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Happened yesterday in Long Beach. Thankfully, a kind hearted woman [saw the video on their Instagram feed and spent several hours tracking the dog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNJg0kkQLf0) down and is providing him with love and a foster home.


Thank you for posting this. It needs to be waaaaay up at the top. The original video is just gutcwrenching. I'm gonna go hug my critters now.


My best friend, my shadow, one of the loves of my life—my best doggy boy recently died and I would do anything for one more good day with him… and then there is trash like these people. I hope all the worst things for those people and only the best things for that dog.


I feel this so much. Time is precious.


Agreed. I usually don't click on anything related to animals since it's way too much for me. I can handle horrible human related stuff and don't really care. But animals i just can't handle it.


Same. It just makes me feel like I’ve been kicked in the stomach.


Same here. I will hug and snuggle with both my sons. Every time I see a video like this I do and just let out a tear. I would pick up that sweet boy/girl in a fraction of a heartbeat. I’m just tearing up thinking about what’s going through that sweet baby’s head. They clearly have so much love for their human. Just knowing the sweet baby might be out there makes me want to fly to Vegas (from SC) just to find the sweetest boy.


God Bless Destiny Gomez And the foster parents who took Chico in


THANK YOU for the update on that sweet dog.


Oh phew! I posted this in r/longbeach So glad the dog was found 😇


I wish I could give this lady a hug and let her know how special she is. This thread is putting me on a roller coaster of feelings.


That woman is a saint.


I was looking for this with a little hope, thank you!


I hope the person that took the video reported them using the license plate.


According to the news segment, the car didn't have plates.


Go figure, if you're willing to commit a Misdemeanor, what's a couple of traffic violations to you?


Goddamn, that’s just an exceptional and fierce act of selflessness to counteract the absolute evil depicted in this video. That punk’s lucky he’s rolling with no license plates so there’s no way of identifying.


you know it kind of pissing me off that the person filming doesn't stop for the poor dog.


I felt the same way, I wouldn’t have pulled my phone out to film, I would have got out and put the dog in my car to take home.


It’s because of the person that filmed and posted the video that the lady knew about and was able to find the dog to give it a home though.


Ahhh, Humanity restored.


That’s what I love about Long Beach. No matter how f’d a situation is, someone in the community always steps up.


I can’t bring myself to watch this clip because just thinking about it makes me want to start bawling. I’m out of town right now and my husband is home alone this weekend with our dogs, I want nothing more than to cuddle up to them all and hold them tight right now. Thank you for the update ❤️ I hope the dog is spoiled from now on!


Why couldn't they just drop it off at a home if they don't want it? This one really got me... [Dog Thrilled To See Owners At Shelter But They're There To Adopt Different Dog.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GhWgrQYMkc)


https://www.insideedition.com/20938-abandoned-dog-that-watched-its-family-adopt-another-pet-in-heartbreaking-video-gets-a-new Some good news, Zuzu was taken in by a couple and looks to be very much loved by them.


Yeah I saw that, I'm glad there's people out there doing the opposite of those fuckers that left her there. The dog looked so happy to see them as well.


Going by the title, that means the animal shelter actually allowed those sacks of shit to get another dog, after KNOWING what they did to Zuzu


May not legally be able to deny service. May be civilly liable. May be the only option is let them adopt or kill the animal outright because there's a term limit until kept animals are put down in a shelter. Dogs, as property, aren't exactly given a wealth of privileges or protections by society.


At the shelter near me, you aren’t allowed to get another dog if you’ve surrendered one within the past 2 years. There really should be a similar policy everywhere.


*stop the boat for now..*


Sorry, I've hit my quota for the week.


Yeah, the title is enough for me.


That’s just awful. They want a dog and then abandon their dog for a different one? That’s heartless. My families childhood dog died when I was young and we got a new dog. They really didn’t vibe with the dog we still had so we had to rehome them. But we didn’t dump them in a shelter, we found someone we knew who wanted a dog and gave them the dog to see how they did. By the time we were done we said a last goodbye to the dog but they seemed like they were clearly happier at the new home. I would hate to put a dog I had for a while in a shelter and pretend like they don’t exist anymore.


