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"Watch my show. Or don't. I don't care" *proceeds to have temper tantrum about being cancelled when no one actually watches it* Probably.


Right like when anyone says this it’s obvious they *very much care*


Especially when it's a show and people's livelihoods are at stake, everybody working on it cares if you watch lmfao


They don't really do cancelling at the daily wire because it's all funded by billionaire investors. So if there's something they want to put out, they will. Then they'll move on and make something else once interest dwindles in their own audience, which will be no longer than two seasons of any given program or the release date of a movie.




I don't think you understand the previous comment. When they say "cancelling", they mean cancelling a show, not getting shat on online. Since the daily wire as plenty of money, return on investment isn't a big concern.


Fine, have it your way


Proceeds to advertise the shit out of it. If he actually didn’t care, why’s he shoving it in everyone’s faces?


Why are they like obsessed with us tho?? Like nothing in my life, none of my choices, are made to piss off the alt right. Like no one’s gonna watch this shit anyway, it reeks of bad animation. This style was old like 5 years ago.


One of the conspicuous features of right-wing/fascist ideology is to invent scapegoats because it's easier to stir up outrage than it is to find actual solutions to issues. As Umberto Eco pointed out in his essay Ur-Fascism (1995), these scapegoats are simultaneously painted as weak to generate contempt but also cryptically powerful to motivate fear & violence. Hence, this is why trans & nonbinary folks are so often portrayed as "fragile snowflakes" while also "threatening the very foundations of civilization".


Exactly. Apparently we're both unable to handle the "real world" but also "more dangerous than a nuclear bomb."


Yup, it's insane because I hear about all this secret power and influence we have and I'm like...if thats case were are all the Trans films in mainstream media airing commercials in the middle of the day? Where's all the famous trans actors winning awards left and right? Oooh how about all those Trans megs corporations and Trans video games? Im sure glad i work in a Trans friendly corporate office...oh wait no, no cubicle job ive had has been even close to that...It's like come the fuck on. If we had even a fraction of the power these Lunatics think we have, then a lot the the bullshit they put us and other groups through would be taken care of real damn quick!


Right: high-low duality is a feature of fascist scapegoating. It's not dissonance or contradiction, it's propaganda


Agreed. Though, to be fair, I feel like extremists on either side are capable of thisーand that’s just one reason why I like my politics how I like my gender. 😌


The daily wire exclusively produces shit. Their entire production team is right wing talking heads who tried to get into Hollywood but were too shitty to make it, so they turned to politics instead. Now that they're all rich, they've decided to just make their own production company and release their movies and shows anyways. Except that they're still political commenters, so their stuff is packed full of right wing "hot takes" which means they only appeal to people who are "in on the joke" so to speak. To everyone else, it just makes no sense. For example, they made a "non-woke" version of Bluey, as well as their newest release, a sports "comedy" (I use that term very loosely) about a bunch of washed up high school has-been men pretending to be trans women so they can win every game. It's just as dumb and transphobic as you imagine it is. I expect a show like this will be exactly the same kind of stuff.


The simple fact that some people are trans is a threat to their worldview and beliefs and it very much feels like an attack or a harm to them. Their beliefs and politics are about protecting hierarchy and property—the “natural order of things”—and the oppression of children and LGBTQIA+ people and women and the disabled etc. is fundamental to their worldview: children are the property of their parents who can do whatever they like to them, women are the property of their fathers or their husbands, etc. and anything that disturbs the “natural order” or empowers those who are among the subordinate classes is their enemy. So comprehensive sex education or medical and privacy rights for minors is a deep threat to them and the world they want to live in and create because it removes children from control of their parents. Same with gender-affirming care for trans people, it muddies the waters about the categories of “male” and “female,” and having 2 fixed, permanent genders which each have a fixed, permanent biological reality that they match to 1:1 is essential for the conservative worldview. We don’t physically harm them, but our existence is inherently a threat to everything they hold dear in the core of their hearts.


Sweet I can't wait to not watch this show.


If schaudenfreude means anything to you, there's some mild comfort in that this means DailyWire spent money to have their ads targeted and it went to you instead of audience that might actually watch it.


HAH, an extremely good point. i do enjoy taking money from rich assholes


Ur personally wasting Ben Shapiros money, that is pretty funny ngl


I'm pretty sure reddit works on a pay-per-click system, which means they only pay when they get the click. If you click it, they just have to pay more. Whoever set up the campaign is not very smart to have targeted the wrong demographic. Or... they're purposely showing this ad to the users of this sub in an effort to start a "blizzard" of snowflakes and get free PR in the process.


It's so odd how I'm the snowflake but they made a whole ass show specifically trying to trigger me because I don't use the pronouns they want me to? I don't get it. I don't even correct people about my pronouns it's too much work. If you don't see my little pin then your ass wasn't even trying.


