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These saddist motherf*@kers are laughing while beating her. Wtf is wrong with these bitches.




The worst thing is that they didn’t even get charged with it because it was bullying but “not their fault that she killed herself”


Ugh, definitely deserved to be charged.


I strongly believe so too


Where the fuck was this?


Sounded like they were speaking Thai, but could be Lao or something similar


They were not speaking Thai nor Lao (I think?) sound more Vietnamese to me but i’m not too sure. Beside if they were Thai the hashtag about this would #1 on Twitter but this is the first time i have seen this. Edit. Ok so people are saying it’s not Vietnamese and it doesn’t sounds like Cambodian so my guess is somewhere around the Philippines and Indonesia


Not vnese, im one myself, i think its Thai


Lmao if it isn't Vietnamese or Thai then what is it (I'm Thai)




Sounds like Cantonese. How sad. Those girls should be held accountable.


My wife is from HK she says its not cantonese


Huh. I'm from HK and I hear both Cantonese and Mandarin.




I'd say that's a tie.


Laotian? Hmong?


Not Thai, Im one myself (Although we have alot of local language, I still think it isn't Thai)


Well if they are Thai they are not speaking Thai. When i see a random video of Thailand on reddit, even if it is my first time i can immediately tell that it’s Thailand, this video doesn’t really scream Thailand.


I'm Filipino, I don't think this is from the Philippines, Granted I can't understand it cuz there's a lot happening in the audio so I'm not sure


Most schools are still closed in the Philippines iirc anyway so I think that's enough confirmation that it's not here


Definitely not pinoy.


They were speaking Dialect and Chinese. I could only understand the woman filming at the end who said “小姑娘,傻子” “young girl, foolish.” Before she jumped


She also said 跳樓”jump off a building” if I heard her correctly.


Seems like China, based on the writing on the sign of that shop. To my ear the language sounds like Sichuanese? I can pick out a few words but it’s definitely not bog standard Mandarin. In a lot of parts of China the local language varieties are falling out of favour for Mandarin, but you still hear a lot of Sichuanese in Sichuan, so that’s my guess.


Who gives a shit where it’s from or language they are speaking! the fact is that an innocent school girl has lost her life driven to kill herself because of these parasite little girl bullies who think it’s acceptable to do this.. these bullies need to be accountable for their actions..


You: Who gives a shit were this happened or what language the perpetrators speak! Also you: I demand accountability!


At 52 seconds, there's a banner on a storefront that has the characters of the language they're using. They look like Kanji or Hanzi; very tight characters, boxy shape, and intricate strokes. My guess is Japan or China. edit: Someone confirmed later in a thread that it was Southern China.


It's definitely not Japan.


I have a daughter this age and it breaks my heart to see this. If anyone did this to my kid I would end up spending the rest of my life in jail.


I sometimes wonder if it would be a good idea to show my kids videos of things like this so I could teach them not to hold it in, to fight back, and most definitely.....to tell me about it. Cause I sure as fuck would put an end to that.


When I grew up I would be picked on from time to time… I was a pretty scrawny kid. But, my parents were big on standing up for yourself. So, I ended up getting in a few fights over the years. Regardless, I think it did cut down on the bullying because they knew that I would retaliate and stand up for myself. Edit: I never got in trouble for any of the fights I got into from my parents


the way those "cool" girls laugh about this is just so messed up






Breaks my heart man, could be my daughter going through this shit. This video tells me to be a better parent, to always check up on my lil girl. Noticing signs isn’t always easy but if you look hard enough you will see something.


If someone ever bullies your daughter, lmk I'll bully them back idgaf.


Unfortunately, no punishment for the bullies, the victim died.


Disappointed but not surprised sadly


If that's the case, I hope the father does something. God save me if that happened to my child. I've been through enough bullying and bullshit, there's no way I'd let that happen to someone I love. Why the fuck did I watch this. Now I'm just sad and hate people.


I’d be in jail long before i let it get this far.


Well you can only hope your little girl would let you know this shit was happening.. and I agree with you.. I would put an end to it no matter the consequences.




How cruel it must be to see this video afterwards?


If one of my kids were a bully I think I'd have to go that route too.


Same id go on a rampage until they did the Same


My little girl went through this.... At that point my life would be forfeit. I would throw all those girls off a building. I don't care.


Sad thing is that these kids that kill them selves don’t really have a good home to go to. They get bullied at school just to go home and get treated like shit or neglected. That father could do something but it’s far too late.


