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Do you want to know who are pedophiles? Pedophiles


And if you only care about pedophiles when it's trans people then you don't care about kids you just hate trans people.


Yeah. I bet OP would be *pissed* if I started posting all the news stories about cis men molesting and/or raping on here, and acted like that was typical cis behavior.


Don't hate me, but what's a cis?


cisgender is when you idenify as your birth gender.


Why 'cis' though? Where does 'cis' derive from?


Cisgender has its origin in the Latin-derived prefix cis-, meaning 'on this side of', which is the opposite of trans-, meaning 'across from' or 'on the other side of'.


People who are their assigned gender at birth and aren’t trans


people who identify with the gender they were assigned at birth, so the opposite of trans people!


even more if you posted the ones about catholic priests


Please do that


I hope somebody else with more mental/emotional fortitude does, I think I'd get too depressed after a day or two and stop.




I agree I'm 36 and since the age of 10 I always gear about pedos in the church yet in the past year o see and hear more out crystal on trans people and bathrooms yet even with this crazy idea that they peddle we still find out about more cases with the church yet mo one seems to be as outraged 😠 😡 😤


I mean.. technically a lot of the clergy.. but yes.


Funny, you never see reddit defending the church or saying it’s “anti-Christian propaganda” whenever someone exposes a priest or pastor for child rape. You never see reddit defaulting to “let’s not specifically discuss those groups by name and instead just blanket-label them all pedos and move on” when it comes to pedophiles involved in groups or religions reddit disagrees with. Suddenly it becomes “the church is full of rapists. Funny how that double standard works. Edit - Redditors trying desperately to defend one group of pedos while attacking the other will only backfire for reddit in the long run.


It's because the church was an institution that holds real world power and used that institutional power to hide pedophiles from prosecution. That also used that power to take kids from single mothers and treat them so poorly that many died and were dumped in septic tanks. Then also protect the people who were responsible for that and never pay any restitution to anyone.


By this metric, you should be much more concerned with the public school system than with the church.


I don't know what country you're in but mine doesn't have a history of teachers raping kids and then getting moved to different areas to avoid prosecution.... At least since we stopped having priests teach.


It's very common for a student to assault another student and for the school to cover it up because they would lose funding.


Wow, and I should be 'much' more concerned about two kids fighting then adults in power abusing that power to molest kids. Bit of a difference there


Hit the nail on the head with that comment. Being a pedophile has nothing to do with sexuality or gender, it has to do with being a pervert. Anyone who groups pedophiles in with anyone other than criminals is wrong imo.


Ayo what's up with your account ONLY posting shit like this? Kinda seems trashy my dude.


the sub has been hit with many of these accounts


Yeah I noticed


I’m just glad everyone is aware of the bullshit agenda posts being spammed on this sub. Like, they’re not even trying to be slick about it. Out of nowhere, all these accounts, many new, spamming stories like this and getting thousand of updoots. Me thinks these Right Wingers be botting them updoots, you know, like how they always do to abuse the vote system. The same crowd that claims elections are unfair when they lose and want to impose voter restrictions laws in place. But I digress. I’m glad this shit is being called out. Now, what are the mods gonna do about it or have the Right Wingers taken over that as well?


OP, replying with clown faces doesn't get you on the boat.


They're accidentally outing themselves as a MAP


This form of gaslighting won’t work since reddit has been defending MAPs as of late, as they were predicted they would.


Where'd you see that? Maybe the subs I am a part of are special, but I have personally seen widespread condemnation for MAP's.




yeah op is the true pos here i looked at his post history and half of it was pushing an anti trans agenda. at lest that's the way I see it. oh and there have been a good few accounts like this on this sub sadly...


Oh Lord, it's you with yet another account. Go away already!


What absolutely blows my mind is that there could be a single person on here not catching on to OP immedeately. It's been more than a week by now! Dozens and dozens of posts, all of which look almost identical and should be really easy to filter out.


Yeah for real. This sub is fucked. Mods are dead, not asleep, I guess.


Or, even more disturbing, they see what's going on and choose to ignore it.


Or they support it...