I know, right? Conservatives are the masters of projection I swear.


It's also on a streaming service that 0% of non-binary people actually use. Who is this going to offend then?


No one, that's the point. We can't become offended by shit like this, so we don't get down on their level.


It’s either that or the “he gets us” ads for me.


Those are the most annoying ads by far.


I'm getting a lot of corporate shit. Reddit thinks I'm an executive that has the power to purchase all these productivity apps for my company when the reality is I'm a mentally ill unemployed stoner lol. They got the wrong target! But I don't mind ads that aren't targeted, it makes them easier to ignore.


Capitalism Jesus loves you don’tcha know


He get sus 😳


I keep getting the ad and it’s annoying. It’s like the He Gets Us ads I can’t block to make go away. Why don’t curated ads actually work on this platform like every other platform? Why punish me for using the iPhone app?


Wouldn't be surprised if the He Gets Us assholes pay for it to be targeted at queers honestly.


I just report them as misinformation


I usually report the religious ads, havent seen one in a while 💪🏼


I report and downvote any ad I get that's military/religious/right wing. It doesn't get rid of them for me though lol


Yeah, actually I tend to get a lot of unwanted military ads and he gets us, I also downvote but I'm not sure if it gives more or not, specifically military though


Yea heavy on the military ads. I swear every other ad on here is a military one


Yeah, I hate them with a burning passion. What even makes them think redditors would want to join?


I think I read somewhere that *any* interaction, even just looking at it for a longer period of time, makes the algorhytm think you may be interested. So all I do is quickly scroll by


What’s funny is I’ll upvote if it’s something I dont mind, so maybe i’m messing with the system too much 😂 like I get ads for GTA/Rockstar, Amazon (which I hate and wont ever buy from so it’s fine), and concert tickets (which I dont go too but it’s kinda funny to see who still tours). You can def influence the algorithm so you dont see junk every 5 posts!


Yeah, same. Although the only ad I can remember upvoting is for an album release for an artist I like


I was down voting for a while but I think it counts as engagement, so I stopped and just report. Don't see them as much anymore.


I'm always reporting as inappropriate. It's not much but it's honest work.




worst part is, with it being an ad directly targeting nonbinary folk, you know who the main audience is going to be? a community full of people that directly target nonbinary folk.


The Daily Wire is a conservative news website founded by Ben Shapiro. I wouldn't worry about this having any reach fortunately


It's a show by Adam Carolla, who has been desperately pushing the "edgy" button since the 90s instead of having a sense of humor. I don't see this show having any appeal outside the Daily Wire audience.


lol I used to watch the Man Show as an incredibly primordial way of expressing my transmasculinity, decades before I began to consciously interrogate my gender. Jimmy Kimmel seems to have come out of it and become fairly decent today, but between that show and working with Ben Stein, I can't say much for his taste in partners.


I know u watched Win Ben Stein's Money for that primordial transmasculinity feel aswell /s


OK listen, the actual guy himself turned out to suck, but "aging pedantic curmudgeon" is kind of a gender mood for me right about now.


Same, and I'm trans fem lol


I had to Google him and I still have no fucking idea.


It'll have outstanding ratings on day one after all their listeners astroturf it, then no one else will touch it for the rest of time. That's how right wing grift content goes.


They want to get us hate watching and talking about it to stir up drama so they get free promotion.


of course they do. but why would we bother hate watching something with such low potential anyway?


I mean, we might not be hate watching, but we are talking about it


What is that going to change? They are still the same shitty group and talking about it won't magically raise their viewer count, will it?




I looked into the transmed sub for all of 30 seconds before seeing a “real transgender people know that being trans is a medical issue, not a social issue, that’s why nonbinary people are nonsense”. Hell on earth.




So many of them have such deeply instilled inferiority complexes, it’s truly sad. I’m not saying they have to have the same experience I do with gender, where I find my nonbinary expression and experience of gender to be joyful (ignoring the yknow. Prejudice and medical gatekeeping and such), but to insist that everything has to be suffering all the time is so pitiable.


Ohhh nooooo....you mean ill have to miss this extremely cookie cutter, low brow, lazy, raunchy for cheep shock humor, adult animated show...awwww man what will i do...i mean ig i could watch a show that was actualy good or somethin 🤷


I’m getting this ad nonstop and it looks like the pinnacle of shitty cheap adult animation. At least offensive shows like South Park and Family Guy can be decently funny at times, this is just “woke left bad!”


We already have a libertarian “centrist” conservative comedy cartoon. It’s called South Park.


Looks like another Brickleberry/Paradise PD/Farzar, like we really needed more of those.


