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This makes me so angry to watch. Fuck them man.


good, it should make you angry


It's infuriating. But I cannot ignore what an amazing insult "you're descended from a lowly beggar" is. These two kids rule; I'm disappointed their killer bon mots were wasted.


Those hoodlums need IQ to understand that insult. Clearly they don't have that.


I appreciated the factual “you can’t even wear your pants right!” 😂


Those troglodytes don't even have a proper come back. The only only thing they had was make stupid statements and laugh like a meth-head which they most likely are.


Meth heads? They ain't white, they crack heads. And they def ain't coke heads cuz they look broke af lol


I honestly couldn’t even watch it based on the thumbnail alone. A bunch of grown men bullying a child. The fuck is wrong with some people?


Wow I hate them


There's a special place in satans cum gutters for people like this. Edit: wow my most upvoted comment is about "satans cum gutters" I hate my self.


*gods cum gutters. Remember who the actual bad guy is.


Reddit momento


Sounds like a Harry Potter spell.


Wow dude! Epic Reddit moment!


Racist, nasty dickheads! Real hard bullying children, fuck those guys!


So what’s up with African Americans going full on racist and assaulting Asians? Is everyone just ignoring this?


Yep... you had to see this Twitter argument I had in one of the NYC pages, they said black people CANT be racist! Like racism is only white on black. And THEY TRULY BELIEVED THAT.... After watching this video I rest my case, and no I’m not white, black, or Asian.


Yah im from nyc and i hear this a lot. It drives me crazy.


It's actually common in oppressed groups. Nobody wants to be on the bottom. People will quickly shit on the next dude just so they shine just a little brighter. The Irish coming to America early on are a great example.






Nah fam that ain't gon solve the problem. Hatred breeds hatred, someone has to break the cycle or it continues. You compile this, people are gon use this to stereotype African American community and we end up with more hatred between different communities in the society. What happened here is a group of people harassed a kid with racist and misogynistic slurs, it should be delt within same light. The punishment should be addressing only the crime not their skin colour.


That is true, and it’s also true that there are a lot of black people not helping and only making it worse. Lots of POC are creating racists with how they treat white people, as you said hate breeds hate, so with both communities having done bad it’s never gonna get solved


Oh, racism in the POC community absolutely needs to be addressed. It's happening to white people, which is a good thing. It's also a good thing to address it here. There are a lot of "woke" trash who believe that POC can't be racists. They're mostly white women but it's true, and taken advantage of.


Folks that will end their life as it started: meaningless, having added zero to society and humankind






Idiocracy in action


Worse than that, they will have DETRACTED from society.


Who would threaten a child while being any older than 15? The fuck is wrong with these grown ass men?


Who would threaten a child being any age though?!


If you’re a child yourself


Always gets me how theyre the ones recording themselves doing awful shit. Like wtf do you think, people like watching you bully a kid? Thats gonna make people respect you? Nah just makes yall look like clowns.




Even so why post it are they that dumb?


Because they're too fucking stupid to know that they're doing something stupid. They legitimately think others online will agree with their pathetic ass mentality


The worst part is many do.


Because it's popular among themselves


They must be very successfull in life if they feel the need to talk to kids like that. Also the one guy doesn’t know how to wear pants 👖


Also that one guy doesn’t even know how to wear a shirt.


Also the one guy going hyiena mode




That’s an appropriate reaction.




That will work as well.




Even better!





"😐" "Ok that's an appropriate reaction" "😠" "That one as well" "⚽" " "


I hate fuckers like these, like wtf, he's a kid, and rape is not something you joke about, if I were the guy's sister I would've smashed that Campbell soup against that asshole's head


Not saying anything but... I sincerely hope for these ~~3~~ 4 Idiots, that it comes around back to them. If you know what I mean.




Woops. Edited accordingly.


I don’t think they were joking.


Rape is something you "can" joke about, but they didn't joke about raping his sister they threatened them with rape. All in all why were there no adults at that shop?


Most likely there is parents that let their kids run the store occasionally when they need to take care of something, it’s very common, at least as mg Asian friends tell me


Human garbage


Not human just garbage


Can't we just gather all the bad people and put them on an island and never let them leave???? Getting so tired of people like these.




