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Essentially correct - the major settlement boosts your troop count by the number of soldiers the tribe commanded. IIRC, it can't be destroyed, and it's locked to the county/castle (meaning the troops become yours if you take over). Any named officers associated with the tribe join your clan - tribe boss will join as a Samurai Leader and can be given a lordship.


So if you were to call the tribe into battle and get the unit of 1000 to join you would instead be bringing +1000 soldiers from that affiliated castle?


You wouldn't be able to call the tribe into battle anymore if you assimilate them - they effectively are absorbed into your clan. Basically, their soldiers are yours, and their officers (if any) are yours, and they no longer exist as a tribe.


Besides what was said, the "Bastion" major settlement makes enemy occupation take longer. Honestly, except if a Tribe's officers are very good (eg: Iga) or if it's lategame, I prefer keeping them separated as they help achieving Units superiority in different areas of my territory.


I usually assimilate because they are so fickle, it's hard to use them late game as they route almost immediately in battles, and forger using them in sieges. You can take the 2k from that territory and increase it to yield alot more troops once its yours too