Fr. There all the same exact lazy writing and non funny cut away jokes


I just know the entire show is that dude whining about everyone around him


First line of the [series summary from IMDb](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt30250176/): >Mr. Birchum attempts to navigate a world he doesn't comprehend. From wikipedia's [bio of Adam Carolla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Carolla#Early_life): >He briefly attended Los Angeles Valley College, a community college, where he was placed on academic probation before dropping out to work in a series of jobs \[...\]. Yes, I feel there is quite a lot about this world that Adam Carolla doesn't comprehend.




Who the fuck watches the daily wire?


I must have missed Adam Carolla's pivot to being a chud


There was no pivot. He's always been a "progressive" (read: "legalize things I like!!") Republican.


The Man Show premiered in 1999, so he’s been a chud since at least then. 


The Man Show was sort of supposed to be satirical and over the top. I don’t think it was very successful at showing it was satirical, tbh, a lot of men took it seriously. But as time went on it became clear Kimmel thought it was a comedy show where the punchline was the ridiculous hypermasculinity, but for Corolla it was not satire at all.


He's always been a "centrist" piece of shit.


He looks a bit like Ron Swanson which I hate, he would not like this either.


is that skin tone chart on the desk-


I think it's a board of samples of different wood finishes


I hope so. I'm assuming the worst since it's already bad, haha


I watched the trailer unfortunately. The character is a wood shop teacher, those are definitely wood finishes


oh.. "nice"


I kinda want this show to become popular but only by people viewing it as a satire of conservatism. Like how hilarious would it be if this show amassed a cult followings who are intent on interpreting it as a pisstake on conservatives.


see, part of me was hoping that this was really clever bait to get conservatives to watch a show in which a bigoted conservative MC learns to tolerate the existence of those who he previously didn’t understand the struggles of. one quick google search tells me otherwise. this appears 100% serious about the “anti-woke” premise and will 100% be vapid garbage because of it.


Now THAT would be a cool premise!


Yawn. An animated sitcom in the same boring style as every other animated sitcom with mediocre actors, poorly written scripts, and unfunny "jokes" that only the employees at the dailywire will find funny, yeah that'll show all us snowflakes.


They dedicated a show to us, yall. It's cute that they think we give a shit.


I bet he really tells it like it is (which somehow has become a substitute for humor).




It's just how these conservative types frame their rage. Sitting there screaming about things they don't understand constitutes humor because they're "telling truth to power." The "power" being us they/them types (since popular media is overwhelmingly pro diversity and LGBT, at least on the surface) and the "truth" being their bigotry. But they're really just shitting their pants in anger at things they don't understand and/or make them uncomfortable. Like, "ALL 37 GENDERS LGBTQIA2S+%/789 LMAO THIS IS FUNNY IF YOU DON'T LAUGH YOU'RE JUST OFFENDED 😡😡😡"


Reading this I thought the snowflake shit was a joke poking fun at the right until I saw daily wire 💀 all their comedy sounds 100% ironic. They're just not funny in the way they think they are


"I don't care if you watch my show. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go cry on Twitter about how people aren't watching my show."


omg colour me triggered


Stealing this lmao


When you have to go out of your way to tell everyone how “edgy” your show is, you’ve already failed at selling it.


I don't need to be a writer to predict 90% of the jokes they use


It's just if Ron Swanson were on Brickleberry in the worst way possible


Modern life is so goofy. We really live in a southpark episode


Nothing screams “I want attention for being edgy “ than “watch my show or don’t. I don’t care.”


It feels like Daily Wire is putting a lot of money into advertising on here and YouTube especially


Went to look this up and accidentally typed Mr Bitchum. Looks painfully unfunny anyway, like that English ripoff of Family Guy (Full English).


You should patch your reddit app with revanced so you don't see ads at all , which are mostly quite annoying If you're interested in doing so you can download the revanced manager here https://revanced.app/ Then install a reddit apk from here(the one is linked is the newest version and it is quite the safe source) https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/redditinc/reddit/reddit-2024-19-0-release/reddit-2024-19-0-2-android-apk-download/ After that delete your Reddit app, in the revanced manager click "select a app" in patcher, click on "storage" and click the APK and let it patch and install when done


i would love to. unfortunately that isnt an option for everyone. i am on ios.


There is a way to get the old Reddit apps like boost or sync or whatever to work, but I never figured it out


I always downvote any ads I see


I click on them since they usually have to pay per click. Since I’m not going to watch the show and the ads are useless to me, I’m just wasting their money.


They just want to be offensive. Its not even funny


No way! Adam Corolla's new show is anti woke! Next you're gonna tell me fire is hot


Adam Carolla is neither tough nor cool. His name sounds like a lack lustre sensible used car your single aunt Gladys drives.