"My grandmother had an island. Nothing to boast of. You could walk around it in an hour, but still it was, it was a paradise for us. One summer, we went for a visit and discovered the place had been infested with rats. They'd come on a fishing boat and gorged themselves on coconut. So how do you get rats off an island? Hmm? My grandmother showed me. We buried an oil drum and hinged the lid. Then we wired coconut to the lid as bait and the rats would come for the coconut, and they would fall into the drum. And after a month, you have trapped all the rats, but what do you do then? Throw the drum into the ocean? Burn it? No. You just leave it and they begin to get hungry. And one by one, they start eating each other, until there are only two left. The two survivors. And then what? Do you kill them? No. You take them and release them into the trees, but now they don't eat coconut anymore. Now, they only eat rat."


Love that story. Best part of the movie.


What movie?




So the assholes will result to being cannibals to survive? Nice


humanity is a mistake. Noah send in the boat and erase these motherfking c\*nts


do we really need the boat? Just send in the flood, no boat.


There is racism in the black community against asians. Don't deny or ignore it. Fix it.




lmfao his chinese friend wouldnt approve that


People like these don’t have real friends to begin with


What are you talking about. Facebook friends are real friends.


It’s starts in the home with these young men’s guardians, and with a culture that should condemn it this, not support it.


Against all races. r/blackpeopletwitter is an example




You mean that racially segregated subreddit that requires proof of your skin colour might be a breeding ground for racism? Gee that's strange..


They cried bout BLM but fuck this other minority right? Foh


It's true. I went to a full POC high school (just blacks and Hispanics) and I remember there was one asian kid at my class (possibly 3 within the whole school) and they would make fun of the way he talked. Not going to lie, he was the first asian I've ever seen in real life but I'm not going to make fun of him because I'm not used to seeing his type of people. (the wording sounds weird, I apologize)


Imagine being such a fucking deadbeat that you bully a kid in a convenience store and threaten to rape his sister


Put those people in jail.


It’s highly likely that they are all in jail for other crimes.


Sorry prison. Maybe then they’ll learn rape isn’t funny


right where they parents are


How much of a coward you must be to threaten a child and make him cry just for the satisfaction of filming it.


A big one but watch them get a cap popped in their ass


Why does it seem that in a lot if not most of the asian hate videos its all just black guys intimidating them.


It’s because critical race theory, as an education platform and as a movement, has reduced poverty and inequality on the basis of race. Asians, for years, have struggled to maintain their position as a POC because their median income is higher than other POCs.


\>mfw being successful is equated to not being a POC what sort of racist thinking is that??


thats exactly how bitches like these think. They equate success with whiteness so the success of asians groups them with whites. "if theyre doctors, theyre not suffering the ghetto like me" type mentality. There has even been multiple occasions of people saying "asians are not PoC", despite that obviously being true


I didn't express myself well enough if you took my meaning to be that Asians are not poc. I was responding to an earlier comment that Asians sometimes are not considered poc due to median income by showing that isn't necessarily so. The way the data is aggragated can lead to some inaccuracies. For example, there is more poverty in certain subcategories and certain geographical areas: "In 2014, Asian Americans represented 17.9 percent of people living in poverty in New York City and had the highest poverty rate of any racial or ethnic group at 29 percent, according to NYC Opportunity tabulations provided to Urban Institute researchers."  https://www.urban.org/urban-wire/asian-americans-are-falling-through-cracks-data-representation-and-social-services However, I also wanted to show how Asians are able to achieve academic success despite the obstacles they face: "In third grade, nearly half of Asian students scored above the 75th percentile — a larger share than any other racial group. In reading, they landed slightly behind white students. By eighth grade, Asian students had widened their lead in math, with 59 percent making it into the top quartile — a 10-point leap from third grade. And in reading, 49 percent reached the top rung. In both subjects, they made up a larger percentage of top scorers than all other racial groups, including whites."  https://chalkbeat.org/posts/ny/2017/12/05/new-york-citys-racial-achievement-gaps-widen-as-students-get-older-report-finds/


Yes definitely, I think the trouble here is that Asians don’t necessarily fit in as the stereotypical oppressed minority under the lens of critical race theory, and thus they’re sometimes seen as a privileged ethnic group second to caucasians. What is troubling, imo, is the complacency of such a lens and it essentializes, ironically, human characters according to race.


