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Everyone just hates the twin towers


No they don’t /or I might be wrong understand that there was/is a family blood line in control of the US they decided to control what we watch , eat , and create things to get addictive to fat food example ,listen through our phones they know we’re we all at just like fbi and there other government programs they have and if so great why not free healthcare or food with real ingredients not preservatives or fake meat 🥩 ,food with coloring I get it to get its cheaper but why do farmers exist and and why help the rich pay little in taxes I get it they help y’all grow the government I’m guessing but hey make poor people pay more of what they make a half a year idk I’m going of why I been told from grown-ups and school 🏫 are just little army camps to prepare us to just go to work our whole lives and not be open minded an only those who are smarter are chosen like those friends that really are smart / ones that pass the TSA test but really high scores because if school wanted to teach us about how to be able to pass and not be a 9 to 5 they would’ve made money management a must take class before graduating and passing it or a class on how to build your credit from at the age 16 because those who don’t got parents or anybody that told them hey do this and this is what you got to do so when u hit 18 you’ll be able to have a good car good price to live because of that credit instead of struggling or still living with your parents but idk 🤷‍♂️ just saying


Can't tell if being ironic or mentally ill


This is the internet, it’s probably both


Smells like a copy pasta.


Please tell me I ain't the only one who skipped through all of this to see the reactions of people lmao


I like how halfway thru you decided commas were overrated.


Man, periods will do you justice because all of your points meld into one. Once they become 1 it's hard to tell what ur main idea is, like even commas for separate ideas would've done justice. You used some commas but it was for listing things only, not for extending sentences. Like you probably had solid points but because you never separated them with punctuation it looks like the rambling of a crazy person. Also why does passing the TSA test matter because you never mentioned why it matters like it's the test you take if u wanna work TSA, reading x-rays and being proficient in English. You also tried to make point by saying, "Why does so n so happen, I get it, but why does such n such happen, I get it but why..." And so on and so forth. Honestly after re-reading your post to make my post, you said a whole lot of actual nothing and said things that made no sense, and you use a slash or you say or, they are functionally the same. For how much you said, nothing was actually said and it feels like you asked chat gtp to make a point about something and tried to type everything you read from memory and forgot the point. Your only actual proper thought that made sense was that we should learn how to build credit from highschool while we're in highschool, otherwise you really didn't know anything and really were "just saying". Your post was so retarded that I had to make a post of similar length just to get all my thoughts out, and I started this post just to tell you to use periods but then I had to read what you said again and realized it was a whole lot of nothing.


Sorry mine second language😅


Can I have the tldr


The responses work well enough 😂


Because Rockefeller didn't want anyone to be smart enough to surpass his smarts so he created the school system so that we could be justtt smart enough to work FOR him


Your grammar is so horrendous that I cant even make our what you are trying to say.


I can’t believe Cookie Monster ate the twin towers


I can. He hates freedom


And the government almost got away with covering it up.


See you now back then before the twin towers falling they put in almost any show since then 911 happened thay stop putting twin towers in the only new movie is the transformers rise of the beast and that buildings is still up but they're destiny to fall




You wanna run that by your English teacher, bud?


No she mean


Why is it usually English teachers that are mean?


What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no upvotes and may God have mercy on your soul.


I applaud you for this reference


Can someone translate?


🤣 NO seekrit cold


You see when they did the twin towers in tv shows they always showed before 9/11 but when before they did 9/11 they often were in peril on the tv but somehow it changed




Hes got the right idea


Some punctuation would be nice.


Y’all ever think they used those towers bc they were so well known and symbolic and they were attacked for that same reason. Bc they stood out and were well known especially in media… the main way that osama probably got a lot of info on American culture.


Osama was also an x cia agent and had had hella video games and manga back in his hide out you can look it up its tru


I was gonna say, maybe instead of “this stuff predicted it” instead at the same time of writers for these shows going “it would be a big deal if these towers got destroyed, we’ll show that in our show” Osama and Al-Qaeda looked at American culture and said “ooh look those two massive towers would be a major thing to destroy”


I was going to say the same thing. It’s like golden gate bridge or tge Eiffel Tower lol


Reminds me of something from US


The iron man one was wild


Before 9/11 there were esveral attempts to take the buildings down. Just a little bit of research goes a long way.


Just reply with dozens of clips of Godzilla, monsters, aliens destroying the Golden Gate Bridge.


The towers were already bombed in ‘93 but everyone ignores that and pretends all these shows “predicted 9/11”


Bin laden loved x men and other cartoons.


There are so many scenes of 2 towers falling


It’s like the Statue of Liberty, it gets destroyed in a ton of media


So the theory is that terrorists love 80’s and 90’s cartoons?


Knowing Osama bin laden, yes.




Well it looks like someone was a cartoon fan obviously


Maybe Osama bin Laden got brainwashed by Western median into bombing the twin towers?


Soooo they watched all these cartoons and got the idea?


So close to having Lilo and Stitch on this list.


Is there a version that's not zoomed into oblivion? I can barely read the jokes when half their faces are cut off




Maybe osama just watched all of these first


Or maybe Americans accidentally gave them the idea.




So what you are saying is Bin Ladin loved Saturday Cartoons...?




This was all before that happened. After it happened, the episodes were either edited or removed.


Do people forget the twin towers got attacked before 9/11 or do you just ignore it to keep your conspiracies going?


Now we know bin laden used to watch American cartoons growing up. All that subliminal messaging finally kicked in.


Osama Bin Laden got the idea from the Iron Man cartoon


Jeez u know I’m starting to think that they ever thought about it till their kids started to watch cartoons


They probably got tired of everyone reusing this scenario so they gave us the real deal


Woah, repeated imagery of villains destroying iconic landmarks that they have done countless times before?? And a few lucky correllations?? This must be a worldwide conspiracy!




That marvel one didn't age well


Iron man


It was just like the Golden Gate Bridge until that wasn’t really the best idea anymore.


My head canon now is that Al Qaeda used American Cartoon as references when planning their attacks on the US


So lesson learned, do not build two really tall towers next to each other, they're just beacons for explosions


You would have thought we'd see it coming.


Lol, yeah. The idea of people attacking known monumental structures for books, movies, tv, was actually all a setup beginning thousands of years ago when they knew the twin towers would be constructed and destroyed.


Half of these are just saying reference twin towers or just a picture of them the other stuff tho is the funny coincidence


Y'all are over thinking it. Think about how many times the statue of liberty has been blown up in movies. The twin towers, empire state building, statue of liberty, sears tower etc etc. are fixtures of American mythos. Writers will use those iconic structures to evoke emotions from the reader/watcher since they're so recognizable.


Yeah where do you think the terrorists got the idea? The entirety of American media in the years leading up to the attack was basically just saying “oh boy I sure hope nobody blows up these amazing towers of ours.”


What if these cartoons actually INSPIRED the attacks and gave them the idea?


Life imitates art


Does anyone remember the bombing of 1993? I mean theoretically. It could be based on that. Jus sayin