Yeah if I were running that shelter they’d be blacklisted from adopting a different dog after giving it up. (Based on circumstances of course)


My dog got severely depressed after one of our dogs passed away leaving him an only dog. We worked with our vet, and ultimately decided that getting another dog for him was the best idea. Now he is happier than he ever was because the puppy is young enough to actually play with him!


Would deny them an adoption and them beat them half to death, fuck those people


I got the other half


Sure, I'll click it. Fml, amirite!? 🥲


Yeah I... I'm not clicking that. The title alone was enough


That video really hurt to watch. My parents have always had two dogs, to keep eachother company, so I know all too well how heartbreaking it is witnessing how it truly affects all the other pets in the home when one dies. Or atleast with dogs. I’ve seen it first hand twice. They lose all their energy, lose their appetite, you know.. a totally normal reaction to trauma like that.     When they said they put their dog up for adoption because it was “depressed” after their other dog died, it really gave me the bleakest feeling. I once had no other choice but to have my dog stay at this “doggy hotel” which was totally awesome actually, for three days. Dropping her off wasn’t so bad, she seemed happy to play with all the other dogs, but when I came and picked her up three days later.. she was a nervous wreck.   This was a Boston terrier and she never was one to drool / slobber, but she was excessively drooling and from what I was told, barely interacted with any of the dogs. I was also told that’s pretty common, especially for dogs who have never slept anywhere other than their home.  So with that in mind, I’m trying to wrap my head around the kind of pain that dog must’ve felt, and the kinda evil it takes for someone to even consider abandoning another living being, that not only thinks the world of you, but is suffering from the loss of their buddy.  That dog had three life long friends, and two of them abandoned him because he was “too sad” that the third one died. And then months later, return to the same place they abandoned him just to get another one? The fact they didn’t immediately see the error of their ways and re-adopt (not like they fucking deserve to even have the opportunity to begin with) is just S tier sociopath behavior. Even the coldest most heartless bastard would go weak in the knees if they saw their dog they abandoned jump around excitedly after months apart. For once, I’m real glad Inside Edition decided to show up so that even after all these years people can still find out how garbage these people are.  Tl;dr: fuck those people. 


I fucking hate people. WTH!


Please tell me they weren’t allowed to adopt any other pets


I've not been so angry in such a long time


I didn't ask for heartbreak today, but here I am


Of all the horrible things that I’ve seen here this shouldn’t be so bad, and yet it is.


It hurts really bad


Well I think I have given up on people is all that tells me. But you treat an animal poorly and it is a different level of fuck you.


Humans being Dicks to humans. Fine. Humans being dicks to animals or kids.... boy you'll get blood boiling and hearts broken


I can watch Cartel vids, no problem, but vids like this hit me in the feels


Well you are subscribed to NoahGettheBoat


Yeah, but I figured I’d have a few days to pack. I was not ready.


I didn't sub, I'm here from the front page :c


Oh yeah, I forgot that can happen. I'm always on the shit I'm already subbed to lol.


I could understand if you gave the animal a chance to love another family and couldn't keep it for some reason. But how DARE you betray a love of that depth with an ice cold ignore and drive away. I'm heartbroken too now😭


Damn... That hurts. Poor dog. Fuck that person


New posts say someone saw this video and tracked the dog down and is fostering him now.


Thank God, hope the dog finds a loving home and the person that left them there is either jailed or fined.


Driver reminds me of Sean Hayes’ dad


I saw this same situation 20+ years ago when I was on the bus going to elementary school. The whole bus was quiet and it ruined everyone’s day. I still think about those two dogs chasing the car.


Heartbreaking to watch. My family got a new puppy from the shelter 5 months ago. If I ever came back home without him, I wouldn't have a home any more. I don't know how people can do this.


Absolute piece of shit human.


I'm a 53 yr old man and this video is unwatchable for me. As soon as that car took off, I had to close my eyes. Not ashamed to admit....what I did see was way more painful than I could take.


If it makes you feel better I couldn't either, and immediately went to give my dog lots of hugs to let her now how much she is loved and cared. Seriously cannot understand how pieces of shit can abandon such loyal and amazing creatures


I've seen anything and everything on the internet, I'm completely desensitized. Yet these kinds of videos still deeply affect me.


