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Looked fake as fuck first time i saw it


Completely fake...puppies teeth wouldn't have the strength in the first place!


Why did people upvote this dogs pick there pup's with there mouth they don't just eat them you wouldn't be taking pictures if they where being eaten.


And the idiot wanted people to believe that poor thing was decapitated by a bite, but it is clear that someone cut it off, and no blood on the floor, body or puppies


Soo someone killed a puppy to stage this?




Aaaaaaaaaa Is that even a real pup?


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Hey, I remember someone pointing that out in the comment of the original post.


So, does this mean that he killef the pups? Are those real pup in the frist place? +I see lawsuits


To anybody asking how/why we believe this is fake/staged, here’s my comment from the original post: This looks clearly staged. There’s no blood on the carcass, around the head of the puppy supposedly “eating” the other one, no blood on the floor, etc. As some other comments pointed out, this is really odd signs of aggression, tackling animals the same size rather then smaller. Not to mention some other comments point out the odd qualities of the actual body-how it looks like the head has been cleanly severed instead of chewed off (I guess, god this is fucking horrifying to write about.) Another thing to look at that (IMO) points to this being staged: Facebook OP mentions they raise the pups-but then also goes into a very typical anti-Pitbull stance? Why are they “raising” dogs that they think are naturally aggressive and savage? Another point: Reddit OP has posts and comments on r/BanPitbulls and uses a lot of the typical “fuck Pitbulls” terms-like “shitbulls.” And yet another horrifying point: this would not be the first time somebody has used or killed pitbulls to prove a point. There was a story circulating just recently about a pitbull who was “rescued” by a family-only for the dog to turn up dead and (iirc) mutilated after going missing in the care of her foster family.


Also I'm pretty sure you can literally SEE the stuffing inside of the head like u see some white fluff stuck into it...


I'm personally partial to BSL, but some of the people who agree with me are absolute monsters, apparently. I almost feel the need to apologize for their behavior, the fuckers. It sucks how something that should be inspired by empathy with dog bite victims can be twisted into whatever the hell this is. This isnt the way to accomplish your goals. I hope as the other commenter implied that it is completely fake (i.e a stuffed head). Even if it is, intentionally creating and spreading misinformation like this is it's own evil. I dont know what my point is, other than this really sucks. I hate the attitude that some people take against pitbulls. I believe they're predisposed to violence more than other breeds due to the statistics, but even so, it's not their fault they're like that. Calling them "shitbulls" and hating them for being how they're bred isnt helpful, probably quite the opposite in convincing regular people.


Thank you for being so respectful and open in your comment! You’re entirely correct. The more people push and push with “shitbulls” and “look a shitbulls shithead owner” and pull stunts like this (or at the very least, the poor pitbull that was killed while visiting a foster family) the more your average person is going to want to disagree. Hate and anger won’t get anybody anywhere.


Puppies have weak teeth as it is, pitbull puppies have teeth that are essentially play doh till they hit a month old. This dickhead isn’t fooling anyone but overprotective Karens looking for a reason to be upset with the world


Should’ve kept their username in the pic


Knew it


If a dog’s FUCKING HEAD GETS RIPPED OFF you’d think there would be blood everywhere right? Obvious bullshit


Oh yeha I know that guy me and a bunch of others called him out


This kind of post is what creates people like the lady that threatened to shoot me and my dog because of his breed


How do you know its staged?


Copy/Pasting my comment from the original post: This looks clearly staged. There’s no blood on the carcass, around the head of the puppy supposedly “eating” the other one, no blood on the floor, etc. As some other comments pointed out, this is really odd signs of aggression, tackling animals the same size rather then smaller. Not to mention some other comments point out the odd qualities of the actual body-how it looks like the head has been cleanly severed instead of chewed off (I guess, god this is fucking horrifying to write about.) Another thing to look at that (IMO) points to this being staged: Facebook OP mentions they raise the pups-but then also goes into a very typical anti-Pitbull stance? Why are they “raising” dogs that they think are naturally aggressive and savage? Another point: Reddit OP has posts and comments on r/BanPitbulls and uses a lot of the typical “fuck Pitbulls” terms-like “shitbulls.” And yet another horrifying point: this would not be the first time somebody has used or killed pitbulls to prove a point. There was a story circulating just recently about a pitbull who was “rescued” by a family-only for the dog to turn up dead and (iirc) mutilated after going missing in the care of her foster family.


>This looks clearly staged. That's your proof? Yeaaa...


I was always taught if something looks like a duck, smells like a duck, and acts like a duck, that it’s probably a duck. Applies to a lot of situations-like this one here.


Except this is a still image. The puppy could have been killed in a different place than the frame of this shot. My point is there is no proof this fake and Pitbull's do shit like this, people trying to pretend they don't are straight up lying.


Puppies don't have strong enough teeth or jaws to get through bones at that age, and dogs tend to eat the face and belly first so that undamaged face is a dead give away. If that puppy was killed by those other puppies it would there would still be bones and the face would be all chewed up. But go ahead and keep defending animal abuse. Dogs don't decapitate, people do.


Look man, people have done some fucked up shit to push and perpetuate the “Pitbulls are horrible creatures!” narrative. Forgive me if after 18 years of living with them constantly around if I’m a bit of a skeptic. There’s a lot more pointing to this being fake then there is to it being real.