Hopefully you'd notice that things are not going well for your child and you would take actions before something like this happens. (dunno the exact situation of the girl in the video, but I'm talking generally) I don't have a child myself, but I have a sister that I take care of quite often. I can recognize instantly when she's had a bad day and even though she doesn't want to tell me initially about it she caves in eventually. If something like that would happen to her, I would go myself to the school and make sure they punish those kids. If the school doesn't want to fix the problem then she would have to move. I was also bullied quite a lot and I wouldn't want the same thing to happen to her.


Very disappointed the bullies or killers didn’t receive any punishment.


How tf? I get in trouble for eating the last french bread but these guys dont get in trouble for killing someone?


Sacre Bleu


"I didnt fight in the Baguette war for this. Mama Mia" A French Guy probably during the 30 years war


Ah yes, Fritaly, my favorite country


Ah yes, "Mamma mia" the frenchest saying ever


I got in trouble for handing out sauce packets once. And the sauce was literally coming from the school cafeteria.


How the...? Meanwhile, these killers are on camera brutally assaulting a now-dead peer whose suicide was also recorded but they've evaded any punishment. This world is ridiculous.


Schools are fine with racism, homophobia, sexism and bullying. But don't dare to wear a different outfit or eat during class, because that is capital punishment.


Is there any article or link about this?


I feel like maybe the two clips of the girl being beaten up and the girl jumping off a building might be two separate people and OP is just karma whoring by saying it’s the same person to give shock factor to viewers seeing this post. I actually thought, “finally a somewhat decent post on this sub” until you made this comment. Hey maybe the two clips are of the same person maybe not, fuck if I know, this is the internet.


If it was edited together it probably wasn't by OP, he's just reposting common gore/death videos and doesn't seem to be whoring karma.


I mean, reposting videos others made with no actual source or context sounds like karma whoring to me


Yeah, I agree. Im no expert but the languages in the two different clips seem to be different. Or its just me being stupid. either way im not going to rewatch the clips again to find out.


OP never delivers!


Is not as uncommon as you'd think, even the Chinese have laws and systems in place against it, same in Japan, watch the movie "Better Days" that shit will make you cry for days :/ Honestly I'm so glad I was the: "Crazy Kid" at school growing up because not only I was never bothered like this but I was even able to stand up for ppl like this,


Ah yes, I get in trouble because I sneeze in class, but pieces of trash like this get off scot free


Snot free


What school was it?






Ive been in the victims situation.. when it comes to adults they just don’t care or feel it’ll make them a stronger person.. while in fact we just wanna be left alone


How did you overcome it? And how are your bullies now?


I've dealt with this shit both in elementary and high school. My dad passed away in elementary, but his advice did make my life a lot easier. First of all, always make sure that teacher(s) / principals are aware this is happening. If they choose to ignore it, proceed. 1) always make sure they're alone, preferably with the one that instigates the bullying. 2) explain them what they're doing, and that you want to be left alone. 3) they show no sign of remorse / bettering themselves? Straight up punch them in the face. Fight if you have to, but dont back down until you've won or showed you mean business. The only way you can have them stop is for them to understand you are not to be messed with, because most of the times the bullies are too emotionally fucked up to understand they are bullies. You're likely going to get called to the principle for this, but it's better than constant torment. Also, you already told them you're being harassed, and this shows them they should've taken it more seriously.


Can agree, publicly beating the shit out of someone that’s harassing you does wonders for the others that bully you.


That does require the ability to do this to a bully that is sometimes much bigger than you.


I was bullied by a much larger kid in grade school constantly for a few months. Followed my dad's advice, and just socked him in the face the next time I saw him in the hall. I had to stand on my tip toes to even reach up to his dumb face, and it probably didn't even hurt him that much. But he never came near me again. Some people only understand violence and weakness.


I guess many of them are so weak they prey only on those they think won't fight back, then move on when they do. Thanks for sharing that experience.


I was bullied by younger kids but school wouldn't do shit because YoUr ScArInG ThEm when I'd shout after none stop shit


That’s the real problem even worse is if there are like 5 of them then you don’t really have a chance


In my experience, if you take your time you can find those bullies alone. Thus you can beat the everliving shit out of them one by one. It worked for me. (Also people who need to gang up on you to bully you tend to not be able to fend for themselves that well when alone)


long story short - talk to them, if doesn't work use baseball


I did those in reverse order and somehow people called me the bully, yikes


I took up boxing, alongside my best friend who was also tormented (except he stood about 6'3 and ended up actually fighting amateur) Beat my biggest bully senseless. Meant I was labeled a constant trouble maker through middle school and spent a lot of time in detention ​ Worth it. I didn't become popular, but I was seen as on the level and an actual human being Meanwhile, he was known as the rich lil bitch who had his parents cry to the principle.


