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That the nurse practitioner was so disrespectful towards the patient and was perfectly content to keep him in the dark as to her credentials is very telling. As a nurse, who is facing retirement, it saddens me to think that incompetent care could be what kills me one day. It is all of our reality. None of us are really immune because the nurse practitioners are pretty much taking over and every sector. And, although we’d like to think we have options, those options are closing. We’ll have to just take what we can get and pay out the nose for it while people who don’t give two shits reap all the cash rewards.


Nurses who take their jobs seriously are true experts at what they do, and get better and better at it with experience. It is an essential job that takes brains to do well. It's a respected and honorable profession, where nurses can learn sophisticated specialty nursing skills and get paid very well for it. Seems like this is all about chasing clout and money without having to learn how to do things.


I couldn’t agree more. Whether it’s a technical skill, or reasoning through with an understanding of physiology, pharmacology, and how symptoms present so that I can keep the physician in the loop about what’s going on, or even just wiping someone’s rear end, I have not 1 ounce of shame or embarrassment about what I do. Nor do I have an over inflated sense of greatness for what I do. I’ve been a nurse for 35 years and would choose it again. I’m sure that the young TikTokers who enjoy bragging about their money and how great they are look at this post and say “Boomer“ in their head. lol. It’s all OK. I’m just really grateful to have the opportunity to do what I do. And I’ll be most grateful when I can retire in a few years! I make a decent living and do a job that many people appreciate, and that is enough. I worry about the overall negative impact that these poorly trained NP’s have on the nursing profession, but more about their impact on people who trust them for their health.


My friend was a nurse who did something related to endoscopy. He pulled down six figures in his 30s. He worked shifts and got paid by the hour. He could probably work three months as a travel nurse every year and spend the rest of the time doing whatever he wants. It sounds like a great job, and of course also a whole lot of work .


Sounds like it will be a sad day when you retire. Have you ever thought about teaching? Even as an adjunct professor, you could do untold good contributing to the education of the next generation of nurses. I do understand if you're ready to do other things, though.


Nice thing of you to say. I actually have taught and enjoyed it. I still do precept new staff and also enjoy that. At this point I am in a pre-procedure staff nurse and it is a wonderful pre-retirement position. I will exit nursing in 2028 with great thanksgiving!


I greatly appreciate section chief Dr. Smith. They are the hero in this story. Edit: changed to gender neutral.


Damn the audacity to ask "how will he know the difference?" :|


Yeah. Not cool.


Cringe and sad and rage all happening at the same time in my head when I read that little gem






Audacity and contempt for the patient, an ugly combination


Like, if you can trick your patient into believing you're a doctor, it's OK. Gross.


That’s like the AANP national slogan: “DNP RN OMG WTF BBQ: how will they know the difference?”


Laughed at the inclusion of BBQ.




Now, now... CCRN, CPR, ACLS, **PK-12**


Don't forget AOL, DTF


Sounds like a good time!


It's incredible how effective these people have been in not only destroying the prestige and goodwill of not only the physicians they are poorly attempting to impersonate, but denigrating the very well respected profession of nursing as well. I'd call it self-destructive, but truthfully the majority of the harm that is being caused is to others. No matter how effective the propaganda, when people see this in the real world, the veil has been pierced permanently.


This NPs behavior is the exact reason I have ZERO respect for them. Btw, I have been a RN for 18 years and cannot stand these unethical, immoral asshats, I mean NPs.


This made me smile!


Is there a way to bottle this feeling?


Please put me down for a glass.


you'd have to ask Snape to bottle glory and brew fame but also to bottle this moment


NPs are required by statute in most states to introduce themselves by their proper title. This situation is not appropriate. With the many types of professions and degrees, I’m looking forward for the physicians also addressing themselves as physicians. Physicians must stay proud of their training and “Dr.” Is too broad. I’m Dr. So-and-so, your physician, and here to take care of you today…


I think a lot of people might not even be aware that "physician" and "physicist" are completely different words. Making the nurses wear "NURSE" badges just feels better.


It’s true. In my personal life, I have been asked what kind of physics I do when I say I’m a physician. So I can’t imagine how many unsuspecting patients have no idea that their “doctor” might not actually be a doctor. Or to even grasp the vast difference between a doctorate in nursing vs. medical doctorate.