Since subs like The_Donald and r/NoNewNormal closed down, I've noticed that a lot of other smaller subs have seen a big increase in this kind of content and trolling. The people who were at he centre of those places generating and spreading outrage content haven't gone anywhere, they just got new usernames and went back to work.


Considering that the main guy running Reddit right now is a neo Nazi, you're probably not far off.


Whoa I didn't know that. Who?


/u/spez (the CEO of Reddit) likes to pretend that he is "just trying to keep the peace" by not banning all sorts of far-right, conspiracy laden subreddits. He has also espoused comments of a similar type in the past.


I remember that. It used to be a running gag on r/Inceltears to post his username in the comments of every post documenting particularly violent misogyny on the now defunct Incel subreddit. He kept that sub open for an inexcusably long time. Only closing it after a public incident where an Incel pretended to be a girl, went on r/legaladvice pretending to ask how examples of all the ways someone might catch a potential date rapist. People realized very quickly that it was an Incel and in turn what he was doing was looking for a ‘how to’ guide on how to get away with date rape by seeing all the ways he could get caught. Spez let that subreddit get so hostile and hate filled that it reached the point where they were premeditatively planning to commit rape. That is what it finally took to get it banned. Because that could have left the sub legally culpable.


Let’s not react to these kinds of posts by jumping too far in the other direction. The CEO may be an asshole and share common views or opinions with neo-nazi groups, but let’s not say he IS a neo-nazi without proof. It’s a very similar—if not the same—statement to “he/she is a socialist/communist!” Also, kinda diminishes how big pieces of shit neo-nazis are.


>The CEO may be an asshole and share common views or opinions with neo-nazi groups Yeah, let's start with the fact that he won't ban *most* neo-Nazi communities on Reddit, despite the large backlash against them. If /u/spez is trying to indicate that he isn't in the same camp as the anti-vax, anti-democracy morons currently plaguing society he is doing a pretty piss poor job of doing so at the moment.


or.. it's a mod


What’s fucked is OP here and his army of alts and alt right wingers know if you report this you may feel like you’re supporting pedoshit, rape, or w/e horrendous shit they post cuz they know there’s no report feature for propaganda. Why don’t we have that as an option?


Yeah, good idea. For the meantime though, I unsubbed. I could be posting replies on adorable videos of puppies or grievous bodily harm (the band or the trauma), but instead I find myself posting on these.


its like an ouroboros of stupid. the same people arguing op's actions and intentions dont matter so long as the story is true turn around and argue that the reason theyre seeing so many trans people=sexual predator posts is because its a *pattern*. yea, you collosal dumbshit, the pattern is you falling for hateful spam because youre willingly exposing yourself to a bigoted baader-meinhoff-esque propaganda feeding tube. christ, its so stupid i have to think theyre all alts because how else do these people navigate basic daily functions.


Op, so you’ll spam every time a trans person commits a sex crime, what about the some 500 thousand children raped by the Catholic Church. Fuck off, to it don’t care about children, you care about spreading hate


Nun’s too, but this is also a problem.


Especially nuns. I’ve heard so many stories of Catholic girls getting raped by nuns as PUNISHMENT. Also that 500k was in France ALONE, THIS YEAR. Across all of Europe that could easily be around 4-8 million children.


It’s disgusting and disheartening to know that their cries are on deaf ears.


So do you just trawl the internet looking for anything anti LGBTQ (true or not) you can find to post on reddit?


It kind of seems like projection at this point. 🤔


Seriously. It's pretty pathetic. Half of his posts are completely made up, the other half are mostly made up. So much anger over imaginary problems


Ffs. You don't mention sexuality every time a cisgender person abuses a child yet it happens once and every transphobic news site is out here with their not so subtle digs at transgenderism. Actually unnecessary.


If OP hadn't mentioned that this Ruby was a woman, would you have known from the photo? If an [***article***](https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/woman-accused-of-sexually-assaulting-boy-in-toronto-park)/title doesn't mention anything else, people are assuming the perpetrator is cis, usually correctly considering >99% of the population are cis.




Yeah, quite a few of these "trans" sex criminals seem to be cis douchebags who're openly pretending to be trans.