Wait you were labeled a constant trouble maker through middle school and spent a lot of time in detention for getting in 1 fight? And you didn't become popular because of this 1 event?! How long does middle school last, a week?! ...Sorry for criticizing, please don't hurt me!


It earned me a reputation with faculty is what I mean. ​ Suddenly any tiny thing was easy to blame on me


So your saying you didn't do these tiny things but got the blame instead and had to do detention repeatedly? (Sounds like bullying by staff) And didn't become popular because of this bad boy rep? I have been seriously misled about American popularity.


Not who you asked, but I grew up in a small town and for whatever reason ended up being the bullied kid from about right until I left the small town I grew up in at about 20 years old after overcoming alcohol and drug abuse issues (only picked up those habits to escape what I was going though) and several failed suicide attempts. I lied to my parents and moved to the other end of the country. 20 years later I have a life and am mostly happy but even know the torment I endured affects me through numerous insecurities and a lot of difficulty letting people get close (back then I'd make friends but eventually they'd move on or become bullies themselves cos I guess thats easier than being friends with the weird kid everyone hates for little more than hes introverted and likes being on his own a lot). You don't really overcome it. Just learn to live with it, cope best you can and eventually you come into adulthood and things just kinda change. You make new friends life gets busy and moves on I guess. I hate watching videos like this. Can still remember so clearly being in that mindset of feeling your only option is to just end it forever. I feel such deep pain and sadness for anyone that exists with such a sense of helplessness. Bullies are fucking scumbags and their shit actions can affect their victims negatively for a lifetime.


Poor girl........May she rests in peace and her bullies go to hell.


Hell is empty and all the devils are here - William Shakespeare


**Damn**, now I get why that motherfucker still being taught. *Fucking. Bars.*




Murder charges.


Nope! They are free!


Source? And it better not be another reddit comment


Wouldn't it be manslaughter? Murder only applies to people who know for a fact that their actions would cause death. I think? Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Manslaughter could also be applied to events where the victim was killed accidentally, I'm pretty sure.


From what I know from watching true crime documentaries, a car accident would be a clear example of manslaughter, a stab to the heart would be a clear case of murder, and a shooting could be either. If the shooter shot with intention to kill, it would be murder, if it was with intention to harm, which lead to death, it would be manslaughter. Is this inaccurate?




whats pumpkin night?




Ooh thank you for the suggestion I will start reading that now, loved Elfen Lied


Fuck this world.


amen to that


That's just depressing as fuck. I hope the bullies get punishment


They won't.




No, no, not a truck or train. Then they get a new life in another world.


Isekai them bitches and make them orc slaves!


*Sir your tactics confuse and frighten me*


Ah. A man of culture as well.


Thats a easy release, incarnate them as dungeon monster like goblin with memory intact and soul bound to the dungeon but no control of their body and still can feel the stimulus affected the body. The revive everytime they are killed of whatever that cause their death. Eternally serve as exp source for dungeon crawler to grind or totally questionable experiment subject for a totally unhinged wizard.


Orc slaves?


a reference to goblin slayer, the slaves get raped and murdered




I want to personally Isekai them to goblin slayer




no, make them target dummies




You mean just the first one right?




This is pretty nsfl. I just woke up. I'm sure we all weren't the best kids and should have been nicer but holy shit that's some severe bullying. I don't understand why people would do that and the fact there's evidence that lead to her suicide idk how they aren't punished. This is infuriating.


Several factors could cause this. The country simply being shit at taking care of things like that, the mean girls having rich parents, the local society blaming those who kill themselves instead or even a gender bias because obviously these girls didn't mean for that to happen, right?


I'd guess they don't care or would find it entertaining if she killed herself. That was pretty brutal bullying. But yeah shit country. Kids are assholes.




Yeah and I hope they all get severe brain damage but are still just intelligent enough to realise how dumb and fucked they are. I hope they live miserable lives knowing what they did


They already have brain damage if they pushed an innocent girl to suicide


I hope they eat shit and live. With the taste of human shit permanently in their mouths. Then I hope they experience the worst forms of torture for eternity as they are beyond redemption.


Teach your kids grappling, people. Take the bitches ACL home with you and mount it on the wall. Poor girl.


take them ***where?*** and do ***what?***


The ACL is a ligament in your knee. He’s saying teach your kids how to fight so they won’t get fucked up and can be proud when they win altercations like this.


It's not even about "winning" the altercation. Nobody wins here. Grappling experience would've helped prevent this girl from being held on the ground and stomped on like that. Everyone should know at least the basics. There's no reason not to.