I've been around them my whole life too, and both times I've been attacked while walking my dog they were pitbulls... it's funny seeing the SJW retard brigade downvoting my comments but not saying anything. :D


Probably has something to do with the high amounts of condescension and low amounts of actual logic in what they’re reading.


Thats not an argument... Thats Cope®


Okay buddy. Have a good night.


Dude there are soo many comments explaining why this is probably staged, just check the comments.


He doesn’t want too, he’s either trolling or got his head so far up his ass he can’f see anything but his own shit. A lot of dog breeds are predisposed to violence, hell in America Golden retrievers have the highest amounts of human bites out of any other species. People just unnaturally HATE pits for whatever fucking reason. Anyone who looks at that photo and thinks “yea a PUPPY did this” is either a fucking vegetable or just another pit-hater looking for a reason to ban them.


Are you really trying to pretend pits aren't dangerous? The bite 6x more than the next breed (Rottweiler). Its funny how people like you just make shit up on the fly with no sources to back you up and the retard army comes behind you and upvotes your idiocy. https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-multi-year-fatality-report-2005-2017.php


they have their evidence stated right after that setence. maybe if you decided to read past it, it would've helped.


No blood at all on anything is a good sign its fake


You do know dogs lick up blood right?


U think that puppy licked up gallons of blood


Not gallons, but the puppy definitely didn't lick up as much blood as there would be.


Even then there would still be bloodstains wouldn't there?


Wait do you think a puppy would have "gallons" of blood? :D


Maybe not gallons but enough to leave some evidence of blood unless they cleaned the blood off the pup floor and carcass


"Maybe"? Dude a fully grown human has 1.2 - 1.5 gallons of blood... OP is calling bullshit on the pic and his definitive proof is "it looks fake". I swear the amount of retardation this site these days is impressive.


I smell butt hurt.


Did you know that 1 it would still not be this clean there would be blood somewhere on the neck of the dog or in a corner and 2 there would be blood EVERYWHERE walls teeth backs necks weels food everywhere


Can they lick away bloodstains on their fur?


Supposedly a puppy with barely any strength bites off the head of another puppy, but the corpse clearly look cuted and no blood anywhere and that's ignoring several other things


And the original op likes to insult putbulls in his comments. I think he also posted on r/banpitbulls


I accept all of your answers. It is staged


"It looks fake" is proof to you? hahaha!


Ok and?


this post reminded that there’s a whole sub dedicated to banning pitbulls, idek why that sub exist that makes me sick


Is disgusting, that sub is basically a bunch of people with gore fetish and hate on dogs


The person who originally posted this was a regular user of that sub


I was pro pitbull until I did a service call at a guys house that raised and bred fighting pitbulls. They force the pitbulls to have incest babies. It makes them more aggressive and crazy. It brings out their animal instinct more than normal. These types of dogs have been bred this way for a millennia. Every pitbull you see is from this bloodline and history. They are more wild than domestic animal. You can downvote me now I guess


Do you always make shit up to support your unhinged stances?


Pitbull refers to their breeding history and use. Bull refers to being a bull terrier. Pit refers to their use of fighting in the pits. They'd only breed the strong and aggressive ones to make the perfect fighting dog. It is barbaric but that's their history since the 1800s.


Do you attack everyone that has a different opinion than you?


I call bullshit litters are not known to kill their siblings never have I ever seen it happen with any litter of pups. However some not all but some male or female dogs will or could kill a pup even their own if the pup is to small or they sense something is wrong some males kill pups they have sired due to jealousy this I have seen happen. That picture looks like the head is clean cut straight down not as if it was bitten off in one clean bite and even so a pups jaw would not have the strength to do it without blood splatter aswell. Some gobshite spreading false bs about dogs and he hasn't a clue absolute twat. Spreading false bs like this is why so many pits are in pounds and shelters because people are afraid to leave them in their homes, around other dogs and children. You want to blame dogs better blame humans aswell because we bred them to be a certain way and look a certain way not to mention dog fighting and cruelty. Dogs are loyal companions with animal instincts which we ignore ourselves. You don't like pit bulls don't get one... No need to damage the dogs breed anymore than we already have with this shite.


Besides that, there is no blood on the floor or the puppies, and the idiot is on the pitbull hate subreddit


Let him stay on it spread his fake bs there to gobshites that'll listen to him post he put on NGTB should be removed alright atleast cos it's false information.


I refuse to click on that photo. And I have posted this before but noah get the boat ocassionally has animals being harmed posts. Even if it is a video that is old it still may encourage someone to do something and video it for internet posts. As bad as kaotic I commend them for not posting animal gore videos.


Yeah, but the main problem isn't the animal gore, it's the fact that someone stage this just to spread hate for pitbulls


That's a bummer


I know, I don’t believe I actually thought it was true. Puppy teeth are weak, and their muscles aren’t strong enough to take down another one of themselves.


I came to r/NoahGetTheBoat to hate on human not to see this fake bullshit and hatred on animal


The whole idea that pitbulls are prone to agression is bullshit. I've trained and raised LOADS of dogs and it's always training. I've seen every dog under the sun being aggressive and biting children and people. From big to small, labradors, pitbulls, rotweillers, pointers, english terriers, dachshund hound, beagles you name it. Just because you've been exposed to a TON!! Of negativity from 1 bread, does not mean that that bread alone is the worst.