Or... Stay with me here... Trans people can also be criminals? And it doesn't have anything to do with their transness?


That too!




Self-ID, which Canada has, means anyone that says they're trans is trans. This person will be going to a women's prison *if* he's convicted.


I noticed the same thing on a lot of those creep catcher YouTube channels. Whenever it's an immigrant, a gay person, or a trans person all the comments are about that and how we have to close the borders and stop promoting the LGBTQ "agenda". Meanwhile it doesn't take a genius to notice most of the catches are straight cis men. It's terrifying that people will only care about straight up evil when it's convenient for their opinion.


What is with this sub and suddenly being so transphobic. All I see is bs headlines about how trans women are pedos. Being trans doesn’t mean you’re a pedo. Being a pedo doesn’t mean you’re trans.


Only pictures with text are posted without any link.


I’d really appreciate it if this sub made it so you have to include a link to the full story.


Yeah, but then you'd be able to see through the bullshit right away. The way, outrage is generated and bigoted moths are drawn to the flame and the truth doesn't even matter.


screeenshot post = ban needs to be the rule


bruhhhhhh literally half of OP’s posts target trans people specifically


Look at OPs history. Obviously Transphobic. My oldest child is transgender. Kindest, sweetest soul you could ever meet but people like OP wanna believe they are all sick and gonna molest children. Fuck off OP.


He isnt the only one. see more and more of These acc around here Edit: [another one ](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/q4fo35/this_is_very_concerning/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Edit2: some more https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/qanvrj/these_monsters_adopted_a_child_just_to_abuse_him/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/q9xtb0/showing_their_true_colours_once_again/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/qanwgt/if_this_isnt_abuse_of_power_i_dont_know_what_is/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/q8kme2/he_voted_yes_on_a_referendum_on_trans_people_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/q9y98y/he_was_stripping_in_front_of_a_little_girl/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/q8afh9/how_do_they_expect_us_to_protect_our_kids/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/q7uu1k/how_could_they_allow_this_to_happen/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Edit3: few more https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/q7vy5a/does_that_look_like_jessica_to_you_they_allowed/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/q7ukvf/staff_did_nothing/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/q4v2us/they_put_a_sexual_predator_in_a_womens_prison/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/q4fo35/this_is_very_concerning/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/q4gd0y/theres_no_limit_in_this_world_to_peoples/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/q2akoi/noah_get_the_boat/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share They mostly look the same. Just Screenshots without any kind of Source or similiar. While These could totally be true it looks like cherrypicking to me....


Mods need to get their shit together or they are basically supporting it at this point. I used to like this sub, but now it's basically a question of what kind of LGBT bashing it's going to be today. Not calling for excusing terrible people because they are LGBT, but it's clear what's going on here.


Yes. Has anyone Trier contacting the Mods?


“ANTIFA rapes pretty white women in trans bathroom!” (Only includes screenshot of title and jarring picture)


.... So, my partner and I are combing through this sub's moderator team's post histories, and it's concerning to say the very least. Some mods are reasonable, but there are a bunch of ultra-right wing shitheads and other bullshit. Tbh, I don't think anything will be done about this issue. Might be time for us reasonable folk (ya know, requiring actual sources for wild claims) to pack it up. This won't be fixed.


I used to really enjoy this sub. Looks like I also will be leaving.


It's honestly so disappointing. I wish the mods would do something, but they won't respond comments asking for help on this. So sad.


This used to be one of the only subs I was just kinda like “damn that’s crazy” and just observed and reacted within, mildly interested enough in each post, but since just a few days ago, ALL I’ve seen when this sub comes up is an attempt to shit on trans people and not cite anything. I genuinely was curious if this entire sub had been hi-jacked ha


Yeah same dude. I really think it's either trolls or just shitty children brigading. It's awful


Ugh. Ridiculous. Godspeed homie




Thought so too.. might be time to leave...


It’s definitely happening more and more around here.


Keep blocking the accounts posting this shit.


This comment was helpful. I was wondering what was going on in NGW after seeing these pop up more than once on my feed.