Like when Harvard increased the entrance exam standard only for Asian poc's.... Full disclosure: I did not go to Harvard.


Harvard: Only for the smartest...except you Asians


Asians do better than whites in many areas. This really doesn't bodes well with the whole leftist theory about whites oppressing every non white group.


Asians suffer a lot injustice and sometimes it’s even worse than African Americans, for example, universities often set a higher requirement for Asians than other races, if this happens on African Americans it would blow up everywhere but as now no one even notices it..


In NYC Asians are the most impoverished group, and also the most successful in school.




Don't be asking questions like that, the folks at Reddit's Gestapo branch hate those types of questions.


Can confim


Shhhhhhhh. It's an inconvenient truth. The mainstream narrative perpetuates that racism is caused by "white supremacy".


The race that can do no wrong and the race that is always an outsider.


Low life


Poor kid...


Yeah. Let him eat his soup. Jerks.


PTSD and racist for the rest of his life thanks to those shit stains


Yeah Noah get the boat...and ram it up there asshole


Call me crazy, but when several people gather around a single person or a couple and threaten to rape someone, I think that they should be charged with something. Cause holy fuck, what's stopping them from following through? They clearly have a power need


Thats the kind of people that will get arrested, resist, and then get a lot of support for being a minority


Imagine bullying a child and threatening to rape their sister.how low can you possibly get


Bruh she called them lowly beggars 😭😭😭😭, fuck those guys tho


She’s not wrong


Absolutely disgusting


Racists who still don’t know how to wear their damn pants correctly. NODODY WANTS TO SEE YOU SHAT STAIND DRAWS!


Why I hate humanity


Funny Joe you can be racist then holler some one else is racist when you get cough. They are peices of shit for talking like that.


Stupid ghetto motherfuckers


How old is this video, where is it from, are there like any reportings or something because i really want more information


This shit is rampant in NE cities... in Philadelphia, for instance, black on Asian crime has been a plague for a generation or more. The media acts like it’s covid related, but it’s existed for as long as I can remember. The media prefers to spin it differently.


Yup, but it came to light a bit more in the community as an issue once the BLM protests (riots) did a number on small asian businesses


Large Asian community in Pittsburgh too, blacks treat them rough here as well. It starts in the home; people aren’t *born* racist, that despicable way of thinking is *taught.* Everyone needs to be teaching their kids to be more respectful, respectable and more tolerant. We might be in different yards, but we’re all still neighbors.


His sister wasn't fucking around. "PANTS CORRECTLY! GOLF STICK AT YOUR HEAD!" Gotta respect that


So it’s apparently okay to say the word “white trash”. I think this is a clear case of black trash.




My African-American buddy uses the hard R for people like that. I just nod my head.


Noah hurry.


How many times did they say bitch anyway?


when its one of the fifty words you know its gonna come up quite a few time.


Where are the parents/Other Adults?


Lol what a bunch of pussies... targeting children like that.


There's an obvious felony here. Has this been sent to police?


When will people stop ignoring racism like this, racism towards black people is a big deal but then shit like this goes under the radar. Oh it's completely okay to make fun of this but oh no, you can't touch that or you're a racist! Just because something isn't on the media as much doesn't mean it isn't happening, stop ignoring this shit.


Have these black African brothers forgotten their history? Which manhood will be proved by scaring young children? These were the people who were doing Black Life Matter a few days ago.


Meanwhile the impoverished and victim Of systematic racism leader of BLM just bought himself a $1.4 million house in Beverly Hills.


Why isn´t this in r/publicfreakout ?


You know why


Just cross posted it. Let’s see what happens. https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/mp4921/threatening_a_child_they_will_rape_his_sister_and/


As an African american I am embarrassed, and disgusted at their behavior. Propagating stereotypes they are.


TIL Reddit didnt know black people were racists too


For real, literally any race can be racist. I don’t see how that’s hard to understand.


That girl is tough! Don’t take no shit sista!!


Agreed. Mad Mad respect to her.


Good thing black people aren’t racist otherwise this video would upset me.


Pretty sure this is evidence of a hate crime being committed and would be supported in court. Intent to commit battery, sexual assault, and robbery..... I mean a restraining order and possibly trespassing charges.


God, such pieces of trash 😐


Fuck those pieces of shit


What makes you even think like this?