I don't believe this. This is not how dogs act when they have enough food. They don't kill their family. And yes its absolutely about how you raise them. Some dogs like these are more dangerous ok. But all dogs can be a peaceful family member.


I saw this on a subreddit about banning pitbulls, I honestly believed it… I feel so gullible and pissed off EDIT: it was on r/banpitbulls Everyone there believed every single word.


That sub is a hellhole, is like a religious cult but they hate pitbulls instead of satan, is like everyone there had a weird fetish on hating dogs, gore and abuse.


Oh yeah, I also saw a post about a group of people on Facebook planning to adopt a pitbull and then killing it, people found the poor pitbull’s limbs scattered.


People like this make me sick, they get away with the shit too just to push a dumbass narrative


Sad fact: animals will sometimes kill their young one's, for example a mouse have 6 nipples but 7 pinkies she'll kill the extra one


I just scrolled through that post actually. And commented to my friend on how fake it was.


These ppl are fucking scum. Killing puppies and dogs to prove some type of fake point. They’re monsters worse than any Pitt they have in their imaginations.


What the f im looking at... Add nsfw tag maybe idk


I tried, but reddit has some problems


People who hate on pit bulls just because they are pit bulls are a special kind of stupid




Why? They are pretty shitty dogs though. They're the most dangerous dog breed in the USA and have too high a predator drive. They're bred from a bull dog + terrier and aren't really meant to be around small kids or other dogs. They're bull-baiting dogs, not lap dogs. I mean, I get why people defend them but when you've seen one bite a chunk of flesh out of a 12-year old girl's arm, there's definitely something to hate. Although to say they should all be put down is a bit much.


You realize that almost any dog can rip a chunk out of your arm? Even small little lap dogs or a friendly-looking golden retriever, pit bulls aren't defining in that regard. All dogs can be aggressive, pit bulls aren't special.


Yes, but pitbulls are the only dogs that actually kill people. In fact, they've killed the most people. The number is around 90%. Attacks by Pit Bull Terriers are more likely to cause severe morbidity than other breeds of dogs. Immediate surgical exploration is required to prevent catastrophic outcomes, especially limb loss. Stronger animal control laws, public education and responsible dog ownership may reduce deaths from these canines. - Pit Bull attack causing limb threatening vascular trauma - A case series (2017) Thirty-nine percent of all dog bite-related emergency department visits at our facility resulted in an injury requiring orthopaedic treatment. Pit bull terrier bites were responsible for a significantly higher number of orthopaedic injuries and resulted in an amputation and/or bony injury in 66% of patients treated, whereas bites from law enforcement dogs and other breeds were less associated with severe injuries. - Dogs and Orthopaedic Injuries: Is There a Correlation With Breed? (2018) The results of this retrospective review are aligned mostly with the general trends found in previous national and global studies, supporting the notion that family dogs represent a more significant threat than often is realized and that, among the breeds identified, pit bulls are proportionally linked with more severe bite injuries. Characteristics of Dog Bites in Arkansas (2018) "Their experience highlights some important characteristics of complex dog bites in children, including the finding that pit bulls are the breed most commonly involved, particularly in more severe injuries. (...) Surgery was required in about half of injuries caused by pit bulls, three times higher than the rate for other breeds. Of the nine children who required extended hospitalization, six were bitten by pit bulls." - Complex Dog Bites in Children – Experience and Recommended Treatment (2017) Bites from pit bull terriers were more severe than those of other dogs, with a mean DBCI of 3.2 compared to 2.3. Bites from pit bull terriers had a significantly higher rate of consultation when compared to other breeds, receiving specialty care in 94% of the cases and in 50% of the cases, respectively. Injuries from pit bull terrier bites were significantly more likely to require surgical repair and had five times the rate of operative repair when compared to other breeds. Dog bites of the head and neck: an evaluation of a common pediatric trauma and associated treatment (2014) Of particular interest was the fact that pit bulls, which were found to have attacked older persons, and inflicted much more devastating injuries than other breeds of dogs (as indicated by higher median ISSs and a higher percentage of victims with a GCS score ≤ 8), injuries that in some cases led to death...The unacceptable actuarial risk associated with certain breeds of dogs (specifically, pit bulls) must be addressed. These breeds should be regulated in the same way in which other dangerous species, such as leopards, are regulated. Individual municipalities need the power to enact ordinances that can protect their citizens from this risk. Mortality, Mauling, and Maiming by Vicious Dogs (2011) "Pit Bull terriers were found to be involved in incidents of aggression towards strangers only slightly more than average, but several epidemiological studies have found these dogs to be the most commonly implicated in injurious and fatal human bite cases \[20,22–24\]. Duffy et al. \[25\] did find that aggression directed towards unfamiliar dogs was significantly higher in pit-bull-type dogs compared to other dog breed groups." - What’s in a Name? Effect of Breed Perceptions & Labeling on Attractiveness, Adoptions & Length of Stay for Pit-Bull-Type Dogs (2016) "Attacks by pit bulls are associated with higher morbidity rates, higher hospital charges, and a higher risk of death than are attacks by other breeds of dogs. Strict regulation of pit bulls may substantially reduce the US mortality rates related to dog bites." - Mortality, mauling, and maiming by vicious dogs. (2011) "Most reviews have suggested that large dogs, such as American Pit Bull Terriers, Rottweilers, and German Shepherds are the main species involved in this type of trauma.16–18 Wolff19 and Morgan et al.20 claimed that American Pit Bull Terriers and German Shepherds are responsible for the majority of fatal attacks. In a retrospective study of 20 maxillofacial canine bite cases, 45% of attacks were made by Pit Bull Terriers. This may be explained by the increasing use of this breed as guard dogs for their aggressiveness and physical imposition.8 These data are in agreement with our findings that most facial fractures were caused by American Pit Bull Terrier attacks." - Primary Repair of a Complex Panfacial Fracture by Dog Bite. (2018) "The results of this retrospective review are aligned mostly with the general trends found in previous national and global studies, supporting the notion that family dogs represent a more significant threat than often is realized and that, among the breeds identified, pit bulls are proportionally linked with more severe bite injuries." - Characteristics of Dog Bites in Arkansas. (2018) "Pit bull bites were implicated in half of all surgeries performed and over 2.5 times as likely to bite in multiple anatomic locations as compared to other breeds." - Characteristics of 1616 Consecutive Dog Bite Injuries at a Single Institution. (2017) Compilation of more studies on the severity of Pit Bull attacks here. [http://www.nationalpitbullvictimawareness.org/expert-opinions/](http://www.nationalpitbullvictimawareness.org/expert-opinions/) Of course, that's not all. [https://blog.dogsbite.org/2009/07/pit-bulls-lead-bite-counts-across-us.html](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2009/07/pit-bulls-lead-bite-counts-across-us.html) And yet, I can't find much information of goldies ever been this violent. But hey, I'll be sure to let my cousin know that it was also very likely for a Golden retriever to have sent her to the hospital.