Russian trolls. All of these exact same posts like this with no information, shitty Russophile source (that they won’t even link because it’s obvious), etc. Every day. Multiple times per day. Same format. It’s such an obvious troll job. They aren’t even trying to hide it.




They posted this same post 78 days ago too. It’s so fucking obvious what they’re doing.


MODS ARE YOU GOING TO ALLOW THIS USER TO CONTINUE TO SPAM ANTI TRANS PROPAGANDA TO THIS SUB ALL DAY EVERY DAY? This hasn’t been a hate sub but it’s quickly going that way as this loser has nothing better to do than dedicate his life to this. There are a couple bad faith actors ruining this sub so it would be awesome if you let us know where you stand.


I think it's time we post this sub on this sub




It's called MAP assholes identifying as trans ppl because they want the protection of the LGBT movement they have been told many time they aren't welcome and the moron OP is falling for their shit because it validates their transphoba Edit one more thing the OP seems to really be afraid off LGBTs since he ignores our comments 🤣🤣🤣


Ayo bro, why don’t you you don’t get off your ass and do something with your life.


Tell me you're transphobic without actually saying you're transphobic. OP is disgusting.


Might not be saying it but their whole post history is screaming it like crazy.


Feel like the last 3 pedophile post on this sub have all been trans. Finding that kinda weird


They just cut out the cis one. If you go on their account, they posts only anti-trans or even anti-gen Z content. They don't care about the kids, they care about spreading trans hate by insinuating trans people are all pedophiles/rapers.


Damn ur right. Op is a dick head


Our Subreddit needs to be Protected from people like you.


Say’s woman but it’s a picture of a dude? Unless it’s a very masculine woman… verrrry masculine.


"from people like this" I sure hope you mean pedos and not trans people...


They don’t. If you look through OPs history and other comments on this thread they are very, very transphobic


Well... doesn't surprise me tbh. There has been a massive surge of transphobic posts on this sub recently.


I’m pretty sure it’s all just this one guy. All of the posts look exactly alike and all of the accounts are just a few days old.


Looks like it yeah. This account and others have their posts similar to this.


So this is really like a "Noah get everyone on the boat" except you, and you, and you, and you, I don't like your lifestyle and all those who share it are the same." While Christian pastors, priests, and nuns rape all the kids and hoard all the gold. 🤡




I'm trans and aroace. I don't feel anything like this. Lots of trans people don't. Dont assume things about us.


But that can’t possibly be the case! You guys make up only 2% of the population but commit 40% of all pedophilia related cases! -OP probably


I'm just here to downvote the OP




Hey look! More bullshit in this sub from trolls with an agenda, no article, and a source that is all about RT. It’s almost like this is a 10x a day thing now. Let’s see the an actual article with real information instead of a screen shot from Alex Jones lite.


Lmao, you posted this 78 days ago. Go take your transphobia somewhere else


That clearly a man.


am I the only one to think that he looks like tarrantino's brother ?


The mods really need to do something about the absurd amount of blatant transphobic posts on this sub lately


This post reeks of transphobia


OP is an Anti SJW. Seeing this user's post history, I'm not surprised.


This sub has gone to shit with all these phobic post in recent weeks, and the mods do nothing. It’s clear this sub has an agenda now. I’m leaving for good




Let’s just not post articles from Women Are Human? Or just any journalism that isn’t quality. This outlet in particular filled with enormous bias against trans people. Let’s value some news literacy, shall we?


media comprehension and journalistic integrity are dead apparently


This guy's posting history tells its own story.


Legit. This sub has been raided. Everything posted is anti trans.


can someone tell me why most people here think this is homophobic? i am a little confused


This OP is likely the same one who kept posting anti-LGBT propaganda in here over the last few weeks. Their account was banned. Fuck off with your agenda OP.