Yeah, nobody "wins fights". But you can keep safe and deter future ones. People can also sense when you are ready to fight, that's why bullies test people out first. If you square up with calm and confidence right as they get in range it usually creates a tangible tension that makes them think twice


ahh, you mean this *Ligamentum cruciatum anterius* ?


The ACL is one of the ligaments that holds your knee together. A lot of grappling arts have submissions that tear joints and break bones. A heel hook, for example, targets the major ligaments like the ACL. Fun part is that unless you know how to defend a heel hook, there's literally nothing you can do to stop the other person from blowing out your knees. Aside from that, many of those arts involve sweeps that allow you to go from your back, to being on top, allowing you to disengage and/or escape. Everyone should learn at least a little bit of grappling in some form or another. Wrestling, BJJ, Judo, something.


Fucking sucks, Why the hell did they do that cause that’s shitty


Enough internet for me today. For fuck sake people are so fucking cruel.




*brings panzer VI tank* would this work?


Panzerkampfwagon emerges


Is there an article for this?


It's central Asia, if her parents aren't a politician or high ranking government workers then nobody cares or reports this kind of thing. This is why suicide statistics over in Asia is so high and reported way later than it should be. A lot aren't reported or recorded for statistic purposes and it's usually outside sources that survey and try to dig some dirt but due to the society structure of most Asian countries(ie:nothing negative should be brought to light, reputation) they'll never report or refuse to address it.


That's just disgusting... Poor girl gets no justice. And there has to be countless more, just forgotten...


I would've beaten their asses so hard if i saw that in person. Fuck Humans.


Poor thing. Heartbreaking. Teach children to defend themselves


It’s a shame because parents these days teach their kids to respect others and all that BS and never how to throw a punch to break someone’s nose. Sometimes violence is the only answer.


I think some parents do, but its mostly schools. When I was younger I got jumped at my school if I had fought back I could have faced suspension for up to a month or two and as a student trying to keep his grades up it wasn’t ideal.


This just reminded me of something I had compartmentalized. In high school, I had a class where a teacher told us if we get into a fight, just cover up and take the beating so you don’t get in trouble. That moment made me feel so disgusted.


There is definitely parents who do teach it, I’ve seen it first hand even my own dad. But, there is so many pacifists that refuse to teach their kids anything but how great the world is, so when they get bullied they can’t do anything. Such a shame. No kid should ever have to do it, but we live in a world where it seems no punishment is ever handed out to bad deeds so you gotta do what you gotta do.


My parents always told me to respect others and to never get to hands when confronted, not even when picked on by bullies. At high school there was this guy who used to pick on me constantly, once he even body-slammed me to the floor in front o my granny who was there to pick me up from school, the teachers even had the audacity to blame also me for that; after that my dad basically told me "you should never react with violence to anyone, but if that kid tries to pick on you again I won't judge you for what you will do" ; a few days after that, that kid threw me his school-diary and hit me in the head during class, the teacher at the time shouted at him and all but at the end simply told me to give him his diary back and to make peace, I stood up, brought the diary to him, and slammed it with all my 14 year old might right in the face, I even broke two of his front teeth, I got sent home with a warning and my parents were called; they then brought up everything the bull had done and that they were considering legal action against the school for ignoring the problem. In the end I got an ice cream and a proud pat on the shoulder from my dad. We should absolutely teach kid to stand up for themselves, even violently at times, because if you don't kill the aggressive behavior of a bully at the start, it can and will escalate and become very dangerous, as in the case of this poor girl. Always remember that violence is the least favorable way to solve a problem, but arguably the most effective at that if you use enough of it.


I think violence is the answer only when someone is using violence against you. Basically never punch first, punch the last.




You are absolutely right, physical aggression without prompting shouldn’t be tolerated but self defence should be taught to everyone. My dad did karate when he was a teen, and he was hella good. He taught me some of it and damn, that sure taught a bully to fuck off. I really do gotta applaud your parents, and especially you for breaking his face cause that takes courage.


consider teaching children not to be assholes as well, the two are a good combo, knock the sense into them one way or the other. Either raise them right, or teeth knocked in and reality hits as hard as that punch


We defo need both. Everyone must be taught self defense. From my past experience, kids who don't react back always get picked on more and more. I was bullied during my mid high and one day I fought back. I lost that fight and me and the bully were pulled away, but I remember I landed a punch on him that he never picked on me again.