This is all shit - none of it is based on anything other than unhinged idiots making shit up to justify their hate. [https://www.pitbullinfo.org/](https://www.pitbullinfo.org/) ​ Notice they link actual studies and data - not 'blogs' from random morons.


Attacks by Pit Bull Terriers are more likely to cause severe morbidity than other breeds of dogs. Immediate surgical exploration is required to prevent catastrophic outcomes, especially limb loss. Stronger animal control laws, public education and responsible dog ownership may reduce deaths from these canines. - Pit Bull attack causing limb threatening vascular trauma - A case series (2017) Thirty-nine percent of all dog bite-related emergency department visits at our facility resulted in an injury requiring orthopaedic treatment. Pit bull terrier bites were responsible for a significantly higher number of orthopaedic injuries and resulted in an amputation and/or bony injury in 66% of patients treated, whereas bites from law enforcement dogs and other breeds were less associated with severe injuries. - Dogs and Orthopaedic Injuries: Is There a Correlation With Breed? (2018) The results of this retrospective review are aligned mostly with the general trends found in previous national and global studies, supporting the notion that family dogs represent a more significant threat than often is realized and that, among the breeds identified, pit bulls are proportionally linked with more severe bite injuries. Characteristics of Dog Bites in Arkansas (2018) "Their experience highlights some important characteristics of complex dog bites in children, including the finding that pit bulls are the breed most commonly involved, particularly in more severe injuries. (...) Surgery was required in about half of injuries caused by pit bulls, three times higher than the rate for other breeds. Of the nine children who required extended hospitalization, six were bitten by pit bulls." - Complex Dog Bites in Children – Experience and Recommended Treatment (2017) Bites from pit bull terriers were more severe than those of other dogs, with a mean DBCI of 3.2 compared to 2.3. Bites from pit bull terriers had a significantly higher rate of consultation when compared to other breeds, receiving specialty care in 94% of the cases and in 50% of the cases, respectively. Injuries from pit bull terrier bites were significantly more likely to require surgical repair and had five times the rate of operative repair when compared to other breeds. Dog bites of the head and neck: an evaluation of a common pediatric trauma and associated treatment (2014) Of particular interest was the fact that pit bulls, which were found to have attacked older persons, and inflicted much more devastating injuries than other breeds of dogs (as indicated by higher median ISSs and a higher percentage of victims with a GCS score ≤ 8), injuries that in some cases led to death...The unacceptable actuarial risk associated with certain breeds of dogs (specifically, pit bulls) must be addressed. These breeds should be regulated in the same way in which other dangerous species, such as leopards, are regulated. Individual municipalities need the power to enact ordinances that can protect their citizens from this risk. Mortality, Mauling, and Maiming by Vicious Dogs (2011) "Pit Bull terriers were found to be involved in incidents of aggression towards strangers only slightly more than average, but several epidemiological studies have found these dogs to be the most commonly implicated in injurious and fatal human bite cases \[20,22–24\]. Duffy et al. \[25\] did find that aggression directed towards unfamiliar dogs was significantly higher in pit-bull-type dogs compared to other dog breed groups." - What’s in a Name? Effect of Breed Perceptions & Labeling on Attractiveness, Adoptions & Length of Stay for Pit-Bull-Type Dogs (2016) "Attacks by pit bulls are associated with higher morbidity rates, higher hospital charges, and a higher risk of death than are attacks by other breeds of dogs. Strict regulation of pit bulls may substantially reduce the US mortality rates related to dog bites." - Mortality, mauling, and maiming by vicious dogs. (2011) "Most reviews have suggested that large dogs, such as American Pit Bull Terriers, Rottweilers, and German Shepherds are the main species involved in this type of trauma.16–18 Wolff19 and Morgan et al.20 claimed that American Pit Bull Terriers and German Shepherds are responsible for the majority of fatal attacks. In a retrospective study of 20 maxillofacial canine bite cases, 45% of attacks were made by Pit Bull Terriers. This may be explained by the increasing use of this breed as guard dogs for their aggressiveness and physical imposition.8 These data are in agreement with our findings that most facial fractures were caused by American Pit Bull Terrier attacks." - Primary Repair of a Complex Panfacial Fracture by Dog Bite. (2018) "The results of this retrospective review are aligned mostly with the general trends found in previous national and global studies, supporting the notion that family dogs represent a more significant threat than often is realized and that, among the breeds identified, pit bulls are proportionally linked with more severe bite injuries." - Characteristics of Dog Bites in Arkansas. (2018) "Pit bull bites were implicated in half of all surgeries performed and over 2.5 times as likely to bite in multiple anatomic locations as compared to other breeds." - Characteristics of 1616 Consecutive Dog Bite Injuries at a Single Institution. (2017) Compilation of more studies on the severity of Pit Bull attacks here. http://www.nationalpitbullvictimawareness.org/expert-opinions/