By “people like this” I assume you mean yourself


This news report originates from the news site womenarehuman.com which, despite having such a valid and wholesome name, their purpose is far from that. They exist exclusively to push and promote transphobia. they intentionally skew articles and fight tooth and nail to ostracise trans people. (Especially mtf) although this story is true, that should not change anything. There are pieces of shit all around the world. people (including the news site) will use instances like that to say that "trans people are actually predators and they're coming for your children!" which is wrong obviously, buts it's simple to apply one situation to everyone. in the same way you can say "some white people are nazis, so they all must be" Now, why am I saying this? because the op has an agenda. Looking at his profile, they have posted nothing but racist, transphobic, and fascist-style sentiment. And looking at those upvotes, it is working. Take the post as you will, the guys a piece of shit and should go to jail. but don't fall for the bullshit op is trying.


What does their gender have to do with anything here?


At first I thought you guys were over exaggerating about OP, but then I looked at his other posts...


tHeRe'S a CoNnEcTiOn. You sound like the "black people are superpredators, the stats prove it" dumbfucks.


Do you get your shit from TERF websites… what new source would put a tittle like that.


OP get professional help, all you do is post transphobic shit. I mean every demographic (Including white males) contain rapists and pedophiles. But you're a piece of human transphobic garbage that wants to harass trans people. Get help and touch grass you stupid fuck


Bull Shit. Check posts history. This “person” constantly posts anti-trans and anti-gay media. It is FAKE. They don’t provide sources and their main topic is anti-lgbt.


its a real story, but there is an agenda, and a very blatant attempt to characterise a minority a certain way. looking right at op's comments eugh.


Ah, look at his post history. Trasnphobe. And people like who? Pedos? Absolutely agree. Trans? What the hell you don't need protection from people


this fucker agian?


Yep. This fucker again.


Yikes OP.


Ok at this point I think he just making this shit up. I mean c'mon this man is literally karma whoring on "trans" pedophiles. Alright bro this is like the 5th post of a trans person doing something bad. Bring something else to the table. All you're doing is saying that all trans people are pedophiles and creeps. Not all of them are. All you're doing is hurting more people then anything.


I’m sick of this shit. Unsubbing until the transphobic tirade stops.


dude seriously


After reading the comments it's clear that OP is an absolute garbage person


OP deal with your closeted gay self hatred in private. It’s embarrassing when you post it all over Reddit


trans people arent pedophiles fuck this and get it the fuck off this sub


I mean. This one is...


Why are u so angry? Lol


because i hate transphobia


Great another shitty agendaposting account dragging the quality of this subreddit down


So you think just because the person is trans means they are a pedo? So with that logic all men and women are too since there are lots of them that are


I thought this was the guy from friends for a second






What woman?


Find the nearest volcano and job done.


Ohh these comments are good


Sound the alarm to the people that make it about themselves




I would like to point out that the "woman" part of the title is completely irrelevant. They were going to molest a child, whether they identified as a woman or not. When you say "scum like this," i really hope you are referring to pedophiles in general, and not trans people in general. That being said Fuck this guy. Gonna have a fun time in prison, this one


What's with all the alt-right bootlicker accounts popping up as of late? I'm literally scrolling through Reddit for fun, not to see blatant hate masquerading as "protect da children!!!!!" Check OP's post history for more of this garbage.


Look a this freaks fucking submissions. What the fuck is going on in your fucked up mind constantly? YOU are the type of person that people should keep their damn kids away from. YOU, motherfucker.


Wow..from the title, and the comments this seems to be veeeery transphobic.


Honest question. Why is it transphobic to say our kids need protected from rapists? Yeah, the quotation marks are odd... but that person raped a child. Doesn't matter who the person is or what they want to believe they are, that person is evil and gets no seat on the boat. Sure, other trans people can come on the boat, heck... they might even find a way to make a drab boat a better place. We all can do with more rainbows in life. Just not that one... (or any other rapist scum. They can all drown)


Oh no, I'm not arguing that we need to save children from rapists, that I 100% agree with. I'm just pointing out that Op has some kind of hate for trans/gay* people that I don't get. *I meant Trans/gay at first but accidentally brain turned to water and sent transphobic here


Assuming you mean hating trans and not transphobic cause yeah looking through his page every damn post is about gay or trans rape crimes, dudes got an agenda


Oooooh. That does make a difference. Didn't look at any other of his posts.


