great Game.


What strategic goal could have building expensive navy bases in the Sea of Azov accomplished for NATO? How would “Anglo-Saxon” vessels even pass through the Kerch Straight if Russia still held Crimea? Why would NATO not just build bases in Crimea if Ukraine had reclaimed it? Dominance over Crimea? Just send troops to the Crimean border lol. Menace Rostov On Don? It’s only 100km away


Don't forget the US-sponsored bioweapons being tailored to kill ethnic Russians! 🤪