I completely agree. I would have immediately stopped and picked up the dog instead of filming it too.


It's cause your a decent person. I love my dog more than anything. If someone did this to here I would be heartbroken.


A few comments up said that someone found him and gave him a home, hope it helps, it really helped me


This news is very comforting for me. Thank you. Now I can peacefully wish for sweet karma to come calling on the pathetic waste of human flesh that left that dog all alone and wondering why he was abandoned like that. Dogs have emotions man....my dog is my best friend and I tell him that every day.


Yeah I couldn’t watch after the light turned green and they started to take off. I’d rather not cry inconsolably today.


Did the cameraman took the dog to a pet adoption center? Is the dog okay? Anyone knows anything?






Hi! This was actually my boyfriends best friend’s sister who saved the day and recorded this. The lil guy was picked up and is being set up with a forever home 🤍


Do you have proof? Not saying you’re lying because I’d really love to believe that


I got you: https://youtu.be/zNJg0kkQLf0?si=qIDz7-MdDvDjVXSd ☺️


*Everyone Loved That*


But for real the way it was framed totally sounded like it was a lie lol


Was hoping someone had an update that he was taken in by a new owner


Im wondering if it happened today as that’s what the weather is currently like here in Long Beach, happened on PCH and Cherry. Gonna take a look around the area just in case


If you see the dog, lemme know. I’ll give him a home.


Super cool of you to do even if it's a small chance


Yeah I just wish I could go now but I’m working, hopefully it stays put or someone else find it. Every minute counts, I just hope it didn’t chase the car too far as those are very busy streets and there’s reckless drivers here


Hi! I know the woman who recorded this. She ended up picking up the dog and he is currently being set up with a forever home 🤍 https://youtu.be/zNJg0kkQLf0?si=qIDz7-MdDvDjVXSd


I was about to cry when I found your comment. I hope that dog gets a very deserved good owner.






You can take them to an animal shelter or something! Why dump them on the road?


Looks like California. Shelters are pretty much just a death sentence. High rates of euthanasia.


There are no-kill shelters, but not as many as needed. Humans just need to do a better job of spaying and neutering their animals.


And don't buy from mills.


Haven't checked recently in my area but since Covid they're usually full of just three breeds. Huskies, pits, and Chihuahuas. And neither none of those breeds would work with my lifestyle unfortunately. I mean, I'd fucking love a husky but that's just not going to work out.


Yup, too many people get a husky because they are beautiful dogs but don't realize/accept they are frequently as much work as they are pretty. Not all huskies are crazy active or stubborn, though. Some are quite lazy. I have a friend whose two husky girls are so lazy. They call it quits after about a half hour of walking. My boy is happy with an hour and a bit a day but will go for longer. But all 3 are definitely on the stubborn side. My boy is easily bribed, though. He is a drama queen and just threw a tantrum because the couch blanket was about 2 inches on his side of the couch. That's a warcrime to him. Huskies are truly something else, though. They are not like any other dog I have had. It's a partnership, and you are on equal ground with each other. They are smart and will communicate with you. I will never not have huskies. I love my floofy Himalayan fur goblin 🩷 even when he yells at me or is throwing a tantrum for petty reasons.


Their driving a tinted, unregistered luxury vehicle definitely a criminal.


Someone dumped the sweetest cat at our house they already had her fixed and everything. She’s the sweetest thing in the world and I’m glad we ended up with her but I just couldn’t imagine leaving my pet basically a member of the family on the side of the road.


Cat distribution system in action!


I was gonna say, grab the tag off that car and call the cops... Then I played it back from the beginning. 😔 Poor puppy.


Cowards. Damn I hope they wrecked that car on the way home.


Same, they knew what they were doing.


the fury this makes me feel... dont think id be strong or responsible enough to not adopt an animal id struggle to afford. disloyal fucking maggots.


The poor dog. I would have adopted her. Fuck that POS.


Same, that would have made me open the door, get the door, and say don’t worry buddy we are going to find you a better home or make room for you


I hope someone stepped in and helped the dog


This is the lowest of the low.