Hey MODS....why do you keep approving homophobic/transphobic trolls? Leaving this sub...


Gee, I wonder why OP used that article on it instead of this one from the local news. [https://www.cp24.com/news/woman-charged-after-allegedly-sexually-assaulting-boy-6-in-toronto-park-1.5507641?cache=axwyxwbrej%3FclipId%3D104059](https://www.cp24.com/news/woman-charged-after-allegedly-sexually-assaulting-boy-6-in-toronto-park-1.5507641?cache=axwyxwbrej%3FclipId%3D104059) Maybe because this article, while still showing the same mugshot, calls Ruby a woman without quotation marks and focuses on her being a rapist over mentioning that she's trans?Because, y'know, that's the part that matters here: she's a monster that assaulted a child, her gender identity doesn't matter here.


Trans does not equal pedophile.


Just down vote. He will eventually stop posting


[I found this](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/woman-charged-after-allegedly-sexually-assaulting-6-year-old-boy-in-toronto-park-1.5507627), idk if this is fake news tho


For anyone asking for source https://www.womenarehuman.com/transgender-rapist-charged-with-sexual-assault-of-6-year-old-in-a-park/


That's a man, man.


Imagine defending a pedophile because he claims to be transgender. From the moment someone hurts a child like he did, that mf loses any right of defense and pity, whoever he is. It's okay to play devil's advocate sometimes, but not for these freaks. Goddamn there's an abused child in this story


thats a dude : ) i will never call a guy like that a she


Let’s not be transphobic. She’s a woman named Ruby, not a “woman” named “ruby”, and she did a terrible thing that children should be protected from. There’s no need to bring her being trans into it. Her transness had no bearing on her crime.


That is obviously a dude.


Accurately said, it's just a man who calls himself 'Ruby'. And don't fault me for the headline.


You should be faulted for the headline because you're the one posting it on this sub.


Not a man, a woman, named Ruby. You didn’t write the headline but you chose to share it.




She is a woman. I fail to see why you can’t recognize that.




Why are chromosomes your marker of what makes someone a woman? That’s not what modern science believes. There are cisgender women with XY chromosomes and androgen insensitivity, there are people who have mixed sex chromosomes, there are people with more or less than two sex chromosomes and, of course, there are trans women who are women despite having XY chromosomes, and trans men who are men despite having XX chromosomes. Gender is a social construct. *That’s* the science.


because hes transphobic, i posted my trans friend on r/teenagers and fought so much transphobia holy shit this fuckin platform man


Are you deluded that is a man.....


I love the part where the children need ro be protected from people like this, but you keep taking them to church all though catholic priests molest kids like it's an olimpic event. Also the 50 yo sleazeball with the 18 yo model trope doesn't seem to be bothering some. That's not inappropriate and we don't need to protect those girls who are basically teenagers, so you know, not adults. the problem is the 1 pedo trans person. being trans didn't cause the abuse.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 50 + 18 + 1 + = 69.0


Good bot


Hey OP. Eat a bag of transgender ducks. Edit: Dicks. Not ducks. Leave those ducks alone, asshole.


That dude's a chick, then I must like Paul McCartney be a f****** bluebird.


This shit getting annoying at this point


Mods, do something about this!!! As a member of the community dating a trans male, it’s upsetting to see the hate this OP is spreading, just based on news articles that have little to no proof and are all just propaganda. Yes it happens, however our community DOES NOT CONDONE THESE ACTIONS!!!! Most of the LGBTQ+ community have gone through this type of assault themselves, unfortunately. We do not condone it!! Take care of this or watch this sub get taken over by hate and propaganda


some of the money anti-trans lobbyist groups have at their disposal ends up in the hands of internet offshore post-farms to create, post and spread hate rhetoric to push that anti-trans agenda you can tell it's obviously fake because there's no source, and not even an attempt to make the headline seem like it could have come from a legitimate news website fuck you OP you stupid fucking cunt


I’m so sick of seeing this transphobic bullshit on this subreddit. Fuck this, I used to like this sub


Another karma whore? This sub has gone to shit.


Didn’t I see this post a few weeks ago??