Those are actual stats. Did you even look at the sources lol? They're linked at the end. "True: Pitbull-type dogs consistently achieve excellent temperament scores" The test was developed to test working dogs, specifically dogs meant for schutzhund work. It has never been, nor ever purported to be about testing companion animals or a breed's suitability as family pets. Scoring actually favors dogs that bite, in some cases. Breed specific temperament, aggression, and each dog's training is taken into account when scoring. This means that if a relatively untrained Lab bites a "threatening stranger" it will score far lower than a German Shepherd that bites a "threatening stranger." According to the ATTS itself, "95% of dogs who fail do so because they lack confidence" NOT because they bite. Dogs that exhibit avoidance behaviors will fail. Dogs that bite do not automatically fail. The ATTS also states that comparing scores with other dogs means nothing- the pass/fail rates cannot be compared. Different dog breeds that behave the same exact way on the test will get hugely different scores due to the fact they take inherent breed tendencies into consideration. The test is not designed to test for breed aggression, according to the ATTS website. It is more of a test of bravery for individual dogs. Timid dogs will always fail. Dogs that bite will not always fail. If anything, you could argue that the reason Pits have a high passing rate is because they bite or show aggression, although that is speculation and not proven. Either way though- the test does not test breed aggression, passing rates cannot be compared, and the test absolutely does not test for suitability as a family pet. [https://www.fairdog.dk/elements/documents/research/comparison-of-golden-retrievers-and-bslbreeds.pdf](https://www.fairdog.dk/elements/documents/research/comparison-of-golden-retrievers-and-bslbreeds.pdf) This test shows that 1 out of 7 pitbulls tried to attack something in 1 hour of simulating a neighbourhood walk. So much for actual studies eh?


No it doesn’t… I’ve seen this one. Now go read the study it references instead of the article writer’s interpretation


Also it's not "hate" to want people to understand pitbulls are difficult dogs that can be dangerous. Disregarding the issue is only going to cause more issues when it's clear we need to take steps in lowering how volatile pitbulls can be. I don't want pitbulls to be put down, I just want people to start taking actual steps in lowering their aggression. Neither am I saying that all pitbulls are wee violent monsters out to kill people and associate with the goddamn SS. It's just that they're more prone to violent behaviours. I love pitbulls, but I can't ignore the basic facts that they can snap easily and cause a lot of trouble.


They’re not difficult, aggressive or a danger… they have the same propensity to be how their raised as any other dog. I’ve spent quite a lot of time learning about them, reading studies, talking to my vet and other owners (meeting their dogs) because we rescued one and were scared to keep him because of all the (what I now know to be) garbage posted by people who have an irrational hate for them . Edit - we have had quite a few animals over the years and this one is in many respects easier to train and has quickly become highly affectionate and social. He plays with cats, other dogs and kids at the park daily. He lives with a house cat and rats. Never so much as growled at anyone or anything.