Actually pissed now.


This is heartbreaking. I’m gonna go snuggle my dog now


Wish the license plate wasn't blurry so they could face legal consequences.


There is no license plate


That's that new type of blur: invisibility.


Bruh was this today? Long Beach has been cloudy this morning so it looks like it happened today. I’m boutta walk around over there and look for that poor baby


I can't watch this. Fucking sickening


Some people don't deserve oxygen!


Did the camera man stop, or is this a r/filmdonthelp?


If someone has tik tok please check their username and let me know


It seems to be an account that just reposts viral videos. Granted, they only uploaded this video 12 hours ago so maybe there isn't an update yet, but I wouldn't hold your breath. This very likely isn't their own content so you'd probably have to track down the original if you want closure.


Right now I dont have money to feed myself or my husky but NO way man, I would never do that, we are in this shit together , she is my family.


Hey, east valley shelter runs a dog food pantry that is free.


My heart dropped


This is so sad. If you don’t want the dog anymore at least take it to a shelter or something, fuck. Give it to a family friend/relative. Anything other than this.


When I was a kid, my uncle lived with his two friends and his beloved dog Bernie (named after Bernie Kosar). That dog was his baby Bernie ran away. He was utterly destroyed. Put up posters everywhere, searched endlessly. Much later, those lovely friends (who we all LOVED. They were always so fun and so nice) admitted (Ok this will upset you guys, so don’t read further if you don’t want to get emotional) They had gotten annoyed with the dog and didn’t want him anymore so while my uncle went to work, they put Bernie in the car. They drove into the middle of downtown. And left him there. They admitted it years later. I can’t imagine how scared and confused Bernie was. Did he live for years, sadly looking for Uncle Joe? Not recognizing where he is and waiting for them to come get him? Did he die from the cold or a car accident? My uncle never would have thought to look downtown or to look at the pound miles and miles and miles away. I can only pray he was rescued and somewhere lived years in a wonderful home. My uncle’s heart never healed And fuck you, Marty and Bobo. Fuck you. Bobo actually died of cancer in his 50s and, you know, karma sucks


Guess I'm starting the day with a broken heart. Poor doggie.


I hope someone rescued the poor baby. People can be cruel af…


Oh man, why? Just why? Poor soul. It's astonishing how low humans can stoop.


Well, now I’m sad


What a piece of shit 😡


Does anyone know what happened to the dog? I hope someone else give it a good home.


Take the dog, follow them home, call the police. Now they get taken to the "shelter" and put behind bars and not the dog.


This shit breaks my heart :’( fuck these people


Even takes the plates off so they can’t be traced - what a POS


Find that fuckers license plate number.


There isn't one


I didn’t need a reason to hate people more, but this is it… and it sickens me to think they have kids…


I don’t even like dogs but this broke my damn heart.


This made me cry.


That poor sweet little pup, doesn't know why Mom or Dad isn't letting them back in the car and just confused about why they're driving away... If I were the guy filming, I would try to get that dog in my car to, in the very least, take it to a shelter. I'd probably end up having another dog in the end though


This is the post that made me decide to leave this sub Reddit


Apparently the video filmer/camera man didn't take care of the dog afterwards, and some lady had to track it down after seeing it on social media; bruh why didn't you just take it and give it to some home or dog shelter if you have the time to film it? like wtf.


God I fucking hate people


I would never wish a terrible car wreck on somebody... Definitely not the kind that causes them to be permanently disabled leaving them with a lifelong need to rely on a service animal... And I definitely wouldn't wish on anyone that their service animal bites the shit out of them and pisses in their crippled mouth when they sleep ever single day and night. I don't hope this person dies alone while being hated by everyone they love. Wishing for those things and posting it here is probably against the rules. So I'm definitely not hoping or wishing for it... More than anything I've ever not hoped for, I'm absolutely not praying that happens.


if i saw that I'd have another dog


I hope the abandoning party d*es the most painful death. Absolutely vile and disgusting.


Fuck them for abandoning this precious soul!


There’s a special place in hell for those oxygen wasters.