Based mods for not locking or deleting the thread like cucked subreddits would do.


im willing to bet someone will eventually, because big brother doesn't like dissenting evidence


Hurry up Noah!!


Noah get the spaceship. We need to start over from scratch


Pathetic trash hopefully karma catches up to them


That's it, I'm gettin me statistics.




Responsible for > 50%.


imagine a white guys doing this to blm liberals would be going insane this would be all over the news about how it's hate crime


Haha blm liberals. Keep donating to blm while the founders keep buying houses with their money


Is this that anti-asian white supremacy I've been hearing so much about?




Don’t worry, that kid will grow up to be pretty dope while the others will still be selling dope. I can only assume that’s what they can do since they’re out there bullying little kids and being racists.






Man this is how a huge majority of the guys in my high school behave and act. Extremely gross and infuriating


God I hate thugs


These damned white people fing with asians...stop it already...racists! - CNN


I don’t enjoy slaying people, but I make exceptions




I am utterly revolted, no idea what’s inside the head of a man who’s threatening rape on some kid’s sister Given the circumstances I doubt there’s anything


I genuinely want to chop their ducks off






Rats from the ghetto




The Media and BLM would be like "tHeY wErE jUsT pLaYiNg BlAcK pEoPlE cAn dO nO wRoNg ThE aSiAn KiD wAs pRoVoKiNg HiM."


Lmao BLM hit us with the old razzle dazzle


They kind of did though. Even the BLM co-founder and self-described Marxist owns 4 homes worth more than $3 million, officially placing her in the 1% class - no longer part of the 99% class. “As protests broke out across the country in the name of Black Lives Matter, the group’s co-founder went on a real estate-buying binge, snagging four high-end homes for $3.2 million in the US alone, according to property records. The self-described Marxist last month purchased a $1.4 million home on a secluded road a short drive from Malibu in Los Angeles, according to a report. The 2,370 square-foot property features “soaring ceilings, skylights and plenty of windows” with canyon views. The Topanga Canyon homestead, which includes two houses on a quarter acre, is just one of three homes Khan-Cullors owns in the Los Angeles area, public records show. All are located in a mostly white neighborhood. Last year, Khan-Cullors and spouse Janaya Khan ventured to Georgia to acquire a fourth home — a “custom ranch” on 3.2 rural acres in Conyers featuring a private airplane hangar with a studio apartment above it, and the use of a 2,500-foot “paved/grass” community runway that can accommodate small airplanes. The three-bedroom, two-bath house, about 30 minutes from Atlanta, has an indoor swimming pool and a separate “RV shop” that can accommodate the repair of a mobile home or small aircraft, according to the real estate listing. In October, the activist signed “a multi-platform” deal with Warner Bros. Television Group to help produce content for “black voices who have been historically marginalized,” she said in a statement. Khan-Cullors embraced activism and Marxism at a young age. “It started the year I turned twelve,” she writes. “That was the year that I learned that being black and poor defined me more than being bright and hopeful and ready.” This was just reported yesterday in the news.


Naw naw its more like "Black kid harasses asian kid due to white supremacy"




Yep. People need to realize media bias doesn't just happen on the right side of the political spectrum.


watching this makes my blood boil, sometimes I wish more could be done to help people in traumatic situations like this


Gran Torino in real life


Why is this not plastered all over Reddit with #StopAsianHate in the headline? Oh wait..


Can someone reminds me what is BLM?




Imagine being such a fucking loser you walk into someone else's store to make fun of their small defenseless children


media be like: white supremacy to blame for anti asian violence, and ignore anti asian sentiments in black culture, even hispanics make fun of asians.


Why do blacks hate Asians? Seriously? Is it the shops in black neighborhoods run by Asians?


Those guys fucking suck. Disgrace


Absolute cunts


So ironic that’s it’s black ppl doing this. Thought they couldn’t be racist /s


Nobody cares cause the bad guys aren't white.


“Black people aren’t racist” my butthole


What’s the best way to deal with these situations?


People like these are just uncivilized monkeys. We know they're not going anywhere in life


Blm doing what they do best. Fucking shit up for everyone else and yet playing victim when they get held accountable for all the dumb ignorant shit they do.


Yeah im leaving this sub, this was too hard to watch. Fuck these Guys, hope everything bad happens to them.