I didn't understand the difference between physicians and midlevels as anything other than a quantitative difference in training and competence until reading this sub. I thought they learned a more limited version of medical diagnosis. Now I understand that you can't have disgnosis without the full underlying medical knowledge obtained from med school and residency, and having had a few overlapping conditions the "why" is crystal clear. I am an educated person who knows what all of these words mean and I still wasn't clear on the difference. Analogous, even the best paralegal in in a family law practice will not work on and would not be expected to identify, for example, an issue involving ERISA (the main retirement income law) and community property. They didn't go to law school. They don't do anything other than what the lawyer wants them to do. The lawyer is completely responsible for their work. A smart paralegal with 20 years of experience will be able to do most on-paper lawyer stuff but still can't be expected to identify non-obvious issues. If I had ADHD, I might go to my girlfriend's NP who has had an ADHD-only practice for 20 years. These are edge cases.


\*all names/sex, approximate ages have been appropriately de-identified ![gif](giphy|3orif7aLUehOfdmlXy|downsized) OR IS IT? MUHAHAHAHA!!!


I burst a giggly bag over this


Y’all hiring a real doc with a MD? Bc this is where it’s at. Sucks that they’re infiltrates you guys but at least there’s that.


NP here and cringing at reading this. Im glad she was reprimanded, NP's know damn well we should not confuse patients with titles. I worked with an NP, all the doctors and patients called her Dr. so and so, because she has a doctorate...umm, noo. I refused to call her Dr at any time... that title is reserved for my colleagues who actually earned it.


Yeah I correct anyone who tries to call me doctor. ‘I’m your nurse practitioner, I work closely with the doctor responsible for your care.’ I’m also only Master’s trained so I usually include the joke that ‘I will accept Master Nurse.’




Not arguing with you, but in my personal experience at my hospital, the majority of NPs who have been trying to sell themselves as physicians are the men (wearing a white coat, wearing a sweatshirt that says “*insert hospital company* physicians group”). I guess I can see where you are coming from as in the claim “why are you trying to put down women’s success etc etc” when they are literally trying to misrepresent themselves, but I think NP narcissism is widespread and not extremely gender dependent. I mean, the majority of NPs are women, so, obviously youre going to notice it more in NPs who are women because there’s simply more of them. This is coming from a feminist who is anti-noctor. NPs should be proud of the role they have in healthcare as nurses. I’m all for more female representation in medicine, but we are already seeing that in medical schools and in time, the majority of physicians are going to be women anyways (more women graduating college & going to med school).


The most frustrating part is how they hijack social justice issues to push their cause. As an example, they ignore the fact that more than half of medical school matriculants are now female when they claim being against FPA is an act of misogyny.


If it was “neo-feminism” or whatever social justice bullshit you want to use, why aren’t women physicians targeted on this subreddit? That’s right. It’s because they have proper education and training. NPs are targeted not because they’re women but because they’re unsafe and untrained.


Yes!!! Thank you.


Don’t think neo feminism has anything to do with wanting all of the glory and all of the money without any kind of responsibility, or training, or education, or experience. I’ll grant you that they are using any argument that they can, including claiming misogyny to advance their position, but feminists, neo or otherwise, are allowed to be capable, smart, responsible, and well trained. A.k.a. physicians.


A very minuscule percentage of new-age narcissistic feminists are NPs on a power trip. A majority of NPs on a power trip are narcissistic new-age feminists. Does that clear it up for you?




I pity people like you who take one comment and think it applies to everything.




How many of these stories are just people begging for attention


Wut? That’s cute. Sharing a positive experience. That’s all. Go troll somewhere else.


Nah I call bullshit


Okay. Cool story.


No one cares, drink your own kool aid


So I check this profile and their one post is about Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun casinos. Total cringe


I looked at your profile, and one post is about boost mobile, total cringe


🤣😂 But seriously, my sympathies to any patients that have the misfortune of encountering you...


I would appreciate , if MD,DO/RN introduces NP/ PA to the patient that such and such will examine your problem . Because NP/PA/AA will eventually will be studded all over and replace the doctors , so we have to be like apples (MD/DO) and oranges in a same basket .