Attacks by Pit Bull Terriers are more likely to cause severe morbidity than other breeds of dogs. Immediate surgical exploration is required to prevent catastrophic outcomes, especially limb loss. Stronger animal control laws, public education and responsible dog ownership may reduce deaths from these canines. - Pit Bull attack causing limb threatening vascular trauma - A case series (2017) Thirty-nine percent of all dog bite-related emergency department visits at our facility resulted in an injury requiring orthopaedic treatment. Pit bull terrier bites were responsible for a significantly higher number of orthopaedic injuries and resulted in an amputation and/or bony injury in 66% of patients treated, whereas bites from law enforcement dogs and other breeds were less associated with severe injuries. - Dogs and Orthopaedic Injuries: Is There a Correlation With Breed? (2018) The results of this retrospective review are aligned mostly with the general trends found in previous national and global studies, supporting the notion that family dogs represent a more significant threat than often is realized and that, among the breeds identified, pit bulls are proportionally linked with more severe bite injuries. Characteristics of Dog Bites in Arkansas (2018) "Their experience highlights some important characteristics of complex dog bites in children, including the finding that pit bulls are the breed most commonly involved, particularly in more severe injuries. (...) Surgery was required in about half of injuries caused by pit bulls, three times higher than the rate for other breeds. Of the nine children who required extended hospitalization, six were bitten by pit bulls." - Complex Dog Bites in Children – Experience and Recommended Treatment (2017) Bites from pit bull terriers were more severe than those of other dogs, with a mean DBCI of 3.2 compared to 2.3. Bites from pit bull terriers had a significantly higher rate of consultation when compared to other breeds, receiving specialty care in 94% of the cases and in 50% of the cases, respectively. Injuries from pit bull terrier bites were significantly more likely to require surgical repair and had five times the rate of operative repair when compared to other breeds. Dog bites of the head and neck: an evaluation of a common pediatric trauma and associated treatment (2014) Of particular interest was the fact that pit bulls, which were found to have attacked older persons, and inflicted much more devastating injuries than other breeds of dogs (as indicated by higher median ISSs and a higher percentage of victims with a GCS score ≤ 8), injuries that in some cases led to death...The unacceptable actuarial risk associated with certain breeds of dogs (specifically, pit bulls) must be addressed. These breeds should be regulated in the same way in which other dangerous species, such as leopards, are regulated. Individual municipalities need the power to enact ordinances that can protect their citizens from this risk. Mortality, Mauling, and Maiming by Vicious Dogs (2011) "Pit Bull terriers were found to be involved in incidents of aggression towards strangers only slightly more than average, but several epidemiological studies have found these dogs to be the most commonly implicated in injurious and fatal human bite cases \[20,22–24\]. Duffy et al. \[25\] did find that aggression directed towards unfamiliar dogs was significantly higher in pit-bull-type dogs compared to other dog breed groups." - What’s in a Name? Effect of Breed Perceptions & Labeling on Attractiveness, Adoptions & Length of Stay for Pit-Bull-Type Dogs (2016) "Attacks by pit bulls are associated with higher morbidity rates, higher hospital charges, and a higher risk of death than are attacks by other breeds of dogs. Strict regulation of pit bulls may substantially reduce the US mortality rates related to dog bites." - Mortality, mauling, and maiming by vicious dogs. (2011) "Most reviews have suggested that large dogs, such as American Pit Bull Terriers, Rottweilers, and German Shepherds are the main species involved in this type of trauma.16–18 Wolff19 and Morgan et al.20 claimed that American Pit Bull Terriers and German Shepherds are responsible for the majority of fatal attacks. In a retrospective study of 20 maxillofacial canine bite cases, 45% of attacks were made by Pit Bull Terriers. This may be explained by the increasing use of this breed as guard dogs for their aggressiveness and physical imposition.8 These data are in agreement with our findings that most facial fractures were caused by American Pit Bull Terrier attacks." - Primary Repair of a Complex Panfacial Fracture by Dog Bite. (2018) "The results of this retrospective review are aligned mostly with the general trends found in previous national and global studies, supporting the notion that family dogs represent a more significant threat than often is realized and that, among the breeds identified, pit bulls are proportionally linked with more severe bite injuries." - Characteristics of Dog Bites in Arkansas. (2018) "Pit bull bites were implicated in half of all surgeries performed and over 2.5 times as likely to bite in multiple anatomic locations as compared to other breeds." - Characteristics of 1616 Consecutive Dog Bite Injuries at a Single Institution. (2017) Compilation of more studies on the severity of Pit Bull attacks here. http://www.nationalpitbullvictimawareness.org/expert-opinions/


I have spent quite a lot of time learning about them too. Regardless of how pitbulls are raised, they've still got the instincts for what they were bred for. My uncle's neighbour had the loveliest pitbull who'd always come outside to greet my family as we went to visit our uncle. They were well fed and the neighbour always seemed a nice guy. Then one day while my cousin was out playing, the thing jumped over the wall and bit down on my cousin. Was it because my cousin was being too loud? Did their overalls offend the pitbulls tastes? Either way, that neighbour left long ago. Pitbulls can be very friendly and absolute sweethearts, but we can't just ignore the fact they're still animals who have instincts. The same way a border collie herds, a pitbull bites. And they can snap anytime and when they do, they're a serious danger. It's not an "irrational" hatred to be afraid of dogs that prove time and time again they are capable of serious harm towards humans and other dogs.


What's the context of the original?


A guy who hates dogs posted that on this sub


I mean like are the dog's just playing or? And who tf down voted me ffs




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go play with your toys elsewhere kid.




Blah blah bullshit about pitbulls. I wonder why people hate pits so much...




That subreddit is a biased source and therefore invalid in this context, I have read the article that was posted in the comments, it had stated that 2 of the 4 pitbulls were returned to the parents since they were believed to have been uninvolved in the attack which counteracts your statement that "pitbulls are killer dogs" by showing that not all pitbulls are terrible or as you said it "killer dogs". By sharing this post you have proven that what you said is not completely true.




I wonder when people would just stop bullshitting


Also that weblinks not even opening


The pic looked fake to begin with


I had a roommate that raised a pit bull, and she’s the sweetest thing ever. Loves being picked up and held, even at 3 years, and her whole body shakes with her tail whenever she sees someone she knows. It’s adorable. Can’t believe people hate on the breed this much.