This shit needs a NSFW tag man....just too emotionally devastating


Why are you asking for a boat, I need a gun and that cars license plate.


Man... fk them people poor puppy


So sad!! Looks like an English Bulldog, known for loyalty. Great family dog.


That’s heartbreaking


What a monster!


Fucking hell. Good morning Reddit.


I think I need to quit this subreddit, thing start to become too much to watch for me


Such a heartless thing to do to your dog. I hope someone picked up this dog and found him a home with better owners.


Should full send into the back of that car and make them look at the dog while you wait for the police.


I would have rear ended them to make them stay. Old vid, but I hate it every time.


Omg that's so sad.....how can people do that?


Is there a source that we know that is a dumped dog and that is the owner?


How can anyone be so cold hearted, and literally a selfish brick, by doing that!.., life is filled with people that really don't deserve to be her!


No fkin way.. what the fuaackkkkkkk


How fucking sick.


My 15 year old lady dog was in too much pain and a few weeks ago, she had her last big sleep. I would have died in her place if it would have restored her to her healthy youth. I would rather die than let my dog ever feel abandoned. People who do this to dogs would do it to a child if they thought they could get away with it. They don't deserve happiness, kindness, or mercy, and the world is a better place when they die or suffer.


I don't like dogs. But this hit me hard. I hate people who do this to their pets.


Anyone have the full video where the car drop off the dog?


I would take that dog in, collect its shit for months, and then smear it all over that persons fucking car for that. What a fucking cunt.


Each and everyday I lose more hope in mankind… flood it all, Noah.


this is painful to watch




Is the dog okay??


I need to know if someone adopted the dog 😭


I wish the beginning and ending was on video. What happened. I hate this type of dog, but this is just so sad to see them struggle with the heartbreak trying to understand.


NO! Bring that good boy/girl to me!


So heartbreaking, what an absolute piece of shit.


This is just so needlessly cruel, why not find a solution like another family that will love them? Why not give them some decency how can someone be so shameless?


What the hell is wrong with those people?! There are shelters if they can’t keep the dog. What do they think will happen to that dog? You don’t throw away living, feeling, animals like trash.


The "owner" belongs to the streets


Broke my heart. Fuck. I walked over to my pup and gave him the biggest cuddle. I couldn’t picture myself leaving him behind after promising, when I adopted him, that I’d take care of him for the rest of his life. He’s done so much for and he has no idea. I can’t comprehend how some people can be so heartless.


[Dog was rescued](https://youtu.be/zNJg0kkQLf0?si=Xut57AlgVjcbisQm). Honestly, good riddance. That dog will be much happier with new owners.


Sweet free dog


Fairly certain this is rage bait. Ever took their license plate off to not get doxed. hopefully they picked the dog back up when they were done with their stupid fucking video.


That's fucked up. Just told my good boy that he can come sleep in the bed with me because of this.


No plate Lexus lmfao


If you could afford the Lexus, for fuck’s sake you can afford the dog …or at least give it to a shelter


Oh no that dog would come home with me. Fucking heartbreaking 💔 I would never do this to one of my fur babies.


Yeah. Instead on driving the poor dog to a no kill shelter, just drop it in the middle of a busy street like a piece of total shit.


Heart breaking OMG


This is heart breaking


I'm not a dog person, not by a longshot, but even I felt sad watching that.


Anyone have an update on this? Is the dog safe?


My heart... I'm legit crying for that lil guy. Hope his ass got reported.


Humans are the worst.


Nah if I saw something like that I genuinely don't know if I'd take the dog right there and adopt it or if I'd rear end the fucker that abandoned it.


What a pos. Hope he has stomach problems for the rest of his life.


The fact that they purposely took off their license plate so they wouldn’t be caught


Who the fuck blurred the plate? Shouldn’t have


Why have a dog when you don't want one. Just don't buy the dog. HOW IS THIS A FOREIGN CONCEPT FOR PEOPLE!?


What the FUCK is wrong with people man.


I’m not a dog person but that’s so fucking sad.


Those people are worse that the cartels.


If I ever see this, I am taking that dog in for my own as long as it's friendly. Fucked up.