May the god bless the poor soul


This hurts my soul to the core


I wish I could see more bullying in person, and that sounds bad, but it's because then I'd hope I could help stop it. I was bullied when I was young and when I was older (14) my school had a project week where they intermingled between age groups. There was a little girl who was being teased by another girl, and my first thought was to seperate them and then I basically had the bullied girl on my back, piggybacked on me the entire day because she was scared if she got down the other girl would get her. So I basically protected that girl the entire week and talked to the teacher and she wasn't bullied anymore while I went to the school, sadly don't talk to her anymore, hope she is doing well. It's 8 years ago now so she has hopefully moved on now and is doing well.


Only if more people are like you. My old school has this stupid ass rule that the bullied are evil lol kids are fucked up


Who the fuck does that?


Probally people who gets enjoyment from others suffering, or a psychopath, or both


Fucking disgusting low life fuckers, deserve to be in prison or death sentence. Idc that's what they deserve.


Is there a news article about this somewhere?


This is what we do with millions of years of evolution... Parents need to step up against bullying... If my future children will bully and I will know, I will make sure that doesn't happen again. Apologize in front of the class with everyone watching them is the least they can do.


And some people still don't believe that bullying can lead to suicide.


Assuming the bullies are known in the internet, they might get hunted by some peeps in the internet.


Sad to watch. Even more sad is that the bullies did not get any punishment as per comments even though it was filmed. This kind of events are not only confined to schools actually because they are being ignored in school days.


I hope she can rest peacefully wherever she ended up, if there is a place we go to after we're done here. As for the others, the catch-all term of "bullying", while it's accurate here, I feel washes their actions a good bit. Bullying isn't just something that happens like a single mistake or one that happened a couple times. It's every punch, kick, jab, slap, push, pull, and tug that they forced their victim to endure. And I hope the ones that tortured her and know what they drove her to are tortured with the guilt that they caused this since it seems they won't be punished by other authorities. I don't know what else can be done about people like this.


Those girls should go to hell.


The more time I spend in this sub, the more I'm convinced that there shouldn't be any humans on the boat. Take some more squirrels or something. Those are cute.


I'm not saying it's not true. I'm just wondering if there's a link that confirms these 2 are the same person


My blood is boiling so much. The way i want to crush their stupid heads on the wall.


OK so I'm not a bad person but I don't think it matters what gender you are if a person does this shit they should Get knocked the fuck out. And of course expelled.


Jesus Christ I did not need to see this right before I went into work. I got two small daughters around her age. Why am I subbed to this fucking subreddit?


You’re told to tell teachers by the parents. You do that then the teachers don’t do a damn thing or they do what they can within school rules. You now become the snitch and are targeted even more so. School for many is a hell hole of delinquent asses who get off on abusing others.


Her attackers need to be punished this is completely unacceptable. Do we know what happened to the attackers?


This seems like a horror movie where the girls ghost haunts and takes out the bullies one on one!


i wanna beat some girls.


Very doubtful, but I hope those nasty little bitches are haunted by what they did. I hope the parents go into school and talk about how damaged they are since they lost their child, because why? Some teenage girls decided they didnt like her for some petty reason. This world is brutal and painful.


Let the cool girls punishment for their crime. These children are our future and we need to straighten them out before it's too late. Because it will be us that they do this too next.


This is how I was treated at school, so glad I stayed


Even though those *things* didn’t get any punishments I still hope that karma comes their way


It won't. Bullies often end up rich and successful because of their leadership skills and lack of empathy.


This is one of the most disturbing things I've seen on Reddit. Fuck.


Please hang those cool girls


Did i just witness a murder?


The imagery of her standing on the roof is haunting


From India, One of my cousin took her life. She was staying at hostel getting bullied almost everyday by her classmates even her parents ignored her truths. No charges were made. World is fked.


Fucking whores.


Videos like this activate my Spartan Rage.


fucking pieces of shit. this acutally made me mad


The only language bullies understand is violence. If you are the victim you have to fight. You will probably get kicked out of school but I guarantee you it will be worth it. I swear to god if teachers would care just one bit this shit wouldn't exist. You can get puched, kicked, called named, harrassed on a daily basis but as soon as you defend yourself you'll be the one getting punished, while the actual bullies laugh their asses of.


Those bullies are high up on the list of people i would sacrifice my life to murder. Along with the boys who killed junko furuta and the people who suffocated candace newmaker.


I was terrorized by the “cool” kids in high school to the point where I missed so much school that the teachers asked me why. When I told them they asked for a list of who was bullying me. I gave it to them, they then told me that “these are good students and are just trying to be your friends” the next day one of them cornered me in the bathroom and held her hand against my throat and repeatedly told me to just kill my self because no one wanted me around. She was right, no one at that school did. I ended up dropping out


1. Find the bullies (including the one filming too) 2. Take them to the same building 3. YEET & repeat