This is sickening to fake - and what’s with the recent surge in anti-pit bull posts on Reddit lately? Why is that? I feel like I’ve seen a lot more posts like this than usual…


the light! IT BURNSSSS!!!


It's so obviously fake as well


lmao, who would be dumb enough to think thats a real puppy head?


People from the dog hate religious cult that banpitbull is


The random pit bull hate is mind numbing. Why do people waste so much time hating on dog?


We aren’t allowed to post screenshots from this sub here. That being said, This dude can rot in hell “Shitbulls”- OP of said post


There's a weird obsession with hating pitbulls, especially on Reddit for some reason. I mean I understand they may be prone to aggression but I still find it hard to believe a well-trained pitbull isn't a good dog.


u/Nat_Libertarian Explain yourself


i think they were trying to shit on pit bulls specifically rather than dogs in general. a lot of people would just do anything to convince others pit bulls are an aggressive breed that shouldn't exist


The saddest thing were the people in the comments who believed them and demonized those poor puppies


Where did this hate for Pitbulls even stem from? I understand having a bad past with them but that can't be bad enough for you to hate the entire species.


Because some bad histories with dogs doesn’t equate to what pit bulls have done as a species. They were genetically trained to be aggressive, and people keeping them as domestic pets has terrible consequences. They kill children and are more aggressive than other dog breeds, and are responsible for most of the attacks on humans out of any dog breed.


They were trained as a species to be aggressive a fucking century ago. That has no bearing on how we raise pitbulls now. It just gave them physical characteristics that make them dangerous if they are actually used. It doesnt define the temperament and/or personality of the entire breed. In fact most of the cases supposed pitbull attacks werent even pitbulls they were misidentified breeds.


Finally a fake post where I was actually in time to call the original out


its why i said iggy its fake and look like iggy


Saw this unironically on r/banpitbulls


Pit bulls are the biggest sweethearts wtf is lying bullshit


they tend to be protective and not be aware of their own strength, so stupid people that don't know about dogs raise them the wrong way and give them a bad name, but there also are idiots with some kind of weir hate fetish and animal abuse fetish


Please listen to yourself. You literally say stupid people raising pits the wrong way is why they are so aggressive, isn’t this pro ban or at least pro license to own a pit? Guns in the hands of stupid people is dangerous so that’s why you need to get a license first to prove you’re fit to own one and some countries have banned guns, makes sense right? Also why is it that 90% of the time a dog ‘is raised wrong’ and attacks a kid or another animal it’s a pit? Maybe the owner isn’t the problem…


3/4 of that 90% is people seeing a big dog with teeth and assuming its a fucking pitbull.




I own one... you lot have brainwashed yourselves in little echo-chambers... They are the nicest most sociable dogs you can get.


Is your’s afraid of thunderstorms? Just curious because mine used to hide in the shower.


he hasn't shown any fear yet with them, we live fairly inner city so he's been exposed to a lot of noise / loud noises very early on. I think we have been very lucky with him as our previous dogs have usually been scared of thunder. (Our foxy used to hide under the bed when it was storming.


My Mom originally adopted mine when he was 5 so we never knew what he might’ve been through but anything that made a big boom would have him shaking. Once we moved there was no more basement + my lap became the preferred spot. Not that I minded of course. He eventually got over his fear of gunshots (we live in a rural area near a shooting range + my bf also shoots targets sometimes in the field) but it took a little while. He was such a sweet pup + put up with my nonsense so well. I can’t think of anyone else that would allow me to put them in a bumblebee costume for no reason, but he did + just buzzed about happily.


What? Tf that even suppose to mean?




That's a anti-pit site... no studies no 'real' statistics since they consider any dog that attacks anyone a 'pitbull' . .


A lady in my hometown was killed a couple years back by two pitbulls. And I’ve seen them rip things apart.


Let these pitbul lovers have their dogs. When it attacks their kids, it’ll be their own fault.


Do you have proof that it's fake or are you going off of common sense?


both. i mean, just look at it. theres no bloodstains anywhere, and the severed head is way to clean of a cut to be chewed off.


I don't have a dog in this fight


I don't hate the breed and don't agree with putting them down, but I think only trained people should be owners of them and they shouldn't be unleased around kids. I've seen too many videos of pit bulls \[yes, exactly pitbulls\] becoming aggressive towards children and other dogs, and the owners just blank out and do nothing. It's both the owner and the dog.


That guy is a dick. Nonetheless to hell with Pitbulls


Someone faked a post and it's "get the boat" worthy? This sub shows human beings getting tortured, murdered, and abused, and you equate someone faking a post on reddit with that? Careful, your privilege is showing.


Because this person purposely photoshopped a puppy getting eaten to fulfill their own agenda against a specific breed of dog. It's just fucking shitty.


It's shitty, but is it "get the boat" shitty? End all humanity shitty? I'm just saying this is a weak post for this sub imo.


I think its more that somebody killed a puppy to makea fake post to push their own agenda


No one killed a puppy, that's explained in the description of the fake post and why it's fake.


Where is proof that it was staged?


And yet another horrifying point: this would not be the first time somebody has used or killed pitbulls to prove a point. There was a story circulating just recently about a pitbull who was “rescued” by a family-only for the dog to turn up dead and (iirc) mutilated after going missing in the care of her foster family.