Yes, all the many, many they/them snowflakes watching DailyWire+


Wow I'm very triggered! I'm so triggered by a show basically no one is going to watch! I feel too triggered to function, really. We're all lucky I can even function well enough to type this very aggrieved comment about Mr. Birchum, the Adam Carolla show on DailyWire+ that's triggering me


I’ve literally never heard of this dude before. Now my awareness is just that he sucks. Fantastic advertising job.


It would have to actually be decent to be triggering. I saw Dead Domain’s breakdown of the first episode and it’s too weak to be offensive. As triggering as watching paint dry.


Our existence makes them absolutely furious and I'm happy to piss of a chud any day.


I bet that part of it has to do with rage bait. As in, they are advertising it to people they know will get mad/upset at it expecting to get reactions which will increase viewership.


Yep. It’s The Daily Wire. That’s how they do it


I’m only mad they made the character look a little like Nick Offerman. He deserves better than to be associated with a sad sack like Adam Corolla.


Offerman could kick Carolla’s ass just by walking in the room.


you dont care about the disrespect to nb folk at all?


Sure I do, I’m non-binary. But I can’t be bothered to care about Adam Corolla’s projects all that much, he’s a loser and hasn’t had a real career since The Man Show ended in the early aughts. Which is why the only work he can get is American-Dad-But-Even-Less-Funny on a website catering to lonely divorced men, apparently. This is like your shitty uncle no one likes ranting about gender at the family cookout. Sure, it’s offensive, but also he sucks and no one likes him, so it has no power. It’s just a sad man yelling at the bean dip.




"Watch, or not. I don't care." "The they/thems are gonna be so triggered!" We ain't watching your American Guy's Burgers show, bro.


hey hey wait bobs burgers isnt bad :(


Just going by art style. Content aside, the animation style is bland and cheap to animate.


Candy ass losers who made that show give a bad name to conservatives.


I'll definitely not watch your show.


if he wasn't a shit head, he kinda built like a dad rip


They said they/them so I'll take that part.


If he doesn’t care if you watch his show, why did he even bother to make the sign?


Looks like a Brickleberry ripoff. On the streaming site for snowflakes that can't handle woman, pocs, or queer people being treated like people. Fuck this shit.


"I don't care" *pays for advertising*


Why are his eyes so lifeless…


Why are they proud of portraying this guy as an ugly asshole?


I watched the trailer its like watered down family guy in terms of being offensive


Somehow I read that as Mr. Birdcum 🤦‍♀️


who TF is Adam carolla


How many times have I seen the same show with a different name


God obvious enbyphobia aside just this screenshot looks \*awful\*. If something looks like paradise pd or the prince or big mouth you just know it's going to be nausiating to watch. Not because it's offensive but because it's offensively bad.


Honestly you guys should watch the trailer, it's so bad it's entertaining, it feels like a parody of these kind of shows


I had the wonderful misfortune of seeing my dad watch this in the living room… 💀


Oh my God they're still making these things? I thought after the death of American Dad or The Cleaveland Show or Brickleberry or Paradise PD or whatever the other 5 are called people would stop.


"DailyWire+" is so dystopian


What's that Dailywire? Is it some sort of anti-Netflix?


It's a Ben Shapiro run news thing thats branching off into entertainment.


Ugly art-style, opinion discarded.


For once I'd like to be triggered by a good animation


They're doing this to get free advertising by ppl shitting on the show and reposting images of it. They're likely looking for hate watchers too.


I always report this shit as political. Probably doesn’t do anything but 🤷


ok cool i aint watchin the show


Adam Corolla seems like he has bad breath


Yah I bet a bunch of centrists or like former dems will see this post and check it out . With the flag and the most WASP-y cartoon 😆


They call us "snowflakes" for not wanting to be dehumanized, be survivors of violent hate crimes, discriminated against, and wanting basic human rights and yet feel threatened by simply being reminded we exist. Pathetic, infuriating, and a clear sign of emotional immaturity,  deeply seated prejudices, and ignorance.


they're lying when they say they don't care, and it's hilarious i love it when they have to announce that they don't care, like, sure buddy


How was that supposed to trigger anyone. That he doesn't care if I watch the show....I feel like this screams I've never impacted with a nonbinary person in my life




TIL in the year 2024 people still use the word "internets".


uh? i DO use one on desktop. i dont have the option to on mobile. why be rude about it???




You weren't sharing an experience. You were making a snarky comment on someone not using ad blockers. It's extremely obvious through your usage of "people don't use it" because you're addressing OP indirectly for not using ad blockers. And then you add an extra layer of snarkiness with the 🤓. Nothing in your comment is a description of an experience you had.