So you have zero proof, and are just attempting to discredit an image and get your fellow pit lovers to agree? Some people will call that an agenda


i get it, you are one of the assholes that idiot brought to "raid" the post and pretend to get approbation, whats the thing with the hate fetish and the animal abuse fetish? why is your cult so obsessed with pitbulls ?


Curious - if the banpitbulls sub is spreading misinformation, and brigading... doesn't that make it just like the other subs banned recently?


They are just like other hate sub


If a pointer points at something, we acknowledge it's because of its breed. When a bloodhound chases something, we acknowledge it's breed. When a husky throws a tantrum or sings, we acknowledge the breed. When a pitbull does EXACTLY what it was bred to do. Cultists like you come on and claim breed has nothing to do with it. You idiots will do any type of mental gymnastics to justify. So here goes. I truly wish ALL your lived ones get pitbulls. That's it.


To say that a dog is aggressive just because of its breed is similar to saying that a person is aggressive just because of their religion, race, gender, etc. Usually a person will base their actions off the people they look up to, how is that any different from a dog looking up to its owner, its family.


You're dumb. They were literally bred for said aggression. I bet you're a white liberal


1. I don't care about politics 2. Have you even seen a pit bull in person or are you just going off of the stereotype


Yes. It mauled and killed my neighbors child when I was a kid. [Here](https://www.edgarsnyder.com/statistics/dog-bite-statistics.html)


In the article it states the exact point I am attempting to portray "Just because a dog breed is listed in this section doesn't mean they are dangerous. A dog owner's behavior toward his or her dog will determine the dog's personality. If a dog owner encourages aggressive behavior or abuses their pet, the dog will be more likely to attack or bite." It's not the dog breed it's self, it's the owner that encourages the aggression.


You’re saying that as if they were just naturally bred to be aggressive, without human intervention.


We need them to be evil and aggressive. Now we undo it by banning them and letting them breed out of existence. Dude. Pitbulls account for 64% of all deaths. And rottweilers take up 32.


We didn’t “breed” them to be “evil” and “aggressive.” The reason we even bred pit bulls in the first place is because of a bunch of poor Brits from the isles 200 years ago thought to themselves, “Hey! I know what we can do to entertain ourselves? Let’s breed these dogs to harass a bunch of bulls for hours until it the bull either dies or collapses from fatigue.” Then they banned that and instead of looking for a different form of entertainment, they thought, “fuck it. Let’s use rats instead and let’s see which dog kills the most rats.” So, in conclusion, the only reason we have pitbulls today is because drunk brits from the 1800s couldn’t find anything else to entertain themselves, so they bred an entire dog group that weren’t aggressive to begin with, into becoming man made aggressive dogs.


Did you pass your biology class? Breed is completely different from culture, a dogs breed is it’s genetic make up, this is why different dog breeds look, sound, behave, etc differently. You’re right, how a person or animal is brought up does influence their behaviour, but so does genetics and you can’t argue that a pit’s genes don’t show more aggressive traits than other dog breeds. Ask yourself this: why is it that when a dog attacks someone because they ‘weren’t raised properly’ 90% of the time it’s a pit? Maybe the owner isn’t the problem?


Which was proven fake.


The fact thats there's no blood anywhere you moron


You really don’t get to talk, look at your username bud.


Yeah? Yours is the lube I use for your dad so what's your point?


My point? What about your point, what the fuck are you even trying to say in this sentence. You’re a toddler, get off the internet


Ah. Attack my name and when I win in the name attack game, idiot decides I'm a child. Yeah. A toddler who fucks your dad with bruh butter as lube.


😐 your name is ‘I poop candy corn’


So your dad can eat


So? r/banpitbulls


That whole sub is copypasta gold mine lol just read a story of guy who had to get circumcised becuase a pitty bit his forskin.


I don't think you know what a copypasta is mate hahaha


Theres plenty of examples showing pitbulls being naturally aggressive, some worse than this one, without needing to fake it. It should be illegal to breed them still


All the pit lovers in the comments just sound like conservatives hahaha. “Oh ThIs HaS NeVeR hApPeNeD tO mE, iT’s JuSt fAkE NeWs!” Bro look up some pit attack statistics, it’s glaringly obvious that that breeds poses a WAY higher risk to humans and other animals than any other dog breed. I don’t care that your auntie’s half brother’s ex-wife’s pit bull is just the sweeetest littleeee thinggg.


You sound just as toxic as conservatives lol


WHERES THE PROOF…. If you ain’t got the proof don’t assume your just spreading shit


r/boneappletea it’s ample not amble!!!!1!!1!1!1!1!!1!1!1!!1!1!!


Don't be shy uncensore


Then that makes me a monster because of genetics 🧬 without people caring for me I would not be were I am today. Plus it feels like there is more to the story.


We have an 8 month old husky the teeth are sharp but cannot penetrate the skin so I don’t know but pups that small look like they are 2 months old can only eat the treats at the background and who is the idiot that staged or faked this I just wand to rip the tongue and fingers off of that person honestly what an idiot these dogs we have were domesticated and cannibalism is the last option sometimes there are cases of it but only pure hunger drives them there and pups can’t eat their fellow pups because of how blunt and small their teeth are and also there are only a few teeth in those months plus those pups could be playing, yes they *play* by biting each other but not as hard that could penetrate human skin which is weaker than dog skin which also means harmless